191 research outputs found

    Symmetric Dense Inception Network for Simultaneous Cell Detection and Classification in Multiplex Immunohistochemistry Images

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    Deep-learning based automatic analysis of the multiplex immunohistochemistry (mIHC) enables distinct cell populations to be localized on a large scale, providing insights into disease biology and therapeutic targets. However, standard deep-learning pipelines performed cell detection and classification as two-stage tasks, which is computationally inefficient and faces challenges to incorporate neighbouring tissue context for determining the cell identity. To overcome these limitations and to obtain a more accurate mapping of cell phenotypes, we presented a symmetric dense inception neural network for detecting and classifying cells in mIHC slides simultaneously. The model was applied with a novel stop-gradient strategy and a loss function accounted for class imbalance. When evaluated on an ovarian cancer dataset containing 6 cell types, the model achieved an F1 score of 0.835 in cell detection, and a weighted F1-score of 0.867 in cell classification, which outperformed separate models trained on individual tasks by 1.9% and 3.8% respectively. Taken together, the proposed method boosts the learning efficiency and prediction accuracy of cell detection and classification by simultaneously learning from both tasks

    Systematic Evaluation of the Immune Environment of Small Intestinal Neuroendocrine Tumours

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    BACKGROUND: The immune tumour microenvironment and the potential therapeutic opportunities for immunotherapy in small intestinal neuroendocrine tumours (siNET) have not been fully defined. METHODS: Herein, we studied 40 patients with primary and synchronous metastatic siNETs , and matched blood and normal tissue obtained during surgery. We interrogated the immune checkpoint landscape using multi-parametric flow cytometry. Additionally, matched FFPE tissue was obtained for multi-parametric immunohistochemistry (IHC) to determine the relative abundance and distribution of T-cell infiltrate. Tumour mutational burden (TMB) was also assessed and correlated with immune infiltration. RESULTS: Effector tumour infiltrating lymphocytes had a higher expression of PD-1 in the tumour microenvironment compared to the periphery. Additionally, CD8+ tumour infiltrating lymphocytes had a significantly higher co-expression of PD-1/ICOS and PD-1/CTLA-4 and higher levels of PD-1 expression compared to normal tissue. IHC revealed that the majority of cases have {less than or equal to}10% intratumoural T cells but a higher number of peritumoural T cells, demonstrating an "exclusion" phenotype. Finally, we confirmed that siNETs have a low TMB compared to other tumour types in the TCGA database but did not find a correlation between TMB and CD8/Treg ratio. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these results suggest that a combination therapy approach will be required to enhance the immune response, using PD-1 as a checkpoint immunomodulator backbone in combination with other checkpoint targeting molecules (CTLA-4 or ICOS), or with drugs targeting other pathways to recruit "excluded" T cells into the tumour microenvironment to treat patients with siNETs

    Targeting the T cell receptor β-chain constant region for immunotherapy of T cell malignancies

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    Mature T cell cancers are typically aggressive, treatment resistant and associated with poor prognosis. Clinical application of immunotherapeutic approaches has been limited by a lack of target antigens that discriminate malignant from healthy (normal) T cells. Unlike B cell depletion, pan–T cell aplasia is prohibitively toxic. We report a new targeting strategy based on the mutually exclusive expression of T cell receptor β-chain constant domains 1 and 2 (TRBC1 and TRBC2). We identify an antibody with unique TRBC1 specificity and use it to demonstrate that normal and virus-specific T cell populations contain both TRBC1+ and TRBC2+ compartments, whereas malignancies are restricted to only one. As proof of concept for anti-TRBC immunotherapy, we developed anti-TRBC1 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells, which recognized and killed normal and malignant TRBC1+, but not TRBC2+, T cells in vitro and in a disseminated mouse model of leukemia. Unlike nonselective approaches targeting the entire T cell population, TRBC-targeted immunotherapy could eradicate a T cell malignancy while preserving sufficient normal T cells to maintain cellular immunity

    Determinants of anti-PD-1 response and resistance in clear cell renal cell carcinoma

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    ADAPTeR is a prospective, phase II study of nivolumab (anti-PD-1) in 15 treatment-naive patients (115 multiregion tumor samples) with metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) aiming to understand the mechanism underpinning therapeutic response. Genomic analyses show no correlation between tumor molecular features and response, whereas ccRCC-specific human endogenous retrovirus expression indirectly correlates with clinical response. T cell receptor (TCR) analysis reveals a significantly higher number of expanded TCR clones pre-treatment in responders suggesting pre-existing immunity. Maintenance of highly similar clusters of TCRs post-treatment predict response, suggesting ongoing antigen engagement and survival of families of T cells likely recognizing the same antigens. In responders, nivolumab-bound CD8+ T cells are expanded and express GZMK/B. Our data suggest nivolumab drives both maintenance and replacement of previously expanded T cell clones, but only maintenance correlates with response. We hypothesize that maintenance and boosting of a pre-existing response is a key element of anti-PD-1 mode of action

    Phenotyping of lymphoproliferative tumours generated in xenografts of non-small cell lung cancer

