224 research outputs found

    Support Vector Regression Based S-transform for Prediction of Single and Multiple Power Quality Disturbances

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    This paper presents a novel approach using Support Vector Regression (SVR) based S-transform to predict the classes of single and multiple power quality disturbances in a three-phase industrial power system. Most of the power quality disturbances recorded in an industrial power system are non-stationary and comprise of multiple power quality disturbances that coexist together for only a short duration in time due to the contribution of the network impedances and types of customers’ connected loads. The ability to detect and predict all the types of power quality disturbances encrypted in a voltage signal is vital in the analyses on the causes of the power quality disturbances and in the identification of incipient fault in the networks. In this paper, the performances of two types of SVR based S-transform, the non-linear radial basis function (RBF) SVR based S-transform and the multilayer perceptron (MLP) SVR based S-transform, were compared for their abilities in making prediction for the classes of single and multiple power quality disturbances. The results for the analyses of 651 numbers of single and multiple voltage disturbances gave prediction accuracies of 86.1% (MLP SVR) and 93.9% (RBF SVR) respectively. Keywords: Power Quality, Power Quality Prediction, S-transform, SVM, SV

    Utilization of Scientific Publication Media to Improve the Quality of Scientific Work

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    The publication of scientific work is an absolute thing that must be owned and produced by academics at this time. Moreover, when referring to the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN RB) Regulation No. 17 of 2013 and the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 92 of 2004 which states that the increase in the academic level of lecturers requires publication of accredited national scientific journals and journals Internationally reputable in their field. In addition to being very important for the performance of lecturers, the publication of scientific papers has become a government regulation through the Director General of Higher Education, which requires S1, S2 and S3 students to make a summary of scientific work published both online and in print as one of the graduation requirements. Seeing this, Raharja College has participated in providing publication media for scientific works, especially in online forms, one of which is iLearning Journal Center (iJC). Until now iLearning Journal Center has overseen 5 (five) journals in it with different scope of research. However, the problems that occur at this time are still a lack of the general public to know especially in the Higher Education environment regarding the iLearning Journal Center (iJC) as a publication media for online scientific work. In this study will be discussed about the steps or methods taken to maximize the use of iLearning Journal Center (iJC) as an online journal publication media to improve the quality and quantity of scientific works. This study uses SWOT analysis method and system design using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and the applications used in this study by applying the Open Journal System (OJS) which is known as management software and publishing online journals. The results of this study are a governance or management that can be done as a step to maximize the increase of publication of online scientific works for the academic community. Keywords: iLearning Journal Center (iJC), Scientific Work Publication, Journal Online, Open Journal System (OJS

    Application of Copper Fungicide and Row Covers to Control Phytophthora Seedling Blight Disease on Cocoa

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    Phytophthora seedling blight disease is one of the important diseases in cocoa. The disease is caused by the fungus of Phytophthora palmivora belongs to class Oomycetes. The aim of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the use of row covers and copper oxide fungicide applications to control seedling blight Phytophthora. Covering treatment was to place cocoa seedlings inside bamboo frame covered by transparent plastic in order to avoid from rainfall effect. The research was conducted in the Kaliwining Experimental Station at Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI). Experiments were carried out four treatments and repeated 6 times. Each treatment consists of 100 seedlings planted in polybags and placed in the nursery area with a protective paranet. The treatment consisted of (1) row covers, (2) spraying of copper oxide 0.2%, (3) a combination of row covers and copper oxide 0.2% and (4) control (no covers and spray). Observations made 7 days after treatment with an interval of 7 days for 10 weeks. The results showed that row covers able to prolong the incubation period of the disease for 14 days, while the application of row covers + copper oxide 0.2% was able to save cocoa seedlings by 96.2%

    Pengaruh Terapi Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) Terhadap Tekanan Darah Penderita Hipertensi

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    SEFT termasuk teknik relaksasi yang penggabungan teknik sistem tubuh dan terapi spiritual menggunakan menekan pada titik-titik tertentu pada tubuh. SEFT bantuan individu bebas dari tekanan emosional (energi negatif), yang merupakan penyebab meningkatnya tekanan darah pada pasien dengan hipertensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh spiritual teknik kebebasan emosional (SEFT) terhadap tekanan darah pada pasien hipertensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode kuasi-eksperimen dan desain kelompok kontrol non-eqiuvalent. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua dengan hipertensi sebanyak 148 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan purposive sampling. Ada 30 responden sebagai sampel dibagi menjadi dua kelompok: 15 responden sebagai kelompok intervensi dan 15 responden sebagai kelompok kontrol. Instrumen data yang digunakan sphygmomanometer merkuri, stetoskop dan lembar observasi. Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan t-test independen menemukan bahwa nilai p 0,000 (sistole) dan nilai p dari 0,019 (diastole), maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna sebelum dan setelah terapi SEFT. Terapi spiritual teknik kebebasan emosional (SEFT) dapat digunakan sebagai pengobatan alternatif yang tepat dan praktis pada pasien hipertensi

