47 research outputs found

    Transformasi digital dalam keuangan Islam: Peluang dan tantangan

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    This research aims to explore the impact of digital transformation in the Islamic finance sector, discussing the opportunities and challenges that arise with the adoption of digital technologies. The study utilizes a qualitative method with literature review approach. Digital transformation includes the implementation of innovations such as financial technology (fintech), blockchain, and artificial intelligence within the context of Sharia-compliant finance. The results of the discussion present a comprehensive overview of how digitization affects Islamic financial products and services, considering the potential for increased operational efficiency, financial inclusivity, and more effective adherence to Islamic financial principles. Meanwhile, challenges such as data security, regulations, and market acceptance are also outlined, emphasizing the efforts required to optimize the benefits of digital transformation in the realm of Islamic finance

    [Sa'id Hawwa's Writing Method on Islamic Family Through His Work Qawanin Al-Bayt Al-Muslim] Metod Penulisan Sa‘Id Hawwa Berhubung Kekeluargaan Islam Menerusi Karyanya Qawanin Al-Bayt Al-Muslim

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    Islam is a religion that put family well-being as one of its priorities. The discourse regarding attitudes and laws in family has long been explained in great length in Islamic familial literatures. However, the focus of the discourse usually inclines towards juridical aspect and general values. It is quite uncommon to find a writing that is authored in policy form which can be utilised as a guideline by the family. Sa‘id Hawwa is a prominent Muslim preachers who was famous for his methodological approach in writing about familial matters. This study aims to run a content analysis on Sa‘id Hawwa’s methodological writing in his Qawanin al-Bayt al-Muslim. This qualitative study utilises inductive, deductive and comparative method. This study finds that Sa‘id Hawwa’s approach very relevant to be applied in other writings on family. This is beacause he uses relax writing style, simple phrasings, avoiding denominational issues and moderate stand when discussing Sufism and denominational indifferences. Said Hawwa also explains using examples and he offers solutions besides using a narrative approach of storytelling based on his own experience. Not only is this approach proper with the need of the today’s society, it should be considered as a guideline for modern preachers in addressing the people they call. Keywords: Methods of writing, Islamic Family, Sa‘id Hawwa, Qawanin al-Bayt al-Muslim   Islam adalah sebuah agama yang sangat mementingkan kesejahteraan keluarga. Perbahasan berhubung tatatertib dan undang-undang dalam sebuah keluarga telah dibahaskan dengan panjang lebar dalam kitab-kitab kekeluargaan Islam. Tumpuan perbahasan biasanya menjurus kepada aspek hukum dan nilai-nilai umum. Jarang sekali ia disusun dalam bentuk perlembagaan ataupun polisi yang boleh dijadikan satu garis panduan sesebuah keluarga. Antara tokoh pendakwah Islam yang terkenal dengan keberkesanan metod dalam penulisan berhubung kekeluargaan ialah Said Hawwa. Justeru kajian ini akan membuat analisis kandungan terhadap metode penulisan beliau menerusi bukunya Qawanin al-Bayt al-Muslim. Kajian bersifat kualitatif ini menggunakan metode induktif, deduktif serta komparatif. Hasilnya, kajian mendapati metode yang digunakan Saad Hawwa ini sangat relevan untuk diaplikasikan dalam penulisan kekeluargaan yang lain. Penulisan beliau yang mudah, ringkas serta padat bukan sahaja dilihat menepati kehendak masyarakat sekarang bahkan ia boleh dijadikan panduan kepada para pendakwah moden dalam berhadapan dengan mad’u mereka.   Kata kunci: Metode Penulisan, Kekeluargaan Islam, Sa‘id Hawwa, Qawanin al-Bayt al-Muslim

    The Development and Use of an Innovative Laboratory Method for Measuring Arsenic in Drinking Water from Western Bangladesh

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    All of Bangladesh’s approximately 10 million drinking-water tube wells must be periodically tested for arsenic. The magnitude of this task and the limited resources of Bangladesh have led to the use of low-cost, semiquantitative field kits that measure As to a relatively high 50 μg/L national drinking water standard. However, there is an urgent need to supplement and ultimately replace these field kits with an inexpensive laboratory method that can measure As to the more protective 10 μg/L World Health Organization (WHO) health-based drinking water guideline. Unfortunately, Bangladesh has limited access to atomic absorption spectrometers or other expensive instruments that can measure As to the WHO guideline of 10 μg/L. In response to this need, an inexpensive and highly sensitive laboratory method for measuring As has been developed. This new method is the only accurate, precise, and safe way to quantify As < 10 μg/L without expensive or highly specialized laboratory equipment. In this method, As is removed from the sample by reduction to arsine gas, collected in an absorber by oxidation to arsenic acid, colorized by a sequential reaction to arsenomolybdate, and quantified by spectrophotometry. We compared this method with the silver diethyldithiocarbamate [AgSCSN(CH(2)CH(3))(2)] and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS) methods for measuring As. Our method is more accurate, precise, and environmentally safe than the AgSCSN(CH(2)CH(3))(2) method, and it is more accurate and affordable than GFAAS. Finally, this study suggests that Bangladeshis will readily share drinking water with their neighbors to meet the more protective WHO guideline for As of 10 μg/L

