2 research outputs found

    Genetical, structural and functional characterization of the human BTNL gene cluster

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    La fam铆lia B7 de prote茂nes 茅s 脿mpliament reconeguda per jugar un paper important en els processos inflamatoris mitjan莽ant l'alteraci贸 de la capacitat de resposta de les c猫l鈥ules T. La uni贸 d鈥檃questes prote茂nes als seus receptors situats a la superf铆cie de c猫l鈥ules T pot promoure (per exemple, B7-1, B7-2, ICOS- L) o inhibir (per exemple, PD-L1, PD-L2, B7-H3, B7x) l'activaci贸, la proliferaci贸, la maduraci贸 i la producci贸 de citoquines en c猫l鈥ules T . A m茅s, s鈥檋a identificat l鈥檈xpressi贸 de diversos membres d鈥檃questa fam铆lia de prote茂nes tant en diferents tipus de tumors com en el microambient tumoral. Degut a les capacitats immunosupressores de diversos membres de la fam铆lia B7, es creu que l'expressi贸 aberrant d'aquestes mol猫cules a interferit negativament amb la resposta immune de l' hoste, el que porta a la progressi贸 de la malaltia. En efecte, l'expressi贸 de prote茂nes de la fam铆lia B7 en molts tumors hematol貌gics malignes s'associa sovint amb un mal pron貌stic i un comportament agressiu dels tumors. Actualment, diversos membres de la fam铆lia B7, com CTLA-1 i PD-1 s贸n usats per el tractament del c脿ncer i, m茅s recentment , el primer agent que focalitza la via de B7, el anti-CTLA-4 MAB (ipilimumab) ha estat aprovat per l'Administraci贸 d'Aliments i Medicaments (FDA) per al tractament del melanoma metast脿sic. A m茅s, els estudis en curs dirigits a membres recentment descrits de la fam铆lia B7: B7-H3, B7x, B7-H6 s贸n prometedors , per貌 una major clarificaci贸 del seu paper patog猫nic en malalties hematol貌giques ajudar脿 a identificar el seu paper m茅s actiu com a adjuvants immunes al tractament convencional. Tot i els grans grans progressos en aquest camp , es coneix poc de les prote茂nes hom貌logues butyrophilin-like (BTNL). La fam铆lia butyrophilin (BTN) comparteix homologia estructural amb membres de la fam铆lia B7 i similars a les prote茂nes B7. Gaireb茅 tots els BTNS / BTNLs estudiats fins al moment han demostrat ser capa莽os d'esmorteir la resposta immune mitjan莽ant la co-estimulaci贸 negativa en l鈥檃ctivaci贸 del les c猫l鈥ules T, fent-les candidates importants en la immunitat antitumoral. Per tant, en aquest estudi, caracteritzem un cl煤ster que cont茅 tres gens BTNL, situats al cromosoma hum脿 5q35.3, a nivell gen貌mic, transcripcional i funcional per obtenir una visi贸 m茅s clara en la funci贸 de les prote茂nes BTNL. En el primer cap铆tol, presentem la identificaci贸 d鈥檜na deleci贸 d鈥檜na variant en nombre de c貌pia (CNV en angl猫s) de 56 kb donant com a producte un nou gen quim猫ric (BTNL8*3). Aquesta deleci贸 茅s responsable de la sobre-expressi贸 del tercer gen del cl煤ster, BTNL9. Posteriorment, es desenvolup脿 un assaig de genotipaci贸 i es va dur a terme un an脿lisi poblacional d鈥檃questa variant en mostres de diferents poblacions pertanyents al HapMap i el panell de diversitat humana (HGDP-CEPH). Aquest assaig de genotipaci贸 ens va permetre identificar clares difer猫ncies en l鈥檈stratificaci贸 de l鈥檃艀lel BTNL8_BTNL3-del entre grups continentals majors. A m茅s, presentem tagging SNPs en diverses poblacions, facilitant una genotipaci贸 futura de la variant de deleci贸 BTNL8-BTNL3. Finalment mostrem la influ猫ncia de la deleci贸 CNV en els nivells d鈥檈xpressi贸 de diferents gens involucrats en c脿ncer i en la resposta immune, suggerint la involucraci贸 d鈥檃questa CNV en rutes biol貌giques espec铆fiques. En el segon cap铆tol d鈥檃questa tesi s鈥檌nvestiguen les conseq眉猫ncies funcionals de la CNV trobant una sobre-expressi贸 de BTNL9 en leuc猫mia limfobl脿stica aguda (ALL en angl猫s) despr茅s del subministrament de glucocorticoides (GC). S鈥檋avia mostrat ja pr猫viament que uns nivells elevats de BTNL9 correlacionen amb un elevat risc en pacients de ALL amb reorganitzaci贸 de MLL-AF4. Per comprovar si aquesta observaci贸 茅s deguda a la implicaci贸 de BTNL9 en apoptosi indu茂da per GC, es varen analitzar diferents l铆nies ce艀lulars pre-B ALL trobant-se una clara correlaci贸 entre els nivells d鈥檈xpressi贸 de BTNL9 i resist猫ncia a GC en ALL amb reorganitzaci贸 de MLL i nivells m茅s baixos en MLL en ALL germinal. Aquests resultats suggereixen un paper completament nou i inesperat de la prote茂na BTNL que podrien resultar en el desenvolupament de inhibidors espec铆fics de BTNL9 per millorar la prognosi de ALL amb reorganitzaci贸 de MLL. En resum, en aquesta tesi proporcionem un an脿lisi del cl煤ster de gens hum脿 BTNL. Identifiquem un nou gen de fusi贸 BTNL8*3 amb implicacions potencials en rutes gen猫tiques involucrades en la regulaci贸 i proliferaci贸 immune i mostrem una clara funci贸 de BTNL9 en la resist猫ncia a GC el la leuc猫mia amb reorganitzaci贸 de MLL. Aquestes observacions proporcionen un nou coneixement sobre la fam铆lia de gens BTNL i podria proporcionar la base per noves ter脿pies basades en BTNL9 en ALL amb reorganitzaci贸 de MLL.In this thesis, we undertook a broad genomic, evolutionary, transcriptomic and functional analysis of a cluster containing three BTNL genes, namely BTNL8, BTNL3 and BTNL9, located on human chromosome 5q35.3. In the first chapter we report the identification of a 56 kb deletion copy number variant (CNV), which results in the formation of a novel chimeric gene, BTNL8*3, and leads to an upregulation in the expression-level of the third gene in the cluster, BTNL9. Next, we developed a genotyping assay and undertook a population analysis of this variant in several Hap Map and human diversity panel (HGDP-CEPH) populations. With this genotyping assay we could identify clear differences in the stratification of the BTNL8_BTNL3-del allele amongst major continental ethnic groups. In addition we report tagging SNPs in several population, facilitating the genotyping process of the BTNL8-BTNL3 deletion variant in the future. Moreover, we show an influence of the deletion CNV in the expression-level of several genes involved in cancer and immune response, suggesting an involvement of this CNV in specific biological pathways. In the second chapter we look for functional consequences of this CNV and found an upregulation of BTNL9 in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) after glucocorticoid (GC) treatment. Previously, it was shown that high-level BTNL9 correlates with high-risk in MLL-AF4 rearranged acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patients. To check whether this might be due to in involvement of BTNL9 in GC-induced apoptosis, we analyzed several pre-B ALL cell-lines and found a clear correlation between BTNL9 expression-level and resistance to GC in MLL rearranged ALL and at a lower level in MLL germ-line ALL. These results suggest a completely new and unexpected role for a BTNL protein and may led to the development of specific BTNL9 inhibitors to improve outcome of MLL rearranged ALL. Overall, we provide a comprehensive analysis of a BTNL gene cluster. We identified a new BTNL8*3 fusion-gene with potential implication in genetic pathways involved in immune regulation and proliferation, and show a clear function for BTNL9 in GC-resistance in MLL rearranged leukemia. This knowledge sheds more light on the BTNL family and may provide the basis for novel approaches using BTNL9 in MLL rearranged ALL therapy

