292 research outputs found

    A Study on Visible Minority Immigrant Women\u27s Experiences with Domestic Violence

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    The purpose of this exploratory and qualitative research was to better understand the personal experiences of visible minority immigrant women seeking help with domestic violence in Southern Ontario, Canada. Over the course of two months, I interviewed two survivors of domestic violence and three professionals about their personal and professional experiences on the issue of domestic violence impacting visible minority immigrant women. A gender-based analysis of the participants’ narratives revealed that a number of diversity-related axis such as, gender, visible minority, immigrant status and economic status influenced women’s experiences with abuse. The results exemplify the various barriers they experience and supports that are available for visible minority immigrant women seeking help with DV, and presents several policy and practice implications. Specifically, visible minority immigrant women experiencing DV face challenges in respect to foreign credentials and employment, language, culture, isolation, and shelters. In addition, structural barriers such as the police, court, spousal sponsorship policies, legal status and fear of deportation/breakdown of sponsorship further contribute to obstacles in seeking help with DV. However, various supports were outlined as mitigating several of these barriers

    DIPL 3150 AA/AB New Dimensions of Human Security

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    Objectives: The New Dimensions of Human Security is aimed at: a. To provide understanding about the theoretical basis underlining the evolution and development of human security paradigm b. To go through the existing literature on different aspects of human security c. To offer understanding about the different components of the human security paradigm and demonstrate how they permit an interdisciplinary approach to the security issues generally; d. To present students with the opportunity to become familiar with the different dimensions of the contemporary issues and threats at different levels of analysis e. To offer students the opportunity to apply different theoretical tools for critically analyzing contemporary international and global issues f. To provide students with the platform for strengthening their skills of constructing arguments and counter arguments on the issues that threaten the security of individuals around the world

    Biochemical Markers as Evidence of the Effects of Environmental Enrichment on Physiological Processes in Huntington’s Disease Patients

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    DIPL 3150 New Dimensions of Human Security

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    Human security is an interdisciplinary field that conceptualizes security from a multidisciplinary and multivariate perspectives. Its primary focus is on individuals and it identifies different threats faced by human beings around the globe. Aimed at understanding and mitigating/ alleviating these threats, human security offers different theoretical applications. It is a new paradigm that emerged in the post-Cold-War world political order. The New Dimensions of Human Security is a multidisciplinary undergraduate course that offers basic understanding about human security. It focuses on the theoretical tenets and various components of human security. The course also focuses on the distinctions between human security and other policy frameworks including national security, human development, and human rights. The course will introduce students to the various implications of the subject matter to the contemporary global economic, environmental, social, political, and humanitarian issues

    DIPL 3150 AA/AB New Dimensions of Human Security

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    Human security is an interdisciplinary field that conceptualizes security from a multivariate perspective. Unlike other security and policy frameworks, the main unit of analysis of human security is people or individuals. Human security identifies different threats faced by human beings around the globe. Aimed at understanding and mitigating these threats, human security offers different theoretical applications. It is a new paradigm that emerged in the post-Cold-War international security and political contexts. The New Dimensions of Human Security is a multidisciplinary undergraduate course that offers comprehensive understanding about the theoretical tenets and practical dimensions of human security. The course also focuses on the distinction between human security and other policy frameworks including national security, human development, and human rights. This course introduces students to look at contemporary global issues including economic, environmental, social, political, and humanitarian, placing emphasis on critical thinking and comprehension, from a human security perspective

    DIPL 2103 History of Diplomacy

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    Diplomacy is one of the main political activities of the statecraft. Rather than resorting to use of force, states use diplomacy to advance their interests and secure foreign policy objectives through negotiation, influence, and persuasion. Diplomacy as a political activity is not a modern phenomenon. Its history is as old as the history of human civilizations. Different polities have always coexisted with other powers and they used the art of persuasion and influence for advancing their interests. Hence, diplomacy has always remained crucial in shaping the political milieu of the world during different eras. At the same time, it has gone through a dynamic process of evolution. DIPL 2130 reviews the history of diplomacy and its evolution

