184 research outputs found

    Eşdeğer Toplam Potansiyel Enerji

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2008Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2008Eğilme çubuklarında tpe nin hesabı çubuğun elastik eğrisinin bilinmesini gerektirir. Elastik eğri başlangıçta bilinmediği için tpe keyfi dış yükler altındaki eğilme çubuklarındaki çubuklarda kullanılamaz. Bu çalışmada çubuğun gerçek elastik eğrisine ihtiyaç duyulmayan bir fonksiyonel geliştirilmiş ve fonksiyonele eşdeğer toplam potansiyel enerji adı verilmiştir. π ile göstertilen yeni fonksiyonel enerji teoremlerinin uygulama alanını genişletmiş ve hiperstatik problemlere çözüm kolaylığı getirmiştir.In this study a new functional is developed which is called equivalent total potential energy (etpe) and shown by π . This functional expressed in terms of nodal displacements and external loads. Etpe theorem expand on the application field of existing the energy theorems and brings the big simplicity to the solution of the hyperstatics problems

    Investigation of bar parameters occurred by cross-shore sediment transport

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    ABSTRACTCross-shore sediment transport is very important factor in the design of coastal structures, and the beach profile is mainly affected by a number of parameters, such as wave height and period, beach slope, and the material properties of the bed. In this study cross-shore sediment movement was investigated using a physical model and various offshore bar geometric parameters were determined by the resultant erosion profile. The experiments on cross-shore sediment transport carried out in a laboratory wave channel for initial base slopes of 1/8, 1/10 and 1/15. Using the regular waves with different deep-water wave steepness generated by a pedal-type wave generator, the geometrical of sediment transport rate and considerable characteristics of beach profiles under storm conditions and bar parameters affecting on-off shore sediment transport are investigated for the beach materials with the medium diameter of d50=0.25, 0.32, 0.45, 0.62 and 0.80 mm. Non-dimensional equations were obtained by using linear and non-linear regression methods through the experimental data and were compared with previously developed equations in the literature. The results have shown that the experimental data fitted well to the proposed equations with respect to the previously developed equations


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    Several problems such as the deterioration in water regime, climate’s getting harsh, desertification and the decrease in agricultural productivity have been experienced in and around Lake Avlan which was dried in 1970’s entirely for the purpose of opening new cultivation areas. Upon the deterioration, the gates of the regulators were closed by the Ministry of Environment upon the written demand from almost 3000 people from the vicinity by the organization of a mayor and 37 village headmen. Lake Avlan is the first wetland on which a decision of restoration has been taken upon the demand from the people in the vicinity, including the villagers who were given a piece of land from the lake. When the things experienced with the case are taken into consideration, it is observed that the perception of education on environment has changed and the importance of education on environment increased. The education for environment is aimed to raise individuals who are aware of local, regional, national and global problems; who approach these problems with concern and sensitivity; who spend effort voluntarily for thesolution of such problems; and those whose ecological culture, environmental moral and environmental consciousness is high (Atasoy&Ertürk, 2008). The aim of this study is to identify the views of the teachers who work in the schools in the vicinity of Lake Avlan on the lake. The participants of the study are 14 teachers as 9 males and 5 females. The study was designed as a case study, which is one of the methods of qualitative research. The data used in the study were collected by giving interviews to the teachers and were analyzed using content analysis technique. The findings revealed that the teachers rendered superficial information on the social and socioeconomic structure of the Lake Avlan; that they bear confusing ideas about the physical form of the lake and that the information they provide is not sufficient. They all share the idea that Lake Avlan has not been preserved and based upon each participant’sexplanations, the study reached the same conclusion.  Article visualizations

    Limit sets of best-reply processes

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    Ankara : The Department of Economics, The Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University, 2007.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2007.Includes bibliographical references leaves 37-39.I analyze limiting behavior of best-reply processes. I find that without inertia Nash Equilibria are not limit sets. Moreover, even for processes with inertia, Nash Equilibria are not stable. I argue that minimal CURB sets are reasonable candidates for limit sets if best-reply processes are indeterminate or Nash Equilibria satisfy evolutionary stability (Oechssler 1997). In such cases, limit sets necessarily contain a Nash Equilibrium. Otherwise limit sets may not be close to any Nash Equilibria unless they satisfy some support consistency condition.Aköz, Kemal KıvançM.S

    Revisiting the democracy-private investment nexus: Does inequality matter?

