397 research outputs found

    Utjecaj toplinskog stresa i različita vremena osjemenjivanja na postotak steonosti muznih krava

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate three synchronization fix timed-AI protocols throughout the year on one commercial dairy farm in a semi-arid zone. Mean temperature-humidity indices (THI) were 77.5, 84.9, 70.8 and 58.8 in spring, summer, autumn and winter, respectively. Insemination was synchronized in 3 groups of healthy Holstein Friesian dairy cows (Body Condition Score 2.25-3; scale 1-5) using controlled intravaginal drug release (CIDR) +E2 (n = 99), CIDR+GnRH (n = 38), or Select-Ovsynch (n = 181). Pregnancy diagnosis was done by rectal palpation 45-50 days after one AI. Pregnancy rate did not differ between the three methods, but was lower (P0.05), but rates were lower in spring than in winter (P0,05), ali je u proljeće postotak bio niži nego zimi (P<0,05). U navedenoj polusušnoj zoni visoki THI ima negativan učinak na plodnost muznih krava te se nijedan od triju primijenjenih protokola nije pokazao dobrim za plodnost u ljetnom razdoblju. Prema tome, trebalo bi uvesti sezonsko planiranje teljenja u kojem bi životinje bile osjemenjivane u hladnije doba godine

    Subclinical Endometritis in Dairy Cattle

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    Subclinical Endometritis (SCE) is a postpartum uterine disease that is characterized by inflammation of the uterus without any apparent clinical signs. This condition, despite lacking overt symptoms, has a significant impact on reproductive performance by decreasing pregnancy rates following the first insemination and prolonging the median days open. Risk factors for metritis include the metabolic status of the cow during the prepartum period and issues occurring at or after parturition, such as dystocia (difficult calving) and retained placenta. Elevated concentrations of haptoglobin during the postpartum period have been associated with metritis, cytological endometritis, and purulent vaginal discharge. Subclinical endometritis is a major contributor to the repeat breeder syndrome of bovine subfertility. Treatment of endometritis can cause the production of biofilm in the uterus. Biofilms inherently possess resistance to antibiotics as well as to cellular and humoral immune defenses. Treatment of subclinical endometritis is usually performed as clinical endometritis. Antibiotic infusion is a routine treatment method in dairy farms. But the use of alternative treatments such as hypertonic dextrose and hyperimmune serum mayhelp to improve treatment results. Management of pre- and postpartum periods of dairy cows is the best method for the control of subclinical endometritis

    Comparative cervical cytology and conception rate in postpartum dairy cows

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    During the early postpartum period, multiple bacterial species invade the uterus of cows. Phagocytosis by polymorphonuclear cells is a primary mechanism involved in the elimination of bacteria and improvement of conception rate. Therefore, a relationship could exist between endometrial cytology and conception rate of postpartum dairy cows. In this study 50 postpartum healthy Holstein Frisian dairy cows were selected. They had a normal parturition history and had no mucopurulent discharge from vulva or abnormality in rectal palpation. Cervical mucosal discharge was collected from all cows on days 25 to 30 and 55 to 60 postpartum. Blood progesterone levels were determined in all cows by radioimmunoassay (RIA). Differential cellular counts were carried out from a Giemsa-stained smear of the mucosa. Data were analyzed by Independent T test, one-way ANOVA, and Duncan’s multiple range tests. There was no significant difference between cell percentages at different times or in number of postpartum artificial inseminations (P≥0.05). However, when cows were divided into two groups to progesterone above 1 ng/mL and below 1 ng/mL, there were significant differences (P<0.05) between neutrophil percentages at different times after parturition and artificial insemination number (1 and 2 or 3). The result of this study showed that cytological evaluation of cervical smear is helpful for diagnosis and treatment of subclinical endometritis and prognosis of postpartum fertility

    Disidentification, anxiety and narration as epistemological windows: questioning the process of knowledge construction in a research in Chiapas, Mexico

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    One possible question to open the debate on the specific modes of intervention in the field of social research is: How to build a narrative that accounts for the actors’ ability to generate knowledge? Based on this question, the paper proposes a set of tools to analyze the institutional conditions of social research practice, which facilitates the recognition of hierarchies that pervade the relationship between actors and researchers. This awareness creates the possibility for an encounter whose purpose is the joint production of social knowledge which transcends the academic institutional logic.Uma possível questão para iniciar o debate sobre os modos específicos de intervenção no campo da pesquisa social é: como construir uma narrativa que explana a capacidade dos atores para gerar conhecimento? Com base nesta questão, o artigo propõe um conjunto de ferramentas para analisar as condições institucionais da pesquisa social que facilita o reconhecimento das hierarquias que permeiam a relação entre atores e investigadores. Esta consciencialização cria a possibilidade de um encontro cujo objetivo é a produção conjunta de conhecimento social que transcende a lógica institucional académica.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ultrazvučne značajke maternice i jajnika za vrijeme estrusa i njihov odnos sa stopom gravidnosti u mliječnih krava

