68 research outputs found

    Characterization of putative Wnt3a-Inducible Enhancers

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    The Wnt signaling pathway has been previously shown to play a major role in regulating bone metabolism and it is emerging as a target for the therapeutic intervention of bone thinning disorders such as osteoporosis. Several Wnt proteins have been shown to be expressed in bone and mutations in Wnt pathway members such as Wnt co-receptor Lrp5 and Wnt inhibitor Sost have been shown to be associated with low or high bone mass disorders, however, very little is known about specific roles played by different Wnt ligands in bone development, repair and remodeling. To identify downstream targets of Wnt signaling we sequence RNA synthesized by Wnt3a treated osteoblasts and found 214 genes to be significantly up-regulated by \u3e2-fold in the presence of Wnt3a ligand. Computational analysis of ChipSeq data in the loci of these 214 genes predicted 163 putative Wnt-inducible enhancers. In this project, we sought to functionally validate these putative enhancer elements that may account for the Wnt3a-dependent activation of these 214 transcripts. Candidate enhancers were cloned, transfected into osteoblast-like cell lines, and examined for transgene expression in the presence and absence of recombinant Wnt3a protein. Preliminary data suggests that several noncoding elements may have enhancer properties both in the absence or presence of Wnt3a, in vitro

    Sost and its paralog Sostdc1 coordinate digit number in a Gli3-dependent manner.

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    WNT signaling is critical in most aspects of skeletal development and homeostasis, and antagonists of WNT signaling are emerging as key regulatory proteins with great promise as therapeutic agents for bone disorders. Here we show that Sost and its paralog Sostdc1 emerged through ancestral genome duplication and their expression patterns have diverged to delineate non-overlapping domains in most organ systems including musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, nervous, digestive, reproductive and respiratory. In the developing limb, Sost and Sostdc1 display dynamic expression patterns with Sost being restricted to the distal ectoderm and Sostdc1 to the proximal ectoderm and the mesenchyme. While Sostdc1(-/-) mice lack any obvious limb or skeletal defects, Sost(-/-) mice recapitulate the hand defects described for Sclerosteosis patients. However, elevated WNT signaling in Sost(-/-); Sostdc1(-/-) mice causes misregulation of SHH signaling, ectopic activation of Sox9 in the digit 1 field and preaxial polydactyly in a Gli1- and Gli3-dependent manner. In addition, we show that the syndactyly documented in Sclerosteosis is present in both Sost(-/-) and Sost(-/-); Sostdc1(-/-) mice, and is driven by misregulation of Fgf8 in the AER, a region lacking Sost and Sostdc1 expression. This study highlights the complexity of WNT signaling in skeletal biology and disease and emphasizes how redundant mechanism and non-cell autonomous effects can synergize to unveil new intricate phenotypes caused by elevated WNT signaling

    SOST Inhibits Prostate Cancer Invasion.

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    Inhibitors of Wnt signaling have been shown to be involved in prostate cancer (PC) metastasis; however the role of Sclerostin (Sost) has not yet been explored. Here we show that elevated Wnt signaling derived from Sost deficient osteoblasts promotes PC invasion, while rhSOST has an inhibitory effect. In contrast, rhDKK1 promotes PC elongation and filopodia formation, morphological changes characteristic of an invasive phenotype. Furthermore, rhDKK1 was found to activate canonical Wnt signaling in PC3 cells, suggesting that SOST and DKK1 have opposing roles on Wnt signaling in this context. Gene expression analysis of PC3 cells co-cultured with OBs exhibiting varying amounts of Wnt signaling identified CRIM1 as one of the transcripts upregulated under highly invasive conditions. We found CRIM1 overexpression to also promote cell-invasion. These findings suggest that bone-derived Wnt signaling may enhance PC tropism by promoting CRIM1 expression and facilitating cancer cell invasion and adhesion to bone. We concluded that SOST and DKK1 have opposing effects on PC3 cell invasion and that bone-derived Wnt signaling positively contributes to the invasive phenotypes of PC3 cells by activating CRIM1 expression and facilitating PC-OB physical interaction. As such, we investigated the effects of high concentrations of SOST in vivo. We found that PC3-cells overexpressing SOST injected via the tail vein in NSG mice did not readily metastasize, and those injected intrafemorally had significantly reduced osteolysis, suggesting that targeting the molecular bone environment may influence bone metastatic prognosis in clinical settings

    Expression of a Degradation‐Resistant β‐Catenin Mutant in Osteocytes Protects the Skeleton From Mechanodeprivation‐Induced Bone Wasting

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    Mechanical stimulation is a key regulator of bone mass, maintenance, and turnover. Wnt signaling is a key regulator of mechanotransduction in bone, but the role of β‐catenin—an intracellular signaling node in the canonical Wnt pathway—in disuse mechanotransduction is not defined. Using the β‐catenin exon 3 flox (constitutively active [CA]) mouse model, in conjunction with a tamoxifen‐inducible, osteocyte‐selective Cre driver, we evaluated the effects of degradation‐resistant β‐catenin on bone properties during disuse. We hypothesized that if β‐catenin plays an important role in Wnt‐mediated osteoprotection, then artificial stabilization of β‐catenin in osteocytes would protect the limbs from disuse‐induced bone wasting. Two disuse models were tested: tail suspension, which models fluid shift, and botulinum‐toxin (botox)‐induced muscle paralysis, which models loss of muscle force. Tail suspension was associated with a significant loss of tibial bone mass and density, reduced architectural properties, and decreased bone formation indices in uninduced (control) mice, as assessed by dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry (DXA), micro‐computed tomography (µCT), and histomorphometry. Activation of the βcatCA allele in tail‐suspended mice resulted in little to no change in those properties; ie, these mice were protected from bone loss. Similar protective effects were observed among botox‐treated mice when the βcatCA was activated. RNAseq analysis of altered gene regulation in tail‐suspended mice yielded 35 genes, including Wnt11, Gli1, Nell1, Gdf5, and Pgf, which were significantly differentially regulated between tail‐suspended β‐catenin stabilized mice and tail‐suspended nonstabilized mice. Our findings indicate that selectively targeting/blocking of β‐catenin degradation in bone cells could have therapeutic implications in mechanically induced bone disease

