30 research outputs found

    النص القرآني بين إشكالية الفهم ودلالة النص

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     النص القرآني نص رباني مقدس، جاء لبيان مراد الله من عباده، وكان النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم- السبيل الوحيد لبيان ما استُشكل على المسلمين في فهم ألفاظه ومعانيه، ثم رصيد لغوي أصيل يمتلكه المسلمون وقتئذٍ. بيد أن الأمر أصبح عسرا، والطريق إلى فهم مراد القرآن أصبحت غير مُعبَّدةٍ على الرغم من أن الله جعل القرآن ميسرا للذكر. والسبب في هذا الإعسار وفاة النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم-  من جهة، ثم البون الزمني الشاسع بين وقت نزول القرآن وبداية عصر التدوين الذي قارب قرنين من الزمان تغيرت فيهما اللغة واتسعت مدلولاتها وبعدت غير قليل عن الفصحى المتمكنة

    Choline chloride/urea as a green and efficient deep eutectic solvent in three-component and four-component synthesis of novel pyrazole and pyrano[2,3-c] pyrazole derivatives with antibacterial and antifungal activity

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    In this study, choline chloride/urea was used as a green deep eutectic solvent in the three-component reaction of hydrazine/phenylhydrazine, malononitrile, and aromatic aldehydes for synthesizing pyrazole derivatives, and in the four-component reaction of methyl/ethyl acetoacetate, hydrazine/phenylhydrazine, malononitrile, and aromatic aldehydes for synthesizing pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole derivatives. Elemental analysis, 1H, and 13C NMR spectroscopy were used to confirm the structure of the synthesized pyrazole and pyrano[2,3-c] pyrazole derivatives. The antimicrobial effects of the synthesized pyrazole and pyrano[2,3-c] pyrazole derivatives were investigated. In antimicrobial tests, instructions from clinical and laboratory standards institutes were used. Antimicrobial study was done on pathogenic gram-positive and gram-negative species, and specialized aquatic strains and fungal species. Using choline chloride/urea, novel pyrazole derivatives and pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole derivatives were synthesized, and other derivatives were synthesized with higher efficiency in less time than some previously reported methods. MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) and MBC (minimum bactericidal concentration) obtained for derivatives were higher than some antibiotic drugs. Synthesis and reports of new derivatives of pyrazole and pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole, and investigation and reports of their antimicrobial properties on gram-positive, gram-negative, and specialized aquatic and fungal species are among the novel and important findings of this study

    Advancements in Natural Language Processing for Text Understanding

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    Natural language processing (NLP) developments have made it possible for robots to read and analyze human language with astounding precision, revolutionizing the field of text understanding. An overview of current advancements in NLP approaches and their effects on text comprehension are provided in this abstract. It examines significant developments in fields including named entity identification, sentiment analysis, semantic analysis, and question answering, highlighting the difficulties encountered and creative solutions put forth. To sum up, recent developments in natural language processing have raised the bar for text comprehension. Deep learning models and extensive pre-training have changed methods including semantic analysis, sentiment analysis, named entity identification, and question answering. These developments have produced text comprehension systems that are increasingly precise and complex. However, issues with prejudice, coreference resolution, and contextual comprehension still need to be resolved. The future of NLP for text understanding has considerable potential with continuing study and innovation, opening the door for increasingly sophisticated applications in numerous sectors

    Deep Learning Techniques for Image Recognition and Object Detection

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    Particularly in the fields of object identification and picture recognition, deep learning approaches have transformed the science of computer vision. This abstract provides a summary of recent developments and cutting-edge methods in deep learning for applications like object identification and picture recognition. The automated identification and classification of objects or patterns inside digital photographs is known as image recognition. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs), for example, have displayed outstanding performance in image identification tests. By directly learning hierarchical representations of visual characteristics from raw pixel data, these algorithms are able to recognize complex patterns and provide precise predictions. The ability for models to learn sophisticated visual representations straight from raw pixel data has transformed applications like object identification and picture recognition. The development of extremely accurate and effective systems has been accelerated by advances in deep learning architectures and large-scale annotated datasets. Further advances in object identification and picture recognition are anticipated as deep learning develops, with applications in a variety of fields including autonomous driving, surveillance, and medical imaging

