14 research outputs found


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    A fim de investigar os critérios que impedem o pleno acesso ao auxílio-doença e à aposentadoria por invalidez pelos epilépticos, em um primeiro momento, este artigo visa à apresentação dos direitos fundamentais contidos na Constituição Federal de 1988, com seus fundamentos e princípios. Com isso, posteriormente, passa-se ao estudo dos critérios para concessão dos benefícios previdenciários do tipo auxílio-doença e aposentadoria por invalidez e mais o benefício de prestação continuada (BPC), da Assistência Social. Ao final, são apontadas lacunas no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro no que diz respeito ao pleno acesso do epiléptico - pessoa com distúrbio neurológico crônico, incapaz de prover o próprio sustento - à Previdência Social e à Assistência Social, pois, por razão da ausência de dispensação de tratamento especial a estes deficientes, a rigidez dos critérios legais termina negando acesso a esses benefícios àqueles indivíduos que não se encaixam em todos os requisitos exigidos pela legislação. Ademais, ressalta-se que a conclusão deste trabalho é fruto de uma investigação científica baseada primordialmente em revisão da literatura específica e em consulta às leis brasileiras e às jurisprudências, com uma abordagem qualitativa

    Análise dos estoques de carbono no solo sob diferentes coberturas vegetais no Brasil

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    Anthropic activities have caused an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, mainly due to changes in land use that alter the ability of soils to store CO2. The present study seeks to review current publications on changes in soil carbon stock under different vegetation cover published in recent years and to make a critical and systemic assessment of the subject, considering the methodologies used in each work and the different types of soil management and use in various regions of Brazil. For data collection, 35 articles published in the last ten years that correlated with the theme were selected. The survey of the articles sought to characterize the Brazilian ecosystems and summarize the main published data on carbon stocks in ecosystems and subsequently the estimates of stocks in environments under changing land use. The results showed that the different vegetation coverings present distinct, however positive capacity to store carbon in the soil in Brazil and that variables such as management, texture, physical, chemical and biological attributes are significant factors and can and directly influence the results.Atividades antrópicas têm causado a elevação da concentração dos gases de efeito estufa na atmosfera, principalmente devido mudanças causadas no uso da terra, que alteram a capacidade dos solos em armazenar o CO2. O presente estudo busca revisar publicações atuais sobre mudanças no estoque de carbono do solo sob diferentes coberturas vegetais publicados nos últimos anos e realizar uma avaliação crítica e sistêmica do assunto, considerando as metodologias utilizadas em cada trabalho e os diferentes tipos de manejo e uso dos solos em várias regiões do Brasil. Para a coleta de dados foram selecionados 35 artigos publicados nos últimos dez anos que se correlacionavam com o tema. Feito o levantamento dos artigos buscou-se caracterizar os ecossistemas brasileiros e resumir os principais dados publicados sobre os estoques de carbono nos ecossistemas e posteriormente os as estimativas dos estoques em ambientes sob mudança uso do solo. Os resultados apontaram que as diferentes coberturas vegetais apresentam distintas, entretanto positiva capacidade em estocar carbono no solo no Brasil e que variáveis como o manejo, a textura, atributos físicos, químicos e biológicos são fatores significativos e podem e influenciam diretamente nos resultados

    Potencial de uso dos solos da fazenda agroecológica de Palmas – TO

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo descrever as propriedades e a distribuição dos solos na Fazenda agroecológica de Palmas, Tocantins, a fim de discutir suas fragilidades e potencialidades de uso. O clima da região é o tropical chuvoso com estacionalidade pluviométrica. Rochas da Formação Pimenteiras dão origem a solos de diferentes gradientes texturais em relevo plano. O levantamento de solos (escala 1:3.000) foi feito através da abertura de 7 perfis de solos, destinados à descrição morfológica e à coleta de amostras para análise química, granulométrica. Os solos da propriedade são de textura média e argilosa, com baixos teores de carbono, baixa CTC e elevado teor de alumínio trocável. São profundos nas porções elevadas (Latossolos Vermelho-Amarelos), apresentando impedimento físico (Plintossolos Pétricos) nas porções inferiores. Apesar de o relevo, nas partes elevadas serem altamente favorável ao uso, fatores como baixa soma de bases (SB), elevado teor de alumínio trocável determina restrições de fertilidade química. Contudo, nas partes baixas da paisagem, onde os Plitossolos predominam é que se encontram as maiores restrições ao uso agrícola

    Effect of indolebutyric acid on rooting and budding of cuttings of Glyicidium sepium

