156 research outputs found

    Effects of Newcastle Disease Virus Strains Af 2240 and V4-Upm on Cytolysis and Apoptosis of Leukemia Cell Lines

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    Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is a member of the Paramyxoviridae that has caused severe economic losses in the poultry industry worldwide. Several strains of NDV were reported to induce cytolysis to cancerous cell lines. In this study, two NDV isolates namely, AF 2240 and V4-UPM were evaluated for their anti-leukemic properties against four leukemic cell lines - HL60 (Promyelocytic leukemia), WEHI 3B (Mouse myelomoncytic leukemia), CEMSS (Human T-lymphobalstic leukemia) and K562 (Erythromyelobalstic leukemia). The cytolytic effects of NDV strains AF 2240 and V4-UPM towards WEHI 3B, HL60, CEMSS and K562 cell lines were determined using microtetrazolium (MTT) assay. The cytolytic dose - fifty percent (CD50) for WEHI 3B, HL60 and CEMSS treated with AF 2240 strain were 2, 25, 16 HAU, respectively, while the CD50 for WEHI 3B, HL60 and CEMSS treated with V4-UPM were 8, 110 and 64 HAU, respectively. Comparatively, both NDV strains showed very low cytolytic activity against K562 and non-leukemic cell lines namely, 3T3 (mouse fibroblasts), mouse lymphocytes and human peripheral lymphocytes. Further studies were done to observe the morphological changes in the WEHI 3B treated cells using light, transmission and scanning electron microscopes. The apoptosis and necrosis were examined under fluorescence microscope, where the cells were stained with acridine orange (AO) and propidiun iodide (PI). The treated cells with NDV strains AF 2240 and V4-UPM showed apoptotic features such as cell shrinkage, cell blebbing, and formation of apoptotic bodies compared to the control cells that did not express any features for apoptosis and necrosis. The early apoptosis was also observed under fluorescence microscope, where the cells were stained with Annexin V and PI. The virus effect on cell proliferation was determined by MTT assay and BrdU techniques. Furthermore, at molecular level, both NDV strains caused internucleosomal DNA cleavage producing a multiple of 180-200 bp fragments, that were visible as a ladder on the agarose gel. Early apoptosis was also observed using Annexin V flow cytometry method. The percentage of apoptosis for WEHI 3B cells treated with NDV strains AF 2240 and V4-UPM had increased with time. Cell cycle and apoptosis were also determined using flow cytometry PI method. Both NDV strains were not able to arrest WEHI 3B at specific cell cycle phases using flow cytometry PI method. In this study anti-leukemic activity of both NDV strains was evaluated on BALB/c mice induced leukemia with WEHI 3B cells. A day later they were treated with NDV strains AF 2240 and V4-UPM and arabinocytocine, a commercial drug, as positive control. The mice groups treated with arabinocytocine, NDV strains AF 2240 and V4-UPM showed significant killings (p<0.05) of leukemic cells compared to the mice group without any treatment. The total white blood cell and percentage of blasts cell in the blood, bone marrow and spleen smears were significantly low (p<0.05) in mice treated with the arabinocytocine, NDV strains AF 2240 and V4- UPM compared to the mice group without treatment, that showed high number of leukemia. Spleen and liver weights were significantly low (p<0.05) in the mice groups treated with arabinocytocine, NDV strains AF 2240 and V4-UPM compared to the mice group without treatment, that showed significant (p<0.05) splenomegaly and hepatomegaly. Histopathological studies carried out had confirmed haematological results. From the results obtained, the mice groups treated with both NDV stains AF 2240 and V4- UPM showed similar results as arabinocytocine, which is a commercial drug for leukemia. Immunoperoxidase staining, haemaggulatintion test and real time PCR were carried out to detect NDV in mice organs after treatment with NDV. The results showed no NDV particles were detected in the organs. This study showed that NDV strains AF 2240 and V4-UPM had caused cytolytic effects against WEHI 3B leukemia cell line in vitro and in vivo

