377 research outputs found

    A Survey On Multi Trip Vehicle Routing Problem

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    The vehicle routing problem (VRP) and its variants are well known and greatly explored in the transportation literature. The vehicle routing problem can be considered as the scheduling of vehicles (trucks) to a set of customers under various side constraints. In most studies, a fundamental assumption is that a vehicle dispatched for service finishes its duty in that scheduling period after it returns back to the depot. Clearly, in many cases this assumption may not hold. Thus, in the last decade some studies appeared in the literature where this basic assumption is relaxed, and it is allowed for a vehicle to make multiple trips per period. We consider this new variant of the VRP an important one with direct practical impact. In this survey, we define the vehicle routing problem with multiple trips, define the current state-of-the-art, and report existing results from the current literature

    Anesthetic management of cornelia de lange syndrome: a case report

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    Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) is described as a congenital disease characterized by delayed growth, mental-motor retardation, typical face appearance, thick eyebrows meeting at the midline, micrognathia, thin lips, micromelia, dental problems, and malformations in the systems such as cardiac, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and musculoskeletal systems. It is rarely seen, with a reported incidence of 1 in 10,000 to 40,000. It is generally sporadic, but can also be dominant and recessive (1). Problems such as difficult intubation, gastroesophageal reflux, aspiration, and hyperthermia make the airway safety more difficult in general anesthesia practices (2). We aimed to present our anesthesia management experience with a patient having CdLS who was operated because of undescended testis and circumcision after taking the consent of his family

    Akran Öğretimi ve Mikro Öğretimin Fizik Öğretmen Adaylarının Öğretme Becerilerine Etkileri

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    This study examines the effects of peer teaching and microteaching on pre-service physics teachers’ teaching skills. Peer and microteaching applications are conducted with thirty-nine pre-service physics teachers during the academic years 2005–2006 and 2006–2007. The data were collected through the “Teacher Performance Evaluation Form” which was particulary developed for this study. The findings of the study indicated that peer teaching/microteaching applications positively contributed to the teaching skills of the pre-service physics teachers.Bu çalışmada, akran öğretimi ve mikro öğretim yönteminin fizik öğretmen adaylarının öğretme becerileri üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır.Akran ve mikro öğretim uygulamaları 2005– 2006 ve 2006–2007 akademik yıllarında 39 katılımcıdan oluşan grupta uygulanmıştır. Veriler, bu çalışma için geliştirilmiş “Öğretmen Performansı Değerlendirme Ölçeği” ile elde edilmiştir. Çalışmadan elde edilen bulgular, akran ve mikro öğretim yönteminin fizik öğretmen adaylarının öğretme becerilerine olumlu yönde katkı sağladığını göstermektedir

    The effect of perioperative nutritional therapy on the cognitive functions and nutritional status in elderly patients with femoral neck fracture

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    Aim: Femoral neck fracture is a common condition in the elderly. The catabolic state due to the neurohumoral response and poor nutrition is a threat to the fitness, immune system and cognitive functions in this age group. This study investigated the effect of a pragmatic nutritional therapy on laboratory markers of nutritional status, cognitive functions and postoperative complications in elective geriatric patients with femoral neck fracture. Materials and Methods: A total of 47 patients were randomized into two groups: Study group was audited two times a day to ensure administration of 30 kcal/kg/day calorie and 1 kg/day protein. Control group received standard hospital care. Complete blood count and routine biochemistry tests, Mini mental test scores and triceps skinfold thickness were obtained at the day of admission to the study, before the day of surgery and on the 5th postoperative day. Blood products and postoperative complications were recorded. Results: Postoperative Mini mental test scores were lower in the study group (p<0.001, 95% confidence interval: -10.4 to -5.5). Serum hemoglobin, total protein and albumin concentrations were decreased in both groups during the preoperative period; but were significantly higher in the study group on the 5th postoperative day (p=0.010, 0.002, <0.001, respectively). Triceps skinfold thickness values were significantly higher in the Study group (2.51±0.24 vs 2.23±0.28 in the Control group, Wilcoxon test, p=0.001). Number of transfused blood products and postoperative complications were lower in the Study group. Conclusion: This study showed that perioperative nutritional therapy with daily audits may protect the cognitive functions and evaluated with pragmatic laboratory tests and a simple, bedside anthropometric measurement

