3,761 research outputs found

    Recognition Pencitraan pada Uang Kertas untuk Mengetahui Keaslian Uang

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    Uang merupakan suatu alat tukar yang dapat diterima secara umum sebagai alat pembayaran bagi pembelian barang-barang dan jasa-jasa serta kekayan berharga lainnya serta untuk pembayaran utang. Dengan dibutuhkannya uang dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, meningkat pula tindak kejahatan pemalsuan uang.Peredaran uang palsu (upal) dari tahun ke tahun terus mengalami peningkatan, untuk itu, diperlukan adanya suatu teknologi aplikasi yang dapat memb edakan dan mengetahui keaslian uang tersebut. Penelitian menggunakan pemrograman java dengan metode k-means cluster ini dapat membantu orang dalam mengetahui keaslian uang.Kata Kunci : Uang, Citra Digital, K-Means ClusterMoney is a medium of exchange that is generally accepted as payment for the purchase of goods and services as well as other valuable wealth as well as for payment of debts. With the money needed in everyday life, so did the crime of counterfeiting money.Circulation of counterfeit money (upal) from year to year continues to increase, for it requires the existence of an application technology that can distinguish and determine the authenticity of the money. Research using java programming with k-means cluster method can help people in knowing the authenticity of money

    La relation entre les dépenses et les recettes publiques dans une économie régionale : le Québec, 1955-82

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    La croissance des dépenses publiques mène-t-elle à une augmentation des revenus ou est-ce la croissance des revenus provinciaux qui fait augmenter les dépenses publiques? De récentes études ont démontré qu’il y a une dépendance mutuelle entre les dépenses publiques et le PNB. Ces résultats ont des implications évidentes pour les politiques et les prévisions économiques. Les auteurs du présent article se demandent si ces résultats sont valables pour une économie régionale (tel qu’une province faisant partie d’une confédération) où les dépenses et les recettes publiques dépendent directement et indirectement d’un bon nombre d’accords et de programmes négociés avec le gouvernement fédéral. Cette étude démontre que même dans un contexte régional, il existe une relation avec feedback entre ces deux variables. Ainsi, la croissance des dépenses publiques et celle des revenus provinciaux au Québec se renforcent mutuellement en dépit des facteurs exogènes. Les auteurs suggèrent donc que le choix des politiques économiques se fasse dans un contexte plus global où l’on tiendrait compte de cette dépendance mutuelle.Does public expenditure growth stimulate income or is it the increase in provincial income which causes government spending to rise? Recent studies have shown that, at the national level, total public spending and national income are mutually dependent on each other in the causal sense. This finding has clear implications for economic policy and forecasting. In this paper the authors examine whether the above conclusion holds in a regional economy (such as a province in a Confederation) where both regional income and public expenditure are affected, directly and indirectly, by a host of agreements and programs negotiated with the federal government. This study shows that even in such a context, both the variables exhibit a feedback relationship. Thus, increases in public expenditure and provincial income in Quebec, in spite of exogenous forces, reinforce each other. Consequently, the authors suggest that public policy options be examined in terms of a more general framework embodying the joint-dependence

    Creating excitonic entanglement in quantum dots through the optical Stark effect

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    We show that two initially non-resonant quantum dots may be brought into resonance by the application of a single detuned laser. This allows for control of the inter-dot interactions and the generation of highly entangled excitonic states on the picosecond timescale. Along with arbitrary single qubit manipulations, this system would be sufficient for the demonstration of a prototype excitonic quantum computer.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; published version, figure 3 improved, corrections to RWA derive

    A general approach to quantum dynamics using a variational master equation: Application to phonon-damped Rabi rotations in quantum dots

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    We develop a versatile master equation approach to describe the non-equilibrium dynamics of a two-level system in contact with a bosonic environment, which allows for the exploration of a wide range of parameter regimes within a single formalism. As an experimentally relevant example, we apply this technique to the study of excitonic Rabi rotations in a driven quantum dot, and compare its predictions to the numerical Feynman integral approach. We find excellent agreement between the two methods across a generally difficult range of parameters. In particular, the variational master equation technique captures effects usually considered to be non-perturbative, such as multi-phonon processes and bath-induced driving renormalisation, and can give reliable results even in regimes in which previous master equation approaches fail.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Published version, revised title, minor changes to the tex

    La relation entre les dépenses et les recettes publiques dans une économie régionale : le Québec, 1955-82

