296 research outputs found

    The Significance of Pentateuchal Tithing as a Legal Instruction for the 21st Century Reader

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    So much debate has arisen as to whether or not the obligation to tithe was bound to the Old Testament and Judaism, or applied to the contemporary Christian Church. This paper seeks to answer the questions about how we can understand and apply the Old Testament datum to the contemporary church in Africa; how we can define our relationship to God’s covenant revealed in the Old Testament in the light of our New Testament experience; and the significance of Pentateuchal tithing as a legal instruction for the 21st Century reader. Discussions were done under the following headings: The Pentateuchal tithing as legal instruction; the significance of the tithe concept as a legal instruction for today; and conclusion

    A Year in Syntropy: Exploring Syntropic Agriculture

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    Syntropic agriculture is a form of sustainable agriculture that originated in Brazil around 25 years ago. Although it has since spread throughout Brazil and Australia, there has yet to be a comprehensive study of the driving scientific principles behind syntropy. For my thesis, I conducted literature research and interviews with farmers, with the goal of describing the ecological principles on which syntropy is based, including its primary goal to improve soil health. Much of my thesis contrasted syntropic agriculture with conventional agriculture as practiced in the United States today, but I also explored the differences between syntropic agriculture and other forms of sustainable agriculture, as well as the current economic agricultural landscape in the United States. I wrote my thesis in the form of a blog, with weekly posts examining different aspects of syntropy, agricultural systems, and U.S. agricultural economics. By using the blog format, I aimed to make the information accessible for a non-scientific audience, using colloquial language and a casual tone. From my research, I conclude that syntropic agriculture could reasonably replace conventional farming as practiced in the United States today

    Diasporic Community of the Berber in France: Recreating Home and Harem from Exile in Azouz Begag’s Le Gone du chaâba and Ben Jelloun’s Les Yeux baissés

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    The exodus of Maghrebian citizens towards France was premised mainly on the high demand for unskilled labour for the reconstruction of postwar France. With a flexible French immigration policy that facilitated integration of immigrants‟ families, the growth of Maghrebian Diaspora became evident in peripheral settlements or French cities‟ suburbs. Azouz Begag‟s Le Gone du chaâba and Ben Jelloun‟s Les Yeux baissés chronicle the life of Maghrebian Berbers in Diasporic communities where cultural dispossession and unhomeliness stimulate the re-creation and transplantation of home and harem. This work adopts Homi Bhabha‟s concept of “hybrid identity” and “third space”. In reading both narratives as a migrant text that depicts the role of memory and nostalgia in constructing exilic identities and consciousness, this work underscores the fluidity of Diasporic communities. These communities deconstruct exilic identities that they seek to construct, being an “imagined community” whose foundations are laid with bricks of nationalistic sentiments and whose socialization is defeatist, however producing cultural occupants of third space

    Sub 1GHz M2M communications standardization: The advancement in white space utilization for enhancing the energy efficiency

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    Energy efficiency of machine to machine (M2M) communications terminals is one of the major design goals of M2M networks, resulting from anticipated over 50 billion M2M communications devices to be deployed into the networks by 2020 [1]. The stakeholders in the M2M communications have observed that it will be environmental and economic catastrophic to deploy M2M communications devices without solving the energy inefficiencies associated with wireless devices that are expected to be used for M2M communications. In view of the aforementioned energy challenge, sub 1GHz spectra have provided enormous opportunities that can be energy efficient, cost effective and coverage efficiency which can be utilized for M2M communications. This work will evaluate the energy efficiency benefits of optimized Sub 1GHz spectra for M2M communications

    Two New Media Apple Leaves Agar and Eggplant Leaves Agar for Identification of Cryptococcus neoformans.

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    The fungus Cryptococcus neoformans possess a phenoloxidase enzyme ,an enzyme which catalyses the oxidation of phenolic substrates to melanin pigment .In this study ,we used two new media made from an extract of apple leaves and eggplant leaves and compared with classic medium sunflower seed agar. Results obtained after the culture of five isolates of C. neoformans and two isolates of  Candida albicans seven days at37?C , showed that at48hours all isolates of C. neoformans were pigmented on both two media and produce brown colonies, while both isolates of C. albicans do not produce brown pigmented colonies on two media. Since C.albicans isolates do not produce the pigment ,apple leaves agar and eggplant leaves agar are useful as differential isolation media for the rapid identification of  C. neoformans. Key words: Cryptococcus neoformans ,Melanin production,Apple leaves agar, Eggplant agar

    Users’ Guide to the Use of Dictionary

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    Dictionary making is the preoccupation of a lexicographer (dictionary compiler) and the art of making it (dictionary) is called lexicography. Dictionary can either be in printing or electronic form. It is no doubt a vital tool for language learning and usage. The importance of a dictionary in learning and usage of a language cannot be neglected because its role in learning generally which includes among others: word meaning, word usage, pronunciation, spelling, origin and parts of speech are fundamental in communication. The research adopts secondary sources of data collection. The neglect of the use of dictionary for study by our students is no doubt the cause of poor language performance, low performance in examination and poor individual vocabulary acquisition. This work will therefore be limited to the features of a dictionary that will serve as a guide to dictionary users

