32 research outputs found

    Comparison of Apically Extruded Debris Associated with Different Nickel–Titanium Systems

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    ABSTRACTObjective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of different instrument systems on the amount of extruded debris. Materials and methods: A total of 30 extracted mandibular molars with two separate canals and apical foramina in the mesial roots were selected. The root canals (n=10) were randomly assigned to the six groups of file systems as follows: ProTaper Next (PTN), WaveOne (WO), WaveOne Gold (WOG), One Shape (OS), Reciproc (R) and Reciproc Blue (RB). The extruded debris during the instrumentation was collected into Eppendorf tubes, which were weighed and then stored in an incubator at 70°C over a period of five days to evaporate the irrigant. After the incubation process, the Eppendorf tubes were weighed again. The difference between these two measurements, the first one before and the second one after the incubation process, was calculated. Data were statistically analyzed, and the significance level was set at p<0.05. Results: R produced less debris compared to WO. R and PTN files produced significantly less debris compared to the OS files (p < 0.05). Extruded debris in RB and WO groups were not significantly different, while RB produced less debris than WOG and OS (p<0.05). Conclusions: All instrumentation systems allowed for the apical extrusion of the debris. Keywords: Apically extruded debris, Endodontics, Ni-Ti systems   ÖZ Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı nikel titanyum eğe sistemlerini apikalden taşan debris miktarı açısından değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmada mesial köklerinde iki ayrı kanal ve apikal foramene sahip toplam 30 adet mandibular molar diş seçildi. Kök kanalları (n = 10) aşağıdaki altı eğe sistemine göre rastgele ayrılmıştır: ProTaper Next (PTN), WaveOne (WO), WaveOne Gold (WOG), One Shape (OS), Reciproc (R) ve Reciproc Blue (RB). İnstrümantasyon sırasında ekstrüde edilmiş debrisler önceden boş ağırlıkları ölçülmüş eppendorf tüplerinde toplandı ve sonra irrigantı buharlaştırmak için beş günlük bir süre boyunca 70 ° C'de bir inkübatörde saklandı. İnkübasyon sürecinden sonra, eppendorf tüpleri tekrar tartıldı. Bu iki ölçüm arasındaki fark hesaplandı. Veriler istatistiksel olarak analiz edildi ve anlamlılık düzeyi p <0,05 olarak belirlendi. Bulgular: R, WO ile karşılaştırıldığında daha az debris taşmasına sebep oldu. R ve PTN eğeleri, OS eğelere göre anlamlı derecede daha az debris taşımına sebep oldu (p <0,05). RB ve WO gruplarında apikalden taşan debris miktarı anlamlı ölçüde farklı değildi ancak RB WOG ve OS'den daha az debris taşmasına sebep oldu (p <0.05). Sonuç: Bütün eğe sistemleri apikalden debris taşırmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Apikal taşma, Endodonti, Ni-Ti sistemler

    Investigation of trace metals distribution in water, sediments and wetland plants of Kizilirmak Delta, Turkey

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    Lostak, Michal/0000-0003-0392-0702WOS: 000399041000010In this study, accumulation and distribution of Pb, Cu, Zn, Co, Ni, Mn and Fe in water, bottom sediments and four plant species (Myriophyllum verticillatum, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, Nymphaea alba and Typha latifolia) were investigated in cernek Lake of Kizilirmak Delta. The Kizilirmak Delta is one of the largest natural wetlands of Turkey and it is protected by the Ramsar convention since 1993. Selected physico-chemical parameters such as pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen and also trace metal concentrations were monitored in water. All the parameters obtained were found higher than that of the national standards for the protected lakes and reserves. The accumulated amounts of various trace metals in bottom sediments and wetland plants were found in the following order of Fe > Mn > Zn > Ni > Co > Cu > Pb and Fe > Mn > Zn > Ni > Co respectively. The historical trace metal intake of Myriophyllum verticillatum, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, Typha latifolia and Nymphaea alba were obtained higher than that of the toxic metal levels and these plants may be accepted as accumulators for the detected trace metals and also bio-indicators in the historically polluted natural areas. (C) 2016 International Research and Training Centre on Erosion and Sedimentation/the World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Ondokuz Maps University Scientific Research Project [PYO.FEN.1904.10.013]This study was supported by Ondokuz Maps University Scientific Research Project no: PYO.FEN.1904.10.013

    Panel stochastic frontier analysis of profitability and efficiency of Turkish banking sector in the post crisis era

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    This paper examines the efficiency and its relation to profitability in Turkish banking sector by employing Panel Stochastic Frontier Approach. In the post crises period, extensive structural changes have taken place and a great number of new developments have occurred, affecting the efficiency of banking sector. This is the first study that employs panel stochastic frontier approach for banking efficiency in Turkey. In this research, both cost and profit efficiency measures are estimated for the panel data consisting of 32 banks between 2002–2007. Results suggest that there is cost efficiency gain and convergence in the efficiency levels of banks. As another interesting result, foreign banks are less efficient and state banks are more efficient. This paper also analyzes the relation between efficiency and profitability and finds no robust relation between them. However, the bank size matters more for profitability. Article in English. Turkijos bankų sektoriaus veiklos pelningumo ir efektyvumo analizė pokriziniu laikotarpiu Santrauka. Autoriai nagrinėja Turkijos bankų veiklą, t. y. jų pelningumą bei efektyvumą pokriziniu laikotarpiu. Šis laikotarpis buvo pasirinktas todėl, kad atsirado daug įvairių struktūrinių pokyčių, kurie turėjo įtakos bankininkystės sektoriaus efektyvumui. Tyrimui buvo pasirinkti 32 Turkijoje veikiantys bankai (jų veiklos rodikliai prieš ekonominę krizę ir po jos). Rezultatai rodo, kad Turkijoje veikiančių užsienio komercinių bankų veikla yra mažiau efektyvesnė nei valstybinių. Taip pat autoriai analizuoja bankų veiklos efektyvumo ir pelningumo santykį, tačiau, kaip rodo gauti rezultatai, stipraus ryšio tarp jų nėra. Reikšminiai žodžiai: efektyvumas, pelningumas, komerciniai bankai, nacionaliniai bankai, Turkij