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    Does public expenditure growth stimulate income or is it the increase in provincial income which causes government spending to rise? Recent studies have shown that, at the national level, total public spending and national income are mutually dependent on each other in the causal sense. This finding has clear implications for economic policy and forecasting. In this paper the authors examine whether the above conclusion holds in a regional economy (such as a province in a Confederation) where both regional income and public expenditure are affected, directly and indirectly, by a host of agreements and programs negotiated with the federal government. This study shows that even in such a context, both the variables exhibit a feedback relationship. Thus, increases in public expenditure and provincial income in Quebec, in spite of exogenous forces, reinforce each other. Consequently, the authors suggest that public policy options be examined in terms of a more general framework embodying the joint-dependence. La croissance des dépenses publiques mène-t-elle à une augmentation des revenus ou est-ce la croissance des revenus provinciaux qui fait augmenter les dépenses publiques? De récentes études ont démontré qu’il y a une dépendance mutuelle entre les dépenses publiques et le PNB. Ces résultats ont des implications évidentes pour les politiques et les prévisions économiques. Les auteurs du présent article se demandent si ces résultats sont valables pour une économie régionale (tel qu’une province faisant partie d’une confédération) où les dépenses et les recettes publiques dépendent directement et indirectement d’un bon nombre d’accords et de programmes négociés avec le gouvernement fédéral. Cette étude démontre que même dans un contexte régional, il existe une relation avec feedback entre ces deux variables. Ainsi, la croissance des dépenses publiques et celle des revenus provinciaux au Québec se renforcent mutuellement en dépit des facteurs exogènes. Les auteurs suggèrent donc que le choix des politiques économiques se fasse dans un contexte plus global où l’on tiendrait compte de cette dépendance mutuelle.

    Coordinate Transformation-Free Observer-Based Adaptive Estimation of Distorted Single-Phase Grid Voltage Signal

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    © 2013 IEEE. This paper studies the phase and frequency estimation problem of single-phase grid voltage signal in the presence of DC offset and harmonics. For this purpose, a novel parameterized linear model of the grid voltage signal is considered where the unknown frequency of the grid is considered as the parameter. Based on the developed model, a linear observer (Luenberger type) is proposed. Then using Lyapunov stability theory, an estimator of the unknown grid frequency is developed. In order to deal with the grid harmonics, multiple parallel observers are then proposed. The proposed technique is inspired by other Luenberger observers already proposed in the literature. Those techniques use coordinate transformation that requires real-time matrix inverse calculation. The proposed technique avoids real-time matrix inversion by using a novel state-space model of the grid voltage signal. In comparison to similar other techniques available in the literature, no coordinate transformation is required. This significantly reduces the computational complexity w.r.t. similar other techniques. Comparative experimental results are provided with respect to two other recently proposed nonlinear techniques to show the dynamic performance improvement. Experimental results demonstrate the suitability of the proposed technique

    Electronic structure of spin 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic systems: Ba_2Cu(PO_4)_2 and Sr_2Cu(PO_4)_2

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    We have employed first principles calculations to study the electronic structure and magnetic properties of the low-dimensional phosphates, Ba2Cu(PO4)2 and Sr2Cu(PO4)2. Using the self-consistent tight-binding lin- earized muffin-tin orbital method and the Nth order muffin-tin orbital method, we have calculated the various intrachain as well as the interchain hopping parameters between the magnetic ions Cu2+ for both the com- pounds. We find that the nearest-neighbor intrachain hopping t is the dominant interaction suggesting the compounds to be indeed one dimensional. Our analysis of the band dispersion, orbital projected band struc- tures, and the hopping parameters confirms that the Cu2+-Cu2+ super-super exchange interaction takes place along the crystallographic b direction mediated by O-P-O. We have also analyzed in detail the origin of short-range exchange interaction for these systems. Our ab initio estimate of the ratio of the exchange inter- action of Sr2Cu(PO4)2 to that of Ba2Cu(PO4)2 compares excellently with available experimental results.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Ruin Theory for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in LTE-U Networks

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    LTE in the unlicensed band (LTE-U) is a promising solution to overcome the scarcity of the wireless spectrum. However, to reap the benefits of LTE-U, it is essential to maintain its effective coexistence with WiFi systems. Such a coexistence, hence, constitutes a major challenge for LTE-U deployment. In this paper, the problem of unlicensed spectrum sharing among WiFi and LTE-U system is studied. In particular, a fair time sharing model based on \emph{ruin theory} is proposed to share redundant spectral resources from the unlicensed band with LTE-U without jeopardizing the performance of the WiFi system. Fairness among both WiFi and LTE-U is maintained by applying the concept of the probability of ruin. In particular, the probability of ruin is used to perform efficient duty-cycle allocation in LTE-U, so as to provide fairness to the WiFi system and maintain certain WiFi performance. Simulation results show that the proposed ruin-based algorithm provides better fairness to the WiFi system as compared to equal duty-cycle sharing among WiFi and LTE-U.Comment: Accepted in IEEE Communications Letters (09-Dec 2018