33 research outputs found

    Ethylene production affects blueberry fruit texture and storability

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    Ethylene, produced endogenously by plants and their organs, can induce a wide array of physiological responses even at very low concentrations. Nevertheless, the role of ethylene in regulating blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) ripening and storability is still unclear although an increase in ethylene production has been observed in several studies during blueberry ripening. To overcome this issue, we evaluated the endogenous ethylene production of a Vaccinium germplasm selection at different fruit ripening stages and after cold storage, considering also textural modifications. Ethylene and texture were further assessed also on a bi-parental full-sib population of 124 accessions obtained by the crossing between "Draper" and "Biloxi", two cultivars characterized by a different chilling requirement and storability performances. Our results were compared with an extensive literature research, carried out to collect all accessible information on published works related to Vaccinium ethylene production and sensitivity. Results of this study illustrate a likely role of ethylene in regulating blueberry shelf life. However, a generalisation valid for all Vaccinium species is not attainable because of the high variability in ethylene production between genotypes, which is strictly genotype-specific. These differences in ethylene production are related with blueberry fruit storage performances based on textural alterations. Specifically, blueberry accessions characterized by the highest ethylene production had a more severe texture decay during storage. Our results support the possibility of tailoring ad hoc preharvest and postharvest strategies to extend blueberry shelf life and quality according with the endogenous ethylene production level of each cultivar

    Volatilomics of raspberry fruit germplasm by combining chromatographic and direct-injection mass spectrometric techniques

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    The application of direct-injection mass spectrometric (DI-MS) techniques, like Proton Transfer Reaction Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS) has been suggested as a reliable phenotyping tool for fruit volatilome assessment in both genetic and quality-related studies. In this study the complexity of raspberry aroma was investigated by a comprehensive untargeted VOC analysis, done by combining SPME-GC-MS and PTR-ToF-MS assessments with multi-block discriminant analysis using the DIABLO mixOmics framework. The aim was to acquire an exhaustive characterization of the raspberry volatilome according to different fruit ripening stages (pink, ripe, and overripe) and genetic variances (50 accessions), as well as to investigate the potential of PTR-ToF-MS as a rapid and high throughput VOC phenotyping tool to address issues related to raspberry fruit quality. Results of this study demonstrated the complementarity between SPME-GC-MS and PTR-ToF-MS techniques to evaluate the raspberry aroma composition. PTR-ToF-MS generates reliable raspberry VOC fingerprints mainly due to a reduced compound fragmentation and precise content estimation. In addition, the high collinearity between isomers of monoterpenes and norisoprenoids, discovered by GC analysis, reduces the main analytic limitation of PTR-ToF-MS of not being able to separate isomeric molecules. The high similarity between the VOC matrices obtained by applying PTR-ToF-MS and SPME-GC-MS confirmed the possibility of using PTR-ToF-MS as a reliable high throughput phenotyping tool for raspberry volatiolome assessment. In addition, results provided by the germplasm collection investigation enabled to distinguish the best performing accessions, based on VOCs composition, to be used as superior parental lines for future breeding programs

    Inferring high-resolution human mixing patterns for disease modeling

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    Mathematical and computational modeling approaches are increasingly used as quantitative tools in the analysis and forecasting of infectious disease epidemics. The growing need for realism in addressing complex public health questions is however calling for accurate models of the human contact patterns that govern the disease transmission processes. Here we present a data-driven approach to generate effective descriptions of population-level contact patterns by using highly detailed macro (census) and micro (survey) data on key socio-demographic features. We produce age-stratified contact matrices for 277 sub-national administrative regions of countries covering approximately 3.5 billion people and reflecting the high degree of cultural and societal diversity of the focus countries. We use the derived contact matrices to model the spread of airborne infectious diseases and show that sub-national heterogeneities in human mixing patterns have a marked impact on epidemic indicators such as the reproduction number and overall attack rate of epidemics of the same etiology. The contact patterns derived here are made publicly available as a modeling tool to study the impact of socio-economic differences and demographic heterogeneities across populations on the epidemiology of infectious diseases.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Effectiveness of regional restrictions in reducing SARS-CoV-2 transmission during the second wave of COVID-19, Italy

