22 research outputs found

    Double-Staged Syndrome Coding Scheme for Improving Information Transmission Security over the Wiretap Channel

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    This paper presents a study of a syndrome coding scheme for different binary linear error correcting codes that refer to the code families such as BCH, BKLC, Golay, and Hamming. The study is implemented on Wyner’s wiretap channel model when the main channel is error-free and the eavesdropper channel is a binary symmetric channel with crossover error probability (0 < Pe ≤ 0.5) to show the security performance of error correcting codes while used in the single-staged syndrome coding scheme in terms of equivocation rate. Generally, these codes are not designed for secure information transmission, and they have low equivocation rates when they are used in the syndrome coding scheme. Therefore, to improve the transmission security when using these codes, a modified encoder which consists of a double-staged syndrome coding scheme, is proposed. Two models are implemented in this paper: the first model utilizes one encoding stage of the conventional syndrome coding scheme. In contrast, the second model utilizes two encoding stages of the syndrome coding scheme to improve the results obtained from the first model. The C++ programming language, in conjunction with the NTL library, is used for obtaining simulation results for the implemented models. The equivocation rate results from the second model were compared to both the results of the first model and of the unsecured transmission (transmission of data without encryption). The comparison revealed that the security performance of the second model is better than the first model and the insecure system, as the equivocation for all the simulated codes over the proposed model reaches at least %97 at the Pe = 0.1.

    COVID-19 Prognostic Models: A Pro-con Debate for Machine Learning vs. Traditional Statistics.

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    The SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the COVID-19 pandemic, has had an unprecedented impact on healthcare requiring multidisciplinary innovation and novel thinking to minimize impact and improve outcomes. Wide-ranging disciplines have collaborated including diverse clinicians (radiology, microbiology, and critical care), who are working increasingly closely with data-science. This has been leveraged through the democratization of data-science with the increasing availability of easy to access open datasets, tutorials, programming languages, and hardware which makes it significantly easier to create mathematical models. To address the COVID-19 pandemic, such data-science has enabled modeling of the impact of the virus on the population and individuals for diagnostic, prognostic, and epidemiological ends. This has led to two large systematic reviews on this topic that have highlighted the two different ways in which this feat has been attempted: one using classical statistics and the other using more novel machine learning techniques. In this review, we debate the relative strengths and weaknesses of each method toward the specific task of predicting COVID-19 outcomes

    Design and Implementation of Smart Home Energy Management System Based on GSM Network

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    The aim of this research is to design and implement a prototype of a home energy management system based on SMS service on GSM network. The proposed system can remotely monitor and control the home appliances using a mobile phone. The proposed system consists of a microcontroller connecting home appliances and lighting through sensors and relays. The microcontroller is also connected with a GSM module to support this system operate with an existing GSM network. This system is implemented using a GSM module that is connected with the personal computer representing the designed microcontroller. The home appliances, sensors and relays are modeled and simulated using Visual Basic programs. Software programs are developed and built into the personal computer to activate and control the home appliances according to received commands from the user mobile phone or to monitor and send their status to the mobile phone according to user request. The implemented system is tested practically with several cases at different times and it operates successfully with reasonable flexibility and secure operation. A good compatibility of the developed programs is achieved, since the system is running continuously without interruption under normal conditions of GSM network operation. It is found that the execution times for control and monitoring massages are 19.63 seconds and 19.33 seconds respectively

    Microwave irradiation synthesis and characterization of reduced-(graphene oxide-(polystyrene-polymethyl methacrylate))/silver nanoparticle nanocomposites and their anti-microbial activity.

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    Herein, we report a facile process for the preparation of styrene and methyl-methacrylate copolymer nanocomposites containing reduced graphene oxide and silver nanoparticles ((R-(GO-(PS-PMMA))/AgNPs)) by using (i) microwave irradiation (MWI) to obtain R-(GO-(PSPMMA))/AgNPs and (ii) the in situ bulk polymerization technique to produce RGO/AgNPs-(PSPMMA). Various characterization techniques, including FT-IR, XPS, Raman spectroscopy, XRD, SEM, HR-TEM, DSC, and TGA analysis, were used to characterize the prepared nanocomposites. The Berkovich nanoindentation method was employed to determine the hardness and elastic modulus of the nanocomposites. The results showed that the MWI-produced nanocomposites were found to have enhanced morphological, structural, and thermal properties compared with those of the nanocomposites prepared by the in situ method. In addition, the antibacterial activity of the prepared nanocomposites against the E. coli HB 101 K-12 was investigated, whereby an inhibition zone of 3 mm (RGO/AgNPs-(PS-PMMA) and 27 mm (R-(GO-(PS-PMMA))/AgNPs) was achieved. This indicates that the MWI-prepared nanocomposite has stronger antibacterial activity than the in situ-prepared nanocomposite

    Impact of tumor necrosis factor antagonist combination and anti-integrin therapies on body mass index in inflammatory bowel disease: A cross-sectional study