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    Studies carried out with the use of gliricidia biomass found that green manure contributes to increasing the productivity of forest crops when compared to the incorporation of other legumes. This study aimed to evaluate the viability of vegetative propagation by cuttings in the development of rooting and budding of Glyicidium sepium in different concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA). The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse with an entirely randomized block design and increasing concentrations of IBA 0, 625, 1250, and 3000 mg.L-1 with six replicates. The cuttings were standardized in length and diameter, then treated with sodium hypochlorite and immersed in different concentrations of IBA. The parameters plant evaluated were the sprouts number, sprouts length, sprouts diameter, sprouts dry weight, and roots dry weight. The concentration of IBA was shown to be effective in increasing all parameters studied at the IBA concentration of 2100 mg.L-1, and the higher concentrations did not offer any cost-benefit advantages for the production of gliricidia by cutting

    SARS-CoV-2 : Información e impactos

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    Em Wuhan, China, no final do ano de 2019 ocorreu um surto de pneumonia viral de causa desconhecida, até que em 7 de Janeiro de 2020 foi identificado o agente etiológico desta doença pelo Centro Chinês de Controle e Prevenção de Doenças (CDC), em quese tratava de uma Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave por Coronavírus 2(SARS-CoV-2) conhecida como coronavírus 19(COVID-19). Esse vírus já infectou até o dia 01 de junhode 2021 cerca de 170.814.464pessoas, levando 3.551.884a óbito, além de gerar uma série de problemas sociais e econômicos no mundo. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo documentar informações referentes ao SARS-CoV-2 contidas na literatura cientifica, bem como, os impactos gerados na sociedade pelo novo coronavírus. As buscas foram realizadas nas bases de dados:PubMed/MEDLINE,SciELOeBVSutilizando filtro de buscas de artigos a partirde Dezembro de 2019 a Maio de 2021, que são os meses que compreendem de estudos referente ao SARS-CoV-2. As buscas bibliográficas foram realizadas no mês de Maio de 2021 utilizando os descritores “COVID-19 and Impacts”, “COVID-19 and Information”, “Complication and COVID-19” e“COVID-19 and Fake News”. Foram levados em considerações apenas achados no idioma inglês (americano e britânico). Dessa forma, esperamos que este estudo reforce o conhecimento dos leitores com informações sobre a COVID-19 e seus impactos na sociedade, também se almeja mensurar e identificar o vasto material cientifico que já temos disponível na literatura.In Wuhan, China, at the end of 2019 there was an outbreak of viral pneumonia of unknown cause, until on January 7, 2020, the etiologic agent of this disease was identified by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in that it was a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) known as coronavirus 19 (COVID-19). Until June 1, 2021, this virus has infected around 170,814,464 people, causing 3,551,884 people to die, in addition to generating a series of social and economic problems in the world. Thus, this study aimed to document information regarding SARS-CoV-2 contained in the scientific literature, as well as the impacts generated on society by the new coronavirus. Searches were performed in the following databases: PubMed/MEDLINE, SciELO, and BVS using a search filter for articles from December 2019 to May 2021, which are the months that comprise studies related to SARS-CoV-2. Bibliographic searches were performed in May 2021 using the descriptors "COVID-19 and Impacts", "COVID-19 and Information", "Complication and COVID-19", and "COVID-19 and Fake News". Only findings in the English language (American and British) were taken into consideration. Thus, we hope that this study reinforces readers' knowledge with information about COVID-19 and its impacts on society. It also aims to measure and identify the vast scientific material that we already have available in the literature.En Wuhan, China, a finales de 2019 se produjo un brote de neumonía viral de causa desconocida, hasta que el 7 de enero de 2020 el agente etiológico de esta enfermedad fue identificado por el Centro Chino para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) en el sentido de que fue un coronavirus 2 del síndrome respiratorio agudo severo (SARS-CoV-2) conocido como coronavirus 19 (COVID-19). Hasta el 1 de junio de 2021, este virus ha infectado a alrededor de 170.814.464 personas, provocando la muerte de 3.551.884 personas, además de generar una serie de problemas sociales y económicos en el mundo. Así, este estudio tuvo como objetivo documentar la información sobre el SARS-CoV-2 contenida en la literatura científica, así como los impactos generados en la sociedad por el nuevo coronavirus. Las búsquedas se realizaron en las siguientes bases de datos: PubMed/MEDLINE, SciELO y BVSmediante un filtro de búsqueda de artículos desde Diciembre de 2019 hasta Mayo de 2021, que son los meses que comprenden los estudios relacionados con el SARS-CoV-2. Las búsquedas bibliográficas se realizaron en Mayo de 2021 utilizando los descriptores “COVID-19 and Impacts”, “COVID-19 and Information”, “Complication and COVID-19” y “COVID-19 and Fake News”. Solo se tomaron en consideración los hallazgos en el idioma inglés (americano y británico). Así, esperamos que este estudio refuerce el conocimiento de los lectores con información sobre COVID-19 y sus impactos en la sociedad, además de medir e identificar el vasto material científico que ya tenemos disponibleen la literatura