    Investigation of middle school students’ thoughts about a mobile planetarium activity

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    In this study, students’ thoughts about a mobile planetarium activity were obtained through a letter writing exercise. Document analysis was used to analyse 163 letters by way of content analysis. The study group consisted of 163 students (5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades) from a middle school in a disadvantaged area of Ankara, Turkey. Analysis of the letters was grouped as what was learnt from the planetarium activity, feelings and thoughts about the planetarium environment, benefits of the activity, and other feelings and thoughts. The students stated that they were generally satisfied with the event, that they enjoyed the activity, were excited, and found it to be extremely fun. Moreover, their interests and curiosity increased due to the activity. The students’ thoughts about the out-of-class activity generated positive feedback and provided effective suggestions for the implementation of similar activities in the future.In this study, students’ thoughts about a mobile planetarium activity were obtained through a letter writing exercise. Document analysis was used to analyse 163 letters by way of content analysis. The study group consisted of 163 students (5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades) from a middle school in a disadvantaged area of Ankara, Turkey. Analysis of the letters was grouped as what was learnt from the planetarium activity, feelings and thoughts about the planetarium environment, benefits of the activity, and other feelings and thoughts. The students stated that they were generally satisfied with the event, that they enjoyed the activity, were excited, and found it to be extremely fun. Moreover, their interests and curiosity increased due to the activity. The students’ thoughts about the out-of-class activity generated positive feedback and provided effective suggestions for the implementation of similar activities in the future.

    An evaluation of the European Economic and Monetary Union in the light of Delors Report

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    Ankara : The Department of Management and Graduate School of Business Administration of Bilkent Univ. , 1990.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1990.Includes bibliographical references leaves 51-52.This research analyzes the European Econosic and Monetary Union in the light of Delors Report and it consists of two main parts. The first part of the thesis summarizes the Delors Report . In the first section ,in Part I, the past and present developments in the economic and monetary integration of the European Community is briefly discussed in chronological order. In the second section the principle features of both an economic and monetary union is studied separetely and finally the points of the Delors three stage plan is given in the third section. In Part II, an evaluation of European Economic and Monetary Union is given in the light of Delors Stages and it is concluded that it is inappropriate to schedule the later phases of European Economic and Monetary Union prior to gaining experience from implementation of the previous phases.Şen, Ahmet CemM.S

    The dream of a 17th century Ottoman intellectual: Veysi and his habname

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    This thesis endeavors to present a literary-historical analysis of a seventeenth century work of prose, Habnâme, which was written by one of the prominent literary figures of his time, Veysî. He was born in Alasehir in 1561/2, and died in 1628 in Skopje. Having been enrolled in medrese education, he worked as a kadı in various locations in both Anatolia and Rumeli including Alasehir, Tire, Serez and Skopje. He is, however, better known for his literary abilities, and respected by both contemporary biographers and modern scholars as one of the leading figures of Ottoman ornamental prose. In his Habnâme, Veysî constructs a dream setting, in which the Alexander the Two-Horned has a conversation with Ahmed I regarding Ahmed’s concerns of the abuses in state apparatus. It is, thus, considered as an example of the Ottoman mirror for princes genre. Yet the text has some considerable deviations from other treatises, for it a) unequivocally fictionalizes the content through ‘dream’ fashion, b) contravenes the “Golden Age” rhetoric by making Alexander the Great say that abuses were not peculiar to Ahmed’s reign, they have been always there from the beginning. With this regard, the text serves as a consolation rather than a counsel. Habnâme of Veysî is equally important for its special literary quality of using dream as a frame for the narrative. While attempting to understand his choice, various dimensions should be taken into consideration. Firstly, Veysî’s possible familiarity with Islamic dream paradigms needs to be explained. Furthermore, the layers of correspondences between Veysî’s Habnâme and alike pieces from subsequent periods such as the works of Hasmetî, Ziya Pasa, Namık Kemal or Rusenî should be emphasized. With all these regards, the following study aims to: 1) question the position of Habnâme of Veysî within the Ottoman mirror for princes literature through exploring the intertextuality between Habnâme and contemporary mirrors by taking into consideration the literary ecology (i.e. the audience, reception, authorial intentions) and/or political-cultural context in which the text was produced, 2) contextualize the text within a broader plane of Islamic dream lore in order to answer “Why might Veysî have created such a dream setting?” and/or “In what ways did this dream apparatus enable him in expressing his views?”, 3) through benefiting from the debates on the dream-vision genre of medieval European literature, to scrutinize the continuity within the tradition of composing dream-framed accounts in the Ottoman literature, and hereby question the validity of a new literary genre

