576 research outputs found


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    This research explored perceptions of female sportscasters. More specifically, this study aimed to better understand how Turkish male television viewers perceive female sportscasters. Male hegemony established the theoretical basis to understand male domination that is prevalent in sports, media and also heavily in Turkish culture. Sexual objectification of women was also helpful to better understand the status of women working in the media industry. Semi-structured, qualitative in-depth interviews were used to gather data. Twenty-one interviews were done, transcribed, and analyzed. The findings of this research indicated the male hegemonic environment of sports and also sports media, in the eyes of the male audience members

    Investigating the Relationship Between Adolescents’ Interpersonal Problem-Solving Skills and Developmental Guidance Needs

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    In this study, it was investigated whether adolescents\u27 developmental guidance needs predicted by their interpersonal problem-solving skills. Adolescents\u27 Determination of Developmental Guidance Needs Scale, Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills Scale, and Personal Information Form used as data collection tools. The sample group of the study consists of 1002 high school students. While obtaining the findings of the study, correlational analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis performed. Adolescents\u27 interpersonal problem-solving skills predicted 18.8% of their developmental guidance needs. It is concluded that adolescents\u27 interpersonal problem-solving skills predict their developmental guidance needs

    Problematic social media use and social connectedness in adolescence: the mediating and moderating role of family life satisfaction

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    Problematic social media use (PSMU) among adolescents has become an area of increasing research interest in recent years. It is known that PSMU is negatively associated with social connectedness. The present study examined the role of family life satisfaction in this relationship by investigating its mediating and moderating role in the relationship between problematic social use and social connectedness. The present study comprised 549 adolescents (296 girls and 253 boys) who had used social media for at least 1 year and had at least one social media account. The measures used included the Social Media Disorder Scale, Social Connectedness Scale, and Family Life Satisfaction Scale. Mediation and moderation analyses were performed using Hayes’s Process program. Regression analysis showed that PSMU negatively predicted family life satisfaction and social connectedness. In addition, family life satisfaction and PSMU predicted social connectedness. Mediation analysis showed that family life satisfaction had a significant mediation effect in the relationship between PSMU and social connectedness. Family life satisfaction was partially mediated in the relationship between PSMU and social connectedness. Moderation analysis showed that family life satisfaction did not have a significant effect on the relationship between PSMU and social connectedness. The study suggests that family life satisfaction is a meaningful mediator (but not a moderator) in the relationship between problematic social media use and social connectedness

    Управљање музичким архивом Карадениз (КАРМА): основе, побољшања и тренутне примене

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    KARMA, founded in Trabzon (Türkiye) in 2011, brings together audio-visual archival materials from the Black Sea hinterland. The goal of this article is to promote the epistemological and institutional background and actions of KARMA with its short history, objectives, and current applications for digital preservation. In this context, we will present how KARMA adapts Latour’s actor-network theory, Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizome, and Akat's focus strategy model. We will also stress the importance of both micro and macro perspectives in order to understand the music cultures of the region through historical collections and new connections

    On the numerical schemes for Langevin-type equations

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    In this paper, a numerical approach is proposed based on the variation-of-constants formula for the numerical discretization Langevin-type equations. Linear and non-linear cases are treated separately. The proofs of convergence have been provided for the linear case, and the numerical implementation has been executed for the non-linear case. The order one convergence for the numerical scheme has been shown both theoretically and numerically. The stability of the numerical scheme has been shown numerically and depicted graphically

    Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Flört Şiddetine Yönelik Tutum, Duygu Düzenleme Stratejileriyle İlişki Doyumunun İncelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı üniversite öğrencilerinde flört şiddetine yönelik tutum ile duygu düzenleme becerileri ve romantik ilişki doyumunun incelenmesidir. Bu araştırmada, araştırma grubu 351 üniversite öğrencisinden oluşmaktadır. bu araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Flörtte Şiddete Yönelik Tutum Ölçekleri, Bilişsel Duygu Düzenleme Ölçeği ve İlişki Değerlendirme Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde bağımsız örneklemler için t testi, korelasyon ve regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda ilişki doyumunun cinsiyete göre anlamlı düzeyde farklılaşmadığı ancak partnere şiddet uygulama ve partner şiddetine maruz kalmaya göre anlamlı düzeyde farklılaştığı görülmüştür. Analiz sonuçlarında ilişki doyumu ile flört şiddetine yönelik tutumlar arasında negatif yönde ilişkiler elde edilmiştir. İlişki doyumu ile bilişsel duygu düzenleme becerilerinden kendini suçlama ve plana tekrar odaklanma arasında pozitif yönde; kabul etme, yıkım ve diğerlerini suçlama arasında negatif yönde ilişkiler bulunmuştur. Son olarak araştırmada flört şiddetine yönelik tutum ve bilişsel duygu düzenlemenin romantik ilişki doyumundaki toplam varyansın %30’unu açıkladığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır

    Analysis of Treatment Results of the Thoracic Part of Oesophageal Cancer

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    AIM: This study aims to evaluate the methods of treatment of the thoracic part of oesophagal cancer and to predict the results of treatment depending on the factors of the prognosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The results of treatment of 366 patients with cancer of the thoracic part of the oesophagus for 10 years (2007-2016) by the department of thoracic oncology of the Karaganda oncological dispensary were studied. RESULTS: The overall five-year survival rate, regardless of the method of treatment, was only 8.72% (28 of 321), and in the 6-10 year period 8.41% (27 of 321) lived, p < 0.05. Analysis of the overall survival of patients with cancer of the thoracic part of oesophagus showed that the method of treatment does not have a significant effect on life expectancy. A multivariate analysis of 19 grades that affect the prognosis of the disease was carried out. CONCLUSION: Radical type of treatment of the middle and lower thoracic oesophagus is surgical, in which the median of cumulative survival is 19 months. Traditional radiotherapy should be used in a limited way, as it is palliative, with a median survival of no more than 9 months. The leading factor in the prognosis for thoracic part of oesophagal cancer is the presence of regional metastases, on which the choice of method of treatment depends

    Music and Dance on East–West Axis: Correlations and Mobilities

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    The question of the ‘Orient’ in the humanities gained significant attention after the landmark work of Edward Said (1978). However, the issue of representation from the position of power was of a much older date, and the eurocentric perspective of the late XIX and most of the XX centuries influenced comparative musicology and then ethnomusicology to a certain extent, due to the fact that ethnomusicology as a discipline is rooted in the observation of music of ‘the Others’. Said’s work also affected academic discourse about questions of (Middle) East wars and the history and social reflections of the religions, and it was a necessary basis for postcolonial and decolonization studies in global terms, which occupy a significant position in contemporary ethnomusicology (and musicology). Perceived from the aspect of ‘the crossroads between East and West’ and the tendency to abandon the burdening synonym for conflicting nations, the Balkans, as the main focus area for this symposium, is observed as a field for research of correlations in music and dance heritage, as well as the space where/through which music/dance and musicians/dancers are migrating and moving. In the XXI century, the study of cultural relations through music and dance in the Balkans, with the idea of establishing historical and contemporary connections, has stimulated several international projects based on collaborative ethnomusicological, ethnochoreological and musicological research. The opening and growth of national ‘schools’ for music and dance studies, as well as the interpretation of new primary sources, expanded the possibility of writing new histories of a regional character. The liminal position of the Balkans has inspired numerous discussions in global humanities about this region as a crossroads and a bridge between East and West, with a special emphasis on the spectrum of correlations of Oriental, Mediterranean and Balkan cultures. On this occasion, a rethinking of the East would be encouraged, with a special focus on establishing common heritage, practices and tendencies in music and dance – from new applications and interpretations of the concepts of Orientalism and postcolonialism to the presentation of the results of a structural analysis of presumed Eastern influences in a broader sense. This combination of joint research of international scholars and the fluidity of the East–West axis points not only to comparative methods, but also to the examination of current theoretical concepts. By following the process and consequences of historical and contemporary migrations, the questions of music and dance in multi-ethnic environments, transnational music and/or dance forms, mobility of musicians and dancers, music and dance in the diaspora are opened up; today they can be of interest to the musicological, ethnomusicological and ethnochoreological research teams in the widest geographical frameworks. In the context of the investigations of music and dance in the Balkans, it would be particularly important to build upon the previous studies of complex music and dance phenomena by focusing on the aforementioned aspects of moving. The list of topics of the symposium includes (but is not limited to): - music and dance of the Slavic and Turkish peoples in the post-Ottoman context; - pan-Balkan music and dance practices in the context of heritage; - scientific, artistic and performative interpretations of the Orient in music and dance practices; - music and dance in the context of migration; - music and dance in the diaspora; - methodologies of collaborative research in musicology, ethnomusicology and ethnochoreology. The duality and simultaneous uniqueness of music and dance positioned on the East–West pivot allow new theoretical propositions, and this symposium encourages the invention of new analytical methods, new readings of known Balkan practices, and even proposals for redefining this imaginary and generalizing axis.Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA): Institute of Musicology – Department of Arts, Istanbul University State Conservatory ; Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 4–6 September 202

