299 research outputs found

    Muslimische Kinder und Jugendliche in Deutschland

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    Über Muslime wird derzeit viel diskutiert. Dieses Buch reiht sich in die vielschichtige Integrationsdebatte ein. Durch einen problemorientierten Zugriff ist es insbesondere für all jene von Interesse sein, die sich professionell oder ehrenamtlich im Bereich Migration und Integration engagieren. Es werden Kindheit und Jugend in traditionell-muslimischen Milieus durchleuchtet. Auf der Grundlage der Analyse der Sozialisationsbedingungen in Deutschland geborener Migrantenkinder folgen Darstellungen, die für eine migrations- und ungleichheitssensible pädagogische Praxis von Relevanz sind

    Code-based Evaluation Of Seismic Performance Levels Of Reinforced Concrete Buildings With Linear And Non-linear Approaches

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2008Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2008Bu çalışmada, Deprem Bölgelerinde Yapılacak Binalar Hakkında Yönetmelik 2007 (DBYBHY) ve Eurocode 8 kapsamında olan deprem performansına dayalı değerlendirme yöntemleri incelenecektir. Bu iki yönetmelikte belirtilen lineer ve lineer olmayan statik analiz yöntemleri açıklandıktan sonra yine bu iki yönetmeliğe bağlı olarak mevcut betonarme yapı üç-boyut olarak modellenerek değerlendirilmiş ve sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır. Sayısal incelemede 1998 Adana Ceyhan depreminde sismik büyüklük olarak Ms=6.3 ve maksimum ivme olarak 0.28g ye maruz kalmış mevcut binada Eurocode 8 ve DBYBHY’ye bağlı olarak deprem performans değerlendirmeleri uygulanmıştır. Zemin koşulları aynı özellikleri gösterdiği halde Eurocode 8’e göre belirlenen taban kesme kuvveti, Türk Deprem Yönetmeliği’nden çok daha yüksek olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. DBYBHY’de deplasmana dayalı lineer olmayan değerlendirmelerde, plastik kesitlerin şekil değiştirmeleri incelenmiştir. Eurocode kapsamında birincil sünek elemanların uç dönme miktarları kontrol edilmiştir. Lineer ve lineer olmayan metotlarla analizler altında Eurocode 8 ve DBYBHY’nin istem eğrilikleri neredeyse örtüşmektedir.In this study, a comparative study is performed on the code- based seismic assessment of RC buildings with linear static and non-linear static methods of analysis, selecting an existing RC building. The basic principles will be investigated, the procedure of seismic performance evaluations for existing RC buildings according to Eurocode 8 and TEC’07 will be outlined and compared applying on a real case study building exposed to seismic action of Ms =6.3. with a maximum ground acceleration of g= 0.28g occurred in Adana- Ceyhan Earthquake of 1998. The computations show that the performing methods of analysis with linear and non-linear approaches using either Eurocode 8 or TEC’07 independently produce similar performance levels of collapse for the critical storey of the structure. The computed base shear value according to Eurocode is much higher than the requirements of the Turkish Earthquake Code while the selected ground conditions represent the same characteristics. In TEC’07 displacement-based non-linear assessment, the strains at plastic cross-sections are to be verified; however, the chord rotations of primary ductile elements must be checked for Eurocode safety verifications. On the other hand, the demand curvatures from linear and non-linear methods of analysis of Eurocode 8 together with TEC’07 are almost similar.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Handlungsempfehlungen zum Empowerment von MigrantInnen zum Umwelt- und Klimaschutz

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    Die hier formulierten Handlungsempfehlungen resultieren aus den Ergebnissen der repräsentativen Befragung, den vertiefenden Interviews, den Evaluationen der vier Modell-projekte und dem Erfahrungswissen von Praxisakteuren, die dem BMBF-geförderten Projekt EMIGMA während der dreijährigen Laufzeit (2010 - 2013) beratend zur Seite standen und mit denen zusätzlich zu spezifischen Fragestellungen Experten_inneninterviews durchgeführt wurden. Ziel ist es, Akteur_innen aus Migrantenorganisationen (bspw. Moscheevereine, Alevitische Gemein-den, Elternvereine, Frauenvereine, russische und türkische Kulturvereine), Umweltschutz-organisationen (bspw. BUND, Greenpeace, NABU), Unternehmen (bspw. die Verbraucherzentralen, Stadtwerke, Verkehrsunternehmen) und anderen Einrichtungen dabei zu unterstützen, den Nachhaltigkeitsgedanken in den türkischen und russischen Communities zu verbreiten. Türkeistämmige und russischsprachige Migrant_innen sollen gezielt für den Klima- und Umweltschutz sensibilisiert und zu Verhaltensänderungen sowie zum Umwelt-schutzengagement auf institutioneller Ebene motiviert werden. Des Weiteren adressieren die Handlungsempfehlungen die verschiedenen Ebenen in Verwaltung und Politik und zeigen auf, an welchen Stellen Rahmenbedingungen derart zu gestalten sind, dass sie die Migrant_innen- und Umweltschutzorganisationen in ihrer Klima- und Umweltschutzarbeit unterstützen. Sei es durch entsprechende Projektausschreibungen oder direkte finanzielle Unterstützung