    Spaceflight-Associated Changes of snoRNAs in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells and Plasma Exosomes—A Pilot Study

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    During spaceflight, astronauts are exposed to various physiological and psychological stressors that have been associated with adverse health effects. Therefore, there is an unmet need to develop novel diagnostic tools to predict early alterations in astronauts’ health. Small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) is a type of short non-coding RNA (60–300 nucleotides) known to guide 2′-O-methylation (Nm) or pseudouridine (ψ) of ribosomal RNA (rRNA), small nuclear RNA (snRNA), or messenger RNA (mRNA). Emerging evidence suggests that dysregulated snoRNAs may be key players in regulating fundamental cellular mechanisms and in the pathogenesis of cancer, heart, and neurological disease. Therefore, we sought to determine whether the spaceflight-induced snoRNA changes in astronaut’s peripheral blood (PB) plasma extracellular vesicles (PB-EV) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Using unbiased small RNA sequencing (sRNAseq), we evaluated changes in PB-EV snoRNA content isolated from astronauts (n = 5/group) who underwent median 12-day long Shuttle missions between 1998 and 2001. Using stringent cutoff (fold change > 2 or log(2)-fold change >1, FDR < 0.05), we detected 21 down-and 9—up-regulated snoRNAs in PB-EVs 3 days after return (R + 3) compared to 10 days before launch (L-10). qPCR validation revealed that SNORA74A was significantly down-regulated at R + 3 compared to L-10. We next determined snoRNA expression levels in astronauts’ PBMCs at R + 3 and L-10 (n = 6/group). qPCR analysis further confirmed a significant increase in SNORA19 and SNORA47 in astronauts’ PBMCs at R + 3 compared to L-10. Notably, many downregulated snoRNA-guided rRNA modifications, including four Nms and five ψs. Our findings revealed that spaceflight induced changes in PB-EV and PBMCs snoRNA expression, thus suggesting snoRNAs may serve as potential novel biomarkers for monitoring astronauts’ health

    Astronauts Plasma-Derived Exosomes Induced Aberrant EZH2-Mediated H3K27me3 Epigenetic Regulation of the Vitamin D Receptor

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    There are unique stressors in the spaceflight environment. Exposure to such stressors may be associated with adverse effects on astronauts\u27 health, including increased cancer and cardiovascular disease risks. Small extracellular vesicles (sEVs, i.e., exosomes) play a vital role in intercellular communication and regulate various biological processes contributing to their role in disease pathogenesis. To assess whether spaceflight alters sEVs transcriptome profile, sEVs were isolated from the blood plasma of 3 astronauts at two different time points: 10 days before launch (L-10) and 3 days after return (R+3) from the Shuttle mission. AC16 cells (human cardiomyocyte cell line) were treated with L-10 and R+3 astronauts-derived exosomes for 24 h. Total RNA was isolated and analyzed for gene expression profiling using Affymetrix microarrays. Enrichment analysis was performed using Enrichr. Transcription factor (TF) enrichment analysis using the ENCODE/ChEA Consensus TF database identified gene sets related to the polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) and Vitamin D receptor (VDR) in AC16 cells treated with R+3 compared to cells treated with L-10 astronauts-derived exosomes. Further analysis of the histone modifications using datasets from the Roadmap Epigenomics Project confirmed enrichment in gene sets related to the H3K27me3 repressive mark. Interestingly, analysis of previously published H3K27me3-chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-Seq) ENCODE datasets showed enrichment of H3K27me3 in the VDR promoter. Collectively, our results suggest that astronaut-derived sEVs may epigenetically repress the expression of the VDR in human adult cardiomyocytes by promoting the activation of the PRC2 complex and H3K27me3 levels

    Single-cell RNA-Seq reveals changes in immune landscape in post-traumatic osteoarthritis

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disease, affecting over 300 million people world-wide. Accumulating evidence attests to the important roles of the immune system in OA pathogenesis. Understanding the role of various immune cells in joint degeneration or joint repair after injury is vital for improving therapeutic strategies for treating OA. Post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA) develops in ~50% of individuals who have experienced an articular trauma like an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture. Here, using the high resolution of single-cell RNA sequencing, we delineated the temporal dynamics of immune cell accumulation in the mouse knee joint after ACL rupture. Our study identified multiple immune cell types in the joint including neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, B cells, T cells, NK cells and dendritic cells. Monocytes and macrophage populations showed the most dramatic changes after injury. Further characterization of monocytes and macrophages reveled 9 major subtypes with unique transcriptomics signatures, including a tissue resident Lyve1hiFolr2hi macrophage population and Trem2hiFcrls+ recruited macrophages, both showing enrichment for phagocytic genes and growth factors such as Igf1, Pdgfa and Pdgfc. We also identified several genes induced or repressed after ACL injury in a cell type-specific manner. This study provides new insight into PTOA-associated changes in the immune microenvironment and highlights macrophage subtypes that may play a role in joint repair after injury
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