    DIPL 3150 New Dimensions of Human Security

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    Human security is an interdisciplinary field that conceptualizes security from a multivariate perspective. Unlike other security and policy frameworks, the main unit of analysis of human security is people or individuals. Human security identifies different threats faced by human beings around the globe. Aimed at understanding and mitigating these threats, human security offers different theoretical applications. It is a new paradigm that emerged in the post-Cold-War political order of the world. The New Dimensions of Human Security is a multidisciplinary undergraduate course that offers comprehensive understanding about the theoretical tenets and practical dimensions of human security. The course offers understanding on various components of human security and also focuses on the distinctions between human security and other policy frameworks including national security, human development, and human rights. The course will introduce students to the various implications of the subject matter to the contemporary global economic, environmental, social, political, and humanitarian issues

    DIPL 3800 AA/AB Investigating International Relations

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    Investigating International Relations is a Social Sciences research methodology course that is aimed towards offering understanding regarding scientifically investigating issues and themes within the realm of International Relations. As DIPL 3800 is designated as numeracy infused and is a prerequisite to the Senior Research Project (DIPL 4101), the course is designed to achieve the following four goals: First, to increase the competency and build student\u27s skills in qualitative thinking. Hence, there will be assignments that require students to do math and engage with numbers. Therefore, some of us may need to challenge the commonly acquired false assumption of, I am not a math person. The class is not intended to create John Nash, but to enable students to enhance their qualitative thinking and apply basic math and statistics for their research projects. Second, the course will prepare students for their Senior Research Project and by the end of this semester, you will have a basic research template for your final project. Third, looking for causal relationships and making inferences between variables is one of the most demanding mandates of empirical scrutiny and scientific investigation within the field of International Relations (IR) and Political Science. The regression model is one of the analytical tools that is used mostly for inferential analysis. Therefore, in order to prepare students for their final research projects, this course will cover some basic understanding about regression analysis in the final weeks, with a particular emphasis on Ordinary Least Squares regression. Fourth, analytical software is used extensively in different branches of Social Sciences for both descriptive and inferential analysis. SPSS is one of the most standard statistical packages that is most commonly used. This course will include the materials needed to introduce students to the skills needed for using SPSS for descriptive and inferential analysis. In brief, DIPL 3800 offers understanding about the Social Science research process, descriptive and inferential analysis, and an introduction into the basic functioning and value of using SPSS. It is fair for the student to know that this is an extensive course with regard to the amount of readings, calculations/ math, and statistical applications

    Aim and Objectives of the Landmine Victims Data Collection

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    The 20 years of war in Afghanistan, beside other legacies, has left over 850 square kilometers of land and approximately 1,500 villages contaminated with landmines. Although official figures are not available, it is estimated that more than 400,000 people have either been killed or maimed by these perilous weapons. The majority of the over 400,000 victims are civilians, many of whom are women and children. Despite these facts, no proper and reliable data on the landmine victims in Afghanistan has yet been collected by any agency or organization. The Mine Clearance Planning Agency (MCPA), with its mandate to conduct landmine-related surveys in Afghanistan and to collect information on landmines and their impact, has collected information on a limited number of landmine victims. Due to financial limitations, this process has been confined to the areas of MCPA\u27s operations only. However, this process can be expanded to collecting information at a country-level if sufficient funding is made available

    The Idea of Freedom in Islamic Thought

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    From the Islamic point of view, freedom is a fundamental right. And scientifically, it has been placed in a structure that reveals the originality of Islam in expressing this right. Rights that are governed by human values ​​and legislative principles. And it is the inner (inherent) freedom song to the will and authority. And external freedom, which belongs to the collective dimension of man, who known as public freedom which in this Islam originates from human dignity by God and his succession on earth. To have complete freedom to exploit the universe and to be able to conquer and exploit it according to the substitute method which is worship and sovereignty. The Muslim Ummah must know that political freedom, freedom of opinion and ijtihad, freedom of criticism and speech, economic freedom, and all actions are safe for him and as long as he adheres to the right and justice commanded by God. His complete servitude to the Almighty is committed to any freedom, freedom is a genuine human right, and this right will not be violated by anyone unless there is an obstacle in the way. For this reason, the divine religions, which are responsible for educating the population and refining morality, are the most staunch defenders of human freedom! And also, for this reason, the Holy Qur'an is full of verses that establish the freedom of the human will and deny restraint from all desires. Which is mentioned in this discussion. Accompanying forbidding any other duty and calling for obedience and forbidding sin, reward, punishment, reckoning, and punishment, and court and enforcing limits and punishments and other things like that, are all repeated emphases on the issue of human freedom
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