167 research outputs found

    Antibacterial activity of a marine bacterium against pathogenic and environmental isolates of vibrio species

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    The marine environment covers three quarters of the surface of the planet is estimated to be home to more than 80% of life and yet it remains largely unexplored. The rich diversity of marine flora and fauna and its adaptation to the harsh marine environment coupled with new developments in biotechnology, has opened up a new exciting vista for extraction of bioactive products of use in medicine. In this study inhibitory activity of a marine bacterium isolated from gut of ribbonfish was studied against pathogenic and environmental isolates of Vibrio species. This strain was identified as Pseudomonas stutzeri and it was found active against V. harveyi (luminescent bacteria), V. cholerae, V. alginolyticus, V. damseal, V. fluvialis. The antibacterial substance produced by Pseudomonas stutzeri was soluble in organic solvent and closely bound to external surface of bacterial cells. Reduction of the absorbance of the V. cholera cell suspension was observed when log phase cells of V. cholerae were treated with MIC and 4xMIC concentration of crude extract of Pseudomonas stutzeri

    How growing tumour impacts intracranial pressure and deformation mechanics of brain

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    Brain is an actuator for control and coordination. When a pathology arises in cranium, it may leave a degenerative, disfiguring and destabilizing impact on brain physiology. However, the leading consequences of the same may vary from case to case. Tumour, in this context, is a special type of pathology which deforms brain parenchyma permanently. From translational perspective, deformation mechanics and pressures, specifically the intracranial cerebral pressure (ICP) in a tumour-housed brain, have not been addressed holistically in literature. This is an important area to investigate in neuropathy prognosis. To address this, we aim to solve the pressure mystery in a tumour-based brain in this study and present a fairly workable methodology. Using image-based finite-element modelling, we reconstruct a tumour-based brain and probe resulting deformations and pressures (ICP). Tumour is grown by dilating the voxel region by 16 and 30 mm uniformly. Cumulatively three cases are studied including an existing stage of the tumour. Pressures of cerebrospinal fluid due to its flow inside the ventricle region are also provided to make the model anatomically realistic. Comparison of obtained results unequivocally shows that as the tumour region increases its area and size, deformation pattern changes extensively and spreads throughout the brain volume with a greater concentration in tumour vicinity. Second, we conclude that ICP pressures inside the cranium do increase substantially; however, they still remain under the normal values (15 mmHg). In the end, a correlation relationship of ICP mechanics and tumour is addressed. From a diagnostic purpose, this result also explains why generally a tumour in its initial stage does not show symptoms because the required ICP threshold has not been crossed. We finally conclude that even at low ICP values, substantial deformation progression inside the cranium is possible. This may result in plastic deformation, midline shift etc. in the brain

    Factors Influencing Logistics Outsourcing in Pakistan

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    The Freight Forwarding and Logistics industry plays a vital role in the overall economy of Pakistan. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence for outsourcing the logistics and at the same time performance of outsourcing has been evaluated with respect to Karachi, Pakistan. Three factors identified as Low Human Assets, Low Physical Assets and Partnership, all have a positive impact on logistics outsourcing and the firm performance especially in terms of Financial Benefit. Online survey was conducted and the data was obtained from a sample size of 165 from the seniority level of the manufacturing industry in Karachi. We measure the inner model by Smart PLS software to indicate the reliability of all factors that significant impact on logistics outsourcing practices. Reliability test was also performed which showed that our study is significant

    Analysis of final state lepton polarization-dependent observables in Hβ†’β„“+β„“βˆ’Ξ³H\to \ell^{+}\ell^{-} \gamma in the SM at loop level