    Evaluation of trace metals in sediment, water, and fish (Mugil cephalus) of the central Black Sea coast of Turkey

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    Kir, Ismail/0000-0002-8700-1174WOS: 000365714300018In this study, concentrations of trace metals such as As, Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Pb, Ni, Sn, Se, and Zn were determined in sediments, water, and a kind of fish (Mugil cephalus) of the central Black Sea coasts by employing Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry and microwave digestion technique. Gill, muscle, liver, and other tissues were analyzed separately for each sample. The accuracy of the results were checked by using a certified reference material (DORM-4). In water samples, the metal determined at highest concentrations was Cu (1645.44 mu g/L). In sediment samples, the metal determined at highest concentrations was Fe (12223.50mg/kg). The levels of trace metals found in the different parts of the fish were: Zn in muscle tissue (30393.28mg/kg), Sn in gill tissue (5140.08mg/kg), and Cu in liver tissue (289.31mg/kg). These results were also compared with various relevant guidelines and literature.Giresun UniversityGiresun University [FEN-BAP-A-220413-49]This study was supported by Giresun University (No: FEN-BAP-A-220413-49) Scientific Research Project

    A sheep whole-eye autotransplantation model

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    Background: The aim of this study is to establish an in vivo large mammalian model that can form the basis for future immunosuppression research, nerve recovery research, surgical applicability, and training studies. Materials and Methods: An 18-month-old, 40 kg, curly breed sheep was used. A whole-eye autotransplantation was planned, including the upper and lower eyelids, lacrimal gland, and extraocular muscles. Intracranial intervention and inclusion of the bone segment were not considered. The frontozygomatic approach was used in the operation. Circulation was established by anastomoses of the internal ophthalmic vein and artery with elongated superficial temporal artery and vein with vein grafts. The optic nerve was repaired last. Blood circulation and the retina were checked by means of postoperative bleeding and indirect ophthalmoscope. Results: Using the internal carotid system, circulation of the entire eye and its appendages was achieved in the early period. The frontozygomatic approach facilitated nerve and vessel repairs and therefore shortened the ischemia time (16 min). Although circulation was established in the retina, local bleeding foci were detected. Pupillary, corneal, and palpebral reflexes could not be obtained from the animal. The animal died on the 10th day. Circulation of the autotransplanted tissue was present at this time, including the eyelids and appendages of the eye. Conclusion: The composite whole-eye autotransplantation model was successfully planned in vivo in a large mammal, the sheep, without the need for intracranial intervention, and by including all of the eye attachments based on the internal ophthalmic artery

    Phytoremediation of Cadmium in Soil and Hydroponics By Tradescantia Fluminensis

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    Guney, Serkan/0000-0002-6270-5458WOS: 000484879700002The purpose of this study is to examine the bioaccumulation of ecotoxic metal cadmium (Cd) from soil and waste water by Tradescantia Fluminensis as an ornamental plant. The plants grown in soil and hydroponic systems contaminated with Cd for this purpose (0-100 mg kg(-1)). In this study, Cd accumulation and distribution in the Tradescantia Fluminensis were also investigated. Cd accumulation was the maximum in the root, followed by than the stem and leaves in pots and hydroponics. Translocation Factor (TF) and The Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) values were also calculated to appraise the efficacy of the plants being removed. The plant could well tolerate up to 100 mg kg(-1) of Cd concentration level. Although the plant cannot be categorized as a hyperaccumulator, the plant has been very effective in Cd translocation from root to sprouting, as is evident from the data obtained from the BCF and TF values.Giresun University scientific research projectGiresun University [FEN-BAP-A-160317-40]This study was supported by Giresun University scientific research project No: FEN-BAP-A-160317-40

    Investigation of the Effect of Animal Contact on Nasal Staphylococcus aureus Carriage

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    Introduction: In recent studies, an increase in the frequency of Staphylococcus aureus colonization and of infections due to this bacteria in persons who are in close contact with animals was reported. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of being in contact with animals on nasal S. aureus carriage. Materials and Methods: Two groups were constituted from veterinary school students. Group 1 consisted of first- and second-year students who had not yet begun clinical practice. This group was used as the control group since they had not yet been in contact with animals. Group 2 was composed of third-, fourth- and fifth-year students who participated in clinical practice regularly. A total of 173 students were included in the study. Nasal swab samples taken from each individual were streaked onto Staphylococcus medium (Oxoid). After 48 hours’ incubation at 35°C, colonies were evaluated for S. aureus by conventional identification methods. Strains identified as S. aureus were also tested for methicillin-resistance by the disk diffusion method. Results: S. aureus was found in 23 out of 100 (23%) and 27 out of 73 (37%) persons in Groups 1 and 2, respectively. None of the isolated strains was resistant to methicillin. The difference between the two groups in terms of nasal S. aureus carriage was statistically significant (p< 0.05). Conclusion: Results obtained from the present study showed that being in contact with the animals was an effective factor on nasal S. aureus carriage. However, more studies should be done among at-risk populations who are in long-term contact with animals for occupational reasons