18 research outputs found

    Selection of Transcripts Affecting Initial Growth Rate of Rice Backcrossed Inbred Lines Using RNA Sequencing Data

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    Seedling growth is an important factor for direct seeding of rice. However, the genetic and transcriptomic factors involved in this process are largely unknown. In this study, transcripts affecting shoot weight were identified in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) data from 20 backcrossed inbred lines (BILs) and their parental cultivars. The selection frequency of the genes for the regression model was determined using repeated analysis of random subsets of the transcriptome. The qLTG3-1gene, controlling low-temperature germinability, and short grain 1 gene (SG1), known to decrease organ elongation, showed high frequency. The quantitative trait loci (QTLs) analysis performed for BILs revealed that qLTG3-1 was included in the QTLs for shoot weight but SG1 was not. No nucleotide polymorphisms were found in the coding region of SG1 in either of the parental cultivars. Quantitative real-time PCR showed that SG1 expression was negatively correlated with shoot weight for all 104 BILs analyzed in this study. Expression QTL (eQTLs) analysis showed an eQTL for SG1 expression located in the same region as the QTL for shoot weight. However, no eQTLs were detected on the same chromosome as SG1, suggesting that nucleotide polymorphisms around the gene do not affect its expression in analyzed growth stage. Overall, these results indicate that RNA-Seq is a useful tool for identifying transcripts that can be related to seedling growth rate

    シン キユウシヨクジツシユウシツ ヲ シヨウ シタ キユウシヨク ジツシユウ ニ オケル エイセイ カンリ ノ ケントウ : タイリヨウ チヨウリ シセツ エイセイ カンリ マニユアル トノ ヒカク

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    In order to examine whether sufficient instruction was completed, hygiene supervision and accident prevention were compared with the manual by food service management practice in new food service management room. As a result, it became clear that the consciousness of a work area and the consciousness ofprevention of cross contamination were insufficient. Things important in order to raise the consciousness of zoning are classification by color of a zone or an instrument, and manual preparation. In addition, repair of a door, installation of curtain, cleaning of a ceiling, and extermination of a rat are required for hygiene supervision. Although it is impossible to carry all out as a manual, I think that we would like to strive to be able to study hygiene supervision equivalent to carrying out with the actual possible institution

    ホウカゴジドウクラブ ニ オケル オヤツ ト セイカツカツドウ ニ カンスル チヨウサ

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    We conducted a survey on the present conditions of after-school children clubs (Gakudohoiku), the method of providing snacks to younger schoolchildren during after-school care, the awareness toward feeding snacks among child care workers and guardians of admitted children, the interaction with other members in groups of different ages, and the children\u27s life activities in facilities for After School Care Program in Mieprefecture. The results were summarized as follows: (1) The female childcare workers made up roughly 90%; the childcare workers in their 40\u27s to 60\u27s made up around 80% of the total. (2) The child care mostly began "at two p.m." during weekdays, and "at eight a.m." on weekends, and mostly closed "at six p.m." through the week. (3) The most common expense budget for snack for a child per day at after-school children clubs was "between 50 yen and 100 yen", being the lowest "20yen" and the highest "200 yen and more". (4) "Children\u27s preferences" were the biggest elements taken into considerations, followed by "prices" in providing snacks at the after-school facilities. (5) The top food education programs at after-school children clubs were "Let\u27s Cook Together", "Good Manners at the Table", and "Growing Vegetables and Potatoes" (6) Among after-school care operators, parent\u27s associations accounted for about 30%, and local communities accounted for about 20%. Around 30% of after-school children clubs were operated inside school premises, while 70% were outside school premises. (7) Children in lower grades of primary school (aged 6 through 8) made up around 80% of children admitted in after-school children clubs, which corresponded to a national-level figure. (8) Child care workers encouraged significantly more interactions among multiage groups at medium or large-sized after-school children clubs than at small-sized ones. Comparing the ratio of low graders, children had significantly more opportunities for multi-age interaction at after-school children clubs with low ratio of low graders. (9) Boys and girls were almost equal in numbers at after-school children clubs. Around 90% of children joined the child care facilities in the first grade. As for visiting frequency, "five times a week" was the most common. With regard to reasons for visiting these facilities, "double income family" accounted for 80%. (10) As for frequency of snacks at home, "once" was most common during weekdays and weekends. (11) "Snack food", "chocolate confectionery" and "ice cream" are the most popular snacks given to children at home, which showed that parents were likely to provide snack of their children\u27s preferences. (12) Regarding snack time at home, "five to eight p.m." is most common on weekdays; "three to six p.m." was predominantly common on weekends. (13) As for appropriate budget for snack at home, "50 yen to 100 yen" for a child per day was most common. (14) Concerning life activities of those admitted in after school clubs, physical activities, such as "playground equipment", "soccer", "tag", and "jump rope" were most popular types of child\u27s play during weekdays

