234 research outputs found

    Big Data Analytics in the Entertainment Industry: Audience Behavior Analysis, Content Recommendation, and Revenue Maximization

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    This research contributes to the understanding of the significant role of big data analytics in transforming the entertainment industry. In this study, we investigate the impact of big data analytics on the entertainment industry, focusing on three key aspects: audience behavior analysis, content recommendation, and revenue maximization. To understand audience behavior, entertainment companies leverage big data analytics to collect and analyze vast amounts of data from various sources, including social media platforms, streaming services, ticket sales, and website traffic. By analyzing viewer preferences, engagement metrics, and geographic information, companies gain valuable insights into audience behavior. These insights help in creating content that resonates with the target audience, optimizing future content creation, and tailoring marketing strategies based on geographical preferences. Furthermore, big data analytics plays a vital role in powering content recommendation systems. Through collaborative filtering and content-based filtering techniques, entertainment platforms personalize content recommendations based on user behavior, preferences, and historical data. This enhances user satisfaction and increases the likelihood of discovering relevant and appealing content. Hybrid approaches that combine collaborative and content-based filtering techniques are also explored to achieve more accurate and diverse recommendations. Moreover, big data analytics enables entertainment companies to optimize revenue generation strategies. By analyzing historical data, market trends, and consumer behavior, companies can implement dynamic pricing strategies, adjusting ticket prices, subscription fees, or content pricing based on demand and viewer preferences. Additionally, targeted advertising based on user data enhances advertising revenue by delivering personalized advertisements. Furthermore, analyzing market data and consumer behavior patterns helps optimize licensing agreements and content distribution strategies, maximizing revenue opportunities

    Sound propagation in viscous flows using piezoelectric sensors and non-destructive propagation techniques and its applications

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    Structural non-destructive evaluation techniques are applied to viscous flows to detect fluid property changes. The main operating principle consists of an actuator which provides a stimulus, and a sensor to receive a signal traveling to a fluid domain. The main challenge of the operating principle consists of investigating waves traveling in a viscous flow. Traveling waves utilizing a piezoelectric actuator-sensor pair are modeled and the results are validated experimentally. ANSYS models, coupled with a two-way fluid-solid interaction model, are built to investigate how far a signal travels and what frequency ranges are of interest. The numerical model includes modeling three different geometries (square, circular, triangular) for the actuator-sensor pair manufactured with three different piezoelectric materials (PZT4, PZT5A, PMN32). Numerical work is validated with experimental work using a pair of circular actuator-sensors manufactured with PZT5A and immersed in a large container of water and glycerin. Furthermore, in order to establish mesh independence of the results, three mesh refinement levels (coarse, medium and fine) were utilized with different materials, geometries and fluid viscosity values. The actuator receives a 0.5 VAC signal ranging from 100 Hz to 40 MHz. The sensor records the signal at varying distances from the actuator, and the result is labeled as the gain or the ratio of received to send wave magnitude. The pattern of decay for both numerical and experimental results are in close agreement (the numerical decay are 10.825 and 11.4 for water and glycerin, respectively, while the experimental are 11.254 and 14.48 for water and glycerin, respectively). Numerically, the results show that the maximum acoustic pressure can be obtained by using a square piezoelectric actuator- sensor pair fabricated with PMN32. Numerically, the results show that the maximum acoustic pressure can be obtained by using a square piezoelectric actuator- sensor pair fabricated with PMN32. A viscosity probe for medical applications is developed using a piezoelectric actuator-sensor pair. The design constraints were size and cost. The actuator-sensor pair is manufactured with PZT5A with a rectangular shape to fit a 3 mL vacutainer. The actuator is excited by 0.5 VAC sinusoidal waves with varying frequencies ranging from 100Hz to 40 MHz. The sensor will detect the produced wave in the fluid. Also, the phase shift is recorded for different concentrations of glycerin and water to simulate different viscosities ranging from 1 to 1600 cP. The numerical analysis, a modal analysis, of the probe was performed and the results showed that the first, second and third modes of the device were in the range of 684–2358 Hz for air, 500–1080 Hz for water, and 469–625 Hz for glycerin. From the harmonic acoustic analysis, the results showed that the highest phase shifts, and maximum gain, occurs at the ultrasonic frequency range, 6 to 9 MHz. Hence, there is no relation between the natural frequencies of the probe and the ultrasonic frequency for the phase shift. Most importantly, a correlation between the phase shift and viscosity is found, making the probe a feasible device for measuring viscosity in an inexpensive, small, and disposable way

