8 research outputs found

    Management of type 1 diabetes in low- and middle- income countries: Comparative health system assessments in Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Peru and Tanzania

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    To describe and compare the health system responses for type 1 diabetes in Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Peru and Tanzania. The Rapid Assessment Protocol for Insulin Access, a multi- level assessment of the health system, was implemented in Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Peru and Tanzania using document reviews, site visits and interviews to assess the delivery of care and access to insulin. Despite the existence of noncommunicable or diabetes strategies and Universal Health Coverage policies including diabetes- related supplies, this has not necessarily translated into access to insulin or diabetes care for all

    Addressing the double-burden of diabetes and tuberculosis : Lessons from Kyrgyzstan

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    Background: The incidence of diabetes and tuberculosis co-morbidity is rising, yet little work has been done to understand potential implications for health systems, healthcare providers and individuals. Kyrgyzstan is a priority country for tuberculosis control and has a 5% prevalence of diabetes in adults, with many health system challenges for both conditions. Methods: Patient exit interviews collected data on demographic and socio-economic characteristics, health spending and care seeking for people with diabetes, tuberculosis and both diabetes and tuberculosis. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews with healthcare workers involved in diabetes and tuberculosis care, to understand delivery of care and how providers view effectiveness of care. Results: The experience of co-affected individuals within the health system is different than those just with tuberculosis or diabetes. Co-affected patients do not receive more care and also have different care for their tuberculosis than people with only tuberculosis. Very high levels of catastrophic spending are found among all groups despite these two conditions being included in the Kyrgyz state benefit package especially for medicines. Conclusions: This study highlights that different patterns of service provision by disease group are found. Although Kyrgyzstan has often been cited as an example in terms of health reforms and developing Primary Health Care, this study highlights the challenge of managing conditions that are viewed as "too complicated" for non-specialists and the impact this has on costs and management of individuals

    Coping with the economic burden of Diabetes, TB and co-prevalence - Evidence from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

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    Background: The increasing number of patients co-affected with Diabetes and TB may place individuals with low socio-economic status at particular risk of persistent poverty. Kyrgyz health sector reforms aim at reducing this burden, with the provision of essential health services free at the point of use through a State-Guaranteed Benefit Package (SGBP). However, despite a declining trend in out-of-pocket expenditure, there is still a considerable funding gap in the SGBP. Using data from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, this study aims to explore how households cope with the economic burden of Diabetes, TB and co-prevalence. Methods: This study uses cross-sectional data collected in 2010 from Diabetes and TB patients in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Quantitative questionnaires were administered to 309 individuals capturing information on patients' socioeconomic status and a range of coping strategies. Coarsened exact matching (CEM) is used to generate socio-economically balanced patient groups. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression are used for data analysis. Results: TB patients are much younger than Diabetes and co-affected patients. Old age affects not only the health of the patients, but also the patient's socio-economic context. TB patients are more likely to be employed and to have higher incomes while Diabetes patients are more likely to be retired. Co-affected patients, despite being in the same age group as Diabetes patients, are less likely to receive pensions but often earn income in informal arrangements. Out-of-pocket (OOP) payments are higher for Diabetes care than for TB care. Diabetes patients cope with the economic burden by using social welfare support. TB patients are most often in a position to draw on income or savings. Co-affected patients are less likely to receive social welfare support than Diabetes patients. Catastrophic health spending is more likely in Diabetes and co-affected patients than in TB patients. Conclusions: This study shows that while OOP are moderate for TB affected patients, there are severe consequences for Diabetes affected patients. As a result of the underfunding of the SGBP, Diabetes and co-affected patients are challenged by OOP. Especially those who belong to lower socio-economic groups are challenged in coping with the economic burden

    Diabetes in Kyrgyzstan: changes between 2002 and 2009.

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    Health system reform in Kyrgyzstan is seen as a relative success story in central Asia. Initially, most attention focused on structural changes, and it is only since 2006 that the delivery of care and the experience of health service users have risen on the agenda. One exception from the earlier period was a rapid appraisal of the management of diabetes, undertaken in 2002. Using that study as a baseline, we describe the findings of a new evaluation of diabetes management, undertaken in 2009, using the Rapid Assessment Protocol for Insulin Access, now implemented in seven countries. Access to care has improved through the creation of the Family Medical Centres and the deployment of endocrinologists to them. Another improvement is the access to insulin and related medicines, although assessment of the procurement system reveals that the government is getting very poor value for money. Looking ahead, there are grounds for optimism that the passage of the law on diabetes may progressively have a greater impact. Although the law is not yet fully implemented, it has enabled the diabetes associations to defend the rights of their members. This increased capacity is credited with some improvements in diabetes care

    User requirements for non-invasive and minimally invasive glucose self-monitoring devices in low-income and middle-income countries: a qualitative study in Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Peru and Tanzania

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    Aims Development of non-invasive and minimally invasive glucose monitoring devices (NI-MI-GMDs) generally takes place in high-income countries (HICs), with HIC’s attributes guiding product characteristics. However, people living with diabetes (PLWD) in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) encounter different challenges to those in HICs. This study aimed to define requirements for NI-MI-GMDs in LMICs to inform a target product profile to guide development and selection of suitable devices.Methods This was a multiple-methods, exploratory, qualitative study conducted in Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Peru and Tanzania. Interviews and group discussions/activities were conducted with healthcare workers (HCWs), adults living with type 1 (PLWD1) or type 2 diabetes (PLWD2), adolescents living with diabetes and caregivers.Results Among 383 informants (90 HCW, 100 PLWD1, 92 PLWD2, 24 adolescents, 77 caregivers), a range of differing user requirements were reported, including preferences for area of glucose measurement, device attachment, data display, alert type and temperature sensitivity. Willingness to pay varied across countries; common requirements included ease of use, a range of guiding functions, the possibility to attach to a body part of choice and a cost lower than or equal to current glucose self-monitoring.Conclusions Ease-of-use and affordability were consistently prioritised, with broad functionality required for alarms, measurements and attachment possibilities. Perspectives of PLWD are crucial in developing a target product profile to inform characteristics of NI-MI-GMDs in LMICs. Stakeholders must consider these requirements to guide development and selection of NI-MI-GMDs at country level, so that devices are fit for purpose and encourage frequent glucose monitoring among PLWD in these settings

    Management of type 1 diabetes in low‐ and middle‐income countries: Comparative health system assessments in Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Peru and Tanzania

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    Aims: To describe and compare the health system responses for type 1 diabetes in Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Peru and Tanzania. Methods: The Rapid Assessment Protocol for Insulin Access, a multi-level assessment of the health system, was implemented in Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Peru and Tanzania using document reviews, site visits and interviews to assess the delivery of care and access to insulin. Results: Despite the existence of noncommunicable or diabetes strategies and Universal Health Coverage policies including diabetes-related supplies, this has not necessarily translated into access to insulin or diabetes care for all. Insulin and related supplies were often unavailable and unaffordable. Across the four countries test strips and insulin, when paid for by the individual, represented respectively 48-82% and 25-36% of total costs. Care was mainly delivered at tertiary-level hospitals by specialists. Only Kyrgyzstan had data collection systems integrated into the Ministry of Health structure. In addition, issues with healthcare worker training and education and empowerment of people with diabetes were present in these health systems. Conclusions: People with type 1 diabetes in these countries face different barriers, including the cost of insulin and care. Given the renewed attention to diabetes on the global health agenda tailored health system responses for type 1 diabetes are needed. Insulin should be prioritized as it is the foundation of type 1 diabetes care, but other elements of care and support need to be fostered by different actors.</p