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    To counter the second COVID-19 wave, the Italian government has adopted a scheme of three sets of restrictions (coded as yellow, orange, and red) imposed on a regional basis. We estimate that milder restrictions in regions at lower risk (yellow) resulted in a transmissibility reduction of about 18%, leading to a reproduction number Rt of about 0.99. Stricter measures (orange and red) led to reductions of 34% and 45% and Rt values of about 0.89 and 0.77 respectively

    Impact of tiered restrictions on human activities and the epidemiology of the second wave of COVID-19 in Italy

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    To counter the second COVID-19 wave in autumn 2020, the Italian government introduced a system of physical distancing measures organized in progressively restrictive tiers (coded as yellow, orange, and red) imposed on a regional basis according to real-time epidemiological risk assessments. We leverage the data from the Italian COVID-19 integrated surveillance system and publicly available mobility data to evaluate the impact of the three-tiered regional restriction system on human activities, SARS-CoV-2 transmissibility and hospitalization burden in Italy. The individuals' attendance to locations outside the residential settings was progressively reduced with tiers, but less than during the national lockdown against the first COVID-19 wave in the spring. The reproduction number R(t) decreased below the epidemic threshold in 85 out of 107 provinces after the introduction of the tier system, reaching average values of about 0.95-1.02 in the yellow tier, 0.80-0.93 in the orange tier and 0.74-0.83 in the red tier. We estimate that the reduced transmissibility resulted in averting about 36% of the hospitalizations between November 6 and November 25, 2020. These results are instrumental to inform public health efforts aimed at preventing future resurgence of cases

    Comparative multi-parameters approach to dissect texture subcomponents of highbush blueberry cultivars at harvest and postharvest

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    Fruit texture and firmness are important cues of blueberry quality for the fresh market. These attributes contribute to consumer acceptance, resistance to bruising during harvesting and transportation, and shelf-life. Thus, fruit firmness and texture are major priorities for blueberry breeders, producers and distributors. In this study, the discriminative power of texture analysis was examined using penetration tests with different probes and double compression for texture profile analysis (TPA). Mechanical parameters taken from the force deformation curves used to dissect texture subcomponents in blueberries that are associated with specific tissue layers. Principal component analysis (PCA) allows to filter and identify mechanical parameters that significantly discern the most variation amongst 24 blueberry genotypes and showed that texture in this crop is multi-trait and cultivar-dependent. Texture analysis was used also on blueberries stored over six weeks to identify mechanical parameters that could be used as predictors for long shelf life. Additionally, the mechanical parameters were correlated with dynamometer data to determine the utility and accuracy of a simple handheld device to measure fruit firmness in blueberries. This study provides a framework for the identification and characterization of the subcomponents of texture in highbush blueberr

    Anatomy of the first six months of COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Italy.

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    We analyze the effectiveness of the first six months of vaccination campaign against SARS-CoV-2 in Italy by using a computational epidemic model which takes into account demographic, mobility, vaccines data, as well as estimates of the introduction and spreading of the more transmissible Alpha variant. We consider six sub-national regions and study the effect of vaccines in terms of number of averted deaths, infections, and reduction in the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) with respect to counterfactual scenarios with the actual non-pharmaceuticals interventions but no vaccine administration. Furthermore, we compare the effectiveness in counterfactual scenarios with different vaccines allocation strategies and vaccination rates. Our results show that, as of 2021/07/05, vaccines averted 29, 350 (IQR: [16, 454-42, 826]) deaths and 4, 256, 332 (IQR: [1, 675, 564-6, 980, 070]) infections and a new pandemic wave in the country. During the same period, they achieved a -22.2% (IQR: [-31.4%; -13.9%]) IFR reduction. We show that a campaign that would have strictly prioritized age groups at higher risk of dying from COVID-19, besides frontline workers and the fragile population, would have implied additional benefits both in terms of avoided fatalities and reduction in the IFR. Strategies targeting the most active age groups would have prevented a higher number of infections but would have been associated with more deaths. Finally, we study the effects of different vaccination intake scenarios by rescaling the number of available doses in the time period under study to those administered in other countries of reference. The modeling framework can be applied to other countries to provide a mechanistic characterization of vaccination campaigns worldwide