    Examining Chronic Nutrient Enrichment Effects on Wetland Plant-Microbe Interactions Using a Trait-Based Approach

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    Mutualistic plant-microbe relationships that have evolved under nutrient starved environmental conditions are important for generating and maintaining plant and microbial biodiversity. However, human activities associated with land use change have altered nutrient cycles in ways that disrupt these long-standing mutualisms. Mutualistic plant-microbe relationships are especially necessary in low-nutrient ecosystems, and previous studies have shown that root-associated microbes enhance plant growth by inhibiting pathogenic fungi, improving nutrient uptake, and increasing plant species richness. Therefore, a deeper understanding of how nutrient enrichment alters the soil microbiome in the context of plant-microbe associations is needed. The goal of this study is to examine how long-term fertilization of a historically low nutrient coastal plain wetland influences plant-microbe associations. An experimental approach was used to test the hypothesis that long-term fertilization alters bacterial traits (e.g., growth rates) that disrupt beneficial plant-microbe associations. Four bacterial isolates from bulk soil were isolated from a long-term fertilization experiment (established in 2003) conducted in a coastal plain wetland located at East Carolina University’s West Research Campus (Greenville, North Carolina, USA). For this study, we compared functional traits (e.g., 2 growth rates) of phylogenetically identical soil bacterial isolates (>99% similar in the 16S rRNA gene) that were previously taxonomically classified into fast-growing copiotrophs and slow-growing oligotrophs. These simplified bacterial communities cultured from different soil sources (fertilized, unfertilized) were added to Chasmanthium laxum seedlings that were exposed to a nutrient gradient over five months. Results showed that bacterial isolates cultured from different nutrient enrichment histories displayed different growth rates depending on their life history strategy (i.e., slow growing oligotroph vs. fast growing copiotroph). After five months of growth, Chasmanthium laxum aboveground plant biomass was highest at low fertilization treatments (0x, 0.5x) when exposed to bacterial inocula sourced from unfertilized compared to fertilized soils. Addition of the simplified bacterial community also increased belowground root biomass compared to no bacterial additions. This study revealed that long-term nutrient enrichment does alter soil bacterial traits of cultured isolates and modifies plant-microbe relationships from mutualistic to competitive

    The Acquisition of the Nongeneric Uses of the English Definite Article the by Arabic Speakers of English

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    This study aimed to investigate the acquisition of the four non-generic uses of the English definite article the by Arabic learners of English in Saudi Arabia. These non-generic uses included textual, situational, cultural and structural. This study had three goals: (1) to determine whether these uses are acquired in a certain sequence; (2) to explore which one of these uses is the most difficult and the easiest in learning; (3) to investigate whether one or two of the uses are overused. The instrument consisted of 59 sentences adopted from Liu and Gleason (2002). There were 40 instances for required uses and 20 sentences for obligatory nonuse (5 instances for each use). The subjects were instructed to insert the where they deemed it necessary. The participants were 45 male undergraduate English major students, whose ages ranged from 18 to 22 with a Mean age of 21.6, from a university in Saudi Arabia. They were divided into three groups (15 students each) based on their proficiency levels as follows; low intermediate, intermediate, and advanced. The results revealed developmental trends in the acquisition of the non-generic uses of the English definite article related to proficiency. Specifically, the advanced group showed significantly higher accuracy of use in all four functions. Regarding the four functions, the order of acquisition, based on level of accuracy was as follows: situational, cultural, structural and textual. The study results are discussed in view of their pedagogical implications for the teaching of the definite article to Saudi learners of English