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    BackgroundPatient-derived xenograft (PDX) models involve the engraftment of tumour tissue in immunocompromised mice and represent an important pre-clinical oncology research method. A limitation of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) PDX model derivation in NOD-scid IL2Rgammanull (NSG) mice is that a subset of initial engraftments are of lymphocytic, rather than tumour origin. MethodsThe immunophenotype of lymphoproliferations arising in the lung TRACERx PDX pipeline were characterised. To present the histology data herein, we developed a Python-based tool for generating patient-level pathology overview figures from whole-slide image files; PATHOverview is available on GitHub (https://github.com/EpiCENTR-Lab/PATHOverview).ResultsLymphoproliferations occurred in 17.8% of lung adenocarcinoma and 10% of lung squamous cell carcinoma transplantations, despite none of these patients having a prior or subsequent clinical history of lymphoproliferative disease. Lymphoproliferations were predominantly human CD20+ B cells and had the immunophenotype expected for post-transplantation diffuse large B cell lymphoma with plasma cell features. All lymphoproliferations expressed Epstein-Barr-encoded RNAs (EBER). Analysis of immunoglobulin light chain gene rearrangements in three tumours where multiple tumour regions had resulted in lymphoproliferations suggested that each had independent clonal origins. DiscussionOverall, these data suggest that B cell clones with lymphoproliferative potential are present within primary NSCLC tumours, and that these are under continuous immune surveillance. Since these cells can be expanded following transplantation into NSG mice, our data highlight the value of quality control measures to identify lymphoproliferations within xenograft pipelines and support the incorporation of strategies to minimise lymphoproliferations during the early stages of xenograft establishment pipelines

    Phylogenetic ctDNA analysis depicts early-stage lung cancer evolution.

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    The early detection of relapse following primary surgery for non-small-cell lung cancer and the characterization of emerging subclones, which seed metastatic sites, might offer new therapeutic approaches for limiting tumour recurrence. The ability to track the evolutionary dynamics of early-stage lung cancer non-invasively in circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) has not yet been demonstrated. Here we use a tumour-specific phylogenetic approach to profile the ctDNA of the first 100 TRACERx (Tracking Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Evolution Through Therapy (Rx)) study participants, including one patient who was also recruited to the PEACE (Posthumous Evaluation of Advanced Cancer Environment) post-mortem study. We identify independent predictors of ctDNA release and analyse the tumour-volume detection limit. Through blinded profiling of postoperative plasma, we observe evidence of adjuvant chemotherapy resistance and identify patients who are very likely to experience recurrence of their lung cancer. Finally, we show that phylogenetic ctDNA profiling tracks the subclonal nature of lung cancer relapse and metastasis, providing a new approach for ctDNA-driven therapeutic studies

    Granulysin, a novel marker for extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma, nasal type

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    Granulysin is a cytolytic protein expressed in cytotoxic T and natural killer (NK) cells. Abnormal serum levels of granulysin in lymphomas with NK and cytotoxic phenotype have been shown to correlate with tumour progression. In this study, we investigated the expression pattern of granulysin in routine sections of normal and reactive lymphoid tissues as well as in a large series of lymphomas. In normal tissues, granulysin labelled a small population of cells that double immunostaining revealed to belong to the pool of cytotoxic T/NK cells. Among lymphoid neoplasms, the highest expression of granulysin (71%) was found in extranodal NK/T cell lymphomas of nasal type (ENKTL). To note is that 29% of ENKTLs, which were negative for one or more of classical cytotoxic markers strongly expressed granulysin. Furthermore, expression of granulysin was observed in rare cases of T cell lymphomas with a cytotoxic phenotype (i.e. ALK-negative anaplastic large cell lymphoma (26%), enteropathy-associated T cell lymphoma (12%) and peripheral T cell lymphoma, NOS (4%)). None of the investigated non-Hodgkin B cell lymphomas, Hodgkin lymphoma and plasma cell myeloma were granulysin positive. The results suggest granulysin as a novel marker for a subset of cytotoxic NK cell derived malignancies and its usefulness is highlighted in those ENKTLs that lack expression of other cytotoxic markers but retain granulysin expression

    Clonal neoantigens elicit T cell immunoreactivity and sensitivity to immune checkpoint blockade

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    As tumors grow, they acquire mutations, some of which create neoantigens that influence the response of patients to immune checkpoint inhibitors. We explored the impact of neoantigen intratumor heterogeneity (ITH) on antitumor immunity. Through integrated analysis of ITH and neoantigen burden, we demonstrate a relationship between clonal neoantigen burden and overall survival in primary lung adenocarcinomas. CD8(+) tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes reactive to clonal neoantigens were identified in early-stage non–small cell lung cancer and expressed high levels of PD-1. Sensitivity to PD-1 and CTLA-4 blockade in patients with advanced NSCLC and melanoma was enhanced in tumors enriched for clonal neoantigens. T cells recognizing clonal neoantigens were detectable in patients with durable clinical benefit. Cytotoxic chemotherapy–induced subclonal neoantigens, contributing to an increased mutational load, were enriched in certain poor responders. These data suggest that neoantigen heterogeneity may influence immune surveillance and support therapeutic developments targeting clonal neoantigens