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    Recently, the CMS and ATLAS collaborations have announced the results for Hβ†’Z[β†’β„“+β„“βˆ’]Ξ³H\rightarrow Z[\rightarrow \ell^{+}\ell^{-}]\gamma with β„“=e\ell=e or ΞΌ\mu, where Hβ†’ZΞ³H\rightarrow Z\gamma is a sub-process of Hβ†’β„“+β„“βˆ’Ξ³H\rightarrow \ell^{+} \ell^{-} \gamma. This semi-leptonic Higgs decay receives loop induced resonant Hβ†’Z[β†’β„“+β„“βˆ’]Ξ³H\rightarrow Z[\rightarrow \ell^{+}\ell^{-}]\gamma as well as non-resonant contributions as discussed in. To probe further features coming from these contributions to Hβ†’β„“+β„“βˆ’Ξ³H\rightarrow \ell^{+} \ell^{-} \gamma, we suggest that the polarization of the final state lepton is an important parameter. We show that the resonant and non-resonant cross-terms play an important role when the polarization of final state lepton is taken into account, which is negligible in the case of un-polarized leptons. For this purpose, we have calculated the polarized decay rates and the longitudinal, normal and transverse polarization asymmetries. We find that these asymmetries purely come from the loop contributions and are helpful to further investigate the resonant and non-resonant nature of Hβ†’Z[β†’β„“+β„“βˆ’]Ξ³H\rightarrow Z[\rightarrow \ell^{+}\ell^{-}]\gamma decay. We observe that for β„“=e,ΞΌ\ell=e,\mu, the longitudinal decay rate is highly suppressed around mβ„“β„“β‰ˆ60m_{\ell\ell}\approx 60GeV when the final lepton spin is βˆ’12-\frac{1}{2}, dramatically increasing the corresponding lepton polarization asymmetries. Furthermore, we analyze another clean observable, the ratio of decay rates Ξ“\Gamma, Rℓℓ′≑ΓHβ†’β„“+β„“βˆ’Ξ³Ξ“Hβ†’β„“β€²+β„“β€²βˆ’Ξ³R^{\ell\ell'}\equiv \frac{\Gamma_{H\rightarrow \ell^{+} \ell^{-} \gamma}}{\Gamma_{H\rightarrow \ell^{'+} \ell^{'-} \gamma}}, where β„“\ell and β„“β€²\ell' refer to different final state lepton generations. Therefore, the precise measurements of these observables at CMS and ATLAS can provide a fertile ground to test not only the Standard Model (SM) but also to examine the signatures of possible new physics (NP) beyond the SM.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Disrupting the Bilateral Relations between India and Pakistan

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    The arrest of Kulbshan Yadhav, an Indian spy added fuel to the already boiling relationship between India and Pakistan. India refutes the allegation of creating instability in Pakistan while terming the confessional statement by Kalboshan as a fabricated propaganda by Pakistan. On the other hand, Pakistan considers Yadhav’ arrest as a big achievement against India that has exposed the nefarious Indian face behind creating instability and uncertainty in Pakistan. The counter allegation between India and Pakistan of carrying out terrorist activities on each other’s soil continues to derail the peace process between both the countries. However, the cooperation between the two states can help them to curb the menace of terrorism together while giving them opportunity to have the maximum benefit of the regional alliances like CPEC

    Socio-digital disadvantage within management education : a study of MBA students’ experiences of digital technologies

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    Assumptions regarding digital technologies in business schools have become part of the hidden curriculum. It is generally assumed that students have the same levels of access and prior exposure to digital technologies as well as information and digital literacies (IDL) skills. Little attention has been given to the issues of social-digital inequalities and the impact of this hidden curriculum on students from disadvantaged backgrounds. In this study, using a phenomenographic approach, we examine how students from rural, socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds in Pakistan, experienced digital technologies in the context of a full-time, in-person MBA program. The findings reveal the students initially had an alienating experience of digital technologies which for most transitions to either an engaged or instrumental experience. While the students exercised agency in transitioning from an alienation experience this was as a result of their own effort, time and labor. We conclude that without additional support offered to students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, the hidden curriculum associated with digital technologies potentially perpetuates, or maintains socio-digital inequalities within management education
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