28 research outputs found


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    A total of 735 rural entrepreneurs were selected and sub sampled from 2,093 rural enterprises of Women Extension Group (KPW) under the governance of Malaysia Department of Agriculture (DOA). They are producing processed food products, which is a popular industry to eradicate rural feminism poverty. The main objective of this paper is to explore the leadership positions of rural entrepreneurs in communal activity in relation with type of business ownership. Then, follows by identifying factors explain the active group of entrepreneurs in communal activities. To summarize,five types of community activities were traced – politics, religion, community, socio-economy and parent and teacher association (PIBG). The leadership score for entrepreneurs in company was high for political activity, while forentrepreneurs in all other types of business ownership their leadership scores were high in socio-economic activity. By sex of entrepreneurs, it may be concluded that entrepreneurs who usually have a leadership position in political activities have a tendency to develop their enterprise. By dividing leadership score into two groups – active and less active, as dependent variable; against gender, family business status, size of business,registration status and number of family members, as independent variables; Binary Logistic Regression obtained (p<0.05) that an active group can be explained by number of family members and family business status. Every one additional family member may decrease about 36.1% the likelihood of one respondent in this study to be in active group. Despite offering opportunityfor networking, leadership positions require a lot of time and high commitment. For rural women with many children under their care, to active in communal activities is almost inconceivable. Non-family business status may reduce about 37.6% likelihood of one respondent in this paper to be in active group. Thus, especially for rural women enterprises, they had to operate in form of family business to success. Family business status may reflect potential of development in rural women business, which is good for family business development. No significant relationship between other dependent variables with the likelihood of the respondent to be in active group level in this study


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    A total of 735 rural entrepreneurs were selected and sub sampled from 2,093 rural enterprises of Women Extension Group (KPW) under the governance of Malaysia Department of Agriculture (DOA). They are producing processed food products, which is a popular industry to eradicate rural feminism poverty. The main objective of this paper is to explore the leadership positions of rural entrepreneurs in communal activity in relation with type of business ownership. Then, follows by identifying factors explain the active group of entrepreneurs in communal activities. To summarize,five types of community activities were traced – politics, religion, community, socio-economy and parent and teacher association (PIBG). The leadership score for entrepreneurs in company was high for political activity, while forentrepreneurs in all other types of business ownership their leadership scores were high in socio-economic activity. By sex of entrepreneurs, it may be concluded that entrepreneurs who usually have a leadership position in political activities have a tendency to develop their enterprise. By dividing leadership score into two groups – active and less active, as dependent variable; against gender, family business status, size of business,registration status and number of family members, as independent variables; Binary Logistic Regression obtained (p<0.05) that an active group can be explained by number of family members and family business status. Every one additional family member may decrease about 36.1% the likelihood of one respondent in this study to be in active group. Despite offering opportunityfor networking, leadership positions require a lot of time and high commitment. For rural women with many children under their care, to active in communal activities is almost inconceivable. Non-family business status may reduce about 37.6% likelihood of one respondent in this paper to be in active group. Thus, especially for rural women enterprises, they had to operate in form of family business to success. Family business status may reflect potential of development in rural women business, which is good for family business development. No significant relationship between other dependent variables with the likelihood of the respondent to be in active group level in this study

    Perancangan Desain Kemasan Makanan Khas Daerah Keripik Tike Menggunakan Pendekatan Metode Kansei Engineering dan Model Kano