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    © 2018 Association for Comparative Economic Studies Contrary to the predictions of a large theoretical literature, recent cross-country evidence suggests autocracies can generate statistically indistinguishable levels of private investment compared to democracies. We argue that the previous exclusion of inequality explains part of this puzzle. We model current investment as a function of investors’ beliefs about future tax rates, which are conditioned by the constraints on the Executive in setting tax rates and expropriating tax revenues. In democracies, where tax rates reflect the preferences of the median voter, investment declines with rising inequality. In autocracies, investor beliefs about future tax rates reflect the relative power of Elites compared to the Executive. As inequality rises, the increased resources available to Elites constrains the Executive\u27s ability to expropriate more tax revenues. The heterogeneous determinants of investor beliefs can explain the observed pattern of investment across regime types. We first test our predictions at the macro-level with cross-country data. We then test the behavioral underpinnings of our model with a novel laboratory experiment showing how inequality affects individual-level investment behavior dependent upon regime type. Results from both types of analyses show that when inequality is taken into account autocracies can generate similar levels of investment to democracies


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    Principal Stress direction and their difference can be obtained directly by the photoelastic experiments using the isoclonic and isochromatic fringe patterns respectively. To obtain the individual principal stresses or the elements of the stress tensor, additional operation is required. The way for obtaining the elements of the stress tensor is called the separation method. In this study, the adaptation of the Boundary Integral Equation to photoelasticity is investigated as a separation technique that the stress distribution in a square plate which is loaded by concentrated forces on natural edges along symmetry axis is investigated.  Deneysel bir yöntem olan fotoelastisiteden elde edilen verilerle asal gerilme farkları ve asal gerilme doğrultularına ait bilgiler doğrudan elde edilmektedir. Asal gerilmeleri veya asal gerilme bileşenlerini elde etmek için üçüncü bir bağıntıya ihtiyaç vardır. Bu bağıntıya Ayırma yöntemleri denir. Bu çalışmada ayırma yöntemi olarak Sınır Elemanları Yöntemi kullanılmış ve karşılıklı iki kenar ortay noktasından eşit ve karşıt tekil kuvvetler etkisindeki kare levhanın çözümü yapılmıştır. 


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    Principal Stress direction and their difference can be obtained directly by the photoelastic experiments using the isoclonic and isochromatic fringe patterns respectively. To obtain the individual principal stresses or the elements of the stress tensor, additional operation is required. The way for obtaining the elements of the stress tensor is called the separation method. In this study, the adaptation of the Boundary Integral Equation to photoelasticity is investigated as a separation techniques that the stress distribution in a square plate which is loaded by concentrated forces on natural edges along symmetry axis is investigated.Deneysel bir yöntem olan fotoelastisiteden elde edilen verilerle asal gerilme farkları ve asal gerilme doğrultularına ait bilgiler doğrudan elde edilmektedir. Asal gerilmeleri veya asal gerilme bileşenlerini elde etmek için üçüncü bir bağıntıya ihtiyaç vardır. Bu bağıntıya Ayırma yöntemleri denir. Bu çalışmada ayırma yöntemi olarak Sınır Elemanları Yöntemi kullanılmış ve karşılıklı iki kenar ortay noktasından eşit ve karşıt tekil kuvvetler etkisindeki kare levhanın çözümü yapılmıştır

    Sağlıklı ve hiperkolesterolemik tavşanlara vitamin D ilavesinin OSI ve paraoksonaz düzeylerine etkileri