    Investigating of Mechanical Properties of Mortars Based on Fly Ash and Blast Furnace Slag Activated with Alkali

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    Alkali activated mortars obtained from granulated blast furnace slag and fly ash were used instead of Portland cement by activating with alkali. Sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide were activated blast furnace slag and fly ash. Mortar samples were prepared 40x40x160 mm as prismatic samples according to TS EN 196-1 and they were cured at room temperature. Compressive and flexural strength of the mortar samples including blast furnace slag and fly ash were investigated by experimenting


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    DIODE PROPERTY OF n-ZnO/p-Si HETEROJUNCTION STRUCTURE IN THE DARK AND ILLUMINATION CONDITIONAbstractIn this study, Zinc Oxide (ZnO) thin film was deposited on the Silicon (Si) wafer by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) to form n-ZnO/p-Si heterojunction.  The morphological and the crystal structure of ZnO thin film was analysed and interpreted by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), respectively.  The absorption spectrum was obtained by using the UV-Vis spectra and the band gap (Eg) was found by using Tauc Law.  The current density-Voltage (J-V) plot was obtained at room temperature (RT) in the dark and under illumination.  The barrier height (BH) and ideality factor were found about 0.46 eV and 1.35, respectively.  The largest values of open circuit voltage (Voc) and short-circuit current (Jsc) were about 100 mV and 3×10-2 mA/cm2, respectively.  It has been measured that ZnO/Si heterojunction diode behaves a solar cell like device under the illumination conditions.Keywords: Heterojunction, open circuit voltage, short circuit current, barrier height, ideality factorKARANLIK ve AYDINLIK ŞARTLARDA n-ZnO/p-Si HETEROEKLEM YAPISININ DİYOT ÖZELLİĞİÖzetBu çalışmada, n-ZnO/p-Si heteroeklem oluşturmak için Silikon (Si) wafer üzerine Çinko Oksit (ZnO) ince film Puls Lazer Deposizasyon (PLD) ile depozit edilmiştir. ZnO ince filmin morfolojik ve kristal yapısı, sırasıyla Atomik Kuvvet Mikroskopu (AFM) ve X-Ray Kırınımı (XRD) ile analiz edilmiş ve yorumlanmıştır. Soğurma spektrumu UV-Vis spektrumu kullanılarak elde edilmiş ve bant aralığı (Eg) Tauc yasası kullanılarak bulunmuştur. Akım yoğunluğu-Gerilim (J-V) grafiği, oda sıcaklığında (RT) karanlıkta ortamda ve ışık altında elde edilmiştir. Bariyer yüksekliği (BH) ve idealite faktörü sırasıyla yaklaşık 0.46 eV ve 1.35 bulunmuştur. Açık devre voltajının (Voc) ve kısa devre akım yoğunluğunun (Jsc) en büyük değerleri sırasıyla 100 mV ve 3x10-2 mA/cm2’dir. ZnO/Si heteroeklem diyotunun ışık altında güneş piline benzer bir cihaz gibi davrandığı gözlemlenmiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Heteroeklem, açık devre voltajı, kısa devre akımı, bariyer yüksekliği, idealite faktör

    Türkiye’deki Kamu Okullarında Bürokrasi: Mevcut Ampirik Çalışmaların Tematik Bir Analizi

