2,139 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode a* Pada Game Mobile Learning Pemilihan Sampah Organik Dan Anorganik Berbasis Android

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    Keeping the environment clean is the responsibility of all people. Therefore awareness to dispose waste correctly needs to be inculcated from elementary school. An understanding to choice organic or inorganic garbage is essential in order to provide an understanding of the selection of the types of garbage.Games is developed using A* algorithm (Astar). Algorithm A* (Astar) is an algorithm to determine the shortest path proposed by Hart, Nilsson, and Raphael in 1968. The A * algorithm is one of the Branch and Bound algorithm also known as an algorithm to perform a search solution by using additional information in produce an optimal solution

    Secession and Security

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    Since World War II, separatist conflicts have been the most common and deadly types of war in international politics. Such wars result from a simple incongruity: ethno-nationalist groups desire a homeland, but on territory that is controlled by states unwilling to give it up. This book examines states’ strategies, particularly their use of violence, when confronted by separatist movements. Using more than 110 interviews, American and British diplomatic archives, and newspaper archives, this book’s emphasis on external security can account for separatist violence, or its lack thereof, in a variety of historical contexts including Pakistan's treatment of Bengali secessionists; India’s treatment of separatism in Assam, Punjab, and Jammu and Kashmir; interactions between the Ottoman Empire and Armenia; and Israel's attitudes toward Palestine

    The Importance of Attributional Trust to Corporate Reputation

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    This article proposes the simplified trust-reputation model that relates attributional trust and issue resolution to corporate reputation. In effect, individuals on a project are very forgiving of supply chain members with regard to issues because of concern for their company's reputation. Hence, while trust may vary, there was no breakdown in trust because this would affect their company's reputation as a good partner. Furthermore, although there was a reported variance in trust by the project managers, it did not affect the project's outcome, but it did affect the ease of doing business

    Electronic structure of spin 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic systems: Ba_2Cu(PO_4)_2 and Sr_2Cu(PO_4)_2

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    We have employed first principles calculations to study the electronic structure and magnetic properties of the low-dimensional phosphates, Ba2Cu(PO4)2 and Sr2Cu(PO4)2. Using the self-consistent tight-binding lin- earized muffin-tin orbital method and the Nth order muffin-tin orbital method, we have calculated the various intrachain as well as the interchain hopping parameters between the magnetic ions Cu2+ for both the com- pounds. We find that the nearest-neighbor intrachain hopping t is the dominant interaction suggesting the compounds to be indeed one dimensional. Our analysis of the band dispersion, orbital projected band struc- tures, and the hopping parameters confirms that the Cu2+-Cu2+ super-super exchange interaction takes place along the crystallographic b direction mediated by O-P-O. We have also analyzed in detail the origin of short-range exchange interaction for these systems. Our ab initio estimate of the ratio of the exchange inter- action of Sr2Cu(PO4)2 to that of Ba2Cu(PO4)2 compares excellently with available experimental results.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The bend stiffness of S-DNA

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    We formulate and solve a two-state model for the elasticity of nicked, double-stranded DNA that borrows features from both the Worm Like Chain and the Bragg--Zimm model. Our model is computationally simple, and gives an excellent fit to recent experimental data through the entire overstretching transition. The fit gives the first value for the bending stiffness of the overstretched state as about 10 nm*kbt, a value quite different from either B-form or single-stranded DNA.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur


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    Pengamatan bakteri dengan mikroskop cahaya tidak mudah terlihat, karena bakteri tidak dapat mengadsorbsi atau membiaskan cahaya, sehingga digunakan zat warna untuk mewarnai bakteri tersebut atau latar belakangnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pemanfaatan daun jati (Tectona grandis) sebagai pewarna alternatif pengganti zat warna safranin pada pewarnaan bakteri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif observatif, sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 5 sampel dengan 5 perlakuan yang diulangi sebanyak 5 kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa preparat bakteri E.coli yang dicat menggunakan ekstrak daun jati konsentrasi 1 % dan 2 % dihasilkan pewarnaan yang kualitasnya tidak baik sebanyak 10 preparat (40 %), menggunakan ekstrak daun jati konsentrasi 3 % dihasilkan pewarnaan yang kualitasnya kurang baik sebanyak 5 preparat (20 %), menggunakan konsentrasi 4 % dan 5 % dihasilkan pewarnaan yang kualitasnya baik sebanyak 10 preparat (40 %). Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah daun jati (Tectona grandis) dapat digunakan sebagai pewarna alternatif pengganti zat warna safranin pada pewarnaan preparat bakteri

    Effect of the Transposable Element Environment of Human Genes on Gene Length and Expression