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    WOS:000449635800010Objective: Conflicting data are available in literatureregarding the effects of vitamin D (VitD) supplementationdiet on lipid panel. Therefore, we had the purpose to evaluatethe effects of VitD supplementation on lipid panel bya controlled experimental study, and those of VitD supplementationon oxidative stress index (OSI) and paraoxonase-1 (PON1) values in healthy and hypercholesterolemicmale rabbits.Methods: Thirty New Zealand rabbits were randomly separatedinto control, VD, HC VD and HC groups. Control andVD groups were fed with standard chow, whereas HC VDand HC groups were fed with 0.5% cholesterol chow aperiod of 8 weeks. During this period, VD and HC VDgroups were orally administered with 300 IU/kg/day VitD.Results: The increase in serum total cholesterol (TC) andOSI level of HC group were significant compared to thosein HC VD group. Decreases in serum HDL-cholesterol(HDL-C) and TC levels of VD group were significant withinthe groups.Conclusion: Without any doubt it is important that appliedVitD level should be in the ideal range for healthy living.However, it is also necessary to increase the serum HDL-Clevel (and hence PON1), which is decreases as a result ofVitD supplementation. Therefore, we believe that duringVitD supplementation, regular physical activity should beperformed to increases serum HDL-C.Amaç: Literatürde, diyete D vitamini (VitD) ilavesinin lipitpaneli üzerine etkisi hakkında birbirinden farklı sonuçlarbulunmaktadır. Bu yüzden projemizde kontrollü deneyselbir çalışma ile, sağlıklı ve hiperkolesterolemik erkektavşanlara VitD ilavesinin lipit paneli üzerine etkisine, veyine VitD ilavesinin oksidatif stress indeksi (OSI) ve paraoksonaz-1 (PON-1) değerleri üzerine etkilerini araştırmayıamaçladık.Metod: 30 adet yeni zellanda tavşanı rastgele control, VD,HC VD ve HC gruplarına ayrıldı. Kontrol ve VD gruplarınormal tavşan pelet yemiyle, HC VD ve HC gruplarıise önceden hazırlanmış olan % 0.5 kolesterollü yem ile8 hafta süresince beslenildi. Bu süreçte VD ve HC VDgruplarına oral yoldan 300 IU/kg/gün VitD verildi.Bulgular: HC VD grubuna göre; HC grubu serum totalkolesterol (TC) ve OSI seviyesindeki artış anlamlı bulundu.VD grubu, grup içi serum HDL kolesterol (HDL-C) ve TCseviyelerindeki azalışlar anlamlı bulundu.Sonuç: Kuşkusuz, sağlıklı bir yaşam için kan VitD seviyemizinideal aralıkta olması önemlidir. Ancak VitD takviyesisonucunda azalan serum HDL-C (dolayısı ile PON1)seviyesini, artırmak da gerekmektedir. Dolayısı ile VitDtakviyesi ile birlikte, serum HDL-C’yi artıran, düzenlifiziksel aktivite yapılması gerektiğini düşünüyoruz

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    Natural selection is commonly thought as the engine of ecological diversification, where sexual selection has a secondary role in promoting speciation. Sexual selection is also attributed a primary role in the origin of species, where it produces divergence not in ecological traits, but in sexually selected traits. Ecological co-optation suggests an alternative to these prevailing ideas. Sexual selection alone could drive ecological diversification, where a sexually selected trait is co-opted for a novel viability trait. Such an ecological co-optation will then enable species with newly co-opted trait to exploit a novel niche. In the present study, we test the prediction of ecological co-optation in antbirds, tanagers, and blackbirds. We use sexually selected plumage coloration in these groups, and check whether the birds with colorful plumage differ in their niche use (i.e. habitat range, altitudinal range, and distributional range), by using phylogenetically independent contrasts method, and sister taxa comparisons. Our results show that increasing plumage coloration produces changes in niche uses. Similarly, increasing plumage color differences between sexes leads to changes in niche width, which is a trend consistent with ecological co-optation hypothesis.M.S. - Master of Scienc