    An Assessment of Translating Rhetorical Devices in King Abdullah II’s Political Speeches into English: Metonymic Expressions as a Case Study

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    Rhetorical devices are certain means of aesthetic and considerable values added to texts in general, and to both expressive and vocative in particular. The general concept and purpose of rhetorical devices are commonly shared between English and Arabic; yet, the subclassifications and branches of rhetoric as a unique discipline are not equal. Their mismatch makes the assessment of rendering those concerned devices in the text thorny and not quite an easy task. In addition, the study sheds light on the act of translating such texts taking into account how the aesthetic value and equivalent effect are maintained in the TLTs. The study hypothesizes that translating rhetorical devices is a thorny task to translators, due to their different types. Also, translators are not consistent with certain methods of translation as far as rendering such rhetorical devices is concerned. The model adopted to make the translation quality assessment is that of Reiss (1971/2000) who submits a thorough method of assessment and considers text type a focal point in conducting a specific approach to translation. As for procedure and data collection concerning this study, (5) texts compising metonymic expressions have been selected to be analyzed and discussed in accordance with criteria of the model adopted. The study comes up with certain concluded points which almost verify the relevent hypotheses of the study

    Conceptual parameters necessary for modeling wettability alteration in an enhanced smart brine-chalk system

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    Achieving higher recovery of oil from proven carbonate reserves around the world is not an easy task. One promising new method, especially for carbonate reservoirs, is the use of Smart Water technology, which is an injection water with carefully determined, optimal ionic composition and salinity. Recent experiments have shown good recovery results, but the mechanism of wettability alteration by this fluid are still not well understood. The goal of this study is to review the high and optimal salinity and ionic composition literature plus perform dimensional analysis of key variables in order to shed light on the physical and chemical factors of improved recovery in carbonates. This work will discuss physical and thermal principles and relationships of flow and heat distributions in the presence of the rock-fluid reaction. A series of logical connection among plenty of physical and chemical principles using Buckingham Pi theorem in the dimensionless analysis has proposed to model and find a general formula that can best fit to describe the nature of the resulting changes accompanied with heat and flow transport through a porous medium in the presence of an abundance of sulfate concentrations. The primary purpose of this work is to show the factors that can control the wettability alteration using the chalk-sulfate system using the proposed general formula and predict the likely phenomenon such as undesirable mineral deposition, diagnosing the diffusion reduction, and fingering possibility. This work will show the numerical estimation of the contact angles of wettability alteration for two crude oils, oil A and B using smart brine contains four times sulfate concentration at different temperatures 70 C⁰, 90 C⁰, 100 C⁰, and 120 C⁰ reinforced by Buckingham Pi theorem and series of proven empirical correlations used to derive the general formula of wettability alteration mechanism in carbonates --Abstract, page iii

    Evaluation Of Antibiotics Prescribing Pattern In Government Hospitals Of Yemen Republic

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    Kajian penggunaan ubat adalah penting dalam menentukan status penggunaan ubat dalam sesuatu negara. Drug utilization study is important in establishing the status of drug use in a particular country

    The Influence of Beta Signal toward Emotion Classification for Facial Expression Control through EEG Sensors