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, Türkiye’deki okullarda bürokratik yapı ile ilgili yapılan araştırmaların genel bir görünümü ile bu araştırma bulgularının tematik bir analizini sunmaktır. Sistematik inceleme metodu kullanılarak yürütülen araştırma, 2004-2020 yılları arasında Türkiye’de yapılan akademik çalışmaların topografik ve tematik bir analizini kapsamaktadır. Belirlenen dahil etme ve hariç tutma kriterlerine göre, Google Akademik ve Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu Ulusal Tez Merkezi’nin taranması sonucu araştırmaya onyedi lisans üstü tez, onbir araştırma makalesi olmak üzere toplam yirmi sekiz araştırma dahil edilmiştir. Araştırma mevcut çalışmaların büyük çoğunluğunun lisansüstü tez olduğunu ve nicel araştırma metotlarının araştırmacıların büyük çoğunluğu tarafından tercih edildiğini göstermektedir. Seçilen bu araştırmaların tematik analizi sonucunda, a) bürokratik yapı ve okul liderliği, b) bürokratik yapı, görüşler, tutum ve örgütsel davranış, c) bürokratik yapı ve mesleki öğrenme olmak üzere üç ana tema oluşturulmuş ve araştırma bulguları bu ana temalara göre tartışılmıştır. Araştırma, Türkiye’de okullardaki bürokratik yapının engelleyici bir unsur olarak görülmesinin yanında kolaylaştırıcı ve bireyleri olumlu etkileyici yönlerinin olduğunu da ortaya koymaktadır

    Do Leadership Styles Influence Organizational Health? A Study in Educational Organizations

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    This research aims to investigate the effect of leadership styles of school principals on organizational health. Causal-comparative research model was used to analyze the relationships between leadership types and organizational health. For data collection, a Likert type Multifactor Leadership scale questionnaire and Organizational Health scale were administered to 151 teachers working primary and secondary schools in Osmaniye city. Data were analyzed by using multiple regression analysis method. Findings of this study indicated significant relationships between school principals' leadership styles and health of schools, that leadership style of school leaders influence organizational health level of a school. Transformational leadership style was also found out to be closely related to a healthy school environment while transactional leadership style is negatively correlated with organizational health. Individual consideration, inspirational motivation, idealized influence, and intellectual stimulation sub-dimensions are found to effective in the formation of organizational health. In the light of the findings, some recommendations were also presented


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    ABSTRACT: In recent times, the studies on the preservation  of cultural heritage has become one of the priority issues.Residential areas established in different places since Human beings  has passed to  public life. Some of these areas, now in use as a residential area, some due to the changing conditions of life and nature has lost its residential property. In both cases, the residential areas have  become either excessive urbanization or   victims of indifference. Today, many historical remains of the city under the ground. Of the present historical sites, making documentation in its current form, recording  by excavation work, transferring to future generations by preserving the historical value is very important. In this study,   obtaining of 3D model of  theater   and  precision study was carried out on obtained model using kite photos of  theater ,at  Uzuncaburc Diocaesarea of the ancient theater in the Province of Mersin Silifke District. As a result, using photogrammetric techniques with unmanned aircraft, it has been shown to provide adequate positioning accuracy archaeological documentation. In this way, the production base of the excavation, before and after excavations modeling,  monitoring of the development period of the excavation,  working area detection and it carries the base may be qualifications of the restoration project

    Prediction of right ventricular dysfunction from radiographic estimates of right descending pulmonary artery in hemodynamically stable pulmonary embolism patients

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    Background: The evaluation of right ventricular (RV) dysfunction by echocardiography isone of the most important established determinants of the prognosis of acute pulmonary embolism.The aim of the study was to investigate possible association between diameter of rightdescending pulmonary artery on chest X-rays and RV dysfunction by echocardiography inhemodynamically stable pulmonary embolism patients.Methods: Eighty-nine patients with the diagnosis of hemodynamically stable pulmonaryembolism were included.Results: The frequency of RV dysfunction was signifi cantly higher in patients with anenlarged right descending pulmonary artery on chest X-rays (p = 0.001). There wasa signifi cant positive correlation between the diameter of the right descending pulmonary arteryon postero-anterior chest X-rays and the diameter of the RV (r = 0.469; p = 0.002). Diameterof right descending pulmonary artery on chest X-rays was also found as a signifi cant predictorof RV dysfunction besides the troponin-T levels and systolic pulmonary arterial pressure (p < 0.05).Conclusions: Diameter of right descending pulmonary artery on chest X-rays may provideinformation about the risk for pulmonary embolism patients and may be used as a prognosticradiological parameter for the appropriate management of acute pulmonary embolism