221 research outputs found

    User Interface and User Experience Design in Digital Learning Applications for Autistic Users with the Human-Centered Design Method

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    Currently in Indonesia there are millions of school-age children. Some of them still have difficulty in accessing education, including children with special needs. Children with special needs are part of a society that is classified as vulnerable. Some institutions state that they are 10 times more likely to be out of school. Even when they go to school, the learning they receive tends to be not optimal, especially for autistic children. Autism is a disorder of overall human development that results in barriers to socialization, communication, and behavior. With the various obstacles they have, the learning process they receive tends to be less than optimal if it is not balanced with adequate facilities and infrastructure. Therefore, in this study, researchers want to design a digital learning application for autistic users based on a website, where the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) of the learning application are tailored to the user's needs. By using the Human-Centered Design (HCD) method that focuses on humans in its manufacture. With these grounds and reasons, it is hoped that this research can produce a UI UX with a good level of usability, effectiveness, and user satisfaction

    The Application of a Decision-making Approach based on Fuzzy ANP and TOPSIS for Selecting a Strategic Supplier

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    Supplier selection becomes very important when used in the context of strategic partnerships because of the long-term orientation of the relationship. This paper describes the application of a decision-making approach for selecting a strategic partner (supplier). The approach starts with defining a set of criteria that fits the company's condition. In the next steps, a combination of fuzzy-ANP and TOPSIS methods is used to determine the weight for each criterion and rank all the alternatives. The application of the approach in an Indonesian manufacturing company showed that the three factors that got the highest weight were "geographical location", "current operating performance", and "reliability". Geographical location got the highest weight because it affects many other factors such as reaction to changes in demand, after-sales service, and delivery lead-time.  Application of the approach helps decision-makers to gain effectiveness and efficiency in the decision-making process because it facilitates them to express their group's collective preferences  while also providing opportunities for members to express their individual preferences. Future research can be directed at combining qualitative and quantitative criteria to develop the best criteria and methods for the selection of the best suppliers based on fuzzy ANP and TOPSIS

    The fitness of middle age to the elderly based on body mass index and age in the new normal era

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    Decrease in physical fitness occurs after the age of 30 years and factors that affect physical fitness include age, gender, BMI, waist circumference, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. This study aims to determine the physical fitness of middle-aged to elderly people between 45-74 years based on BMI and age. This research is a descriptive study with quantitative methods. The sample of this research is men who are active in badminton activities in Rejang Lebong Regency, which are classified as middle age to elderly people who are taken by purposive sampling. The data collection technique used the BMI test and fitness test. The results show that 1) The average BMI value in middle age to the elderly is 25.47 kg / m2, in the category of light fat. The average value of physical fitness in middle age to the elderly is 33.39, with a very poor category. 2) 26.3% of people have normal nutritional status, 50% of people have mild nutritional status and 23.7% of people have severe nutritional status. 3) 84.2% of people have very poor fitness category, 10.5% of people have poor physical fitness category and 5.3% of people have moderate physical fitness category. So it can be concluded that middle-aged to elderly people with high BMI have less physical fitness and the more middle-aged to elderly people have less physical fitness

    Evaluasi USAbilitas Pada Aplikasi Program Simulasi Warna Batik

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    Saat ini penggunaan aplikasi berbasis komputer telah berbukti mampu mereduksi secara signifikan waktu yangdibutuhkan untuk merancang produk dibandingkan jika menggunakan metode konvensional. Hal ini cobaditerapkan pada industri batik oleh Rif'ah (2015) dengan mengembangkan Program Simulasi Warna Batik.Berdasarkan uji USAbility satisfaction yang telah dilakukan, aplikasi tersebut memiliki penerimaan oleh respondenrata-rata sebesar 3,87 dalam skala 1-5. Padahal menurut Nielsen (1993), suatu produk dikatakan memuaskan bilarata-rata nilainya 4 pada skala 1-5. Oleh karena itu aplikasi perangkat lunak ini masih perlu dikembangkan lebihlanjut. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Heuristic Evaluation, yang merupakan salah satu metodedalam kajian USAbilitas. Usabilitas adalah atribut kualitatif yang menentukan seberapa mudah user menggunakanantarmuka suatu aplikasi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, masalah USAbilitas pada Program SimulasiWarna Batik yang terutama (48%) adalah berkenaan dengan “Match with user's task” (kesesuaian antaraketersediaan pada sistem dengan cara umum yang digunakan sesuai dengan persepsi pengguna). Selain itu,berdasarkan perhitungan persentase jumlah masalah USAbilitas yang ditemukan, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwajumlah evaluator sebanyak 15 orang berdasarkan model Nielsen (1992) masih cukup representatif

    Antibiotic Use in Caesarean Section among Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in the Second Largest City in Indonesia: Penggunaan Antibiotik pada Operasi Sesar oleh Dokter Obstetri dan Ginekologi di Kota Terbesar Kedua di Indonesia