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    BackgroundThe impact of biologic therapies on body mass index (BMI) in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is unclear. This study investigates any associations between BMI, type of IBD, and the type of medications taken among patients with IBD with varying weight categories.MethodsA cross sectional study was performed in an IBD tertiary care center. Data was obtained from patients with IBD attending outpatient clinics from January 1st, 2021 until November 1st, 2021. Adult patients, older than 18 years, with a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease (CD) or ulcerative colitis (UC) were recruited. The primary outcome was the association between BMI and medication used in IBD. The secondary outcome was the association between BMI and disease type and location in patients with IBD.ResultsThe study included a total of 528 patients of which, 66.5% have CD. Patients with normal weight comprises 55.9% of the participants, while those who are underweight, overweight or obese are 3.4, 28.2, and 12.5%, respectively. None of the underweight patients had UC. Among the normal weight, overweight and obese BMI categories, 34.6% vs. 36.2% vs. 31.8% had UC, respectively. Patients who are on tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (anti-TNF) with an immunomodulator (anti-TNF combination), are more likely to be overweight or obese than patients who are not on anti-TNF combination (OR 2.86, 95% CI 1.739–4.711, p &lt; 0.001). Patients on vedolizumab are twice as likely to be overweight or obese than patients not on vedolizumab (OR 2.23, 95% CI 1.086–4.584, p &lt; 0.05). Patients with ileocolonic CD are more likely to be overweight or obese compared to other subtypes of CD (OR 1.78, 95% CI 1.14–2.77, p = 0.01).ConclusionMany patients with IBD are either obese or overweight. Patients with IBD who are on anti-TNF combination therapy or vedolizumab monotherapy are more likely to be obese and overweight. In addition, patients will ileocolonic CD are more likely to be obese or overweight

    Expression of ERG Protein and TMRPSS2-ERG Fusion in Prostatic Carcinoma in Egyptian Patients

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    AIM: Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most common cancers in men worldwide. Its incidence can be influenced by several risk factors including genetic susceptibility. Therefore the search for the expression of a certain gene (ERG) and its rearrangement could give us clues for proper identification of PCa. And the study of ERG expression and its comparison to FISH in Egyptian patients can show whether ERG immunophenotype could be used instead of FISH, as it is cheaper.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was performed on 85 cases of PCa, showing 30 cases with HGPIN and 30 cases of prostatic hyperplasia. All were immunohistochemistry stained using ERG monoclonal rabbit antihuman antibody was used (clone: EP111). FISH analysis was performed in 38 biopsies of PCa cases to detect TMRPSS2-ERG rearrangement using the FISH ZytoLight TriCheck Probe (SPEC TMRPSS2-ERG).RESULTS: ERG expression was found in 26% of PCa cases and 20% of HGPIN cases. FISH analysis showed fusion of 21 cases of PCa (out of 22 cases showing ERG immunoexpression).CONCLUSION: Our findings emphasise that only malignant and pre-malignant cells and not benign cells from the prostate stain positive. ERG expression may offer a simpler, accurate and less costly alternative for evaluation of ERG fusion status in PCa

    Expression of FGFR3 Protein and Gene Amplification in Urinary Bladder Lesions in Relation to Schistosomiasis

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    BACKGROUND: Bladder cancer represents the fifth most common malignancy worldwide and a major cause of cancer-related morbidity and death. Incidence and mortality rates have remained relatively constant over the past four decades. Urothelial bladder cancers have identified multiple risk factors.AIM: We aimed at evaluating the expression of the FGFR3 protein and gene amplification in the urothelial cells of neoplastic and non-neoplastic urothelial lesions of the urinary bladder, and correlation with tumour grade, stage and associated bilharziasis.MATERIAL AND METHODS: One hundred and five different urinary bladder lesions were studied, including 15 cystitis cases (9 bilharzial and 6 non-bilharzial cystitides), 75 urothelial carcinoma cases (18 bilharzial associated and 57 non-bilharzial associated) and 15 squamous cell carcinoma associated with bilharziasis, beside 5 control cases. Data concerning age, sex, tumour grade, stage, and associated bilharziasis were obtained. Each case was studied for FGFR3 expression, and FISH technique was applied on forty malignant cases that show high protein expression.RESULTS: The highest incidence of cystitis was in the fourth decade while of bladder cancer was in the seventh decade. Tumour grade was correlated significantly with tumour stage. FGFR3 correlates significantly with tumour grade, stage and with a bilharzial infestation. FGFR3 gene amplification was reported mainly in low grade and NNMBIC tumours.CONCLUSIONS: FGFR3 overexpression in malignant cases was significantly higher than in chronic cystitis. FGFR3 gene amplification was reported mainly in low grade and NNMBIC tumours. FGFR3 may be further studied as a subject for target therapy of bladder cancer

    Early dynamic changes to monocytes following major surgery are associated with subsequent infections