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    Kemasan yang digunakan oleh UMKM masih sangat sederhana sehingga produk kurang diminati dan pasarnya. Salah satu produk UMKM makanan khas tradisional adalah keripik tike, makanan ringan khas Indramayu. Oleh karena itu, untuk meningkatkan daya saing UMKM, perlu dilakukan perancangan kemasan produk keripik tike agar lebih unik dan menarik dengan memper­timbangkan persepsi konsumen. Perancangan ulang kemasan ini mengguna­kan pendekatan metode kansei engineering dan model kano yang dilakukan melalui survey. Kansei engineering dapat menerjemahkan persepsi konsumen terhadap desain dan model kano dapat mengidentifikasi kualitas atribut sehingga diperoleh 114 kansei words dan 10 atribut kemasan penilaian model kano. Selanjutnya dari integrasi kedua metode maka dibuatlah beberapa alternatif desain kemasan untuk dipilih. Terdapat 3 alternatif desain kemasan keripik tike yang dibuat dengan desain kemasan terpilih adalah alternatif 2 karena memberikan seluruh informasi yang dibutuhkan pada kansei word awal. Informasi yang disampaikan konsep desain alternatif terpilih adalah pada bagian depan dan belakang kemasan adalah terdapat expired date, komposisi produk, logo halal, label perusahaan, informasi cara penyimpanan, informasi manfaat produk, tanggal produksi, gambar, gambar produk, informasi rasa, dan legalitas produk, dan menggambarkan bahan utama rasa

    Scenario Analysis of Indonesian Ferronickel Supply Chain Resilience with System Dynamics

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    This study aims to determine the impact of Indonesian government policies on the supply chain resilience of the ferronickel industry in Indonesia. The existing problem is that the law prohibits nickel ore exports, and the policy of industrial downstream causes delays in the process of nickel processing. The problems happen because Indonesia's nickel industry is still incapable of downstream. As a result, the nickel supply chain faces dynamic and complex events that can disrupt operational activities. At the same time, supply chains need to withstand and recover from disruptions quickly. Therefore, Supply Chain Resilience, which is the ability to survive, adapt, and recover from disruptions to meet customer needs, is needed. This study uses system dynamics to analyze complex and dynamic systems to provide more practical policy advice. The system dynamics model starts by building a conceptual model through a system diagram. Inside the model is a causal loop diagram, then proceeds with developing a quantitative stock flow diagram (SFD) model. Finally, this SFD model operated with several scenarios used as policy suggestions for the Indonesian government

    Consenso Mexicano de Hepatitis Alcohólica

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    La hepatitis alcohólica es una condición frecuente en la población mexicana, se caracteriza por insuficiencia hepática aguda sobre crónica, importante reacción inflamatoria sistémica y fallo multiorgánico, que en la variante grave de la enfermedad implica una elevada mortalidad. Por lo anterior, la Asociación Mexicana de Gastroenterología y la Asociación Mexicana de Hepatología conjuntaron un equipo multidisciplinario de profesionales de la salud para elaborar el primer consenso mexicano de hepatitis alcohólica. El consenso fue elaborado con la metodología Delphi, emitiendo 37 recomendaciones. La enfermedad hepática relacionada con el consumo de alcohol comprende un amplio espectro, que incluye esteatosis, esteatohepatitis, fibrosis en diferentes grados, cirrosis y sus complicaciones. La hepatitis alcohólica grave se define por una función modificada de Maddrey ≥ 32 o por un puntaje de MELD (Model for End- Stage Liver Disease) igual o mayor a 21. Actualmente no existe un biomarcador específico para el diagnóstico. La presencia de leucocitosis con neutrofilia, hiperbilirrubinemia (> 3 mg/dL),AST > 50 U/L ( 1.5-2 pueden orientar al diagnóstico. La piedraangular del tratamiento es la abstiencia junto con el soporte nutricional. Los esteroides estanindicados en la forma grave, en donde han resultado efectivos para reducir la mortalidad a28 días. El trasplante hepático es en la actualidad la única opción con que se cuenta parasalvar la vida de pacientes que no responden a los esteroides. Ciertos fármacos, como la N-acetilcisteína, el factor estimulante de colonias de granulocitos y la metadoxina, pueden seruna terapia adyuvante que puede mejorar la supervivencia de los pacientes