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    Objective: To evaluate the pattern of antibiotic use incesarean section `by obstetricians in Surabaya, Indonesia.Methods: This was a descriptive observational study witha cross-sectional method. Study data were obtained fromonline interviews using electronic forms. This study useda total sampling method taken from obstetricians andgynecologists in Surabaya, Indonesia. The primary outcomeof this study was a pattern of antibiotic use, includingprophylactic use, selection of antibiotics, the timing ofadministration, additional antibiotics during and aftersurgery, and consideration of choice.Results: The majority of antibiotics used in CS are in linewith the guidelines. The types of prophylactic antibiotics(iv) used are varied; the majority were cefazoline (74.5%),ceftriaxone (14.5%), and cefotaxime (11.6%). Most antibioticswere administered <30 minutes before surgery. 2.5% ofobstetricians routinely added antibiotics during a cesarean,while 33% were based on a particular condition such asprolonged surgery, massive bleeding, or risk of infections.The selection of antibiotics by obstetricians was based onprotocols followed in the hospital (44.5%).Conclusion: This study demonstrates that most obstetriciansutilized antibiotic prophylaxis appropriately and followedguidelines for Cesarean Section.Keywords: antibiotic, cesarean section, maternal health,obstetricians.AbstrakTujuan: Untuk mengevaluasi pola penggunaan antibiotikpada seksio sesarea oleh dokter kandungan di Surabaya,Indonesia.Metode: Ini merupakan studi deskriptif observasionaldengan metode pengambilan data potong lintang. Datastudi diperoleh dari wawancara online dengan menggunakanformulir elektronik. Studi ini menggunakan total samplingdari dokter obstetri dan ginekologi di Surabaya, Indonesia.Hasil utama dari penelitian ini adalah pola penggunaanantibiotik, termasuk penggunaan profi laksis, pemilihanantibiotik, waktu pemberian, antibiotik tambahan selamadan setelah operasi, dan pertimbangan pilihan antibiotiktersebut.Hasil: Mayoritas antibiotik yang digunakan pada seksiosesarea sesuai dengan pedoman. Jenis antibiotik profi laksis(iv) yang digunakan bervariasi, mayoritas adalah cefazoline(74,5%), ceftriaxone (14,5%), dan cefotaxime (11,6%).Sebagian besar antibiotik diberikan <30 menit sebelumoperasi. 2,5% dokter kandungan rutin menambahkanantibiotik saat operasi sesar, sedangkan 33% didasarkanpada kondisi tertentu seperti operasi yang berkepanjangan,perdarahan masif, atau risiko infeksi. Pemilihan antibiotikoleh dokter kandungan berdasarkan protokol yang diikutidi rumah sakit (44,5%).Kesimpulan: Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besardokter kandungan menggunakan profi laksis antibiotikdengan tepat dan mengikuti pedoman untuk operasi seksiosesaria.Kata kunci: antibiotik, dokter kandungan, kesehatan ibu,operasi sesar

    The Influence of Principal's Leadership Style on Teacher Performance

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    This study aims to determine the influence of the principal's leadership on teacher performance. The principal's leadership style is a factor that is assumed to affect teacher performance. The application of the principal's leadership style can be assumed to influence teachers' good and bad performance. The location of this research is Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 2 Mataram. The results of this study stated that 45, 31% of principals displayed a leadership style in the outstanding category, 52,60% of principals were judged to show a good leadership style, 1,56% of principals said a leadership style in the moderate category, and 0,52 displayed a leadership style. Less category. The principal's leadership style plays a vital role in building a harmonious relationship between the principal and the teacher, improving teacher performance. Based on the analysis results, it can be concluded that the principal's leadership style can be used as a predictor variable and can determine and influence the performance of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 2 Mataram teachers


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana gaji, masa kerja, dan kinerja karyawan di PT. Infomedia Nusantara, serta bagaimana pengaruh gaji dan masa kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan di PT. Infomedia Nusantara. Faktor-faktor yang diuji dalam penelitian ini adalah gaji dan masa kerja sebagai variabel independen. Sedangkan kinerja karyawan sebagai variabel dependen. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan verifikatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pelanggan PT. Infomedia Nusantara. Teknik penentuan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu teknik probability sampling dengan teknik simple random sampling, dengan rumus slovin. Sedangkan jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 75 orang. Sedangkan metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linear berganda pada taraf signifikansi sebesar 10%. Program yang digunakan dalam menganalisis data menggunakan Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Ver19.00. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian secara parsial dan simultan menunjukan bahwa gaji dan masa kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan di PT. Infomedia Nusantara. Sedangkan besarnya pengaruh gaji dan masa kerja dalam memberikan kontribusi pengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan adalah sebesar 58,4%. Kata Kunci : Gaji, Masa Kerja, dan Kinerja Karyawan

    The Application of a Decision-making Approach Based on Fuzzy ANP and TOPSIS for Selecting a Strategic Supplier

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    Supplier selection becomes very important when used in the context of strategic partnerships because of the long-term orientation of the relationship. This paper describes the application of a decision-making approach for selecting a strategic partner (supplier). The approach starts with defining a set of criteria that fits the company's condition. In the next steps, a combination of fuzzy-ANP and TOPSIS methods is used to determine the weight for each criterion and rank all the alternatives. The application of the approach in an Indonesian manufacturing company showed that the three factors that got the highest weight were “geographical location”, “current operating performance”, and “reliability”. Geographical location got the highest weight because it affects many other factors such as reaction to changes in demand, after-sales service, and delivery lead-time. Application of the approach helps decision-makers to gain effectiveness and efficiency in the decision-making process because it facilitates them to express their group's collective preferences while also providing opportunities for members to express their individual preferences. Future research can be directed at combining qualitative and quantitative criteria to develop the best criteria and methods for the selection of the best suppliers based on fuzzy ANP and TOPSIS
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