206 research outputs found

    Volatile Messenger of Death - Grapevine Fatty Acid Hydroperoxide Lyase Acts in Cell-Death Related Immunity

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    Grapevine is a widespread and valuable agricultural crop, but easily infected by plant pathogens. Oxylipins are fatty acid-derived compounds acting as important signal molecules in plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses

    Impact of incubation conditions on protein and C-Phycocyanin recovery from Arthrospira platensis post- pulsed electric field treatment

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    Pulsed electric field (PEF) was conducted for the extraction of proteins/C-Phycocyanins from Arthrospira platensis. The cyanobacterial suspension was treated with 1 μs long pulses at an electric field strength of 40 kV·cm−1 and a treatment energy of 114 kJ·kgsus−1 and 56 kJ·kgsus−1. For benchmarking, additional biomass was processed by high pressure homogenization. Homogeneity of the suspension prior to PEF-treatment influenced the protein/C-phycocyanin extraction efficiency. Stability of C-Phycocyanin during post-PEF incubation time was affected by incubation temperature and pH of the external medium. Biomass concentration severely affect proteins/C-Phycocyanins extraction yield via PEF-treatment. The optimum conditions for extraction of proteins/ C-Phycocyanin was obtained at 23 °C while incubating in pH 8-buffer. The energy demand for PEF-Treatment amounts to 0.56 MJ·kgdw−1 when processing biomass at 100 gdw·kgsus−1. PEF treatment enhances the protein/CPhycocyanin extraction yield, thus, it can be suggested as preferential downstream processing method for the production of C-Phycocyanin from A. platensis biomass

    Hyperparathyroidism and new onset diabetes after renal transplantation.

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    Secondary hyperparathyroidism persists after renal transplantation in a substantial number of patients. Primary hyperparathyroidism and secondary hyperparathyroidism are both associated with abnormalities in glucose metabolism, such as insufficient insulin release and glucose intolerance. The association of hyperparathyroidism and diabetes after renal transplantation has, as far as we know, not been studied. Our aim was to investigate whether hyperparathyroidism is associated with new-onset diabetes mellitus after transplantation (NODAT) during the first year posttransplantation

    Impact of incubation conditions on protein and C-Phycocyanin recovery from Arthrospira platensis post- pulsed electric field treatment

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    Pulsed electric field (PEF) was conducted for the extraction of proteins/C-Phycocyanins from Arthrospira platensis. The cyanobacterial suspension was treated with 1 μs long pulses at an electric field strength of 40 kV·cm−1 and a treatment energy of 114 kJ·kgsus−1 and 56 kJ·kgsus−1. For benchmarking, additional biomass was processed by high pressure homogenization. Homogeneity of the suspension prior to PEF-treatment influenced the protein/C-phycocyanin extraction efficiency. Stability of C-Phycocyanin during post-PEF incubation time was affected by incubation temperature and pH of the external medium. Biomass concentration severely affect proteins/C-Phycocyanins extraction yield via PEF-treatment. The optimum conditions for extraction of proteins/ C-Phycocyanin was obtained at 23 °C while incubating in pH 8-buffer. The energy demand for PEF-Treatment amounts to 0.56 MJ·kgdw−1 when processing biomass at 100 gdw·kgsus−1. PEF treatment enhances the protein/CPhycocyanin extraction yield, thus, it can be suggested as preferential downstream processing method for the production of C-Phycocyanin from A. platensis biomass


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    Suitability-Feasibility-Acceptability (SFA) is a fundamental tool for the development and selection of strategy. Any type of decision-making problem can be resolved by Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. In this research, we explore the complexity of determining the proper goal market for the Chilean fish market. This study proposed a combined approach of SFA with MCDM methods in a real case study. The proposed structure helps to assign the best market for Chilean export fish to West Asia. Three countries (Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman) are selected as a target market in this region, and then related criteria are obtained from various sources. In order to develop a new market for the Chilean fishery industry, five major criteria, including the potential of a target market, region's economic attractiveness, consumption of the seafood, location, cost of transportation, and country risks, were selected based on the SFA framework. Calculating the criteria weights is performed by the Best-Worst (BWM) method, and ordering the alternatives is operated by Measurement Alternatives and Ranking according to compromise Solution (MARCOS) methods. The results showed that Oman is the best destination (importer) for the Chilean fish market (Salmon fish as the case)

    A glance at black cumin(Nigella sativa) and its active constituent, thymoquinone, in ischemia: a review