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    AbstractThe important role of communication process between human and computer have been increased in the recent years. In this paper, the main focus on analyzing human brain signals to create a natural interaction between human brain and virtual human. The method of this study base on reading brain signals then classifies the signals in order to represent it as an avatar facial expression. These signals are associated with the inner emotion of the user. In order to get a real interaction between the internal emotion of a user and avatar facial expression, signal speed is used to clarify the difference of user situation for two emotions: happy and sad. The interactive process based on the relationship between human emotion and the velocity of brain signal from the result ΔV for Z1 is faster than ΔV for Z2. In this case, the velocity of sad emotion will be faster than happy emotion. As a result, this study shows a range of speed for each emotion which can be used to specify and represent the internal emotion of a user to create a natural interaction with virtual human. These results can be more realistic because it specifies the average of speed for each emotion

    An Analytical Study of Consumer Attitudes towards Chinese Mobile Phone in India- with Special Reference to Rajkot City

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    The main objective behind this study is to know the attitude of the persons towards Chinese mobile phone with reference to public stay in Rajkot city. The researcher collected data from the primary source and secondary sources. Primary data collected through a structured questionnaire that close and open-ended and secondary data collected from the market on the basis of website, newspaper, and other secondary sources. The researcher has the main objective behind the study is to measures consumer attitude towards Chinese products and to find the relation between gender with respect to spending purchasing of Chinese mobile phones and in last to find the significant relation between monthly income with respect to opinion of the respondent towards Chinese mobile phones are cheaper than other brands. The researcher tested his hypothesis on the basis of some statistical tools which are percentage analysis, weighted average, and chi-square test. The researcher found out through this study up to 69% male respondents and 31% female respondents in the study, more than 80% of respondents are using Chinese mobile phone in Rajkot city. The majority of 91% of the respondents are agreeing with those Chinese mobile phones are cheaper than other mobile phones

    The Impact of Leverage on Earnings Per Share: A Study of Selected Petroleum Companies in India

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    The main purpose of this article is to study the impact of leverage on earning per share of selected petroleum companies in India.  The article also aims to examine the correlation between three types of leverage with earning per share and to know more about the leverage and petroleum industry in India. The most appropriate Parametric and Non parametric tests are employed and the analysis of data is presented through different graphs and tables. This article comes across to draw a comparison between the degree of combined leverage and earnings per share of selected petroleum companies during the study period

    An Analytical Study of Working Capital Management of Selected Cement Companies in India

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    This article is to analyze and evaluate working capital management of selected cement companies.  The main purpose of this study is to find out the liquidity position of selected cement companies in India, five companies were selection .The duration of study is five years start from 2015-16 to 2019-20. Two ratios were used for the analysis of data: current ratio quick ratio. To test hypothesis ANOVA was used. The major findings of the study indicate that there are significance difference in the quick ratio and current ratio of selected cement companies. Based on the data analysis, there is a mixed trend in the current ratio during the year 2015-16 to 2019-20. The analysis also shows the ups and down in the quick ratio of the selected cements companies during the period of 5 year. It indicates that there is mixed trend in quick ratio during the year 2015-16 to 2019-20. Removing short-term debt from balance sheet allow companies to have better  quick and current ratios and allow to save some of liquidity  in the near term and put in to better use.  Companies are suggested to adopt more aggressiveness in maintaining their current rasio

    Review of Cash Flow Statement of Selected Companies of Steel Industry (Tata Steel and Sail)

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    The main objective of this study is to assess the ability of the enterprise to generate cash and cash equivalents of the industry. The researcher has selected two companies on the basis of the judgemental sampling method and the researcher has used for the data analysis like mean, trend analysis, and pair “t” test. The researcher has found out the review of the cash flow statement of TATA Steel and SAIL shows the cash inflow and cashes outflow of both the companies, which represents similar solvency and liquidity of both the companies. Thus, investors can invest in both companies because both companies have a sound cash position. So, it should be easy to identify the best investment option for investors. The cash flow statements of the selected two industries of steel sectors have been analysed using different parameters. The selected steel industries are TATA Steel and Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL). The comparative evaluation of the cash flow statement describes the various variables of cash inflows and outflows of cash of both the industries and the similarity in inflows and outflows of cash. There are 12 variables that were very similar and the data of both the industries were available for the study period. From the analysis, it is concluded that both industries have more similarities in the cash inflow and cash outflow of cash flow statement