35 research outputs found

    A Contribution to the Knowledge of Vascular Flora of the Site of Biological and Ecological Interest of Kharouba in the Central Plateau of Morocco

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    The current study aims to quantify and evaluate the Tetraclinis stands (Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl.) Masters) richness and floristic diversity at Kharouba Site of Biological and Ecological Interest (SBEI). The 150 floristic surveys conducted in the site allowed us to inventory 143 species distinguished with rare taxa majority that are distributed over 54 families and 123 genera. This reduced number of taxa reflects the alarming biodiversity deterioration of the SBEI. The study also enabled us to define the biological spectrum of the study area that is characterized by a significant abundance of Therophytes

    Combining spectral indices and statistics analysis to proposed a new risk of soil degradation method – application to the Cameroonians shores of lake Chad and its hinterland

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    International audienceIn the far northern part of Cameroon, the shores of Lake Chad are in the most exposed zone to the risks of soil degradation due to environmental conditions, more severe climatic conditions and modes of uses and exploitation of natural resources (National Action Plan to combat Desertification (PAN/LCD) 2006). It is an area marked by degradation and decline of soil fertility, unsuitable cultivation practices, high extension of barren land, erosion, runoff, and decrease of fallows, overgrazing, and pesticides pollution

    Classification binaire sur image satellitale multibandes pour la cartographie du recouvrement arboré (chêne-liège de la Maamora)

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    Dans cette étude, une classification dirigée binaire « arbre, non arbre», selon la méthode SVM (Support Vector Machine), a été testée pour la cartographie du recouvrement arboré des peuplements naturels de chêne-liège dans les cantons A, B et C de la forêt de la Maamora. L’image multibandes 2,5m de résolution utilisée est issue de la fusion d’une image SPOT multibandes de 10m et d’une image panchromatique Google Earth de 2,5m de résolution. Et pour permettre une lecture technique correcte des résultats obtenus, une carte des densités a été élaborée sur la base d’un quadrillage de 4 ha et selon les classes adoptées dans le cadre des études d’inventaire forestier national. Les résultats de la classification réalisée ont permis d’obtenir un coefficient kappa supérieur à 81,71%. Ils ont montré que la classe « arbre » ne couvre que 35% de la superficie de la zone d’étude, alors que la classe « non arbre » occupent les 65% restants. La carte des densités a permis de révéler des taux de l’ordre de 9%, 24%, 32% et 25% respectivement pour les classes « dense », « moyennement dense », « claire » et « éparse ». Les terrains vides dominent sur près de 9% de la superficie. Cette situation alarmante renseigne sur l’ampleur de la dynamique de dégradation caractérisant les peuplements naturels de chêne-liège de la Maamora, soumis à des pressions multiples. Une telle tendance est largement observée dans le cadre de plusieurs travaux de recherche conduits dans la zone d’étude

    Analyse des tendances et des ruptures d’homogénéité dans les series des facteurs climatiques et de la végétation des forêts sud méditerranéennes. Cas de la suberaie de la Maâmora, Maroc

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    Cet article vise à analyser les chroniques des précipitations, températures et NDVI, générées d’images CHRIPS et MODIS, à l’échelle des cantons A, B et C de la Maâmora, en vérifiant si, durant la période 2001-2016, elles ont identifié des tendances et ruptures, et établi des relations de causalité. Les résultats de l’analyse statistique ont permis de (i) distinguer leur hétérogénéité spatiale et variabilité temporelle marquée par des pics, (ii) révéler un retard de deux mois pour reprendre le cycle du NDVI des cantons B et C, affectés par leur état de dégradation, l’allongement et l’accentuation de la sécheresse. Les tests de Mann-Kendall et Pettitt ont montré la présence de tendances et ruptures légèrement différentes selon les paramètres et les espaces, mais concordantes pour le NDVI du canton B caractérisant une chute depuis Mai-2005 (0.456-0.410). Elles joignent des tendances d’accentuation des Tmax d’été et Tmoy d’automne dudit canton ayant le minimum du NDVI et le maximum des précipitations. Soit l’opposé du canton A bénéficiant d’un adoucissement des Tmax repéré dès août-2008 (28.42°C-27.67°C). Il en découle l’absence de causalité explicite entre les facteurs climatiques étudiés et l’évolution du couvert végétal sous déterminisme d’autres pressions anthropozoïques