    IT terminology and translation: Cultural, lexicographic and linguistic problems

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    The research tackles the computer linguistic terminology used wrongly or vaguely by Arab computer users in academic institutions and by English Arabic translators. To serve the purpose of this research, we inserted and/or&nbsp; contextualized a number of computer linguistic terms in texts or contexts. The terms were heavily used in word processors or statistical packages. Five translators were requested to translate those texts. Simultaneously, we reviewed the computer books taught in two Arab countries which are Jordan and the UAE because these countries have witnessed good educational developments. After filtering out the translators' products from English into Arabic and after investigating the computer terminologies, we found that many computer terms are problematic. We classified the types of problematic vocabulary items and then tabulated them under four categories. Those were the vague, inaccurate, unchangeable and statistical ones. We also found that those problematic words were difficult to translate because of the Arabic culture or the inefficiency of English Arabic Bilingual dictionaries. The research ends up with a number of research and practical recommendations

    Impacto do uso de isolante térmico em habitações de interesse social nas diferentes condições climáticas brasileiras

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Florianópolis, 2016.Diversos são os estudos, ao redor do mundo, que vêm avaliando os impactos da utilização de isolante térmico nas vedações de edificações. No Brasil, o material ainda é pouco utilizado e não se sabe o real efeito de sua implementação na construção civil para as condições climáticas do país. A presente dissertação identifica o impacto do uso de isolante térmico nas condições térmicas internas em Habitações de Interesse Social (HIS) em alvenaria nas diferentes condições climáticas brasileiras. O estudo comparativo, feito por meio de um modelo computacional elaborado e simulado no software EnergyPlus 8.1, apresenta resultados que indicam que a utilização do isolante térmico pode ser benéfica às condições de conforto térmico e eficiência energética da Habitação de Interesse Social, uma vez que adotado somente em coberturas nas zonas bioclimáticas mais quentes, e nas paredes e coberturas nas zonas bioclimáticas mais frias do Brasil.Abstract : There are several studies around the world which have been evaluated the impacts of thermal insulation on building sealing. In Brazil, those materials are not frequently used yet and the real effects of their implementation in building construction for the country?s weather conditions are on an early stage. This thesis identifies the impact of insulation on internal thermal conditions in social housing made of masonry in Brazilian?s weather zones. The comparative study, done with a computer model elaborated and simulated on the EnergyPlus 8.1 software, shows results that indicates that the usage of thermal insulation may be positive to thermal comfort and energy efficiency of social housing, if used only on roofing at the warmer zones, and on roofing and walls at colder zones of Brazil

    The addition of graphene and novel fibre nanotubes to carbon fibre composites : effects on mechanical properties

