70 research outputs found

    Authoritarian Neoliberalism and Democratic Backsliding in Turkey: Beyond the Narratives of Progress

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    Unpacking the core themes that are discussed in this collection, this article both offers a research agenda to re-analyse Turkey’s ‘authoritarian turn’ and mounts a methodological challenge to the conceptual frameworks that reinforce a strict analytical separation between the ‘economic’ and the ‘political’ factors. The paper problematises the temporal break in scholarly analyses of the AKP period and rejects the argument that the party’s methods of governance have shifted from an earlier ‘democratic’ model – defined by ‘hegemony’ – to an emergent ‘authoritarian’ one. In contrast, by retracing the mechanisms of the state-led reproduction of neoliberalism since 2003, the paper demonstrates that the party’s earlier ‘hegemonic’ activities were also shaped by authoritarian tendencies which manifested at various levels of governance

    The activation of B-H bonds in borohydride on Cu(100) and Cu (110) surfaces

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    In this study, the dehydrogenation of borohydride (BH4) on Cu(1 0 0) and Cu(1 1 0) surfaces has been studied using Density-Functional Theory (DFT) method. First, the adsorption geometries and energies of BHx species and H on Cu(1 0 0) and Cu(1 1 0) surfaces have been determined. Then, the activation barrier in each dehydrogenation step was determined to have transition state (TS) structures using the Linear and Quadratic Synchronous Transit (LST/QST) method. Repetitive hydrogen abstraction from BHx species (x = 0 -> 4) has been considered in this stage. It is concluded that the rate-determining step for BH4 dehydrogenation is regarded as the fourth step of dehydrogenation on both surfaces. Moreover, the activation barrier of the first dehydrogenation step on the Cu (10 0) surface is smaller than Cu(1 1 0) surface. In other dehydrogenation steps, the activation barriers on the Cu (100) and Cu(1 1 0) surfaces is lower than Cu(1 1 1) surface

    BH4 dissociation on various metal (111) surfaces: A DFT study

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    WOS: 000456951700088In this study, the catalytic effect of various metal surfaces on the sequential decomposition of BH4 molecule has been studied by Density Functional Theory (DFT) for the first time. For this purpose, the sequential dissociation of BHx (x = 0 -> 4) molecules on Au, Cu, Al and Ag (1 1 1) surfaces were systematically investigated. At first, ground state structures of BHx (x = 0 -> 4) molecules and their decomposed versions such as BHx + yH (x + y = 4) were obtained. Then, transition state search calculations were performed to find activation barriers related to every BHx + yH (x + y = 4) decomposition step until x = 0 has been reached. An additional hydrogen atom(s) remaining from a previous step accepted as if they(it) are(is) at infinite distances from the central unit cell of the surface because it is prerequisite to form energy diagram which keeps the number of the atom(s) constant. Our calculations were supported with the lateral interaction energies and the various bond distances to clarify catalytic abilities of the surfaces. It is concluded that Au(1 1 1) surface is the most active surface among the others however the activity of the Cu(1 1 1) surface can compete with it. Al(1 1 1) and Ag(1 1 1) surfaces are the least active surfaces. This knowledge can be used to develop strategies to design Cu-based cheap and active catalyst for hydrogen generation from borohydride dissociation

    Hipofiz Cerrahisi Yapilan Akromegalik Hastalarda Hava Yolu Yönetiminin Retrospektif Degerlendirilmesi

