329 research outputs found

    A Tablet Screen Cast Receiver for Classroom with Low End Android Devices

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    Salah satu aktivitas menggunakan tablet adalah presentasi. Saat ini, kebanyakan aktivitas presentasi dilakukan menggunakan adapter VGA untuk bisa tersambung dengan LCD Proyektor. Konfigurasi ini memungkin presentasi berbasis kabel. Dan ini adalah hal yang menyulitkan penggunaannya untuk perangkat tablet yang memiliki sifat mobilitas tinggi. Beruntung, sudah ada banyak vendor yang menyediakan sistem presentasi yang bersahabat dengan membuatnya menjadi nirkabel. Tapi sistem tersebut hanya mendukung perangkat tablet high end. Pada makalah ini, kami mengajukan sebuah penerima tablet screen cast untuk perangkat tablet android low end. Yang memiliki potensi untuk diimplementasikan di kelas. Dari eksperimen, kami memperoleh hasil 9 FPS dengan delay sebesar 2 detik

    Information System Control Purchase Order (Po) Bahan Bakar Minyak Pada PT. Aliran Karya Menggunakan Visual Basic 6.0

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    PT . Aliran Karya is working partner PT . Pertamina acts as a provider of transportation facilities in the form of Industrial Fuel tank cars at once as Agent BBM Solar Industry PT . Pertamina Patra Niaga. Serving reports information on PT Aliran Karya This is still using manual system that is using Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel . As jobs become ineffective and inefficient . That requires an information system that is capable of displaying the information to be more efficient.The purpose of this study was to make Control Information System Purchase Order ( PO ) Fuel ( BBM) Solar Industry at PT . Aliran Karya Using Visual Basic 6.0 to information presentation can be more efficient . Information systems can be an alternative to the PT . Work flow to make more efficient information presentation , more attractive and easier to use , and able to pass up the printing of reports available in the Information Systems Control Purchase Orde


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    Univariate imputation methods are defined as imputation methods that only use the information of the target variable to estimate missing values. While univariate imputation methods are convenient and flexible since no other variable is required, multivariate imputation methods can potentially improve imputation accuracy given that the other variables are relevant to the target variable. Many multivariate imputation methods have been proposed, one of which is Vector Autoregression Imputation Method (VAR-IM). This study aims to compare imputation results of VAR-IM-based methods and univariate imputation methods on time series data, specifically on long lag seasonal data such as daily weather data. Three modified VAR-IM methods were studied using simulations with three steps: deletion, imputation, and evaluation. The deletion step was conducted using six different schemes with six missing proportions. The simulations were conducted on secondary daily weather data collected from meteorological station of Citeko from January 1, 1991, to June 22, 2013. Nine weather variables were examined, that is the minimum, maximum, and average temperatures, average humidity, rainfall rate, duration of solar radiation, maximum and average wind speed, as well as wind direction at maximum speed. The simulation results show that the three modified VAR-IM methods can improve the accuracies in around 75% of cases. The simulation results also show that imputation results of VAR-IM-based methods tend to be more stable in accuracy as the missing proportion increase compared to the imputation results of univariate imputation methods

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Memerankan Drama Berbasis Legenda untuk Kelas VII SMP di Daerah Jawa

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    This study aims at producing teaching materials products for legendary drama play based on the concept of transfer of rides to facilitate junior high school students in changing legend story text into drama script and perform it. The methods using in this research and development was ASSURE models, including need analysis of learner, formulation of standards and objectives, selecting and using teaching materials, validation, testing, evaluation, and revision of teaching materials. The result of this research and development is teaching material product for legendary drama play which is feasible to be used by students in learning and also to improve student competence in drama play.Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan produk bahan ajar memerankan drama berbasis legenda memanfaatkan konsep alih wahana untuk memudahkan siswa SMP mengubah teks legenda menjadi naskah drama dan memerankannya. Metode penelitian dan pengembangan menggunakan model ASSURE, meliputi analisis kebutuhan pembelajar, Perumusan standar dan tujuan, memilih dan menggunakan materi bahan ajar, validasi, uji coba, evaluasi, dan revisi bahan ajar. Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan adalah produk bahan ajar memerankan drama berbasis legenda yang layak digunakan oleh siswa-siswi dalam pembelajaran dan dapat meningkatkan kompetensi siswa dalam bermain drama

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Laju Pertumbuhan Penduduk Kota Semarang Tahun 2011 Menggunakan Geographically Weighted Logistic Regression

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    Geographically Weighted Logistic Regression (GWLR) is a local form of logistic regression where geographical factors considered and it is assumed that the Bernoulli distribution of data used to analyze spatial data from non-stationary processes. This research will determine the factors that affect the Population Growth Rate (PGR) in the Semarang city using logistic regression and GWLR with a weighting function of bisquare kernel and gaussian kernel. The result showed that GWLR model with a weighting function of bisquare kernel better than logistic regression model and GWLR model with a weighting function of gaussian kernel because it has the smallest AIC value and classification accuracy is 87,5%. Factor that have significant effect is the number of couples of childbearing age in the Semarang city

