129 research outputs found

    Representations of China in the Global Media Disocurse

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    News about China is ubiquitous, yet we know very little about how the global news media have represented China. This study is aimed at providing a theoretical overview of the global media representations of China. Arguably China remains one of the few countries which have been widely debated in both global media and public discourses vis-à-vis it’s growing economic and political influence in the global world order, its unique cultural and political system, and internal and external challenges.  The modest attempt of the current study is to present an overreview of the dominant Western and non-Western media representations of China along with the theoretical and methodological approaches the studies utilized. The synthesis of the findings of the studies suggests that there is overwhelmingly negative and critical representation of China in the Western media often depicting China as “negative Other”. However, the non-Western media on the other hand depicted China in a favorable and nuanced ways. The findings are elaborated in the light of the forces and factors at play that might shape the media narratives on China in the cross political and cultural settings.

    Is Pakistan Stock Market moving towards Weak-form efficiency? Evidence from the Karachi Stock Exchange and the Random Walk Nature of free-float of shares of KSE 30 Index.

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    In this study, we have attempted to seek evidence for weak-form of market efficiency for KSE 100 Index. Index returns have been studied from 1st January, 1992 to 30th April, 2013. For further analysis, return series has been divided into these groups: 1992-2012, 1992-1994, 1995-1997, 1998-2000, 2001-2003, 2004-2006, 2007-2009, 2010-2012 and 2013. The paper has made use of both Non-Parametric tests (Kolmogrov-Smirnov goodness of fitness test, Runs test and Phillips-Perron test) and Parametric tests (Auto-correlation test, Box-Pierce (Q) statistic test, Ljung and Box (Q) Statistic test, Augmented Dickey-fuller test, Dickey-fuller GLS test, Jarque-Bera test, Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt and Shin test, Auto-regression and ARIMA model). For further analysis, Runs test has also been run on 20 companies return series for comparison purpose with the results of index return series. In addition, from KSE 30 Index, 20 companies return series based on the free-float of shares have also been analyzed through Runs test to check if increase in numbers of floating shares does increase the randomness in return series or not. To our knowledge, this paper is the first one on KSE 100 Index to study the overall time frame of return series of KSE 100 Index of 22 years with the several random walk and weak-form efficiency tests to ensure the consistency of results; and to compare the results of runs test of index return series with the results of runs test on companies return series from KSE 100 and KSE 30 Indexes. Overall KSE 100 Index has found to be weak-form inefficient, but the last 4 years have shown some signs of efficiency. Companies return series from KSE 30 Index are found to be more random than companies return series from KSE100 Index

    Is Pakistan Stock Market moving towards Weak-form efficiency? Evidence from the Karachi Stock Exchange and the Random Walk Nature of free-float of shares of KSE 30 Index.

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    In this study, we have attempted to seek evidence for weak-form of market efficiency for KSE 100 Index because over the last five years KSE 100 Index has shown substantial growth as compared to other emerging stock markets. Index returns have been studied from 1st January, 1992 to 30th April, 2013. For further analysis, return series has been divided into sub-periods. The paper has made use of primarily Non-Parametric tests as well as parametric tests. For further analysis, Runs test has also been run on 20 companies return series for comparison purpose with the results of index return series. In addition, from KSE 30 Index, 20 companies return series based on the free-float of shares have also been analyzed through Runs test to check if increase in numbers of floating shares does increase the randomness in return series or not. To our knowledge, this paper is the first one on KSE 100 Index to study the overall time frame of return series of KSE 100 Index of 22 years with the several random walk and weak-form efficiency tests to ensure the consistency of results; and to compare the results of runs test of index return series with the results of runs test on companies return series from KSE 100 and KSE 30 Indexes. Overall KSE 100 Index has been found to be weak-form inefficient, but unlike other studies, our study illustrates how the last 4 years have shown some signs of efficiency. Companies return series from KSE 30 Index are found to be more random than companies return series from KSE100 Index

    Is Pakistan Stock Market moving towards Weak-form efficiency? Evidence from the Karachi Stock Exchange and the Random Walk Nature of free-float of shares of KSE 30 Index.