    Antidiabetic effects of natural plant extracts via inhibition of carbohydrate hydrolysis enzymes with emphasis on pancreatic alpha amylase

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    Conservation, valuation and sustainable development issues of the Argan Tree Biosphere Reserve in Morocco

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    The argan tree is a multi-purpose tree (fruit tree, medicinal, cosmetic, and pastoral plant) found in the semi-arid and arid regions of North Africa. It is under strong human pressure such as the impact of population growth, crop expansion, overgrazing, and wood and fruit exploitation that are also the main causes of desertification in the rest of the world. Over the years, interest in this beneficial tree and demand for its products have increased: especially with the increase in the price of argan oil, which is now one of the most expensive and much in demand oils in the world. This increase has led to many socio-political, economic and cultural changes at the national, regional and local levels, especially in farming behaviour and the habits of the local population. This bibliographic research was therefore conducted in order to analyse the various changes and their consequences on the planning, conservation, and management methods implemented in the argan tree area and their effects on the habits of the local population in order to ensure the sustainability of the Argan Tree Biosphere Reserve in Morocco. Indeed, the aims of this study were, firstly, to analyse the change dynamic of argan forest area in the ABR; and secondly, to investigate the impact of various socio-political, economic and cultural changes resulting from increased prices of argan oil on planning, conservation, and management methods of argan tree ecosystem and on the habits of the local population

    Seasonal Changes of sandflies: A study of the Endemic Outbreak of Leishmania Major in Zagora, Southeast Morocco

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    Leishmaniasis is endemic in the province of Zagora and presents a real danger to the health situation. It is manifested by endemic morbidity. The objective of this study is to assist in vector control measures by providing information on the richness, abundance, seasonal trend, presence and sex ratio of sand fly species in this active epidemic. The study was conducted in Bleida locality in the province of Zagora, during an outbreak of L. major. The results of this study, undertaken in 2019, showed the predominance of Ph. papatasi (44.8%), followed by Ph. longicuspis (26.3%) and S.schwetzi(8.2%).The analysis supports the involvement of P. papatasi as a vector of L. major in Bleida locality. which indicates the increase of cutaneous leishmania in the province of Zagora


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    Despite the fact that desertification affects 41% of lands, there is only a few comprehensive methods to assess desertification. This study was conducted in order to assess the vulnerability to desertification caused mainly by anthropogenic actions associated with arid climate.  It describes a global method of spot assessment of vulnerability to desertification. The first step of this method is to categorize and delimit bio-geographical areas that are homogenous from climatic, edaphic and floristic point of view in Morocco. Then, the land uses of these homogeneous areas are mapped into seven main classes and from that, the vulnerability to desertification of each area is assessed by the multi-criteria analysis by weighted sum method. This analysis is based on biophysical and anthropogenic factors such as temperature, precipitation, terrain, soil type, forest and matorral cover, cropland, stocking rate, and population density. The results point out that the forest and matorral cover has increased these last years, even though the forests have regressed. On another side, the weighted sum method have showed better results by indicating the degree of vulnerability of each homogeneous areas. Thus, the highest vulnerable area is Agricultural plains of Gharb. This method can be adapted, and then reused to assessed vulnerability in other countries or regions of the world affected by desertification

    Diversity and Bionomics of Sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) of an Endemic Focus of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Zagora Province, Southeast of Morocco

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    The diversity and seasonality for sandflies were studied in 2019 at a focus of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in Zagora province, southern Morocco. Standardized sampling with CDC light traps was used. A total of 4504 sandflies (4024 Phlebotomus and 480 Sergentomyia) was collected during the study period. Seven species belonging to genus Phlebotomus and six species of genus Sergentomyia were identified. The most abundant species were Ph. papatasi (33.6%) and Ph. longicuspis (25.7%), highlighting the risk for local disease transmission foci. The seasonal activity of sandflies extended from April to November, showing two peaks, one in June-July and one, less important, in late-September-October. Abundance was highest during the months May, June, and July and lowest in August, September, and October. Results of this study provide important baseline data for planning control interventions