    Dampak Sosial Pembangunan Jembatan Desa Kampung Panjang Airtiris Kecamatan Kampar Utara Kabupaten Kampar

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    Bridge infrastructure development coined positive impact and negative impact in the lives of the viage Kampung Panjang, the perceived impact the community with the construction of the bridge can be in many different forms. this study to determine the positive and negative impacts of development experienced by rural village kampung panjang, and, knowing the social impact of the construction of the bridge to changes in social status vertically and determine changes in social status due to the construction of a bridge or there are other factors. The population in this study is that people who live in the village Kampung Panjang Airtiris Kecamatan Kampar Utara Kabupaten Kampar totaling 366 families (households), the sampling technique with random samples taken 10% as many as 36 families. The method used is descriptive quantitative method with quantitative data analysis, research instruments used were questionnaires, interviews and documentation.These results indicate that the positive impact of the construction of the bridge at 61.11%, which can be seen from the smooth traffic, saving travel time, low levels of accidents, increase revenue, expand business opportunities, the smoothness of goods and services, the establishment of harmonious relations between villages, good social relations. The negative impact of the construction of the bridge at 38.89%, which can be seen from the demise of the services crossing (raft), the bridge is misused by teenagers, modern life, the depletion of local culture, a stranger out of the village, and it turns out that peoples social status changes vertically changed since the construction of the bridge can be seen from the change in shape of the house, peoples incomes rise, rising sense of pride, and changes in social status was changed is because the construction of the bridge was not due to other factors.Keywords: Social Impact, Bridge Construction, Social Chang

    Strategi Pengembangan Objek Wisata Unggulan Hapanasan oleh Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Rokan Hulu

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    Development of flagship object tourist Hapanasan important done. Every object tourist thatdeveloped, built, and managed properly will increase the number of tourists as well as OriginalIncome area. In the implementation of the Development Department of culture and tourism of RokanHulu has a strategy that is, complete facilities and infrastructure repair, improved sights, as well asenhancing community participation. However, the implementation of the development are still notoptimally performed. How the actual implementation of development strategy flagship object touristHapanasan by Department of culture and tourism of Rokan Hulu, and what are the factors affectingthe development of the flagship object tourist Hapanasan by Department of culture and tourism ofRokan Hulu.The concept of the theory used is adaptive strategy researcher, Miles and Snow in Heene (2010)which consists of the technology, the determination of the authorities, coordination, implementationand system settings. This study uses qualitative methods research with descriptive data analysis. Theauthor uses data collection techniques interviews, observation, documentation, and library studies.With the use of Key Informants as a source of information and using the technique of triangulationas a source in the vadilitas test data.Based on the results of the research, strategy development flagship object tourist Hapanasan byDepartment of culture and tourism of Rokan Hulu hasnt been done optimally, since there are stillefforts that have not realized by the Department of culture and tourism of Rokan Hulu in theimplementation of the development. Factors that affect the implementation of the strategy is the lackof funds owned, human resources have not been sufficient good quality as well as quantity, as well asregulatory policies that can support the development of a flagship object tourist does not exist.Keywords: Strategy, Development, Tourist Objec

    Gambaran Terjadinya Pernikahan Dini Akibat Pergaulan Bebas

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    The trend of early marriage in Banyumas increasing in every year. It caused by low levels of education and social conditions of the local culture. The couples who had early marriage usually caused by the women had been pregnant before they married. Risks such as domestic violence, don\u27t have financial preparation yet, cause adverse effects for women and blamed for the high divorce from public. The type of research is field research with data collection through the documentation, in-depth interview, an observation with the subjects of early marriage. Characteristic of the research is qualitative and descriptive, sites in the district of Baturraden, Banyumas. Respondents who forced to marry because they pregnant, altough they are still young and they do not understand what the impact. Pregnancy results from sexual intercourse before marriage with her boyfriend, because the request girlfriend and stimulation of the viewing of pornography, which is done at home when sleepy

    Evaluasi Pendekatan Pembangunan Traceability Link Dalam Evolusi Perangkat Lunak

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    Traceability merupakan hal penting pada proyek perangkat lunak, terutama pada proyek skala besar. Traceability berfungsi untuk mengetahui ketelusuran antar artefak dalam fase-fase yang berbeda (analisis kebutuhan, analisis desain, dan analisis implementasi) maupun antara artefak dan pihak pengembang yang terlibat. Sistem traceability otomatis diperlukan untuk membangun ketelusuran antar artefak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi sejumlah literatur pendekatan terbaru yang digunakan untuk membangun traceability link. Eksplorasi literatur mengacu pada taksonomi berbasis evolusi perangkat lunak terhadap sejumlah mekanisme karakterisasi Perubahan dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi mekanisme. Hasil penelitian dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi bagaimana pendekatan tersebut dapat mendukung evolusi perangkat lunak serta memberikan garis besar dari kriteria yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun metode traceability yang lebih baik. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah variasi faktor suatu pendekatan tidak berbeda jauh dengan pendekatan lainnya kecuali jika terdapat perbedaan pada faktor temporal
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