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    In this study, we have attempted to seek evidence for weak-form of market efficiency for KSE 100 Index. Index returns have been studied from 1st January, 1992 to 30th April, 2013. For further analysis, return series has been divided into these groups: 1992-2012, 1992-1994, 1995-1997, 1998-2000, 2001-2003, 2004-2006, 2007-2009, 2010-2012 and 2013. The paper has made use of both Non-Parametric tests (Kolmogrov-Smirnov goodness of fitness test, Runs test and Phillips-Perron test) and Parametric tests (Auto-correlation test, Box-Pierce (Q) statistic test, Ljung and Box (Q) Statistic test, Augmented Dickey-fuller test, Dickey-fuller GLS test, Jarque-Bera test, Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt and Shin test, Auto-regression and ARIMA model). For further analysis, Runs test has also been run on 20 companies return series for comparison purpose with the results of index return series. In addition, from KSE 30 Index, 20 companies return series based on the free-float of shares have also been analyzed through Runs test to check if increase in numbers of floating shares does increase the randomness in return series or not. To our knowledge, this paper is the first one on KSE 100 Index to study the overall time frame of return series of KSE 100 Index of 22 years with the several random walk and weak-form efficiency tests to ensure the consistency of results; and to compare the results of runs test of index return series with the results of runs test on companies return series from KSE 100 and KSE 30 Indexes. Overall KSE 100 Index has found to be weak-form inefficient, but the last 4 years have shown some signs of efficiency. Companies return series from KSE 30 Index are found to be more random than companies return series from KSE100 Index

    An Assorted Design for Joint Monitoring of Process Parameters: An Efficient Approach for Fuel Consumption

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    Due to high fuel consumption, we face the problem of not only the increased cost, but it also affects greenhouse gas emission. This paper presents an assorted approach for monitoring fuel consumption in trucks with the objective to minimize fuel consumption. We propose a control charting structure for joint monitoring of mean and dispersion parameters based on the well-known max approach. The proposed joint assorted chart is evaluated through various performance measures such as average run length, extra quadratic loss, performance comparison index, and relative average run length. The comparison of the proposed chart is carried out with existing control charts, including a combination of X and S, the maximum exponentially weighted moving average (Max-EWMA), combined mixed exponentially weighted moving average-cumulative sum (CMEC), maximum double exponentially weighted average (MDEWMA), and combined mixed double EWMA-CUSUM (CMDEC) charts. The implementation of the proposed chart is presented using real data regarding the monitoring of fuel consumption in trucks. The outcomes revealed that the joint assorted chart is very efficient to detect different kinds of shifts in process behaviors and has superior performance than its competitor charts.Deanship of Scientific Research, King Saud University, King Fahd University of Petroleum and MineralsScopu

    Environmental Pollution a Negative Externality from China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): Policy implications for Pakistan