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    Objective(s): Black cumin (Nigella sativa) belonging to Ranunculaceae family has a long history of medicinal use in various folk and traditional systems of medicine, including Iranian traditional medicine (ITM). These valuable medicinal seeds have been used traditionally against a variety of diseases such as dyspepsia, diabetes, headache, influenza and asthma. In addition, several scientific investigations have reported the therapeutic properties of N. sativa and thymoquinone (TQ), one of the most important constituent of black cumin, for treatment of a large number of diseases, including ischemia. As there is no comprehensive review study about the anti-ischemic activity of black cumin and its mechanism of action, in the current study, we aimed to review the anti-ischemic activities of N. sativa and TQ in different organ-related disorders. Materials and Methods: We searched the words N. sativa or black cumin and ischemia in the combination of related organs through available databases including Scopus, Web of science, and Google scholar. Results: Several studies were found reporting the anti-ischemic activity of black cumin and its active constituent on different organs including brain, kidneys, heart, and liver. Black cumin exert its beneficial effects as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptosis, and anti-necrosis agent though inhibition of growth factors, biochemical and oxidative stress markers and regulating gene expression. Conclusion: Thus, N. sativa could be a potential candidate for treatment of ischemia related disorders in key organs such as brain, liver, digestive system, kidney, and heart. To figure out the exact mechanism of action, further investigations are proposed in this regard

    Analysis of the lipid extraction performance in a cascade process for Scenedesmus almeriensis biorefinery

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    Background Microalgae have attracted considerable interest due to their ability to produce a wide range of valuable compounds. Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) has been demonstrated to effectively disrupt the microalgae cells and facilitate intracellular extraction. To increase the commercial viability of microalgae, the entire biomass should be exploited with different products extracted and valorized according to the biorefinery scheme. However, demonstrations of multiple component extraction in series are very limited in literature. This study aimed to develop an effective lipid extraction protocol from wet Scenedesmus almeriensis after PEF-treatment with 1.5 MJ·kgDW−1. A cascade process, i.e., the valorization of several products in row, was tested with firstly the collection of the released carbohydrates in the water fraction, then protein enzymatic hydrolysis and finally lipid extraction. Biomass processed with high pressure homogenization (HPH) on parallel, served as benchmark. Results Lipid extraction with ethanol:hexane (1:0.41 vol/vol) offered the highest yields from the different protocols tested. PEF-treatment promoted extraction with almost 70% of total lipids extracted against 43% from untreated biomass. An incubation step after PEF-treatment, further improved the yields, up to 83% of total lipids. Increasing the solvent volume by factor 2 offered no improvement. In comparison, extraction with two other systems utilizing only ethanol at room temperature or elevated at 60 °C were ineffective with less than 30% of total lipids extracted. Regarding cascade extraction, carbohydrate release after PEF was detected albeit in low concentrations. PEF-treated samples displayed slightly better kinetics during the enzymatic protein hydrolysis compared to untreated or HPH-treated biomass. The yields from a subsequent lipid extraction were not affected after PEF but were significantly increased for untreated samples (66% of total lipids), while HPH displayed the lowest yields (~ 49% of total lipids). Conclusions PEF-treatment successfully promoted lipid extraction from S. almeriensis but only in combination with a polar:neutral co-solvent (ethanol:hexane). After enzymatic protein hydrolysis in cascade processing; however, untreated biomass displayed equal lipid yields due to the disruptive effect of the proteolytic enzymes. Therefore, the positive impact of PEF in this scheme is limited on the improved reaction kinetics exhibited during the enzymatic hydrolysis step

    Haemoglobin and serum ferritin levels in newborn babies born to anaemic Iranian women: A cross-sectional study in an Iranian Hospital

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the haemoglobin and serum ferritin levels in newborn babies of anaemic mothers and to determine relationship between maternal iron status with neonatal biochemical and anthropometric characteristics. A total of 70 pregnant women aged between 17 and 40 years were divided into two groups based on their pre-delivery Haemoglobin (Hb) and Serum Ferritin (SF) concentrations; anaemic mothers Hb<11 g/dl and SF � 10 ng/ml; normal control group Hb � 11 g/dl and SF � 10 ng/ml. Maternal biochemical assessments were obtained before delivery and neonatal anthropometric and biochemical measurements were obtained immediately after delivery. Mean maternal haemoglobin and serum ferritin levels were 11.2±1.16 (g/dl) and 45.8±20.8 (ng/ml), respectively. Incidence of anaemia among Iranian pregnant women in this study was 51.4. Mean neonatal weight, length and head circumference born to anaemic mothers was 2.8±0.23 kg, 47.9±1.0 cm and 31.5±0.9 cm, respectively, while, among neonates born to normal mothers were 3.3±0.1 kg, 49.6±0.8 cm and 33.7±0.6 cm, respectively. No significant correlation were found between neonatal and maternal serum ferritin concentration. Significant differences were found between neonatal haemoglobin levels from normal and anaemic mothers (p<0.001). Maternal Hb level showed significant (p<0.001) positive correlation with neonatal birth weight (r = 0.729), length (r = 0.665) and head circumference (r = 0.762). However, similar positive correlations were not found between maternal serum ferritin concentration and pregnancy outcome. Neonatal haemoglobin levels were positively correlated with that of their mothers' (r = 0.423, p<0.001). In conclusion, this study showed that maternal haemoglobin concentration had strong influence on neonatal parameters. © Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2010