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    BackgroundPost-operative infections are a common cause of morbidity following major surgery. Little is understood about how major surgery perturbs immune function leading to heightened risk of subsequent infection. Through analysis of paired blood samples obtained immediately before and 24 h following surgery, we evaluated changes in circulating immune cell phenotype and function across the first 24 h, to identify early immune changes associated with subsequent infection.MethodsWe conducted a prospective observational study of adult patients undergoing major elective gastrointestinal, gynecological, or maxillofacial surgery requiring planned admission to the post-anesthetic care unit. Patients were followed up to hospital discharge or death. Outcome data collected included mortality, length of stay, unplanned intensive care unit admission, and post-operative infections (using the standardized endpoints in perioperative medicine–core outcome measures for perioperative and anesthetic care criteria). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated prior to and 24 h following surgery from which cellular immune traits including activation and functional status were assessed by multi-parameter flow cytometry and serum immune analytes compared by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).ResultsForty-eight patients were recruited, 26 (54%) of whom developed a post-operative infection. We observed reduced baseline pre- and post-operative monocyte CXCR4 and CD80 expression (chemokine receptors and co-stimulation markers, respectively) in patients who subsequently developed an infection as well as a profound and selective post-operative increase in CD4+ lymphocyte IL-7 receptor expression in the infection group only. Higher post-operative monocyte count was significantly associated with the development of post-operative infection (false discovery rate &lt; 1%; adjusted p-value = 0.001) with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.84 (p &lt; 0.0001).ConclusionLower monocyte chemotaxis markers, higher post-operative circulating monocyte counts, and reduced co-stimulatory signals are associated with subsequent post-operative infections. Identifying the underlying mechanisms and therapeutics to reverse defects in immune cell function requires further exploration

    A Critical Pragmatic Analysis of Hate Speech in the Tweets of American Political Leaders against China

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    يجعل انتشار الإنترنت من وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي مثل فيسبوك وإنستغرام وتويتر أدوات للتعبير عن المصالح السياسية وإيصال المشاعر الإيجابية والسلبية. في الآونة الأخيرة، انتشرت مشاعر معادية للصين في وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي للزعماء السياسيين الأمريكيين خاصة مع تفشي فيروس كورونا 2020. ومن ثم، بدلاً من استخدام خطاب محايد، يصبح خطاب الكراهية هو الوسيلة التي يهاجم بها هؤلاء القادة ويعبرون عن مشاعرهم السلبية تجاه الصين. ويسعى البحث الحالي إلى وضع هذه الظاهرة قي المجهر من منظور نقدي عملي. ويحاول سد فجوة في هذا المجال. وعليه، تحاول الدراسة الحالية تحليل الجوانب العملية لخطاب الكراهية في تغريدات اثنين من القادة السياسيين الأمريكيين، وهما ترامب وبومبيو. تركز الدراسة الحالية بشكل كبير على أشكال خطاب الكراهية ووظائفه وإستراتيجياته. ويقترح آليات التكاثر لتحل محل الاستراتيجيات الأصلية. وبناء على ذلك، قدمت الدراسة نوعين من التحليل، هما: التحليل النوعي والتحليل الكمي يكون إجراء التحليل النوعي بإطار تحليلي كان تطويره لهذا الغرض. ولدعم نتائج التحليل النوعي، قمنا بإجراء تحليل كمي (إحصائي) باستخدام بعض الأساليب الإحصائية. وعلى أساس هذين التحليلين، قدمنا بعض النتائج، أهمها أن هناك تراكمًا لخطاب الكراهية في تغريدات القادة السياسيين الأمريكيين الموجهين نحو الصين، مما يؤدي إلى انتشار الكراهية العنصرية والعنف ضد الشعب الصيني. &nbsp;The spread of the Internet makes social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter the tools for expressing political interests and for communicating positive and negative feelings. Recently, an anti-China-sentiment has spread in American political leader’s social media especially with the outbreak of Corona virus plea 2020. Thus, instead of using neutral discourse, hate speech becomes the means by which these leaders attack and express their negative feelings towards China. The present research endeavors to put under deep scrutiny this phenomenon from a critical pragmatic perspective for the sake of understanding how&nbsp; the context of hate speech against China shapes its meaning.&nbsp; It attempts to fill a gap in this field by examining the use of language that constructs negative feelings against China and justifies hatred and violence. This study tries to analyze the pragmatic aspects of hate speech in the tweets of Trump and Pompeo. It focuses on hate speech forms, functions and strategies. Then reproduction mechanisms are suggested to substitute the original ones. The study compromises two types of analysis: a qualitative analysis and a quantitative analysis. The qualitative analysis is achieved by means of an analytical framework developed for this purpose. In order to support the findings of the qualitative analysis, a quantitative (statistical) analysis is conducted by using a frequency table that shows the number of times each value of a variable occurs in a data set. On the basis of these two analyses, some findings are introduced where the most important one is that there is an accretion of hate speech in American political leader’s tweets directed towards China which leads to the spread of racial hatred and violence against Chinese people

    A challenging case of chronic diarrhoea

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