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    It was hypothesized that the accumulation of fluids in the uterine lumen reduces fertility in dairy cows. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was an evaluation of the ultrasound characteristics of the reproductive tract, including the accumulation of fluids in the uterine lumen during estrus, and the effect of these findings on pregnancy rates in dairy cows. The study was conducted on 486 lactating Holstein cows detected to be in estrous, on a large commercial dairy herd in Shiraz, Iran. Transrectal ultrasound was performed at the time of artificial insemination. Reproductive tract characteristics, comprising follicle diameters, the presence of corpus luteum in ovaries, the thickness, folding and edema of the uterus, and intrauterine fluid, were visualized and scored by ultrasonography. The cows were followed after insemination and their pregnancy rate determined. The effect of ultrasound findings were investigated in relation to pregnancy rates. The data were analyzed using logistic regression analyses. The results indicated that the pregnancy rate was significantly higher in cows with follicle size >14 mm (38.8%) compared with ≤14 mm (27.3%), after adjusting for the parity of the animals, days in milk and mean daily milk production (OR = 1.84, P = 0.005). No association between pregnancy rate and other ultrasound characteristics of the reproductive tract during estrus was observed in this study (P>0.05). In conclusion, follicle size is positively associated with the pregnancy rate of dairy cows in estrus. However, other ultrasound findings of the uterus, including intrauterine fluid, did not show any association with pregnancy rates.Pretpostavlja se da nakupljanje tekućine u materničnoj šupljini smanjuje plodnost u mliječnih krava. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja stoga bio procijeniti ultrazvučne značajke reproduktivnog sustava, uključujući nakupljanje tekućine u maternici za vrijeme estrusa, te njihov utjecaj na stopu gravidnost u mliječnih krava. Istraživanje je provedeno na 486 holštajnskih krava uzgajanih u velikom komercijalnom stadu, u Shirazu, Iran. Sve krave su bile u laktaciji i s otkrivenim estrusom. Transrektalni ultrazvuk učinjen je u vrijeme umjetnog osjemenjivanja. Značajke reproduktivnog sustava, koje su obuhvatile promjer folikula, prisutnost žutog tijela u jajnicima, debljinu, nabor i edem maternice te intrauterinu tekućinu, promatrane su i procijenjene ultrazvučno. Krave su nakon osjemenjivanja praćene te im je određena stopa gravidnosti. Analiziran je utjecaj pokazatelja određenih ultrazvukom na stopu gravidnosti. Podaci su obrađeni logističkom regresijskom analizom. Rezultati su pokazali da je stopa gravidnosti, nakon prilagođavanja pariteta životinja te dnevne količine mlijeka i srednje dnevne količine proizvodnje (OR = 1,84, P = 0,005), bila znakovito veća u krava s folikulima većima od 14 mm (38,8 %) u usporedbi s onima od 14 mm i manjima (27,3 %). Nije uočena povezanost između stope gravidnosti i drugih ultrazvučnih značajki reproduktivnog sustava za vrijeme estrusa praćenog u ovom istraživanju (P>0,05). Zaključeno je da je veličina folikula pozitivno povezana s stopom gravidnosti mliječnih krava u estrusu. Kakogod, drugi ultrazvučni nalazi maternice, uključujući intrauterinu tekućinu, nisu pokazali povezanost sa stopom gravidnosti

    Design and psychometric measurement of the questionnaire on attitude, knowledge and utilization of self-care for patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery based on Waltz model

