Comparative study of Internet Protocol


In today's generation, most of today's Internet is using IPv4, Now twenty years old. IPv4 is now uploading with the Problem of meeting growing Internet requirements and it is a shortage of IPv4 addresses, which are necessary for all new the machines added to the Internet.IPv6, fixes a series of problems In IPv4 addresses. It also adds many improvements to IPv4 and provides a better network. IPv6 is expected to gradually replace IPv4, with the two coexisting for several years during a transition period. As the population is increasing day by day, similarly the Internet isAlso growing and expanding more and more and more and more,Government, scientists and universities are looking for new waysTo send information quickly and powerfully The two new InternetsDevelop new and faster technologies to improve research andCommunication, and both projects are expected toEventually improve the current commercial Internet. A big advantage of IPv6 is that it simplifies and solves the problem. The scarcity of IP addresses. In today's Internet technology, Controls in the United States 74% of the 4 million IP addresses, while the amount that China has is equal only to the University California, but its share of 80 million users. This is the main reason Asian countries, especially China, Japan and South Korea, Show interest in IPv6 version technology

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