727 research outputs found

    Pembaharuan Pentadbiran dan Pembangunan Daerah Dalam Pentadbiran Tempatan: Suatu Kajian di Kabupaten Bengkalis Propinisi Riau (2000 - 2005)

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    The objectives of this research is to examine implementation of Indonesian government renewal, especially Bengkalis regional, in Riau Province. Secondly to know the effort of bureaucratic renewal that his been conducted during "New Order" in government reformation. Thirdly to analyse politics and development implementing regional government: it includes cooperation, skill and productivity. Next this thesis tried to find out the weaknesses of region government and politic, their problems and handicaps in the developing society. This study is descriptive research (contents analysis), by using system theory analysis. The result of research are : Bengkalis government does not have effort to implement government renewal especially, the procedure aspects and attitudes. Event though, it is founded that some officers have done effective way conducting government activities. It can be proven by finding the increasing of corruption, collusion, nepotism. They some weaknesses of implementing rules and regulation such as the weakness of leader who make rules and there is no significant control of it. So the budget of Bengkalis region become terrible. The impact are some project cannot be run well, it can be found environmental disaster, and insufficient office service are unsatisfied and region democracy is not dynamic that are caused by Soeharto's system government this country. Finally, the impact of this condition is most regions want to separate each other. In conclusion, bureaucratic reform does no have significant impact toward regional government in Bengkalis region/kabupaten. It's Meranti regency and Mandau regency

    An examination of effects of online scaffolding on students' online behavior and reaction

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    Many researchers emphasize the effectiveness of online interaction with scaffolding in enhancing learning and performance. However, little is known about the students' behavior and reaction toward participation in online interaction, and whether scaffoldings have any effects on students' behavior or not. This study utilized times series data to investigate how students' usage of offered instructional tools in an online interaction could change their behavior as well as considered reaction. The results obtained by weekly observations confirmed that there were noticeable changes on students' behavior and reaction within scaffolding time with a same drop in both weeks 7, and 10. Such changes seemed to be associated with differences in times they spent for using the instructional tools. Students' opinion about the usefulness of online scaffolding was consistent and aligned with their online behavior


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    Perkembangan teknologi saat ini sangat pesat dan berperan penting dalam segi kehidupan manusia. Minimnya penanganan secara komputerisasi masih banyak terjadi dalam instansi pemerintahan dan pelayanan masyarakat seperti halnya puskesmas. Pelayanan pasien masih menggunakan kertas untuk proses pengobatan serta antrian di setiap poli. Penanganan dalam pengolahan obat masih belum saling terhubung antar poli sehingga memperlambat kinerja petugas. Disamping itu pihak kepala puskesmas juga mengalami kesulitan dalam memonitor perkembangan kondisi puskesmas. Untuk menangani permasalahan yang ada di puskesmas maka dibangun aplikasi pelayanan puskesmas berbasis web. Pembuatan sistem menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan database MySQL dan menggunakan teknik pengujian blackbox testting. Dengan demikian, diharapkan aplikasi ini dapat membantu puskesmas Suruh dalam pelayanan pasien. Kata Kunci: puskesmas Suruh; aplikasi pengaturan sistem Pelayanan dan antrian; model proses MySQL; komputerisasi; PHP

    Gaya belajar mahasiswa tahfidz alquran dalam meraih prestasi akademik di prodi pendidikan agama islam universitas islam negeri sumatera utara medan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) untuk mengetahui gaya belajar mahasiswa tahfidz Alquran di prodi PAI (2) untuk mengetahui prestasi akademik mahasiswa tahfidz Alquran di prodi PAI. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pola pendekatan fenomenologis. Hasil penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara mendeskripsikan kejadian-kejadian pada kegiatan proses belajar mahasiswa tahfidz Alquran di prodi PAI, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data di lakukan dengan tahapan: reduksi data, penyajian data, dan membuat kesimpulan. Data penelitian diperiksa keabsahannya dengan menggunakan teknik triangulasi sumber, metode, dan teori. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1) gaya belajar mahasiswa tahfidz Alquran dalam meraih prestasi akademik ialah gaya belajar individual, dan gaya belajar kelompok. 2) prestasi akademik mahasiswa tahfidz Alquran UIN-Sumatera Utara Medan adalah sangat memuaskan

    Pengaruh Citra Merek dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Membeli Produk Mobil Toyota Avanza (Study Kasus pada PT. Agung Automoll Cabang Jambi)

