33 research outputs found

    An efficient memory allocation algorithm and hardware design with VHDL synthesis

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    This paper presents a hardware-efficient memory allocation technique, called EMA, that detects the existence of any free block of requested size in memory. EMA can allocate a free memory block of any number of chunks in any part of memory without having any internal fragmentation. The gate-level design of the hardware unit, along with its area-time measurements is given in this paper. Simulation results indicate that EMA is fast and flexible enough to allocate/deallocate a free block in any part of memory resulting in efficient utilization of memory spaces. In addition, the VHDL synthesis with FPGA implementation shows that EMA has less complicated hardware, and is faster than the known hardware techniques

    Association of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme I/D and eNOS G894T Gene Polymorphisms with Erectile Dysfunction

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    WOS: 000291330700023Objective: Recent studies suggest that angiotensin II and nitric oxide (NO) may modulate penile smooth muscle tone and contractility. Because genotypes of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) polymorphisms have been associated with disorders in the vascular system, in this study, we investigated an association between the ACE I/D and eNOS G894T gene polymorphisms and erectile dysfunction (ED). Material and Methods: A total of 44 patients and 45 control subjects were included in the study. Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction (< 26) was provided by International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF). The ACE I/D ye eNOS G894T gene polymorphisms were genotyped using PCR and RFLP. Results: No significant case-control difference was observed for the ACE I/D and eNOS G894T gene polymorphisms either by genotype or allele frequencies [(ACE I/D-X-2=0.930 p=0.628) and eNOS 894 G/T-X-2=2.114 p=0.348)]. In addition, there was no significant difference between ACE I/D (X-2=3.174 p=0.787) and eNOS G894T (X-2=4.320 p=0.633) and IIEF scores among the patient group. Conclusion: In this study, no association was found between ACE LID and eNOS G894T gene polymorphisms and erectile dysfunction in the Turkish population studied

    Neither Employee Harassment Some Variables Levels Investigation Terms

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    Mobbing; to humiliate one of the employees in the workplace, to exclude, scold, threaten, slander, insult, outmatch, avoid work, to give the right to speak, take the hand of the business or to excessive work, to say the words that will touch people's dignity and honor, in cooperation with other employees people economically, is a concept that embodies such negative behavior within the psychological or social harm. The purpose of this research, the state-owned institutions not mobbing levels of individuals working at various levels are also trying to identify some demographic variables into consideration. The study sample, depending on the state in Hakkari province highways, İş-Kur, SSI, working in Primary and Secondary School with 246 constitute State Hospital employees. In the study, the descriptive method ‘general screening model’ and both quantitative and qualitative research is done ‘mixed model’ is used. Consisting of 30 substances used in research and ‘the validity and reliability study of mobbing survey is conducted and calculated Cronbach’s Alpha internal reliability coefficient of 0.87. Male employees with female employees based on the results obtained in the study and between married employees is not the mobbing behavior among unmarried employees, but employees at least some criticism, led to results as they are exposed to mobbing behavior, such as arousal and underestimated. Keywords: Mobbing, Psychological violence, Feelings of intimidation, Psychological Harassment, ExclusionMobbing; işyerlerinde çalışanlardan birisini aşağılamak, dışlamak, azarlamak, tehdit etmek, iftira atmak, hakaret etmek, fırsat vermemek, iş vermemek, söz hakkı vermemek, verilen işi elinden almak veya aşırı iş vermek, kişinin onur ve şerefine dokunacak sözler söylemek, diğer çalışanlarla iş birliği yaparak kişiye ekonomik, psikolojik veya sosyal açıdan zarar vermek gibi olumsuz davranışları bünyesinde barındıran bir kavramdır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, devlete bağlı kurumların çeşitli kademelerinde çalışan bireylerin mobbinge uğrama düzeylerini bazı demografik değişkenleri de göz önünde bulundurarak belirlemeye çalışmaktır. Araştırmanın örneklemini, Hakkari ilindeki devlete bağlı Karayolları, İş-Kur, SGK, İlköğretim ve Ortaöğretim Okulları ile Devlet Hastanesinde görev yapan 246 çalışan oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada, betimsel tarama yöntemlerinden ‘genel tarama modeli’ ve hem nicel hem de nitel araştırmalar yapıldığından ‘karma model’ kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada kullanılan ve 30 maddeden oluşan ‘Mobbing Anketi’nin geçerlilik ve güvenirlilik çalışması yapılmış ve Cronbach’s Alpha iç güvenirlik katsayısı 0,87 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen sonuçlara göre bayan çalışanlar ile erkek çalışanlar arasında ve evli çalışanlar ile bekar çalışanlar arasında mobbing davranışının olmadığı, ancak çalışanların az da olsa eleştirilme, uyarılma ve küçümsenme gibi mobbing davranışlarına maruz kaldıkları gibi sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Mobbing, Psikolojik Şiddet, Yıldırma Duygusu, Psikolojik Taciz, Dışlam