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    Independent lines of investigation have documented effects of both transposable elements (TEs) and gene length (GL) on gene expression. However, TE gene fractions are highly correlated with GL, suggesting that they cannot be considered independently. We evaluated the TE environment of human genes and GL jointly in an attempt to tease apart their relative effects. TE gene fractions and GL were compared with the overall level of gene expression and the breadth of expression across tissues. GL is strongly correlated with overall expression level but weakly correlated with the breadth of expression, confirming the selection hypothesis that attributes the compactness of highly expressed genes to selection for economy of transcription. However, TE gene fractions overall, and for the L1 family in particular, show stronger anticorrelations with expression level than GL, indicating that GL may not be the most important target of selection for transcriptional economy. These results suggest a specific mechanism, removal of TEs, by which highly expressed genes are selectively tuned for efficiency. MIR elements are the only family of TEs with gene fractions that show a positive correlation with tissue-specific expression, suggesting that they may provide regulatory sequences that help to control human gene expression. Consistent with this notion, MIR fractions are relatively enriched close to transcription start sites and associated with coexpression in specific sets of related tissues. Our results confirm the overall relevance of the TE environment to gene expression and point to distinct mechanisms by which different TE families may contribute to gene regulation

    Energy transfer in structured and unstructured environments: Master equations beyond the Born-Markov approximations

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    We explore excitonic energy transfer dynamics in a molecular dimer system coupled to both structured and unstructured oscillator environments. By extending the reaction coordinate master equation technique developed by Iles-Smith et al. [Phys. Rev. A 90, 032114 (2014)], we go beyond the commonly used Born-Markov approximations to incorporate system-environment correlations and the resultant non-Markovian dynamical effects. We obtain energy transfer dynamics for both underdamped and overdamped oscillator environments that are in perfect agreement with the numerical hierarchical equations of motion over a wide range of parameters. Furthermore, we show that the Zusman equations, which may be obtained in a semiclassical limit of the reaction coordinate model, are often incapable of describing the correct dynamical behaviour. This demonstrates the necessity of properly accounting for quantum correlations generated between the system and its environment when the Born-Markov approximations no longer hold. Finally, we apply the reaction coordinate formalism to the case of a structured environment comprising of both underdamped (i.e., sharply peaked) and overdamped (broad) components simultaneously. We find that though an enhancement of the dimer energy transfer rate can be obtained when compared to an unstructured environment, its magnitude is rather sensitive to both the dimer-peak resonance conditions and the relative strengths of the underdamped and overdamped contributions

    A prospective randomized trial of tacrolimus and prednisone versus tacrolimus, prednisone and mycophenolate mofetil in primary adult liver transplantation: A single center report

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    Background. Tacrolimus (TAC) and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) are currently approved immunosuppressants for prevention of rejection in liver transplantation (LTx). They have different modes of action and toxicity profiles, but the efficacy and safety of MMF in primary liver transplantation with TAC has not been determined. Methods. An Institutional Review Board-approved, open-label, single-center, prospective randomized trial was initiated to study the efficacy and toxicity of TAC and steroids (double-drug therapy (D)) versus TAC, steroids, and MMF (triple-drug therapy (T)) in primary adult LTx recipients. Both groups of patients were started on the same doses of TAC and steroids. Patients randomized to T also received 1 gm MMF twice a day. Results. Between August 1995 and May 1998, 350 patients were enrolled at a single center-175 in the D and 175 in the T groups. All patients were followed until May 1998, with a mean follow-up of 33.8±9.1 months. Using an intention-to-treat analysis, the 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-year patient survival was 85.1%, 81.6%, 78.6%, and 75.8%, respectively, for D and 87.4%, 85.4%, 81.3%, and 79.9%, respectively, for T. The 4-year graft survival was 70% for D and 72.1% for T. Although the rate of acute rejection in the first 3 months was significantly lower for T than for D (28% for triple vs. 38.9% for double, P=0.03), the overall rate of rejection for T at the end of 1 year was not significantly lower than for the D (38.9% triple vs. 45.2% double). The median time to the first episode of rejection was 14 days for D versus 24 days for T (P=0.008). During the study period, 38 of 175 patients in D received MMF to control ongoing acute rejection, nephrotoxicity, and/or neurotoxicity. On the other hand, 103 patients in the T discontinued MMF for infection, myelosuppression, and/or gastrointestinal disturbances. The need for corticosteroids was less after 6 months for T and the perioperative need for dialysis was lower with use of MMF. Conclusion. This final report confirms similar patient survival and graft survival up to 4 years with a trend towards fewer episodes of rejection, lower need for steroids, and better perioperative renal function. However, the complex nature of LTx patients and their posttransplantation course prevents the routine application of MMF