    A common 56-kilobase deletion in a primate-specific segmental duplication creates a novel butyrophilin-like protein

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    Background: The Butyrophilin-like (BTNL) proteins are likely to play an important role in inflammation and immune response. Like the B7 protein family, many human and murine BTNL members have been shown to control T lymphocytes response, and polymorphisms in human BTNL2 have been linked to several inflammatory diseases, such as pulmonary sarcoidosis, inflammatory bowel disease and neonatal lupus. Results: In this study we provide a comprehensive population, genomic and transcriptomic analysis of a 56-kb deletion copy number variant (CNV), located within two segmental duplications of two genes belonging to the BTNL family, namely BTNL8 and BTNL3. We confirm the presence of a novel BTNL8*3 fusion-protein product, and show an influence of the deletion variant on the expression level of several genes involved in immune function, including BTNL9, another member of the same family. Moreover, by genotyping HapMap and human diversity panel (HGDP) samples, we demonstrate a clear difference in the stratification of the BTNL8_BTNL3-del allele frequency between major continental human populations. Conclusion: Despite tremendous progress in the field of structural variation, rather few CNVs have been functionally characterized so far. Here, we show clear functional consequences of a new deletion CNV (BTNL8_BTNL3-del) with potentially important implication in the human immune system and in inflammatory and proliferative disorders. In addition, the marked population differences found of BTNL8_BTNL3-del frequencies suggest that this deletion CNV might have evolved under positive selection due to environmental conditions in some populations, with potential phenotypic consequences.The project was supported by grants from Obra Social La Caixa to J.A.; the Ramon y Cajal program to R.R.; the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Instituto de Salud Carlos III with the grants "Registro BASICMAR" Funding for Research in Health (PI051737), "GWALA project" from Fondos de Investigaci贸n Sanitaria ISC III (PI10/02064); and Fondos FEDER/EDRF Red de Investigaci贸n Cardiovascular (RD12/0042/0020) and the Fundaci贸 la Marat贸 TV3 with the grant "GOD's project. Genestroke Consortium" (76/C/2011) to J.R. and J.J.C.; the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SAF2008-00357to NOVADIS project); the European Commission (ENGAGE project and grant agreement HEALTH-F4-2007-201413); and the Generalitat de Catalunya (Ag猫ncia de Gesti贸 d鈥橝juts Universitaris i de Recerca-AGAUR) to X.