    Contribution to the distribution, morphological peculiarities, and karyology of the Greater Noctule, Nyctalus lasiopterus (Chiroptera : Vespertilionidae), in southwestern Turkey

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    WOS: 000255744200007The Greater Noctule, Nyctalus lasiopterus, was recorded from southwestern Turkey for the third time. The dorsal fur of the Greater Noctule, which also covers the underpart of the wing membrane, along with the forearm and propatagium, is uniformly dark brown. The cranium shows typical characteristics of the noctule bats. In addition to these, the exoccipital is convex and is markedly visible in the planar view of the skull. There is a small depression mid braincase. The dental formula is i: 2, c: 1, pm: 1, m: 3/i: 3, c: 1, pm: 2, m: 3 = 32. The diploid number of chromosomes and the number of chromosomal arms are 2n = 42 and FN = 54, respectively

    Acute alcohol intake and QT dispersion in healthy subjects.

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    Objective: QT dispersion (QTd) is the maximal interlead difference in the QT interval on the surface 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG). An increase in QTd is found in patients with various cardiac diseases and reflects cardiac autonomic imbalance. Variability of QT duration among the 12 surface ECG leads expresses electrical instability and greater susceptibility to malignant ventricular arrhythmias. Electrophysiological studies have shown that heavy episodic drinking facilitates the induction of ventricular tachyarrhythmias in some heavy drinkers. However, the association between QTd and acute alcohol intake has not been studied previously in healthy subjects. Method: In a randomized crossover study, 10 healthy male volunteers (average [SD] age 30 [2.1] years, range: 25-33) received either alcohol (six 12-oz cans of beer) or placebo (juice). The alcohol group consumed 0.97 [0.12] g/kg body weight ethanol, and the placebo group consumed the same amount of juice in a 1-hour period. After a 48-hour washout period, the alcohol group drank juice, and the juice group drank alcohol. QTd and corrected QTd (cQTd) were measured in a baseline ECG after the alcohol period (AP) and after the juice period (JP). Results: In comparison with baseline ECG (31.7 [9.4] ms), QTd values after AP (42.1 [10.8] ms) were significantly prolonged (p = .027), but this was not so after JP (33.8 [7.1] ms; p = NS). Also in comparison with baseline ECG (35.7 [11.1] ms), cQTd values after the AP (49.8 [12.7] ms) were significantly prolonged (p = .005), but again, this was not so after the JP (36.8 [7.3] ms; p = NS). Conclusions: Heavy episodic drinking is associated with an increase in QTd and cQTd

    Assessment of Segmentation Parameters for Object-Based Land Cover Classification Using Color-Infrared Imagery

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    Using object-based image analysis (OBIA) techniques for land use-land cover classification (LULC) has become an area of interest due to the availability of high-resolution data and segmentation methods. Multi-resolution segmentation in particular, statistically seen as the most used algorithm, is able to produce non-identical segmentations depending on the required parameters. The total effect of segmentation parameters on the classification accuracy of high-resolution imagery is still an open question, though some studies were implemented to define the optimum segmentation parameters. However, recent studies have not properly considered the parameters and their consequences on LULC accuracy. The main objective of this study is to assess OBIA segmentation and classification accuracy according to the segmentation parameters using different overlap ratios during image object sampling for a predetermined scale. With this aim, we analyzed and compared (a) high-resolution color-infrared aerial images of a newly-developed urban area including different land use types; (b) combinations of multi-resolution segmentation with different shape, color, compactness, bands, and band-weights; and (c) accuracies of classifications based on varied segmentations. The results of various parameters in the study showed an explicit correlation between segmentation accuracies and classification accuracies. The effect of changes in segmentation parameters using different sample selection methods for five main LULC types was studied. Specifically, moderate shape and compactness values provided more consistency than lower and higher values; also, band weighting demonstrated substantial results due to the chosen bands. Differences in the variable importance of the classifications and changes in LULC maps were also explained