77 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Qur’anic Concepts of Mashriq (East), Maghreb (West), Mashriqain (Two Easts), Maghribain (Two Wests), Mashariq (Several Easts) and Maghreb (Several Wests): Observations in Quetta, Pakistan

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    In the current era various scientific facts revealed by the Holy Qur’an have been scientifically tested and acknowledged by the modern scientists. Also scientific knowledge of Earth and related sciences confirms and support the concepts given in the relevant verses of the Holy Qur’an. For example the Holy Qur’an contains verses that reveal the concepts of Mashriq (East), Maghrib (West), Mashriqain (two easts), Maghribain (two wests), Mashariq (several easts) and Magharib (several wests). This paper pinpoints and put forward scientific analysis of these concepts of the Holy Qur’an, compares and summarizes the pre-existing conventional tafaseer (explanations) with the modern scientific judgments and deliberates on their undisputable integrity. we analyzed these concepts, using scientific methodology, on a fixed location (x,y,z = 67.002, 30.1853, 1684 m) in Quetta, Pakistan. It was observed that the timings and positions (azimuths) of sunrise range from its northeastern extreme on 22nd June at 5:45 am, as 63o (NE), to its southeastern extreme on 22nd December at 8:04 am, as 122o (SE), respectively. The timings and positions (azimuths) of sunset range from its northwestern extreme on 22nd June at 7:21 am, as 300o (NW) to its southwestern extreme on 22nd December at 5:15 am, as 242o (SW), respectively. It was observed that the positions and timing of the sunrise and sunset change daily by shifting gradually from their winter to summer extremes and vice versa in a systematic and predictable manner. I conclude that the Qura’nic words Mashriq (east) and Maghrib (west) refers to the spans of horizons between the eastern and western extremes of the sun rises and sets. The words Mashriqain (two easts) and Maghribain (two wests) refer to the two extremes, i.e. northern and southern positions of sunrise and sunset on the eastern and western horizons, on 22nd June (in summer) and 22nd December (in winter), respectively. The words Mashariq (many easts) and Magharib (many wests) simply refer to the numerous positions of the daily sunrise and sunset on the eastern and western horizons. My results are in conformity with the relevant verses and notions of the Holy Qur’an that have been further explained in various tafaseer, with reference to the explanations of Ib-e-Abbas (RAA) and Akrama (RAA)


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    Takatu Formation is well exposed in the western Sulaiman Fold- Thrust Belt, Pakistan. It has an unconformable upper contact with Sembar Formation which is marked by oxidized surface and lower contact with Triassic Wulgai Formation. The Takatu Formation contains a wide variety of limestones, which are fine to coarse grained, palatal, lumpy, skeletal, micritic, nodular, oolitic, and intraclastic. The Takatu Formation is mainly carbonate-litho package with minor siliciclastic content interbedded as shale and marls. The petrography of limestone allowed the differentiation and demonstrated of four major and sub microfacies types. These includes, Mudstone, Wackestone, Packstone and Grainstone microfacies, which are further sub-divided into five microfacies such as, Bioclastic wackstone, Calcispheric packstone, Peloidal packstone, Ooidal grainstone, and Lithoclastic grainstone. These microfacies were compared with standard microfacies and standard zones for their possible depositional environments. On the bases of our studies, it is interpreted that Takatu Formation was deposited in diverse environment ranging from the marginal shallow shelf, upper slope and in deeper parts of the shelf

    A Febrile Patient with Polyarthritis, Visceromegaly and Cytopenias

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    A case report of asymmetrical polyarthritic patient with history of fever of 6 months duration. Clinically also had hepatosplenomegaly. The lab reports revealed Cytopenias with TLC of TLC 1830μl, Hb 9.5g/dl, platelets 44000mL, and high ESR that is 75. Patient was worked up for possible SLE and RA, bone marrow biopsy was done for Cytopenias. While RA, ANF and Anti-DNA came out positive, thus bone marrow revealed hairy cell leukaemia, which was further confirmed by immuno-histochemistry. Patient was started on steroids due to painful arthritis and discharged to be followed up after two weeks and mediation for HCL. Surprisingly, the CBC report reverted significantly normal this period. Now the distinguishing point is, unlikely for hairy cell leukaemia to respond steroids so quickly within 10 days, or this was all SLE related manifestations and HCL was an incidental finding during the workup of pancytopenia. On further follow up, we will do BRAF and flow cytometry for HCL


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    Late Cretaceous sandstone succession of the Pab Formation in western Sulaiman Fold Thrust belt Pakistan was investigated for petrology and bulk rock chemistry to determine its source terrain, paleo-weathering and tectonic setting. The formation is mainly comprised of sandstone with reddish to maroon color shale and arenaceous limestone. Texturally, the sandstone is fine to coarse grained, sub-angular to well-rounded and moderately to well sorted. The sandstone is petrologically and geochemically classified as quartz arenite to sub lithic arenite. The detritus was mainly derived from plutonic acidic source. QtFL and QmFLt suggests that recycled orogeny and Craton Interior setting were major sources of sediments. Geochemical models support that the detritus was derived from quartzose sedimentary source terrain, suggest deposition in a passive continental margin setting. Average values of chemical indices are CIA 59% CIW  67% and CIV 12.70%, which suggest moderate to high degree of chemical weathering in source area, that may reflect humid climate condition in the source area. The petrographic study and geochemical models demonstrate that the Pab Formation is mostly composed of mature sandstone from acidic plutonic and low-grade metamorphic rocks terrain in recycled and Craton Interior setting deposited on western passive margin of Indian plate in Tethys Ocean