    Human-Computer Interaction: Enhancing User Experience in Interactive Systems

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    Enhancing user experience (UX) in interactive systems requires effective human-computer interaction (HCI). The relationship between people and computers has grown in significance as technology progresses, having an impact on many areas of our life. The main ideas and tactics used in HCI to enhance the user experience in interactive systems are examined in this abstract. Understanding the capabilities and constraints of both humans and computers forms the basis of HCI. HCI researchers and designers may develop interactive systems that complement users' mental models and cognitive processes by researching human behavior, cognition, and psychology. Additionally, taking into account the features of the computer system, such as its responsiveness, processing capacity, and interface design, enables the development of systems that are more user-friendly and effective. As a result, the discipline of human-computer interaction works to improve the user experience in interactive systems. Researchers and designers in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI) can produce interactive systems that are simple, effective, entertaining, and satisfying for users by comprehending human capabilities, applying user-centered design principles, utilizing interactive techniques and interfaces, integrating multimodal interfaces, and embracing emerging technologies. The continued development of HCI will continue to influence and enhance how people use computers, enhancing user experiences and creating new opportunities for interactive systems in the future

    Exploring Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Transparent Decision Making

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a potent tool in many fields, allowing complicated tasks to be completed with astounding effectiveness. However, as AI systems get more complex, worries about their interpretability and transparency have become increasingly prominent. It is now more important than ever to use Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methodologies in decision-making processes, where the capacity to comprehend and trust AI-based judgments is crucial. This abstract explores the idea of XAI and how important it is for promoting transparent decision-making. Finally, the development of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) has shown to be crucial for promoting clear decision-making in AI systems. XAI approaches close the cognitive gap between complicated algorithms and human comprehension by empowering users to comprehend and analyze the inner workings of AI models. XAI equips stakeholders to evaluate and trust AI systems, assuring fairness, accountability, and ethical standards in fields like healthcare and finance where AI-based choices have substantial ramifications. The development of XAI is essential for attaining AI's full potential while retaining transparency and human-centric decision making, despite ongoing hurdles

    Thermodynamic Analysis and Optimization of the Micro-CCHP System with a Biomass Heat Source

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    In this article, new multiple-production systems based on the micro-combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) cycle with biomass heat sources are presented. In this proposed system, absorption refrigeration cycle subsystems and a water softener system have been used to increase the efficiency of the basic cycle and reduce waste. Comprehensive thermodynamic modeling was carried out on the proposed system. The validation of subsystems and the optimization of the system via the genetic algorithm method was carried out using Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software. The results show that among the components of the system, the dehumidifier has the highest exergy destruction. The effect of the parameters of evaporator temperature 1, ammonia concentration, absorber temperature, heater temperature difference, generator 1 pressure and heat source temperature on the performance of the system was determined. Based on the parametric study, as the temperature of evaporator 1 increases, the energy efficiency of the system increases. The maximum values of the energy efficiency and exergy of the whole system in the range of heat source temperatures between 740 and 750 K are equal to 74.2% and 47.7%. The energy and exergy efficiencies of the system in the basic mode are equal to 70.68% and 44.32%, respectively, and in the optimization mode with the MOOD mode, they are 87.91 and 49.3, respectively

    The Contributions of Ibn Jinni in the Science of Arabic Prosody and Rhyme

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    This study highlights Ibn Jinni's contribution to Arabic poetry,  especially in Arabic prosody (Al-'Arūd) and rhyme (Al-Qawafi) and to  describe his approach to compiling in Arabic prosody and rhyme. This study  is a qualitative research using descriptive and analytic methods. Description  is useful for describing the life of Ibn Jinni and his knowledge, then his contribution to the science of Arabic prosody and rhyme, and analysis is carried out to analyze the formulation of his approach in Arabic poetry, namely prosody and rhyme. The study found that Ibn Jinni's Prosodi concept as stated in his work entitled Al-'Arud agrees with the principles put forward by Al-Khalil bin Ahmed, especially in fifteen poetic meters (buḥur) and differ in one meter (bahar). Ibn Jinni has a thematic method in making poetry works, this makes it very easy for students to understand learning the prosody of Arabic poetry and rhymes

    الإعجاز العلمي واللغوي في حديث القرآن عن بعض الحشرات

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     لقد اشتد الجدل - ومازال- حول الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن الكريم، فهذه القضية بين مؤيد ومعارض، وهناك من العلماء من يؤيد هذه القضية - قضية الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن الكريم- إلى حدِّ المبالغة والشطط، وهناك من العلماء من يعارض هذه الفكرة حتى وصل إلى حدِّ العداء، ومن العلماء صنف ثالث آثر أن يكون بين هؤلاء وأولئك قوامًا بلا إفراط ولا تفريط.وبالرغم من القبول والموافقة من الفريق الأول، والرفض والإنكار من الفريق الثاني إلّا إن ذلك لا يقلل من أهميته ولا يهون من حقيقته أو ينال منها؛ إذ إن الاختلاف في الرأي والتباين في الفهم من سنن التفكير بين البشر، خاصةً في الموضوعات التي يكون للعقل والمنطق فيها دور أكبر من دور الحس والمشاهدة.ومهما بلغت الأمور درجة اليقين، فإن بعض الناس ينكرونها ويجادلون فيها، وليس  أدل على ذلك من إنكار وجود الله - سبحانه وتعالى - الذي يصدر عن الملحدين بالرغم من وجود البراهين العقلية والحسية والسبب هو أن عقولهم لا تقتنع إلا بالمشاهد الملموسة وترفض الغيبي المعقول