    Women Rights Violation in Nigeria’s 21st Century

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    这项研究工作考查了二十一世纪尼日利亚侵犯妇女权利的问题。文章认为,尼日利亚文化和其他因素,如政府、恐怖主义和教育程度低下,是实现妇女权利的主要障碍。近来频发的恐怖主义比如绑架或唆使自杀性爆炸,已经侵犯了部分尼日利亚妇女权利。同样地,政府忽视执行人权法,尤其是保护妇女权利的法律,同时也忽视建立一个强大、有效的司法机构来捍卫妇女权利和惩罚侵犯者,这导致政府也成为实现妇女权利的障碍之一。在详细论述这些障碍以及它们是如何阻碍妇女实现权利之后,文章进一步列举并阐述了二十一世纪尼日利亚持续存在的三项侵犯妇女权利的行为,分别是强奸和猥亵、切割女性生殖器官以及早婚。这篇研究论文用于分析和讨论的二手数据主要来源...This research work examines the twenty-first century’s women rights violations in Nigeria. It argued that culture and other factors such as government, terrorism, and illiteracy are the major obstacles to women right achievement in Nigeria. Terrorism being a recent phenomenon has violated the rights of a number of Nigerian women through kidnap and compel to suicide bombing. Likewise, the governmen...学位:法学硕士院系专业:南洋研究院_国际关系学号:2552015115472

    Credit Reserve and the Demand for Agricultural Loans in Cross River State, Nigeria

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    This paper analyses credit reserve amongst small scale crop farmers and its use in the demand for loans from banks in Cross river State, Nigeria. 101 crop farmers from the three agricultural zones of Cross River State were randomly sampled. The results showed that the mean credit reserve of these farmers was N435, 332.89 (USD 2720.83). Age, level of education farm size and the amount of credit reserve owned were positively related to the demand for agricultural loans. Keywords: Credit reserve, small-scale farmers, loans, Cross River State, Nigeria

    Transgressing borders or bodies, deconstructing geographies in Tahar Ben Jelloun’s “Partir”

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    As imagens paradisíacas da Europa e as imagens de uma África destroçada formam a matéria-prima para a configuração dos sonhos de deslocamento de um migrante Africano. Tal conceituação pictórica do estrangeiro, do de fora, define bem a arquitetura e a ambivalência de suas esperanças de partida de sua terra. Com a politização do espaço e do tempo, o seu “faux papiers” não pode garantir a possibilidade de entrada; o migrante é confrontado com a impenetrabilidade das fronteiras fechadas e dos limites. A Europa, agora símbolo de um corpo feminino, deve ser efetivada. Embora o limite (corpo) é hermético, poderia ser penetrado ou violado de forma enérgica. Focalizando Partir, de Tahar Ben Jelloun, este trabalho tenta mostrar como e porque os migrantes magrebinos transgridem fronteiras a fim de atingir os seus conceitos e idealizações dos países europeus, o que é analisado em relação ao discurso do corpo feminino. Este trabalho foca a idealização romântica do exterior impulsionada por sua penetração forçada ou transgressão de suas fronteiras. O autor deste trabalho entende também que a transgressão do espaço permite ao escritor desconstruir geografias globais que têm sido altamente politizados através do poder eurocêntrico do mapa (mundi).The pictures of paradisiacal Europe and images of hellish Africa form the raw materials for the configuration of dreams of displacement and dislocation of an African migrant. Incidentally such pictorial conceptualization of Abroad defines as well the architecture and ambivalence of his/her hopes of departing from his/her Home. With the politicization of space and time, his/her ‘faux papiers’ or ‘sans papiers’ cannot assure the possibility of entrance, s/he is confronted with the impenetrability of enclosed borders and boundaries. Europe, now symbol of a female body, must be consummated, after amorous conceptualization. Though the boundary (body) is hermetic, it could be penetrated or violated forcefully. Focusing on Tahar Ben Jelloun’s Partir, this paper attempts to show how/why Maghrebian migrants transgress borders in order to reach their conceptualized and idealized European countries; this is analyzed in relation to the discourse of female body. It argues that romanticized idealization of the exterior propels its forced penetration or transgression of its borders. The paper also opines that the transgression of space permits the writer to deconstruct global geographies that have been highly politicized through the Eurocentric power of map


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    The success and profitability of aquaculture production is highly dependent on the proper management employed during the culture period. This management is synonymous with water management since water of suitable quality and quantity is a pre-requisite for any successful aquacultural production. The knowledge of the environment (water) enhances better management. However, the complexity of an aquaculture system which result from multiple interactions makes it difficult to predict how the aquatic community will respond to changes with simple methods of analysis, especially if the methods address a single stressor at a time. These necessitated the development of numerous aquatic ecosystem models such as the Fish Simulation Culture Model (FIS-C), Tilapia Farming Support Tool (TFST), Farm Aquaculture Resource Management (FARM), Pond-Water Availability Period (PWAP) model, AquaFarm and Raceway design and simulation system (RDSS)),which have been used for years as tools to interpret, predict and better understand water quality changes. This paper reviewed existing simulation models of aquacultural production systems with the aim of adopting a suitable one for predicting the environment, performance of African cultured indigenous fish species under different management scenarioes. The reviewed models were found to have addressed specific problem that pertain to some foreign species, production systems and locality. There was none that could be used to model the effects of different management scenario and their effects on African Catfish (Clarials gariepinus) cultured in intensive static aquacultural system. Hence, the problem of predicting the environmental condition, so as to determine point of diminishing returns and optimize yield in an economical way still remains elusive for most fish farms in Nigeria. There is therefore a serious need to develop models that can predict the effects of environment on the performance of indigenous fish species. This will aid stake holders in predicting different management scenario so as to achieve a better crop (fish) yield. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/njt.v35i2.2