    SARS-CoV-2 or Covid-19 : the search for alternative treatment for the new coronavirus

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    SARS-CoV-2 belongs to the Coronaviridae family and of the order Nidovirales, which has positive non-segmented RNA, of the enveloped type that causes a severe acute respiratory syndrome in humans, which has already infected more than 9 million people worldwide, leading to 496,075 deaths by June 27, 2020, making the search for alternative treatment for this pathogen urgent. Thus, this study aimed to conduct a bibliographic survey of research that presents treatment alternatives for the new coronavirus. Thus, a qualitative and descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, and a comparative analysis was carried out with the prospective results achieved as presented in a study carried out by Reis and collaborators. Publications from the last 7 months were considered, that is, from December 2019 to June 2020, the period in which studies of SARS-CoV-2 started. In this way, a total of 4,898 studies related to the treatment alternative for SARS-CoV-2 were found, in which the drugs remdesivir, atazanavir, favipiravir, EIDD-2801 and hydroxychloroquine associated with azithromycin stand out, where they presented attractive preliminary results and are recommended for clinical studies in humans as an alternative way of coping with the new coronavirus

    Evaluation of 210Pb levels in the estuarine region of an industrial complex

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    Currently, the increase in the environmental radioactivity levels was due to anthropic activities, such as the oil industries that produce around 2.5x104 to 2.25x105 tons of contaminated materials per year. Thus, the study aimed to determine the 210Pb concentrations in the estuarine region of the SUAPE industrial complex in the state of Pernambuco. The 210Pb concentrations were determined in soil, sediment, fish, and leaf samples, using ion exchange and gamma spectrometry methods. 210Pb concentrations in soils, sediments, fish, and mangrove leaves ranged from less than LD (Detection Limit) to 992.35 Bq.kg-1. The results showed that the area related to the preoperational situation found values above those estimated for regions considered natural, presenting anthropogenic interference

    Information and impacts generated on society by the novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV/SARS-CoV-2

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    SARS-CoV-2 has been affecting the lives of thousands of people around the world, leading to the death of more than 745,000 people. There is still no effective treatment for this disease it leads to chaos in the public health and economy of the affected countries. Thus, this study aimed to collect information regarding SARS-CoV-2, as well as the impacts generated in society by the novel coronavirus. Thus, a prospective study of a qualitative and cross-sectional nature was carried out, with the searches being carried out between the months of December 2019 to August 2020, this is the period that comprises studies of SARS-CoV-2. The BVS, PubMed and DOAJ databases had the largest number of published studies with 2,506, 1,616 and 914, respectively. The scientific findings show an increasing number of papers with information on symptoms, diagnosis, comorbidities and possible treatments. The impacts recorded in the literature include weakness in health systems, weakening of the world economy, psychological and physical problems in people. Thus, efforts by the whole society, together with public authorities, are needed to develop measures that can resolve social and economic issues while there is no effective treatment for SARS-CoV-2

    Molecular docking and evaluation of antileishmania activity of a ruthenium complex with epiisopiloturine and nitric oxide

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    Leishmaniasis is an infectious disease that affects both animals and humans, caused by flagellated parasites belonging to the genus Leishmania. The disease is estimated to reach about 700,000 to 1 million people, causing the deaths of 20 to 30,000 individuals annually. Thus, the present study aims to perform molecular docking tests and evaluation of antileishmania activity in vitro of a ruthenium complex with epiisopiloturine and nitric oxide. AutoDockTools-1.5.6 software was used to perform molecular docking tests. Molecular targets were considered rigid, and Epiruno2 considered flexible. The genetic algorithm Lamarckian (AGL) with global search and pseudo-Solis and Wets with local search were the methods adopted in the docking. The most promising results of molecular interaction were achieved in the targets Pteridine reductase and UDP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase with rates of -10.68 Kcal·mol-1 and -10.51 Kcal·mol-1, respectively. This demonstrates that Epiruno2 has molecular affinity with the targets of L. major. In vitro assays prove the antileishmania activity of the complex in the face of promastigote forms with inhibition of growth, concluding through this study that the Epiruno2 complex has antileishmania activity