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    PhD ThesisThe incorporation of multifunctional carbon nanomaterials, graphene nanoplatelets (GNP) and cup-stacked carbon nanotubes (CSCNT) into the polymer matrix of conventional carbon fibre reinforced composites as fillers, offers the potential for mechanical multifunctional improvements, for instance strength, stiffness and toughness without disrupting the original in plane mechanical properties. In this research, the GNP, the CSCNT and a novel combination of them (hybrid GNP-CSCNT nanofillers) were dispersed within a thermosetting resin matrix via mechanical dispersion techniques, such as ultra-sonication and ball milling/mixing to achieve uniform dispersion and full exfoliation of carbon nanomaterials in the matrix. The principal purpose of the combination of GNP and novel CSCNT into the matrix was to promote the strength and toughness properties of the polymer matrix as well as the conventional CFRP by availing the synergetic influence between these carbon nanomaterials. Three types of polymer nanocomposites (NP) were prepared successfully by the combination of these two dispersion techniques with the following formulations: GNP/epoxy nanocomposites, CSCNT/epoxy nanocomposites and hybrid GNP-CSCNT/epoxy nanocomposites. The greatest improvements of the HNP were achieved in flexural strength and flexural modulus after the combination of 2 wt.% of GNP and 2 wt.% of CSCNT by approximately 40% and 61%, respectively. In addition to significant improvement in fracture toughness by 85% at the same weight content, substantial improvements in the mechanical properties of novel HCFRP (hybrid GNP-CSCNT/CF/epoxy nanocomposites) were also gained after using the same optimum proportional weight content of these combined carbon nanomaterials. The flexural strength and flexural modulus improved by approximately 18% and 28% respectively, while the shear strength improved by 37%. Additionally, the energy propagation of Mode I and Mode II interlaminar fracture toughness increased by approximately 73% and 132% respectively. Most of the aforementioned properties of HCFRP showed superior improvement when 6 wt.% of CSCNT were individually incorporated, for instance the shear property of CSCNT/CF/epoxy nanocomposites improved by 38%, flexural strength by 25% and interlaminar fracture toughness Mode I and Mode II by 104% and 151% respectively. The GNP produces less improvements at optimum weight concentration 5 wt.% in comparison to CSCNT/CF/epoxy nanocomposites. For instance shear strength of GNP/CF/epoxy nanocomposites improved by 31%, flexural strength 20% and interlaminar fracture toughness Mode I and Mode II by 15% and 84% respectively. The fracture mechanisms for these enhancements were investigated by extensive fratographyical analysis to show the synergetic associated mechanisms of hybrids composites. Multiple fracture mechanisms systems were generated into the fracture surface of the HCFRP after the addition of combined carbon nanomaterials into the fibre network. In conclusion, the addition of novel CSCNT is better than GNP in reinforcing the mechanical properties of thermoset resin (i.e. epoxy) and conventional CFRP. Additionally, the inclusion of the combined nanomaterials; GNP and CSCNT is useful in promoting the mechanical properties over the parent hybrid composites. Moreover, it is expected to be harmless to the original mechanical properties of epoxy composites and conventional carbon fibre composites.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Ira

    Thymoquinone rich fraction from Nigella sativa and thymoquinone are cytotoxic towards colon and leukemic carcinoma cell lines.

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    Nigella sativa has been used for centuries in Asia, Middle East and Africa to promote health and fight diseases. In this study, the anti-cancer effects of thymoquinone rich fraction (TQRF) extracted from N. sativa seeds using supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) system and commercially available thymoquinone (TQ) on colon cancer (HT29), lymphoblastic leukemia (CEMSS) and promyelocytic leukemia (HL60) cells lines were investigated. The concentration that gave 50% inhibition of cell viability (IC50) of HT29, CEMSS and HL60 cells treated with TQRF were 400, 350 and 250 µg/ml, respectively. Meanwhile, the IC50 of TQ was 8, 5 and 3 µg/ml, respectively. Cell cycle analysis shows the increment of apoptosis in a time-dependent manner. However, both TQRF and TQ were not able to arrest the cell cycle phases of the cells. Apoptosis was the main mode of HT29, CEMSS and HL60 cells death induced by both TQRF and TQ. Our findings support the potential use of TQRF and TQ for the treatment of colon cancer and leukemia