    Automatic Sterilized Drinking Water System for Chickens using Fuzzy Logic

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    Automatic sterilized drinking water system is designed to provide adequate supply of sterilized drinking water for chickens. The water is sterilized using a UV lamp to ensure the water is not contaminated with Salmonella bacteria which is then distributed to chickens automatically with fuzzy method. UV lamp irradiation was carried out for 18.627 minutes with a lamp intensity of 0.0136 mW/cm2 to obtain the highest dose of Salmonella bacteria needed for 15.2 mWsec/cm2. The use of ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 for reading the water level in tank and both water tube and then the readings are processed by the system to determine the work output. Fuzzy system is done by providing input water level on UV tank of 6 cm, Tube A of 5 cm, and Tube B of 4 cm, which then produces defuzzification results for output Valve Inlet of 4.40, Valve A of 5.60, and Valve B of 5.60. At several times of deffuzification, these values are then collected to be used as the ON/OFF determining value of the output with the ON determinant value is Z* lower than 4.5 and OFF is Z* greater than 6.5. System accuracy testing is also carried out by collecting the total error percentage from fuzzy testing, rule testing, and UV duration testing, then deviated by 100% in order to obtain a system accuracy of 94.944%

    Decision Tree model for automatic Sterilizied Water Feeding system in Poultry Farm based on Internet of Things

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    The automatic sterilized drinking water supply system for chickens is designed to facilitate the activities of farmers in the process of providing drinking water to chickens and to facilitate the process of sterilizing the water. The process of sterilizing water with UV light must be done properly in order to get good results. In this study, there were five HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors connected to the ESP8266 microcontroller. The ESP8266 microcontroller is embedded with the decision tree method as an output decision maker based on the calculation of the C4.5 algorithm. There are three processes, namely the process of determining the dataset, forming a decision tree and forming a rule. From the results of several tests that have been carried out, it is known that the reading error values of each ultrasonic sensor are 3.63%, 2.09%, 1.54%, 3.39% and 3.38%, respectively. Then in testing the rules that have been generated from the decision tree method with a total of 10 test data, an accuracy of 100% is obtained. Average system execution time is 0.98 seconds

    Automatic Sterilized Drinking Water system for chickens using Fuzzy Logic

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    Automatic sterilized drinking water system is designed to provide adequate supply of sterilized drinking water for chickens. The water is sterilized using a UV lamp to ensure the water is not contaminated with Salmonella bacteria which is then distributed to chickens automatically with fuzzy method. UV lamp irradiation was carried out for 18.627 minutes with a lamp intensity of 0.0136 mW/cm2 to obtain the highest dose of Salmonella bacteria needed for 15.2 mWsec/cm2. The use of ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 for reading the water level in tank and both water tube and then the readings are processed by the system to determine the work output. Fuzzy system is done by providing input water level on UV tank of 6 cm, Tube A of 5 cm, and Tube B of 4 cm, which then produces defuzzification results for output Valve Inlet of 4.40, Valve A of 5.60, and Valve B of 5.60. At several times of deffuzification, these values are then collected to be used as the ON/OFF determining value of the output with the ON determinant value is Z* lower than 4.5 and OFF is Z* greater than 6.5. System accuracy testing is also carried out by collecting the total error percentage from fuzzy testing, rule testing, and UV duration testing, then deviated by 100% in order to obtain a system accuracy of 94.944%

    Automatic Sterilized Drinking Water System for Chickens Using Fuzzy Logic

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    Automatic sterilized drinking water system is designed to provide adequate supply of sterilized drinking water for chickens. The water is sterilized using a UV lamp to ensure the water is not contaminated with Salmonella bacteria which is then distributed to chickens automatically with fuzzy method. UV lamp irradiation was carried out for 18.627 minutes with a lamp intensity of 0.0136 mW/cm2 to obtain the highest dose of Salmonella bacteria needed for 15.2 mWsec/cm2. The use of ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 for reading the water level in tank and both water tube and then the readings are processed by the system to determine the work output. Fuzzy system is done by providing input water level on UV tank of 6 cm, Tube A of 5 cm, and Tube B of 4 cm, which then produces defuzzification results for output Valve Inlet of 4.40, Valve A of 5.60, and Valve B of 5.60. At several times of deffuzification, these values are then collected to be used as the ON/OFF determining value of the output with the ON determinant value is Z* lower than 4.5 and OFF is Z* greater than 6.5. System accuracy testing is also carried out by collecting the total error percentage from fuzzy testing, rule testing, and UV duration testing, then deviated by 100% in order to obtain a system accuracy of 94.944%