    Hyperaccumulator plants of the Keban Mining district and their possible impact on the environment

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    Metal intake abilities of Euphorbia macroclada, Verbascum cheiranthifolium Boiss and Astragalus gummifer, which are common and native throughout Turkey and similar locations, were studied in the heavily polluted Keban mining district in Elazig, Turkey. For this aim metal contents of dried plants and soil were determined and correlated. Soils of Keban area have higher than average values for soil, Mo, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, As and Cd contents. All the studied plants take up metals in high amounts - as high as hundreds of times more than averages for non-hyperaccumulator plants. Usually, higher plant metal contents are attained where higher soil metal contents exist. Enrichment factors, which are calculated by dividing metal contents of plant by metal contents of soil (= metal content of plant/metal content of soil), are higher in lower soil metal contents. Maximum metal contents in the shoots (as mg kg-1) and enrichment factors for Euphorbia are: Mo 260- 1.28, Cu 33-0.18, Pb 76-0.09, Zn 190-0.51, Ag 0.53-1.1, Mn 276-0.28, As 10.2-0.08, and Cd 0.20-0.13. For Verbascum: Mo 80-0.83, Cu 27-2.87, Pb 295-1.57, Zn 254-1.78, Ag 0.37-0.92, Mn 627-0.58, As 63.5-0.50 and Cd 0.59-1.25. For Astragalus’s gummufer: Mo 402-0.98, Cu 30-0.95, Pb 552-0.82, Zn 241- 0.31, Ag 0.54-0.64, Mn 1072-0.34, As 45.4-0.34 and Cd 0.34-0.44. All of the three plant species have enrichment factors exceeding hyperaccumulating criterion >1 for most of the elements investigated. Most of the hyperaccumulator values belong to Verbascum cheiranthifolium Boiss. Hyperaccumulating properties have been considered for reclamation of contaminated lands. This study claims that plants with high metal intake abilities escalate mobility of metals and increase contaminations on surface and subsurface