    Voicing Contrast in Najdi Arabic Stops: Implications for Laryngeal Realism

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    Ph.D. (Integrated) ThesisThe present study investigates the phonetic and phonological aspects of the voicing contrast in stops in Najdi Arabic, a dialect that has been found to contrast prevoiced and aspirated stops. This study discusses the implications of the acoustic correlates of Voiceless and Voiced stops for the phonological representation of the voicing contrast in this variety and examines the connection between the acoustic signal and the distinctive features that specify the opposition by employing the types of evidence proposed in the realm of laryngeal realism. These types of evidence include the manifestation of acoustic correlates of stops in various positions, speech rate effect on aspiration and prevoicing, and the Voiceless and Voiced stops’ behaviour in stop-stop clusters across word boundary in terms of regressive voicing assimilation. The manifestation of the acoustic correlates of Voiceless and Voiced stops shows that Voiceless stops are aspirated in the examined positions whereas Voiced stops show robust prevoicing in utterance-initial and utterance-medial contexts. The acoustic correlates also show that Voiceless stops are robustly accompanied by longer closure, longer burst, higher F0 and F1 onset, and lower burst intensity. Voiced stops, on the other hand, are robustly accompanied by shorter closure (utterance-medially), shorter burst, lower F0 and F1, and higher burst intensity. Speech rate affects both aspiration and prevoicing in Voiceless and Voiced stops, respectively. Prevoicing and aspiration are lengthened in normal speech rate in comparison to fast speech rate. Stop-stop cluster results show that both Voiceless and Voiced stops trigger some (de)voicing in the preceding member of the cluster. The acoustic analysis reveals that Voiceless stops show voicing assimilation in F0/F1 and burst intensity but not in voicing in the closure. For Voiced stops, the results show a degree of devoicing in their closure but not in F0/F1 and burst intensity. The results suggest that Voiceless and Voiced stops in Najdi Arabic have features from both aspirating and voicing languages. This claim is supported by the three types of evidence implemented in this study. The assumption that both Voiceless and Voiced stops are specified implicates that the voicing contrast in Najdi Arabic is overspecified in the phonology with two features, [spread glottis] and [voice]. Applying the numeric values of phonetic distinctive features proposed by Beckman et al. (2013), on the scale of 1 to 9, the present study claims that Voiced stops in Najdi Arabic are specified with [9 voice] while Voiceless stops are specified with [8 spread glottis], mainly because of the existence of moderate aspiration in utterance-initial Voiceless stops and the robust prevoicing found in utterance-initial and utterance-medial Voiced stops (1 means inactive, 9 means highly active). The phonological repercussions for the proposed overspecification in the voicing contrast in Najdi Arabic are discussed with a specific focus on the inclusion of such a patterning in theoretical models of voicing

    A Comparative Study on the Flexural Behaviour of Rubberized and Hybrid Rubberized Reinforced Concrete Beams

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    This paper aims to investigate the flexural behaviour of the rubberized and hybrid rubberized reinforced concrete beams. A total of fourteen beams, 150×200 mm in cross-section with 1000 mm in length, were subject to a laboratory test over an effective span of 900 mm. The sand river aggregate was replaced by 10%, 12.5%, and 15% of crumb rubber (volume).   The hybrid structure contained two double layers: 1) rubberized reinforcement concrete at the top layer of the beam and 2) reinforcement concrete at the bottom layer of the concrete beam. The static responses by the flexural test of all the beams were evaluated in terms of their fresh properties, failure patterns, total energy, flexural strength, stiffness, and ultimate deflection, modulus of rupture, strain capacity, and ductility index. The results showed that there were improvements when the hybrid beams were used in most cases such as failure pattern, ultimate load, stiffness, modulus of rupture, and stress. The rubberized concrete beams showed improvements in the strain capacity as illustrated in strain gauges and stress-strain curves, toughness, ultimate deflection, and ductility index. The findings of the study revealed an improved performance with the use of the hybrid beams. This has resulted in the implementation of innovative civil engineering applications in the engineering sustainable structures

    Application of the Hilbert-Huang Transform to identification of changes in boundary conditions of a bridge using vibration data due to traffic

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    10th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS 2013), Dublin, 8-10 July, 2013The translational restraints associated to pin and rocker bearings are typically idealized in the form of fixed and free conditions. However, elastomeric bearings need to be represented with springs to reasonably predict the time- and frequency-domain response of bridges under traffic induced vibrations. Therefore, changes in the response of these bearings are common as a result of aging, deterioration, variation in loading levels and/or environmental changes. The latter makes difficult to discern if changes in the frequency content of the structural response to ambient vibration are due to changes in temperature, changes in normal operational loads or the occurrence of damage. In this paper, the bridge is idealized by a beam model supported on a hysteretic translational sprung support. The purpose is twofold: (a) to gather a better understanding of the variations of the bridge response with bearing performance; and (b) to be able to quickly identify an anomaly in the bearing. Empirical Mode Decomposition and the Hilbert-Huang Transform are employed to capture changes in the bearing stiffness from the bridge response.UCD seed funding schem