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    Objective: Acromegaly is an endocrinological disease that has morbidity and mortality characterised by high levels of growth hormone (GH) and insülin like growth factor-I (IGF-I). Typical big nose and lips, macroglossia, enlargement of mandible may be observed due to acral changes. Hypertrophy of pharynx, larynx, tonsils, vocal cords, mucosa and soft tissue may occur in acromegaly. Due to the characteristics of acromegaly, difficult mask ventilation and airway management might be anticipated in these patients. The purpose of this study was to document the challenges and methods used in airway management in acromegaly patients undergoing transsphenoidal pituitary surgery and to compare the success rates of these methods. Methods: The perioperative records of 120 patients that underwent transsphenoidal resection of pituitary adenoma at our university hospital between 2003-2013 were reviewed. Results: Among the patients studied, difficulty with intubation was encountered in %10 of patients which is consistent with literature. Patients whose laryngoscopy was challenging were intubated by changing blade, application of external laryngeal pressure or using a guide. One patient was intubated using LMA FastrachTM. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a frequent comorbidity in acromegalic patients and this co-occurrence is also associated with difficult intubation. Conclusion: Significant correlation was observed between Mallampati gradings and incidence of difficult endotracheal intubation. Also obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) which is very frequent in acromegalic patients is also associated with difficulty in airway management. We think that induction of anesthesia should be attempted after taking precautions to overcome difficult airway management in these patients. © Copyright Association of Anesthesiologists and Reanimation Specialists.Scopu

    Regional clinical and biochemical differences among patients with primary hyperparathyroidism

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    Background: Environmental habitat may play a role in clinical disparities of primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) patients. Aims: To compare preoperative clinical symptoms and associated conditions and surgical findings in patients with pHPT, living in different geographical regions from the Black Sea, Mediterranean and Anatolia regions. Study Design: Retrospective, clinical-based multi-centric study of 694 patients with pHPT. Methods: Patients from 23 centers and 8 different geographical regions were included. Data related to baseline demographics, clinical, pathologic and treatment characteristics of 8 regions were collected and included age, gender, residential data, symptoms, history of fracture, existence of brown tumor, serum total Ca and p levels, serum parathormone (PTH) levels, serum 25-OH vitamin D levels, bone mineral density, size of the resected abnormal parathyroid gland(s), histology, as well as the presence of ectopia, presence of dual adenoma, and multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN)- or familial-related disease. Results: The median age was 54. Asymptomatic patient rate was 25%. The median PTH level was 232 pg/mL and serum total Ca was 11.4 mg/dL. Eighty-seven percent of patients had an adenoma and 90% of these had a single adenoma. Hyperplasia was detected in 79 patients and cancer in 9 patients. The median adenoma size was 16 mm. Significant parameters differing between regions were preoperative symptoms, serum Ca and p levels, and adenoma size. All patients from South-East Anatolia were symptomatic, while the lowest p values were reported from East Anatolia and the largest adenoma size, as well as highest Ca levels, were from Bulgaria. Conclusion: Habitat conditions vary between geographical regions. This affects the clinicopathological features of patients with pHPT. © 2017 by Trakya University Faculty of Medicine/The Balkan Medical Journal published by Galenos Publishing House

    Early pliocene molluscs from the easternmost Mediterranean region (SE Turkey): Biostratigraphic, ecostratigraphic, and palaeobiogeographic implications

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    The mollusc faunas from Pliocene deposits of the Hatay-İskenderun region were investigated at nine localities and complemented with three localities from earlier studies. The Pliocene units were deposited in three adjacent subbasins, Hatay-Samandağ (HS), Altınözü-Babatorun (AB), and İskenderun-Arsuz (İA); the first two are also known as the Hatay Graben. Basin configurations and shape, environmental evolution, and faunal compositions were affected by differential tectonic histories since the Late Miocene. In total 162 species (94 gastropod, 61 bivalve, and 7 scaphopod) are recorded, 80 of which are recorded for the first time from the region. The occurrence of tropical stenohaline benthic taxa (such as Persististrombus coronatus and some conid gastropod species) and a number of chronostratigraphically well-constrained mollusc species shows a Zanclean age. The base of the Early Pliocene is also shown by the occurrence of planktic foraminifer assemblages corresponding to MPL1 and MPL2 biozones and the nannoplankton Amaurolithus delicatus assemblage. The Early Pliocene Hatay molluscan assemblages allow for palaeobiogeographic comparisons across the Mediterranean. The Pliocene marine fossiliferous deposits are assigned to the Mediterranean Pliocene Molluscan Unit 1 (MPMU1) of the western Mediterranean and Atlantic regions. However, the eastern Mediterranean assemblages are notably poorer in species and in particular a number of thermophilic groups are lacking. This marine biodiversity gradient has been a characteristic feature of the Mediterranean ever since the Pliocene. © TÜBİTAK
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