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    In this study using the method of survey the survey method, i.e. the method of research that takes samples from a population and use questionnaires as a means of collecting data and information relevant to the problem that dieliti. The population in this research the entire consumer by 2013 with a total of 1047 samples as much as much as 100 respondents. Analysis tools are used multiple linear regression Equations is to look at the influence of the brand image and product quality of consumers buying products car Toyota avanza.Based on the results of a multiple linear regression brand image (X 1) of 0.047 stated that any addition of 1% of the value of the X 1 will boost consumer buying decisions (Y) of 04,7%. Based on test results obtained partial degrees of freedom (df) = 97, α 0.05 thus criteria against the decision of consumers buy are: t calculate the t table 1.985 0.680 105.984 3.09 table f, then H0 is rejected and the H1 is accepted so that it can be said that the whole brand image and the variable quality of products simultaneously affect the decisions of consumers buying products car Toyota avanza at PT Agung Automall branch of Jambi.The results of this analysis in accordance with the theory (kotler,2008:113) who said the link between the influence of the brand image and product quality towards keputuasan purchase can be inferred, the brand image will be one of the choice of the consumer to use the product, while the quality of the product will give you satisfaction and comfort for URkonsumen.dan that support this research results from a previous study that dilkakukan by sulistywati (2012) the influence of the brand image and product quality towards keputsan purchase acer laptops , which acquired hassil test hypothesis f sebeasar 65.836 count and significance of 0.000

    Kebijakan Saluran Pemasaran Gelamai Perentak Bangko

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    Company gelamai perentak Bangko is sala a small company of three companies that produce similar snacks, such gelamai or better known as dodol. This business is located in jl. M. Yamin on the Bangko market. Company gelamai very strategic cross roads located in Bangko-Kerinci. During the period of 5 years from 2005 until 2009, these efforts have increased sales volume high enough on average 23.6% per year. But under his rule, shere market trends show a decline, in 2005 amounted to 37.8% and in 2009 dropped to 29.4%.These companies in marketing their products using a surrogate way to the shops or to retailers. Furthermore, the distribution of its products, this business using indirect channels and direct distribution channels by involving as many as 15 stores in Bangko, 30 retailers who are in the marketing area of Jambi province that includes:Jambi, county Batanghari, county Merangin, Bungo and Kerinci district. Meanwhile, outside the marketing area outside the province Jambi / non-local namely propinssi southern Sumatra and West Sumatra provinces. As well as using two agents are individual agents who worked on local and regional Bungo western Sumatra and agents who serve the supermarket HWPI sun and theater department. in 2007 until the year 2010 the company began to expand the marketing area of Sumatra sumatra west and south

    Proline Accumulation in Oil Palm Polyembryogenic Cultures Under Various Conditions

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    Low temperature of 15˚C to 20˚C was observed to suppress the growth and multiplication capacity of oil palm polyembryogenic cultures.This condition enabled the cultures to be maintained for at least six months duration without subculture and thus was suitable for minimal growth storage of invitro cultures. Proline, a .universal stress indicator,was found to accumulate in oil palm cultures under low temperature and moisture stresses(sucrose treatment)but not under anaerobic stress (non-agitated liquid media treatment). Sucrose treatment at 0.5 M caused moisture reduction and induced proline accumulation. In addition, when combined with low temperature storage it extended the low temperature tolerance and prolonged the subculture duration for at least nine months. The application of exogenous proline and ornithine at 10 mM could also induce proline accumulation in the cultures. However, only low level of proline accumulated with application of glutamic acid, glutamine and arginine Inconsistent pattern was observed with pyrroline-S-carboxylic acid (PSC). PSC reductase (EC1.5.1.2) and ornithine aminotrans ferase ( EC2.6.1.13) were found to involve directly/indirectly with proline biosynthes is in polyembryogenic cultures. The specific activities of these enzymes and soluble protein were higher under low temperature and moisture stresses. Since exogenous ornithine could induce proline accumulation and there was an active involvement of ornithine aminotransferase, ornithine could be one of the preferred precursors for proline biosynthes is in oil palm cultures. Similarly, Thioproline (proline analog) increased proline accumulation but produced some toxic effect which eventually killed the cultures. Polyembryogenic cultures were found to utilize the exogenous proline and ornithine more efficiently in the liquid media than in the solid media. The proline in accumulated cultures which were treated with exogenous proline, ornithine and subjected to low temperature stress was observed to return to normal level on transferring to the normal media and conditions. This suggested that the proline accumulated was readily utilizable when re turned to normal condition sand could be considered as a labile metabolite in oil palm polyembryogenic cultures


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