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    Background. Self-care behaviors in cardiac patients are one of the essential factors in their treatments. The failure to apply proper self-care behaviors reduces their recovery and imposes high costs on the health care system. Aim. This study aimed for design and psychometric measurement of the questionnaire on attitude, knowledge and utilization of self-care for patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery based on Waltz model Method. In this methodological study, the following four steps were conducted for design and psychometric measurement of the questionnaire: 1) defining the theoretical and practical self-care concept for patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery in the domains of physical activity, sexual activity, social activity, mental state, and smoking; 2) designing the items of the questionnaire using other instruments which are being used in heart diseases; 3) determining the face validity (the assessment of facility, difficulty, and ambiguity of the items and their importance for patients) and content validity of the questionnaire (the assessment of appropriateness and necessity of items by experts opinions and measuring CVR and CVI; 4) the internal consistency of the questionnaire was evaluated by determining the Cranach's alpha coefficient. Findings. The first version of this questionnaire was produced with 56 items, of which 15 items were deleted during the process of validity and reliability confirmation. The final version of the questionnaire was provided with 41 items in three domains; knowledge domain with 14 items, attitude domain with 7 items and utilization domain with 20 items. The results of the psychometric procedure for the questionnaire was the content validity index of 0.99, the content validity ratio of 0.96 and the internal consistency of the questionnaire with Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.7 representing appropriate validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Conclusion. This 41-item questionnaire can be utilized in the assessment process of these patients. Measuring construct validity is recommended for the validity of the domains of the present questionnaire

    Effects of uni- and bi-lateral gonadectomy and administration of estradiol, progesterone and testosterone with pancreatic -cell KATP channels blocker or opener on insulin sensitivity in rats

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    زمینه و هدف: مطالعه اثرات هورمون های استروئید جنسی بر ترشح انسولین و حساسیت به انسولین از نظر بالینی در درمان بیماری های وابسته، دارای اهمیت است. بر این اساس، هدف اصلی پژوهش حاضر، بررسی اثرات این هورمون ها بر حساسیت به انسولین در موش ها می باشد. همچنین، با توجه به نقش کانال های حساس به ATP (KATP) سلول های بتای لوزالمعده در ترشح انسولین، اثرات هورمون های مذکور بر این کانال ها نیز بررسی شد. روش مطالعه: دیازوکساید یا وراپامیل به ترتیب با دوز روزانه mg/kg 30 و mg/kg 100 به عنوان داروی بازکننده یا مسدود کننده کانال های KATP سلول های بتای لوزالمعده، مورد استفاده قرار گرفتند. هورمون تستوسترون با دوز روزانه kg/mg 50 به عنوان دوز جایگزین در گروه بیضه برداری شده دو طرفه و mg/kg 10 در موش های نر جراحی نشده و هورمون های پروژسترون و استرادیول به ترتیب با دوز روزانه mg/kg20 و μg/kg 200 در موش های ماده مورد مصرف واقع شدند. موش های نر به گروههای شاهد، بیضه برداری شده یک طرفه و دو طرفه، بیضه برداری شده دریافت کننده تستوسترون، گروه جراحی نشده دریافت کننده تستوسترون، دریافت کننده دیازوکساید یا وراپامیل و گروههای دریافت کننده تستوسترون + دیازوکساید یا وراپامیل تقسیم شدند. موش های ماده به گروههای شاهد، تخمدان برداری شده یک طرفه و دو طرفه، تخمدان برداری شده دریافت کننده پروژسترون یا استرادیول، گروههای جراحی نشده دریافت کننده پروژسترون، استرادیول، دیازوکساید یا وراپامیل و گروههای دریافت کننده پروژسترون+دیازوکساید یا وراپامیل تقسیم شدند. در هر گروه پس از چهار هفته، مقدار انسولین و گلوکز سرم خون اندازه گیری شد و حساسیت به انسولین (نسبت گلوکز به انسولین) بین گروهها، مورد مقایسه آماری قرار گرفت. نتایج: در موش های نر، بیضه برداری دو طرفه، تجویز دیازوکساید یا دیازوکساید + تستوسترون باعث افزایش، اما بیضه برداری یک طرفه، تجویز تستوسترون، وراپامیل یا تجویز وراپامیل+تستوسترون موجب کاهش حساسیت به انسولین شد. در موش های ماده، تخمدان برداری یک طرفه یا دو طرفه، تجویز پروژسترون، دیازوکساید یا پروژسترون+دیازوکساید یا وراپامیل باعث افزایش اما تجویز استرادیول یا وراپامیل سبب کاهش حساسیت به انسولین گردید. نتیجه گیری: تستوسترون و استرادیول کاهنده حساسیت به انسولین بوده، اما تخمدان برداری، بیضه برداری دو طرفه و پروژسترون افزاینده حساسیت به انسولین بودند. در این راستا، احتمالاً تستوسترون تأثیری بر باز و بسته شدن کانال های KATP سلول های بتای لوزالمعده نداشته، اما پروژسترون احتمالاً از طریق مهار کانال های KATP، ترشح انسولین را تحت تأثیر خود قرار داده است