131 research outputs found

    Evaluation of depression and anxiety in patients with thalassemia: a comparative study

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    Background: More studies in the field of thalassemia patients focus on medical treatment and less attention to the psychosocial problems aspect. Objective: The aim of this study was evaluation of depression and anxiety in these patients in Qazvin province. Methods: This case-control study has been conducted in Qods Hospital of Qazvin (2016). The study population included thalassemia major patients and control group were participating in this study (n=147 in each group). All subjects completed the hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS). In addition to clinical history, socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of patients collected and analyzed using proper statistical methods independent t-test, chi-square test. Findings: Borderline abnormal (borderline case) and abnormal states of anxiety were reported 27.2% and 42.2% in case group compared with 22.4% and 6.8% in the control group (P<0.001). In addition, borderline and abnormal states of depression were significantly different in the case group than the control group (respectively 20.4% and 59.2% vs 24.5% and 12.9%, P<0.001). Among patients with thalassemia, depression and anxiety scores significantly were associated with noncompliance and iron chelation, marital status (single) and socioeconomic state (P<0.001). In addition, Moreover, in terms of depression individuals with diabetes, headaches and skin disorders significantly were higher scores of depression and in terms of anxiety individuals with low back pain, headaches and skin disorders were higher scores. Conclusion: The prevalence of depression and anxiety in patients with thalassemia is considerable and related to socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, so it is essential that psychiatric consultation systems created in thalassemia clinics of Qazvin province

    A New Modified Boundary Element Method (MBEM) for Boundary Domain Integral Method (BDIM)

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    Reconstruction of war-damaged rural areas of Khuzestan, Iran.

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    Kerjasama Internasional Terkait Asset Recovery Hasil Tindak Pidana Korupsi di Indonesia Berdasarkan United Nations Convention Against Corruption 2003

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    Korupsi merupakan masalah yang sering ditemukan di banyak negara miskin dan berkembang, tidak terkecuali Indonesia. Setiap tahunya Kerugian yang di derita negaranegara berkembang di seluruh dunia mencapai $ 1.26 triliun US dollar. Menurut data Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) pada tahun 2019, kerugian akibat korupsi yang diderita oleh Indonesia mencapai Rp.8,4 Triliun. Kerugian tersebut salah satunya disebabkan karena rendahnya jumlah aset yang berhasil di pulihkan dari hasil tindak pidana korupsi, terutama aset-aset yang dibawa kabur dan disimpan di negara-negara surga penyimpanan uang ilegal. Banyak langkah-langkah yang telah di lakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia untuk memberantas korupsi dan mengembalikan aset hasil tindak pidana korupsi, salah satunya dengan ikut meratifikasi Konvensi PBB Melawan Korupsi 2003. Meskipun demikian, Indonesia masih menemukan hambatan-hambatan dalam melaksanakan kerjasama internasional terkait asset recovey hasil tindak pidana korupsi berdasarkan Konvensi PBB Melawan Korupsi 2003. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut maka dirumuskan masalah mengenai bagaimana implikasi dari ratifikasi UNCAC 2003 terhadap pengaturan asset recovery hasil tindak pidana korupsi di Indonesia? Bagaimana bentuk kerjasama internasional berdasarkan UNCAC 2003? Dan apakah hambata-hambatan yang terjadi dalam pelaksanaan kerjasama internasional terkait asset recovery oleh Indonesia? Penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yang terdiri dari spesifikasi penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif-analitis dengan metode pendekatan secara yuridis normatif. Dalam penelitian ini, data dikumpulkan lewat penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan. Sedangkan data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dengan dukungan data primer. Selanjutnya, data tersebut dianalisis secara yuridis kualitatif sehingga mendapatkan kesimpulan dengan cara analisis kualitatif untuk menjawab permasalahan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan kesimpulan bahwa UNCAC 2003 saat ini merupakan satu-satunya instrumen hukum internasional yang bersifat mengikat secara hukum. Indonesia telah meratifikasi UNCAC 2003 sehingga memberikan implikasi bahwa Indonesia harus mengimplementasikan ketentuan-ketentuan dan norma yang terdapat di dalam UNCAC 2003 untuk diadopsi menjadi hukum nasional Indonesia. Secara umum UNCAC 2003 mengantur 5 (lima) bidang utama, yaitu : tindakan pencegahan, penegakan hukum dan kriminaslisasi, kerjasama internasional, pertukaran informasi bantuan teknis, dan pengembalian aset. Dalam melaksanakan kerjasama internasional di berdasarkan UNCAC 2003 negara pihak haruslah mengedepankan prinsip kedaulatan yang sejajar, prinsip integritas wilayah, dan prinsip non-interbensi terhadap masalah dalam negeri dari negara lain. Pelakasanaan kerjasama internasional terkait asset recovery hasil tindak pidana korupsi di Indonesia berdasarkan UNCAC 2003 masih mendapat hambatan-hambatan, antara lain : belum adanya aturan hukum yang khusus mengatur tentang asset recovery, Indonesia belum mengenal konsep perampasan aset tanpa tuntutan pidana, dan lainya. Kata Kunci : Kerjasama Internasional, Asset recovery, Korupsi, UNCAC 200

    Selection of Variables that Influence Drug Injection in Prison: Comparison of Methods with Multiple Imputed Data Sets