    (الحركة الموضعية في الخطاب القرآني وأثرها في الدلالة (دراسة بلاغية تحليلية

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    لا شك أن رصد الخواص التركبية لصياغة الخطاب القرآني يساعد على الوصول إلى الدلالة، ولا أعني بالدلالة هنا الناتج الأول من الصياغة؛ لأن هذا الناتج يتحقق غالباً في أي مستوى تركيبي، جاءت الصياغة فيه على النمط المألوف، وإنما أعني الناتج الثاني، أو ما أطلق عليه عبد القاهر الجرجاني (المعاني الثواني) التي لا تبرز إلى حيز الإدراك العقلي إلا عندما تتلون الصياغة بإمكانات تعبيرية، وتحركات تركيبية، ومن المؤكد أن (المقام) يمثل أساس الدلالة، وافتقاده يؤدي إلى ورود مفردات متناثرة لا تحكمها علاقة ما؛ لأنها لم ترتبط بمقام يربط بين عناصرها، وعلى هذا فإن أية عملية تحليلية للصياغة لن تكون مُجدِية؛ لأنه من الضروري تصور المقام بهذا التحليل، ومع تصور هذا المقام تأخذ الصياغة أشكالاً متمايزة في حركتها التركيبية، حيث تمتد في اتجاهات مختلفة منها ما يذهب طولا، ومنها ما يذهب عرضا ومنها ما يأخذ عمقا موضعياً، وهو ما آثرت تسميته هنا  بالحركة الموضعية. ولا شك أن تتبع أثر تلك الحركات يعين على فهم دلالة الخطاب القرآني. من هنا جاءت هذه الدراسة الموسومة: "الحركة الموضعية في الخطاب القرآني وأثرها في الدلالة، دراسة بلاغية تحليلية". وقد قسمت هذا البحث بعد المقدمة إلى مبحثين تتلوهما خاتمة، وذلك على النحو التالي: المبحث الأول: وهو بعنوان "خصائص الخطاب القرآني" ويُستهل بإطلالة حول معنى الخطاب وأنواعه، ثم عرض لما تميز به أسلوب الخطاب في القرآن الكريم من سمات وخصائص عامة. المبحث الثاني: وهو بعنوان " الحركة الموضعية" وقد حاولت في هذا المبحث رصد العلاقة المبتدية بين الحركة الموضعية، والخطاب القرآني ومعزى هذه العلاقة. الخاتمة: وتضم أهم ما توصل إليه هذا البحث من نتائج . وقد أثبتُّ فى نهاية البحث قائمة بالمصادر والمراجع التى اعتمدت عليها في هذا البحث.There is no doubt that observing the compositional properties of the formulation of the Qur’anic discourse helps to reach the significance. I do not mean by significance here the first product of the formulation  Because this result is often achieved at any compositional level, the wording in it came in the familiar pattern, but I mean the second product, or what Abdel-Qaher Al-Jarjani called (the meanings of seconds) that does not emerge into the realm of mental perception except when the wording is colored with expressive capabilities, synthetic movements, and from  It is certain that (the maqam) represents the basis of significance, and lacking it leads to the emergence of dispersed vocabulary that is not governed by some relationship  Because it is not related to a denominator that links its elements, and therefore any analytical process of the formulation will not be feasible.  Because it is necessary to visualize the maqam with this analysis, and with the perception of this maqam, the formulation takes distinct forms in its compositional movement, as it extends in different directions, some of which go in length, some of which go in width, and some of them take a local depth, which is what I prefer to call here the local movement.  There is no doubt that tracking the impact of these movements helps to understand the significance of the Qur’anic discourse. Hence this study tagged: “The local movement in the Qur’anic discourse and its impact on significance, an analytical rhetorical study.”After the introduction, this research was divided into two topics that are followed by a conclusion, as follows: The first topic: It is titled “Characteristics of the Qur’anic Discourse” and begins with an overview of the meaning and types of discourse, and then presents the general characteristics and characteristics of the discourse style in the Holy Qur’an. The second topic: It is entitled "Local Movement". I tried in this section to monitor the primary relationship between positional movement, and the Qur'anic discourse and the significance of this relationship. Conclusion: It includes the most important results of this research. At the end of the research, a list of the sources and references that I relied on in this research was established