460 research outputs found


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    Omnipresent control of Uzbekistan government in agriculture undermines land tenure security among the farmers and as result leads to low productivity and low incentives for investment into the land. In its turn low productivity in cotton farms worries the Uzbek policy makers on whether giving more freedom to 'private' farms will adversely alter vital production of cotton. In this study we hypothesized on opportunity of enhancing land tenure security in today's Uzbekistan without altering government's demand for cotton. Specifically we showed that relaxing requirement over the land occupation under cotton while leaving only government demand for output will result in freeing significant percentage of land area and consequently enhancing land [property] rights. Indeed, our estimates suggest that depending on the soil quality and entrepreneurship skills of farmer, from 3% to 6% of farm lands can be potentially taken out off the cotton production and used for producing alternative crops.Uzbekistan, cropping structure, land tenure security, Agricultural and Food Policy, Land Economics/Use,

    Thousand kW High-Temperature Solar Furnace in Parkent (Uzbekistan) – Energetical Characteristics

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    This chapter presents a method of calculation of the energetical characteristics of the large solar furnace with a capacity of 1000 kW (LSF) taking into account its real optical parameters. The technical characteristics of the LSF are presented. The possible energy characteristics of the LSF based on numerical calculations are analyzed. The energy characteristics of the total system with different inaccuracies of the reflecting surfaces, energy contributions of certain shelves and groups of heliostats, and the contributions of certain heliostats and shapes of their focal spot are determined. Empirical formulas are proposed to describe the obtained numerical results. The problem of implementing the possible energy modes of the LSF with and/or without the inclusion of certain shelves and groups of heliostats is analyzed. The problem of a day changes in the energy density distribution in the focal spot of the LSF is considered


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    Objective. To estimate the results of direct and remote observations of 153 patients with post-operative scar strictures of MBD and early imposed BDA. Materials and Methods: The treatment results of 153 patients operated in Republican Specialized Center of surgery named after academician V. Vachidov with post-traumatic scar strictures of magisterial bile ducts (MBD) (134 patients – 87.6%), and with scar stenosis of BDA (19 patients – 12.4%), early formed because of trauma of MBD in the period from 2000 to 2015 were included. Results: Reconstructive operative interventions were performed in 129 (84.3%) patients: HepJA – 125, HepDA – 4. Recovery operations – BBA were done 13 (8.5%) and X-ray endobiliary intervention (XREBI) in 11 (7.2%) patients. Conclusions: Choice of operation in scar strictures of MBD is HepJA on Roux. The main conditions, influence on long-term results of HepJA, are stricture level, diameter of formed anastomosis and using of THCD. HepJA without THCD improves results of treatment, but this technique is not used in significant part of patients with high strictures of bile ducts

    Japanese Miracle and Uzbek Development Model: Comparative Study of Development Paths

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    Japanese miracle is the primary exemplary of developing nations to find out ways of economic growth and development-led policies. Evolution of modern Japanese economy comprises the time frame from post-war devastated system of 1945 to a leading economic power of global economy of current millennium. Japanese development path possesses several lessons for developing and transition economies to follow and at least consider in transformation of economic system. This article compares the Japanese miracle and Uzbek model and examines the applicability of Japanese development measures to further economic growth of Uzbekistan. Keywords: Japanese miracle, Uzbek development model, post-war recovery

    Dispersion Of Lamb Waves Propagating In A Plate Made Of Viscoelastic Material

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    Konferans Bildirisi-- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2017Conference Paper -- İstanbul Technical University, Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2017Lineer viskoelastik malzemelerden oluşan plakalarda Lamb dalgalarının dispersyonu incelenmiştir. Araştırmalar, lineer viskoelastik teorisinin kesin denklemlerini uygulayarak yapılmıştır. Dispersyon denklemi, malzemenin herediter operatörünün keyfi türü için elde ettikten sonra incelenen dalgaların dispersyonu üzerine sayısal sonuçlar elde etmek için bir çözüm algoritması geliştirilmiştir. Farklı atenüasyon durumları için dispersyon eğrileri elde edilmiş ve malzemenin viskozitesinin etkisi, elastik sabitlerle karakterize eden reolojik parametreler, yani, Q viskoelastik malzemenin karakteristik akma süresi, d viskoelastik malzemenin mekanik sabitlerinin uzun vadeli değeri ve α viskoelastik malzemenin deformasyonun başlangıç durumu etrafındaki mekanik davranışı aracılığıyla incelenemiştir. Malzemenin viskoelastisitesini Rabotnov'un kısmi eksponansiyel operatörü’nü uygulayarak sayısal sonuçlar sunularak tartışılmıştır. Özellikle, reolojik parametrelerin, incelenen plakada yayılan Lamb dalgalarının dispersyonuna nasıl etkilediği tespit edilmiştir.Dispersion of the Lamb waves propagating in a plate made of viscoelastic material is investigated. The investigations are made by utilizing the exact equations of the theory of linear viscoelasticity. The dispersion equation is obtained for an arbitrary type of hereditary operator of the materials of the constituents and a solution algorithm is developed for obtaining numerical results. Dispersion curves is presented for certain attenuation cases and the influence of the viscosity of the material is studied through the rheological parameters which characterize the characteristic creep time, long-term values and the mechanical behavior of the viscoelastic material around the initial state of the deformation. Numerical results are presented and discussed for the case where the viscoelasticity of the materials is described through fractional-exponential operators by Rabotnov. In particular, how the rheological parameters influence on the dispersion of the Lamb waves are established

    Forced Vibration Of The Hydro-viscoelastic (hydro-elastıc) Systems Consisting Of The Viscoelastic (elastic) Plate, Compressible Viscous Fluid And Rigid Wall (review)

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    Konferans Bildirisi-- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2017Conference Paper -- İstanbul Technical University, Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2017This paper gives review of the investigations related to the forced vibration of the hydro-viscoelastic as well as of the hydro-elastic systems consisting of elastic or viscoelastic plate, compressible viscous fluid and rigid wall. The sketch of this system in some particular case is given in Fig. 1. The investigations carried out for the fluid loading cases are also reviewed and under this review the main attention is focused on the studies made by authors. Note that in these investigations the motion of the plate is written by employing three-dimensional linearized equations of wave propagation in elastic and viscoelastic bodies with initial stresses, however the equations of flow of the compressible viscous fluid is described by employing the linearized Navier-Stokes equations. It is assumed that the plane strain state in the plane occurs in the plate and the fluid flow is plane-parallel one and suppose that the plate occupies the region Within these assumptions we write the field equations for the constituents of the system in the case where the plate material is purely elastic