14 research outputs found

    The Impact of the Support System of the CAP on Free Trade in the Light of the Turkey's EU Membership

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    The objective of this study is to measure the level of the European Union's (EU) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) price support system (PSS) applied to producers in the EU-15 and in Turkey. The producer subsidy estimate (PSE) method has been used to determine protection levels for selected cereal products from the beginning of the application of the PSE method in 1986 to date. In addition, this study attempts to examine the empirical findings of the PSE in the light of CAP reforms and EU enlargements during the period 1986- 2003. The expected contribution of this study is to determine which support instruments, such as countervailing levies or direct payments (based on limited or unlimited area) against export subsidies, voluntary or compulsory set-aside measures and price interventions, are more appropriate for the CAP in reducing destabilizing effects on trade with selected products between the EU and Turkey with respect to distribution effects (how income is distributed between different groups involved in the production operation process). Does the current PSS of the CAP have positive effects on agricultural producers in Turkey as a non-member country? The major finding of this dissertation is the evaluation of benefits and costs of common agricultural policies of the EU on fair trade. The assessment of the PSE of the EU's CAP will be used to determine the impact of current support measures of the CAP reforms on fair trade and consumer welfare, and how the CAP measures can be reformed for the improvement of producer gain in accordance with fair trade. (author's abstract

    Gum chewing and bowel function after Caesarean section under spinal anesthesia

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    Objective: To determine the effect of gum chewing on bowel function postoperatively in women after cesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia

    Education programs for gestational diabetes mellitus: A systematic review

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    Gestational diabetes mellitus is one of the most common metabolic diseases during pregnancy and is a condition that needs to be handled carefully because it brings significant risks for maternal, fetal and neonatal health. In this systematic review, we aimed to examine randomized controlled trials evaluating the effect of different educational programs applied to pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus on the management of the disease. Between November and December 2022, Google Scholar, EBSCOhost/CINAHL Complete, PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, Web of Science and Cochrane Library databases were searched with the keywords ‘gestational, diabetes mellitus, management, randomized controlled trials'. As a result of the search, 2859 articles were found. In the schematic review, 11 randomized controlled trials, the full text of which was available, which were conducted between 2017 and 2022, were included. It was found that diabetes education given to pregnant women had a positive effect on quality of life and self-efficacy. It was observed that the babies of women who received education had fewer complications compared to the control group, the blood glucose levels of the pregnant women who received education were significantly lower than those in the control group, and nutritional habits gave significantly desired results in the intervention group

    Optimal fiscal and price stability in Germany: Autoregressive distributed lags (ARDL) cointegration relationship

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    The impact of optimal fiscal policy measures in a managed fixed exchange rate system were questioned in this study, to evaluate the extent of Integrated Monetary and Fiscal Policy issuing quarterly time series data for Germany, for the period ranged between 1991q1 to 2017q4. The study shows that an optimal utilization of fiscal policy measures for economic growth in Germany is questioned in the light of tax revenue, government expenditure and public debt and consumer price index. The Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model was employed due to the fact that one of the data parameters becomes stationary at level by 0.10% with a probability value of 0.0768, as shown in Table 1, while the other data parameter becomes stationary after differencing, as shown in Table 2 below. Numerous tests were employed to identify the stability and causality of the variables. The stability and causal relations of the data were proved by serial correlation Breusch Godfrey LM test and heteroskedasticity test, respectively. The analyses revealed that fiscal policy instruments are used optimally in Germany as proved by the outcome of the research and S. Boubaker (2018)

    Interakce mezi spotřebou energie, CO2 a ekonomickým rozvojem v zemích Evropské unie Interakce mezi spotřebou energie, CO2 a hospodářským rozvojem v zemích Evropské unie Interakce mezi spotřebou energie, CO2 a hospodářským rozvojem v zemích Evropské unie

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    Sustainable development has become a major problem in European Union (EU) countries. This has prompted many researchers to examine a broad range of interactions among sustainable development indicators. This study uses the variance decomposition and cointegration approach to assess the causal relationship among energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and economic development (gross domestic product [GDP], foreign direct investment [FDI], net exports, and employment in industry) in the eight new and 15 old EU countries. The results confirm the existence of at least long-run equilibrium relationships among economic growth and energy consumption, CO2, FDI, and net exports. In addition, short-run bidirectional causality among GDP, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions is found for the old EU countries, whereas unidirectional causalities run from GDP to energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the new EU countries. Evidence from the variance decomposition analysis shows that 22% of the future shock in GDP is due to fluctuations in energy consumption, CO2, and employment in the old EU countries, whereas 53.1% emanates from CO2, employment, and FDI in the new EU countries. These findings have potentially important implications for sustainable development and environmental policy in both old and new EU countries.Udržitelný rozvoj se stal v zemích Evropské unie (EU) hlavním problémem. To přimělo mnoho vědců k prozkoumání široké škály interakcí mezi ukazateli udržitelného rozvoje. Tato studie využívá přístup k rozkladu a kointegraci variací k posouzení kauzálního vztahu mezi spotřebou energie, emisemi CO2 a ekonomickým rozvojem (hrubý domácí produkt [HDP], přímé zahraniční investice [PZI], čistý vývoz a zaměstnanost v průmyslu) v osmi nových a 15 starých zemí EU. Výsledky potvrzují existenci alespoň dlouhodobých rovnovážných vztahů mezi ekonomickým růstem a spotřebou energie, CO2, PZI a čistým exportem. U starých zemí EU je navíc zjištěna krátkodobá obousměrná příčinná souvislost mezi HDP, spotřebou energie a emisemi CO2, zatímco jednosměrné příčinné souvislosti se pohybují od HDP ke spotřebě energie a emisím CO2 v nových zemích EU. Důkazy z analýzy rozkladu rozptylu ukazují, že 22% budoucího šoku v HDP je způsobeno kolísáním spotřeby energie, CO2 a zaměstnanosti ve starých zemích EU, zatímco 53,1% pochází z CO2, zaměstnanosti a PZI v nových zemích EU . Tato zjištění mají potenciálně důležité důsledky pro udržitelný rozvoj a politiku životního prostředí ve starých i nových zemích EU