    Immediate impact of an educational intervention on knowledge of use of disinfectants in nurses

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    Background: Adequate disinfection and sterilization is crucial to prevent hospital acquired infections, this requires knowledge of various types of disinfectants and of the categories of medical and surgical devices. Nurses play a key role in supervising the use of disinfectants. Hence, they are an important target group for educational interventions for rationalization of disinfectant use. We conducted an educational intervention in nurses, related to rational use of disinfectants. The objective was to evaluate the immediate impact of this intervention on change in knowledge of nurses.Methods: This was a questionnaire‑based pre‑ and post‑test cross‑sectional study. The questions were formulated to test nurses’ ability to (1) categorize commonly used medical and surgical devices (MSDs) (2) categorize disinfectants as high, intermediate and low level disinfectants (3) to evaluate their knowledge about different aspects of disinfectant use. Results of pre and post‑test were calculated as a percentage and Z test for difference between proportions was applied to test the statistical significance.Results: A total of 72 nurses filled the pre‑test and 70 the post‑test. Percentage of correct responders for classification of MSDs improved as follows‑critical (77.77% pre‑test to 95.71% post‑test), semicritical (18.05‑54.28%), noncritical (41.66‑72.85%). Percentage of correct responders for classification of disinfectants improved from pre‑ to post‑test glutaraldehyde (48.61‑88.57%), Hydrogen peroxide (30.55‑72.85%), benzalkonium (33.33‑58.57%). Identification of chlorine concentration required for cleaning floors improved from 38.88% to 70%. There was a significant improvement seen post‑test to items related to different aspects of disinfectant use.Conclusion: A positive immediate impact was observed, but there is a need for continuing education with interventions focused on various aspects of disinfectant use

    Evaluation of fracture strength of different CAD/CAM veneers that are manufactured for zirconia cores

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    Amaç. Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı veneer materyalleri ve işlemleri ile hazırlanmış basit ve anatomik kor tasarımları kullanarak kaplanmış zirkonya altyapılı kronların kırılma direncini değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler. Anatomik bir çekirdek tasarımı veya basit bir çekirdek tasarımı ile toplam 100 zirkonya kron altyapısı üretildi. Bu kor altyapılar daha sonra aşağıdaki veneerleme prosedürlerine göre beş alt gruba ayrıldı: Kontrol (katmanlama), simante CAD/CAM fabrikasyon feldspatik veneer, simante CAD/CAM fabrikasyon lityum disilikat veneer, porselenle kaynaştırılmış CAD/CAM fabrikasyon feldspatik veneer ve porselenle kaynaştırılmış CAD/CAM fabrikasyon lityum disilikat kaplama. Daha sonra, bir çiğneme simülatöründe 1,6 Hz'de 50 N'luk bir oklüzal yük ile 250000 döngü uygulandı ve yükleme sırasında bir termal döngü uygulandı (her 60 saniyede bir 5°C ila 50°C). Kronlar daha sonra evrensel bir test makinesi kullanılarak kırma testine tabi tutuldu. Bulgular. Gruplar arasında istatistiksel analizler önemli farklılıklar gösterdi (F= 23.296;