    Artificial neural network approach for modeling of the short range precipitation

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    Yağış kaynaklı doğal afetlerin &ouml;nlenebilmesi ile su kaynakları ve havza y&ouml;netimi i&ccedil;in yağışların &ouml;l&ccedil;&uuml;m&uuml;, modellenmesi ve tahminleri &ccedil;ok &ouml;nemlidir. Kurulu olan yağış &ouml;l&ccedil;er ağlarının hem zaman hem de uzay değişkenliklerinin y&uuml;ksek olması sebebiyle, k&uuml;&ccedil;&uuml;k &ouml;l&ccedil;eklerdeki şiddetli yağışların belirlenmesinde &ccedil;eşitli zorluklar vardır. Mevcut hava tahminlerinin son yıllardaki g&uuml;venilir sonu&ccedil;larına rağmen, konvektif yağışların zaman ve alan yağış desenleri tam olarak yakalanamamaktadır. Bu sebeple uydulardan elde edilen bilgiler hava tahmin modellerine girdi olarak kullanılmaktadır. Yağış t&uuml;r ve miktarının uzaktan algılama ile belirlenmesi meteoroloji alanındaki &ouml;nemli konulardan biridir. Bu ama&ccedil;la kullanılan cihazlar radar ve uydulardır. Bunlar arasında zaman ve uzay &ccedil;&ouml;z&uuml;n&uuml;rl&uuml;ğ&uuml; en y&uuml;ksek olan uydu sistemleridir ve bu da onlara &ouml;nemli bir avantaj sağlamaktadır. Konvektif yapılar i&ccedil;in bulut tepe sıcaklığı yağış ile ilişkilendirilebilen anahtar bir parametredir. Buradaki yaklaşım, soğuk tepeli bulutların sıcak tepelilerden daha fazla yağış &uuml;rettiklerine dayanmaktadır. Buradan hareketle Arkin, GOES yağış indeksi, ayarlanmış GOES yağış indeksi, Griffith-Woodley, Negri-Adler-Woodley, konvektif-stratiform, g&uuml;&ccedil;lendirilmiş konvektif-stratiform, otomatik tahmin edici ve geliştirilmiş otomatik tahmin edici teknikleri gibi ekvator y&ouml;r&uuml;ngeli uydu verisini kullanan y&ouml;ntemler geliştirilmiştir. T&uuml;m bunlar yapılarında doğrusal amprik denklemler i&ccedil;ermektedir ve bu denklemlerdeki katsayıların &uuml;lkemiz i&ccedil;in belirlenmesi zorunluluğu vardır. Buradan hareketle, bu &ccedil;alışmada 2000 yılı i&ccedil;erisindeki 5-7 Eyl&uuml;l d&ouml;nemine ait bir konvektif yağışlı olay incelenerek, bir Yapay Sinir Ağı modeli kurulmuştur. Bu model Eyl&uuml;l ayı yağışını gayet iyi tahmin etmiştir.&nbsp;Anahtar Kelimeler: Marmara, yağış, kısa vadeli tahmin, yapay sinir ağları, uzaktan algılama.&nbsp;&nbsp;In order to mitigate with the natural hazards (surface water, floods, etc.) of precipitation origin it is necessary to measure, model and predict the precipitation for water resources and basin management. Due to high spatial and temporal variability of precipitation measurement networks, there are difficulties in determining small scale intensive rainfall events. Currently available weather prediction models yield reliable results, but they cannot catch the spatio-temporal patterns of convective rainfall events. For this reason, the satellite based meteorological information is used as input in weather prediction models. One of the most significant subjects in meteorology domain is the determination of precipitation pattern types and quantities through remote sensing. The instruments used for this purpose are radars and satellites. Satellite systems have the most refined resolution among all these instruments, which provide them significant superiority. For convective structures the cloud top temperature is a key parameter that can be related to precipitation. The basic idea herein is that the cold cloud top temperatures generate more precipitation than hot or warm cloud top temperatures. Keeping this point in mind, first currently available techniques in the literature are explained in detail including Arkin, GOES precipitation index, adjusted GOES precipitation index, Griffith-Woodley, Negri-Adler-Wooley, convective-stratiform, enhanced convective-stratiform, automatic estimator, and advanced automatic estimator techniques. They include empirical equations in their structure and the parameters of these equations must be determined for our country. On the other hand, these methods include linear relationships. In this paper, one convective precipitation event in 2000 is examined each within time period as 5-7 September. These are explained by considering Meteosat 7 infrared channel data for 6-hour total rainfall amounts in such a manner that the data at the upper troposphere vertical levels are transferred to grid points from NCEP/NCAR. The application of the methodology is presented for 26 Marmara region raingauge stations. On the other hand, as effective methodology Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is used and, it has the analogy such that the inputs are taken from the environment through the neurons and transmitted to the brain. ANNs can be thought as a black box model, which processes inputs and produces convenient outputs for inputs. As a first stage this black box is trained and after training system reaches level of decision for inputs. ANNs have ability of learning, due to their training stages. This is feature that there is not available in any classical method. The ANN model can learn by training similar to a human and it has a non-linear structure. Such a non-linearity provides a distinctive possibility in the domain of artificial intelligence. For the model ANN and its analysis, various statistical criteria are used as detection probability (POD), bias, wrong alarm ratio (FAR), critical success index (CSI), target ratio (HR), and transferring of grid points to station points by using a method called inverse distance square. These statistical criteria are explained in this paper. By following the methodology explained above, as a result of ANN properties, convenient architecture for total precipitation amount prediction is proposed that constitutes single input, hidden and output layers with 37, 19 and 1 neurons, respectively. Furthermore, this model is used for precipitation prediction by considering each within time period as 5-7 September. The correlation value of ANN model is 0.89 in testing. Moreover, statistical values are calculated as POD = 0.61, FAR = 0.30, CSI = 0.49, BIAS = 0.86 and HR = 0.77. For this period, rainy events are predicted with success. As it is seen from the descriptions and application results, the cloud top temperature is more related to precipitation by considering low level data of troposphere. Under the light of the proposed prediction model this is the result of key parameter, which reflects the cloud top temperature significant relationship to precipitation. Although other parameters have also significance to lesser degrees the final prediction model take into consideration few of the input variables. In the mean time different combinations of the prediction are investigated throughout the study. Keywords: Marmara, precipitation, short range, prediction, artificial neural network, remote sensing. 