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    The Hanna-Spin Karez area which comprises the Quaternary succession of the Spin Karez Group is located adjacent to the junction of Sulaiman and Kirthar Fold-Thrust Belts (Quetta Syntaxes), southwest of the Zarghun Trough in the northwestern Balochistan, Pakistan. The area comprises over 800 m thick conformable succession of the Quaternary age, covering surface area of ~30 km2. The succession has been named as the Spin Karez Group, which are further subdivide from base to top into three distinct lithostratigraphic units as: Hanna Lake Conglomerate, Hanna Red Clays and Spin Karez Conglomerate. The Hanna Lake Conglomerate comprises 200 m thick succession of boulder-pebble conglomerate. The Hanna Red Clays comprise over 500 m thick succession of dominantly red claystone rarely interbedded with siltstone and very fine-grained sandstone. The Spin Karez Conglomerate is composed of over 100 m thick succession of well-stratified and moderately- to well-sorted cobble/pebble conglomerate with occasional sandstone/siltstone lenses. The Triassic to Pliocene age older successions from the region's north and west provided the polymictic conglomerate, boulder to pebble size limestone, sandstone, chert, and conglomerate fragments. The Spin Karez Group comprises 15 types of gravel, sandstone and mudstone facies, which were grouped into 5 facies associations. The facies associations include braided channel deposits (FA-1), sheet-flood deposits (FA-2), floodplain deposits (FA-3), marginal lacustrine deposits (FA-4) and open-water lacustrine deposits (FA-5). The Spin Karez group evolved in three phases: i) Deposition of the Hanna Lake conglomerate started with the proximal and distal braided channel systems in the northern and southern parts of the study area respectively; ii) Deposition of the Hanna Red clays deposited in shallow lake with episodic sub-aerial exposure, providing reddish colour to the mud-dominant facies; iii) The depositional basin, once again, transformed to braided channel system, of the Spin Karez conglomerate, which evolved over the shallow water lake deposits of the Hanna Red clays.  The Spin Karez group was mainly controlled by continued subsidence and regional tectonics during the Quaternary period that accommodated the space for the small shallow basin (~30 km2) that stacked depositional systems

    Outcomes of intubation techniques in nasolacrimal duct blockage in adult age group: a comparative study based on Sindh, Pakistan population

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    Background: Nasolacrimal duct obstruction is listed under the heading of congenital diseases; on other hand it is also commonly present in adult age group. In population of Sindh we found these patients frequently. Through this study we revealed the surgical options for the treatment of Nasolacrimal duct obstruction in population of Sindh provenience of Pakistan. The objective of the study was to compare the outcomes of two different intubation techniques in treatment of Nasolacrimal duct obstruction between two age groups. Comparative study was conducted in the Department of Ophthalmology Al-Ibrahim Eye Hospital Karachi from May 2018 to June 2019.Methods: Total 136 numbers of patients were included on the bases of history, clinical examination and pre-operative syringing test. Non- probability convenient sampling was applied for data collection. Total 136 numbers of patients were divided into two groups on the bases of treatment and further subgroup on the bases of age ranges. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 20.0.Results: Frequency and percentage of recovery in six months in each subgroup with application of chi-square test. Frequency and percentage of post-operative complications prolong treatment and regurgitation and patency of tube in each group and subgroups.Conclusions: The results showed significant difference between the groups. Group A showed higher success rate with minimal percentage of complications and post-operative measurements in both age ranges as compare to Group B

    Comparative study of Internet Protocol

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    In today's generation, most of today's Internet is using IPv4, Now twenty years old. IPv4 is now uploading with the Problem of meeting growing Internet requirements and it is a shortage of IPv4 addresses, which are necessary for all new the machines added to the Internet.IPv6, fixes a series of problems In IPv4 addresses. It also adds many improvements to IPv4 and provides a better network. IPv6 is expected to gradually replace IPv4, with the two coexisting for several years during a transition period. As the population is increasing day by day, similarly the Internet isAlso growing and expanding more and more and more and more,Government, scientists and universities are looking for new waysTo send information quickly and powerfully The two new InternetsDevelop new and faster technologies to improve research andCommunication, and both projects are expected toEventually improve the current commercial Internet. A big advantage of IPv6 is that it simplifies and solves the problem. The scarcity of IP addresses. In today's Internet technology, Controls in the United States 74% of the 4 million IP addresses, while the amount that China has is equal only to the University California, but its share of 80 million users. This is the main reason Asian countries, especially China, Japan and South Korea, Show interest in IPv6 version technology
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