    Inelastic current-voltage characteristics of atomic and molecular junctions

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    We report first-principles calculations of the inelastic current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of a gold point contact and a molecular junction in the nonresonant regime. Discontinuities in the I-V curves appear in correspondence to the normal modes of the structures. Due to the quasi-one-dimensional nature of these systems, specific modes with large longitudinal component dominate the inelastic I-V curves. In the case of the gold point contact, our results are in good agreement with recent experimental data. For the molecular junction, we find that the inelastic I-V curves are quite sensitive to the structure of the contact between the molecule and the electrodes thus providing a powerful tool to extract the bonding geometry in molecular wires.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Gambaran Kadar Kolesterol Low Density Lipoprotein (Ldl) Pada Masyarakat Perokok Di Pesisir Pantai

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    : Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) is a type of lipoprotein that transports cholesterol most widely in the body. Smoking is one of the factors that can cause elevated levels of LDL cholesterol, which nicotine is one element in cigarettes cathecolamine that stimulates secretion, increases lipolysis, and also increases free fatty acids. Excessive levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood will increase the risk of cholesterol buildup in the arteries, followed by atherosclerosis. This study aimed to describe the levels of LDL cholesterol in seashores community smoker. This was a descriptive analysis with a cross sectional design. Samples in this study were 40 people. The results showed that the mean LDL cholesterol level of 40 samples was 132.93 mg / dl which 24 sample (60%) was at the above the borderline threshold. There was no subject with high LDL level. Conclusion: There was an increase in LDL level in smokers who lived in seashores

    High-bias stability of monatomic chains

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    For the metals Au, Pt and Ir it is possible to form freely suspended monatomic chains between bulk electrodes. The atomic chains sustain very large current densities, but finally fail at high bias. We investigate the breaking mechanism, that involves current-induced heating of the atomic wires and electromigration forces. We find good agreement of the observations for Au based on models due to Todorov and coworkers. The high-bias breaking of atomic chains for Pt can also be described by the models, although here the parameters have not been obtained independently. In the limit of long chains the breaking voltage decreases inversely proportional to the length.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa Pada Penulisan Surat Dinas Di Kantor Kecamatan Geyer Kabupaten Grobogan Periode Maret Tahun 2012

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Mendeskripsikan kesalahan ejaan yang ada dalam surat dinas di kantor Kecamatan Geyer Kabupaten Grobogan periode Maret tahun 2012, yang meliputi kesalahan penulisan huruf kapital, penggunaan tanda baca, garis bawah dan cetak miring, penulisan kata depan. (2) Mendeskripsikan kesalahan diksi yang ada dalam surat dinas di kantor Kecamatan Geyer Kabupaten Grobogan periode Maret tahun 2012, yang meliputi: kebakuan, kehematan, ketepatan, keumuman. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa arsip surat dinas surat keluar dari kantor Kecamatan Geyer dan surat masuk ke kantor Kecmatan Geyer Kabupaten Grobogan periode Maret tahun 2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik ganti dan teknik lesap. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode agih. Metode agih adalah metode yang alat penentunya adalah bagian dari bahasa yang bersangkutan itu sendiri. Hasil penelitian ini mendeskripsikan kesalahan dalan penulisan surat dinas kantor Kecamatan Geyer Kabupaten Grobogan periode Maret tahun 2012. Kesalahan-kesalahan yang terdapat di dalamnya adalah kesalahan ejaan dan diksi. Kesalahan ejaan meliputi: a) penulisan huruf kapital, b) penggunaan tanda baca yang meliputi: tanda titik, tanda koma, tanda titk koma, tanda pisah, dan tanda hubung, c) penulisan huruf miring, huruf tebal, dan garis bawah, dan d) penulisan kata depan atau preposisi. Kesalahan diksi meliputi: a) ketidakbakuan kata, b) ketidakhematan kata, c) ketidaktepatan kata, d) ketidakumuman kata

    The role of self-congruity in the retail store patronage model: the case of islamic retail stores in Indonesia and Malaysia

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    Retail industry contributes significantly to national economies. Currently, Islamic retail stores become another phenomenon in Indonesia and Malaysia. Previous studies investigated Muslim customers' preferences to patronage Islamic retail stores rather than conventional ones. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is twofold: to test and validate Islamic retail patronage behavior framework and to compare Islamic retail patronage among the customers between Indonesia and Malaysia. 302 retail customers in Indonesia and 308 retail customers in Malaysia were selected, the purposive sampling method was used. The hypotheses were tested by applying structural equation modeling. Out of ten hypotheses, eight were supported. A multi-group analysis of invariance was also performed on these two samples. The results reveal that there is no significant difference in Islamic retail patronage behavior among Indonesia and Malaysia consumers, thus suggesting that the measurement model may be robust across cultures and that the factor loading pattern and factor loadings appeared to be equivalent across the cultures examined. The results were further discussed and recommendations for future research have been provided