    メバカリ ・ テバカリ ニ ヨル ショクヒン ジュウリョウ スイソク ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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    食品重量を的確に推測することは、栄養士にとって献立作成や栄養教育などの業務に必要な能力である。本研究では学年別に食品重量推測の比較を行った。対象者は本学食物栄養学専攻12B 生37 名、13B 生33 名、14B 生21 名、計91 名。調査方法は日常の食事で一般的によく食材として使用される10 種類の食品(きゅうり、じゃがいも、たまご、たまねぎ、トマト、にんじん、バナナ、ほうれん草、りんご、ロールパン)の重量を目ばかり・手ばかりにより推測させた。目ばかり・手ばかりの推測重量と実際重量から誤差率を算出し分析した。結果から12B 生、13B 生の学年比較では、1年半の専門授業を学習している2年生のほうが誤差率が低かった。13B 生、14B 生の学年比較では、1年半の専門授業を学習している2年生より半年間しか専門授業を学習していない1年生のほうが誤差率が低かった。昨年度の学年比較では2年生のほうが1年生よりよい結果がみられたが、今年度では逆転している結果となった。このことから、学年ごとの結果を比較することは、あまり意味がなくむしろ、その学年ごとに経時的にみて成績が上がっていることが大切であると感じた。また、14B 生の誤差率が低いことについては、14B 生からの試みとして各自スケール(デジタル台ばかり)を持たせ、常に食品の重さを量るよう指導しているため、その効果が現れたと考える。今後は食品の目ばかり・手ばかりの機会を増やし、日常から食品の慨量を意識させ、重量感覚を得られるような教育方法を考えていきたい

    Regional hypoplasia of somatosensory cortex in growth-retarded mice (grt/grt).

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    Growth-retarded mouse (grt/grt) is a spontaneous mutant that is known as an animal model for primary congenital hypothyroidism caused by resistance to TSH signaling. The regional pattern of cerebral cortical hypoplasia was characterized in grt/grt mice. Ex vivo computed tomography (CT)-based volumetry was examined in four regions of the cerebral cortex, i.e., prefrontal, frontal, parietal and occipito-temporal regions, which were demarcated by structural landmarks on coronal CT images. A region-specific reduced volume of the parietal cortical region covering most of the somatosensory cortex was noted in grt/grt mice rather than in both heterozygous (grt/+) and wild-type (+/+) mice. We concluded that the cortical hypoplasia in grt/grt was seen in identical cortical regions corresponding to human congenital hypothyroidism. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    The effects of DPP-4 inhibitor on hypoxia-induced apoptosis in human umbilical vein endothelial cells

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    Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors are a new class of oral hypoglycemic agents for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and have potential antiatherosclerotic properties. Meanwhile, it is unclear how DPP-4 inhibitors have protective effects on atherosclerosis. Our aim was to determine the effects and its mechanisms of DPP-4 inhibitors on cultured endothelial cells. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were cultured in hypoxic condition. To evaluate the protective effects of DPP-4 inhibitor on HUVECs, DPP-4 inhibitor was added in the cell culture medium and the cell viability was assessed by TUNEL assay. And we examined the intracellular signaling pathways in relation to the effects of DPP-4 inhibitor. DPP-4 inhibition had beneficial effects by inhibiting the apoptosis under hypoxic conditions in HUVECs. The antiapoptotic effects of DPP-4 inhibitor were abolished by the pretreatment with a CXCR4 antagonist or a Stat3 inhibitor. DPP-4 inhibition has beneficial effects on HUVECs by inhibiting the apoptosis under hypoxic conditions. SDF-1α/CXCR4/Stat3 pathways might be involved in the mechanisms of the cytoprotective effects of DPP-4 inhibitor. These results suggested that DPP-4 inhibitor has a potential for protecting vessels