    The Mexican consensus on alcoholic hepatitis

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    Alcoholic hepatitis is a frequent condition in the Mexican population. It is characterized by acute-on-chronic liver failure, important systemic inflammatory response, and multiple organ failure. The severe variant of the disease implies elevated mortality. Therefore, the Asociación Mexicana de Gastroenterología and the Asociación Mexicana de Hepatología brought together a multidisciplinary team of health professionals to formulate the first Mexican consensus on alcoholic hepatitis, carried out utilizing the Delphi method and resultingin 37 recommendations. Alcohol-related liver disease covers a broad spectrum of patholo-gies that includes steatosis, steatohepatitis, different grades of fibrosis, and cirrhosis and itscomplications. Severe alcoholic hepatitis is defined by a modified Maddrey’s discriminant func-tion score ≥ 32 or by a Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score equal to or above 21.There is currently no specific biomarker for its diagnosis. Leukocytosis with neutrophilia, hyper-bilirubinemia (>3 mg/dl), AST > 50 U/l ( 1.5-2 can guide thediagnosis. Abstinence from alcohol, together with nutritional support, is the cornerstone oftreatment. Steroids are indicated for severe disease and have been effective in reducing the28-day mortality rate. At present, liver transplantation is the only life-saving option for patientsthat are nonresponders to steroids. Certain drugs, such as N-acetylcysteine, granulocyte-colonystimulating factor, and metadoxine, can be adjuvant therapies with a positive impact on patientsurvival

    Consenso Mexicano para el Tratamiento de la Hepatitis C

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    El objetivo del Consenso Mexicano para el Tratamiento de la Hepatitis C fue el de desarrollar un documento como guía en la práctica clínica con aplicabilidad en México. Se tomó en cuenta la opinión de expertos en el tema con especialidad en: gastroenterología, infectología y hepatología. Se realizó una revisión de la bibliografía en MEDLINE, EMBASE y CENTRAL mediante palabras claves referentes al tratamiento de la hepatitis C. Posteriormente se evaluó la calidad de la evidencia mediante el sistema GRADE y se redactaron enunciados, los cuales fueron sometidos a voto mediante un sistema modificado Delphi, y posteriormente se realizó revisión y corrección de los enunciados por un panel de 34 votantes. Finalmente se clasificó el nivel de acuerdo para cada oración. Esta guía busca dar recomendaciones con énfasis en los nuevos antivirales de acción directa y de esta manera facilitar su uso en la práctica clínica. Cada caso debe ser individualizado según sus comorbilidades y el manejo de estos pacientes siempre debe ser multidisciplinario. Abstract The aim of the Mexican Consensus on the Treatment of Hepatitis C was to develop clinical practice guidelines applicable to Mexico. The expert opinion of specialists in the following areas was taken into account: gastroenterology, infectious diseases, and hepatology. A search of the medical literature was carried out on the MEDLINE, EMBASE, and CENTRAL databases through keywords related to hepatitis C treatment. The quality of evidence was subsequently evaluated using the GRADE system and the consensus statements were formulated. The statements were then voted upon, using the modified Delphi system, and reviewed and corrected by a panel of 34 voting participants. Finally, the level of agreement was classified for each statement. The present guidelines provide recommendations with an emphasis on the new direct-acting antivirals, to facilitate their use in clinical practice. Each case must be individualized according to the comorbidities involved and patient management must always be multidisciplinary

    Physical and Mechanical Properties of Tilapia Scale Hydroxyapatite-Filled High-Density Polyethylene Composites

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    The effects of filler loading and silane coupling agent on the properties of hydroxyapatite (HAp)-filled high density polyethylene (HDPE) composites have been studied. The (HAp) powder was successfully produced from tilapia scales using the spray drying process utilized to prepare the HDPE/HAp composites. The FTIR peaks for the untreated HDPE/30HAp composite corresponded to the functional groups of HDPE (C-CH3) and &ndash;CH2 and HAp (PO4&minus;3 and O-H). The FTIR spectrum for the silane-treated composite showed that the C=O and silanol groups were eliminated, which strongly confirms the chemical interaction between the HAp fillers and the HDPE matrix. The developed composites demonstrated enhanced mechanical performance, and in particular the treated HDPE/30HAp-S composite exhibited superior tensile strength, Young&rsquo;s modulus and flexural modulus of 28.26 MPa, 1272 MPa and 796 MPa, respectively. In vitro cytotoxicity analysis showed that the developed composites were non-toxic and have great potential to be used for biomedical application