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    Background: Prisoners, compared to the general population, are at greater risk of infection. Drug injection is the main route of HIV transmission, in particular in Iran. What would be of interest is to determine variables that govern drug injection among prisoners. However, one of the issues that challenge model building is incomplete national data sets. In this paper, we addressed the process of model development when missing data exist. Methods: Complete data on 2720 prisoners was available. A logistic regression model was fitted and served as gold standard. We then randomly omitted 20%, and 50% of data. Missing date were imputed 10 times, applying multiple imputation by chained equations (MICE). Rubin’s rule (RR) was applied to select candidate variables and to combine the results across imputed data sets. In S1, S2, and S3 methods, variables retained significant in one, five, and ten imputed data sets and were candidate for the multifactorial model. Two weighting approaches were also applied. Findings: Age of onset of drug use, recent use of drug before imprisonment, being single, and length of imprisonment were significantly associated with drug injection among prisoners. All variable selection schemes were able to detect significance of these variables. Conclusion: We have seen that the performances of easier variable selection methods were comparable with RR. This indicates that the screening step can be used to select candidate variables for the multifactorial model

    Association of deficiency of coagulation factors (Prs, Prc, ATIII) and FVL positivity with preeclampsia and/or eclampsia in pregnant women

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    Background: Thrombophilia is a pathological state of increased blood coagulability. It causes problems during pregnancy including preeclampsia, stillbirth, repeated abortions, and detached pair. Out of the most prevalent factors causing inherited thrombophilia, protein S (Prs), protein C (Prc), and antithrombin III (ATIII) deficiency, and Factor V Leiden (FVL) mutation could be mentioned. This study aimed to investigate association of these parameters with preeclampsia. Methods: In this case-control study, 142 pregnant women with preeclampsia referred to Obstetric Clinic of Hajar Hospital, southwest of Iran, were assigned to the case group after clinical laboratory tests and according to specialist point of view and 142 pregnant women with normal blood pressure were assigned to the control group. After obtaining consent and completing relevant questionnaire, a 4-cc blood sample was taken from the patients. Coagulation factors and FVL rate were measured and after 6 months patients were followed- up. Data analysis was done by SPSS software using t-test. Results: In view of deficiency of Prs, Prc, and ATIII, no statistically significant association was observed between case and control groups (P>0.05). Statistical t-test indicated that the rate of FVL deficiency in pregnant patients with preeclampsia was significantly different from that in the control group (p=0.03). In addition, the body mass index of case group was significantly higher than that of control group prior to pregnancy (P=0.001). In case group, preeclampsia history contributed to development of current preeclampsia in contrast to control group (p<0.001). The patients of case group were followed up after 6 months in view of blood pressure and all had a normal mean blood pressure at the completion of the study. Conclusion: Measurement of FVL deficiency could help to decrease the unpleasant complications of vascular disorders during pregnancy. But, screening test for pre-eclampsia does not seem necessary to determine the deficiency of coagulation factors, Prs, Prc, and ATIII. © 2014, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS). All rights reserved

    Employee Mental Absence Diagnosing and Analysis of Digital Mental Health Platforms (Case study: Iran Tobacco Company)

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the diagnosis of employees' mental absence and to provide a suitable model for the Iranian Tobacco Company. Method: This research was conducted with a qualitative-inductive approach and the method of Strauss-Corbin's grounded theory. The research tool (data collection) is a semi-structured interview that analyzes the data obtained from interviews with 10 qualified elites and experts of the Iranian Tobacco Company in three stages of open, axial, and selective coding in ATLAS TI software using the grounded theory method. Findings: 13 general categories in the form of a paradigm model in which these factors include causal conditions (individual factors; factors of group behavior; organizational factors; environmental factors), axial phenomenon (diagnosis of the mental absence of employees), contextual conditions (environmental and physical context), intervening conditions (individual factors ), and strategies (organizational strategy; job-related strategy; career development strategy), and consequences (individual outcomes; effectiveness; group outcomes) were identified. Conclusion: In a business environment with digital disruption from competitors and customers who have more choices through the availability of digital applications and information, it is important to ensure that organizations can quickly understand and adapt to new information. The need for mindfulness and control of mental absence is a prerequisite for digital transformation

    Financial Feasibility Study for the Second Merchandise Store of PT Persib Bandung Bermartabat

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    PT Persib Bandung Bermartabat is the company that manages a regional football team in Indonesia, the Persib Bandung Football Team. The company already has a merchandise store for the football team, but PT Persib Bandung Bermartabat needs to open a store that is suitable for Persib supporters’ desires. This study aims to discover whether or not building a new PT Persib Bandung Bermartabat merchandise store is financially feasible for PT Persib Bandung Bermartabat. As a result of this study, this project is shown to be financially feasible because this project will be profitable for the company and give a good return. The NPV of this project is positive and the Profitability Index of this project is greater than one. IRR is greater than the Cost of Capital, and Discounted Payback Period is faster than the time projection of this project. However, one thing that needs to be monitored is that the company should maintain the COGS of this project in order to make certain the COGS do not change too much from the current assumptions that are used in this financial projection. A slight change of COGS will have a big impact on the profit of this project. The company also should ensure that the Target Market Growth of this project is not less than 3,20% because it will make this project unprofitable
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