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    The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) isconsidered as the ‘flagship’ project of China’s Belt andRoad Initiative (BRI) and has been widely acclaimedby both Chinese and Pakistani officials often terming itas ‘game-changer’ to overcome Pakistan’s lingeringissues of energy and economic crisis. Within theframework of CPEC, China is investing more than 56billion US dollars as Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)in various energy and infrastructure projects includinga vast network of railways, highways, economic zonesand gas pipelines. While much has been debated andwritten about various projects under CPEC in theexisting academic discourses, vis-à-vis threats to thebiodiversity (Nabi et al., 2017), its potentialimplications to environmental hazards (Ali, 2018) andto overcome energy shortfall of Pakistan (Kugelman,2017). However, scientific study to reinforce the issuesof environmental pollution, particularly related toCEPEC coal-based energy projects have been stilllacking.The pertained literature on CPEC consisted qualitativestudies to inspect and judge different aspects such asimportance of CPEC for both countries and its effectson geo political of South Asia. Challenges for CPEC inPakistan, South Asia and foreign policy betweenChina-Pakistan), as Nan, (2015) explained that thisproject is not only valuable for Pakistan and China, butit is also beneficial for the global economy byincluding several other countries. Furthermore, Li andSun, (2015) and Irshad, etal, (2015) reported theimportance of CPEC and it long and short-termbenefits for both countries. Further, Hussain and Khan(2017) also stated that it will enhance the cooperationbetween two countries and advantageous for Chinese,Middle Eastern and South Asian people (Ali, 2016).Further, Wolf, (2017) explained the insights, potentialsand challenges concerning CPEC and domestic levelcooperation between China and Pakistan.In addition, quantitative studies focused to shed a lighton the impact of China Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC) (Such as, impact on gdp, socio-economy,trade, stock market, energy sector and infrastructure).CPEC will build rails and roads infrastructure andinfrastructure development may decrease the povertyand increases the agriculture development in Pakistan(Ahmed & Mustafa, 2016). Most recent articleexamined the impact of CPEC impact on energy(energy consumption and energy saving potential) inthe prospect of Pakistan (Mirza, Fatima, Ullah, 2019).A latest study surveyed in Pakistan and their researchresults shows that entrepreneur’s attitude andintentions to China and Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC) development is positive, it means CPECproject also designing an entrepreneurial environment(Kanwal et al., 2019).A large number of studies (Begum, etal., 2015; Ozturk,and Acaravci, 2010) have discussed various elementsand causes of CO2 emissions. Similarly, manyresearches (Khurshid, etal., 2018; Hadi, etal., 2018;Hussain, 2017; Hussain, 2015) on Pakistan-Chinarelations in the context of economy, society andgeopolitical point of view. Present study is aimed toinvestigate the CPEC development effects i.e. grossdomestic product (gdp), foreign direct investment (fdi),trade openness (top), energy consumption (enguse) onenvironmental pollution (CO2) in Pakistan usingFMOLS and DOLS methods

    A new hwma dispersion control chart with an application to wind farm data

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    Recently, a homogeneously weighted moving average (HWMA) chart has been suggested for the efficient detection of small shifts in the process mean. In this study, we have proposed a new one-sided HWMA chart to effectively detect small changes in the process dispersion. The run-length (RL) profiles like the average RL, the standard deviation RL, and the median RL are used as the performance measures. The RL profile comparisons indicate that the proposed chart has a better performance than its existing counterpart's charts for detecting small shifts in the process dispersion. An application related to the Dhahran wind farm data is also part of this study.Funding: This research work was supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) at the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) under Project Number SB191030.Scopu

    Online monitoring of climatic parameters: a statistical study about environmental changes in Qatar

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    Twentieth century has witnessed unprecedented changes in the climate whose profound effects are also observed on ecosystem and human life. The source of these changes are presumed to be increasing concentration of greenhouse gases which result into rise in temperature worldwide. Unwanted effects have also been observed in the Gulf region in terms of reduced but intensive and unpredictable rainfall, average increase in temperature, sea level rise, lack of drinking water and regular drought. Qatar, being a richest country whose economic growth depends on petroleum and natural gas industry, is paying focus on its environmental development programs, which is also a goal of recent national vision. In this study, we have focused on monitoring of temperature and rainfall pattern in Qatar through different control charting schemes, i.e., memory less (Shewhart) and memory type (EWMA and CUSUM) control charting structures; while time series analysis was performed for the period of 1990-2012. It has been observed that temperature have increasing trend while rainfall depicts decreasing trend in last decades. Furthermore, forecasting of average weather is made by memory type structures which may serve as principle tool in environmental development initiatives.qscienc

    Shorter Notices

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    Multivariate Mixed EWMA-CUSUM Control Chart for Monitoring the Process Variance-Covariance Matrix

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    The dispersion control charts monitor the variability of a process that may increase or decrease. An increase in dispersion parameter implies deterioration in the process for an assignable cause, while a decrease in dispersion indicates an improvement in the process. Multivariate variability control charts are used to monitor the shifts in the process variance-covariance matrix. Although multivariate EWMA and CUSUM dispersion control charts are designed to detect the small amount of change in the covariance matrix but to gain more efficiency, we have developed a Mixed Multivariate EWMA-CUSUM (MMECD) chart. The proposed MMECD chart is compared with its existing counterparts by using some important performance run length-based properties such as ARL, SDRL, EQL, SEQL, and different quantile of run length distribution. A real application related to carbon fiber tubing process is presented for practical considerations. 2013 IEEE.This work was supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) at the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) under Project IN171011.Scopu