30 research outputs found

    The Creation in Building Good News for The Society in Medan, Indonesia

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    the news has three news coverage techniques, namely reportage, interviews, library research (literature studies). Some news writing techniques that can be a basic guide for journalists are:The title of the news is as concise as possible with short and clear sentences, but can still describe the core of the story as a whole.There are 5W + 1H elements.Arrange news so that it can be presented with accurate, clear and interesting information. Use language that is easily understood by readers from a variety of circles.Not "patronizing" but "showing / presenting"


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    Online learning faces a different set of obstacles than classroom-based learning. So that, it’s increases the using of video streaming and lecturer as media for teaching and learning activities. The use of this media in learning al Quran Hadith is intended to attract student's interest in designing blended learning model which combine both classroom-based learning and online learning systems. This media is important in considering that the materials of al Quran Hadith emphasizes more on memory. So that, playing videos repeatedly can help students to remember the materials. The type of this study is a research and development (R & D) which focuses on the developping interactive learning media using OBS studio application to create video lecturer on the material of “preaching Islamic hospitality. The model used in this study is the Borg and Gall's model which is simplified into eight steps, they are: 1). Preliminary research, 2). Planning, 3). Initial product development, 4). Initial product trial / limited trial, 5). Preliminary product enhancement, 6). Larger field trial, 7). Final product test. The products produced from this research are in the form of video lecturer that has been validated by some experts, they are: material experts, media experts and students’s responses as user. Based on the assessment and response, it was concluded that the interactive learning media using OBS studio application to create video lecturer was regarded feasible to be used and developed

    Penggunaan Open Broadcast Software Studio dalam Mendesain Video Pembelajaran Era Pandemi

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    This research aims to give insight to the readers, especially the teachers who make an innovative learning alternative in the epidemic which use Open Broadcast Software application base. Besides, this application makes students easier to study either real-time or recording. The research method is studies which use descriptive qualitative approach by collecting some previous studies taken from the journal which suitable with this article. The result shows that an interactive learning by using video model having a base OBS application can make the learning proses more interesting and effective, especially to the young students who have an audio visual learning style. So, the teachers who make long distance learning process by using OBS is more effective

    Construction Of Shari’ah Entrepreneurship Values In Local Wisdom Perspective Of Gayo Community

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    Constructing shari’ah Entrepreneurship concept or values based on local wisdom of Gayo communities aimed to construct shariah entrepreneurship values sourced from society’s behavior pattern named culture, to create social interest propulsion to conduct distribution and production economy activities by entrepreneurship values. This research used micro ethnography approach by developing Gayonese custom ethnolinguistic as shari’ah entrepreneurship Concept. Integration of spiritual values, planning, sustainability of economy resources and Moral is shariah entrepreneurship concept in Gayo local wisdom

    Efektivitas penggunaan media video streaming terhadap motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran al Qur’an hadis materi mendakwahkan keramahan Islam

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas media pembelajaran video streaming terhadap motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Al Qur’an hadis dalam materi Mendakwahkan Keramahan Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Quasi-Eksperimental dengan desain non-equivalent Pretest-Postest kontrol group design. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XII-IPA 2 sebagai Kelas eksperimen dan siswa kelas XII-IPA 3 sebagai kelas kontrol. Data hasil penelitian ini adalah nilai hasil post-test menunjukkan nilai uji t-test nilai thitung post-test sebesar 2,379 > 2,002. Adapun untuk taraf sig 5% (0.05) nilai sig α 2,002. Adapun untuk taraf sig 5% (0.05) nilai sig α < 0.05, di mana (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05. Adapun nilai pada Pillai's Trace, Wilks' Lambda, Hotelling's Trace, Roy's Largest Root memiliki nilai sig lebih kecil dari 0.05 yakni sebesar 0.000 < 0.05. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Al Qur’an hadis pada saat diberikan perlakuan dengan model media pembelajaran video streaming lebih baik daripada kelas yang menggunakan media e-learning madrasah. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan media pembelajaran video streaming pada mata pelajaran Al Qur’an Hadis materi mendakwahkan keramahan Islam memiliki motivasi dan hasil belajar terbilang efektif


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    This study aims to determine the management of zakat in Indonesia according to Law Number 23, 2011 in the perspective of maqasid ash-Shari'ah Imam ash-Syatibi, with normative qualitative research methods carried out by examining the content of the materials used available in libraries and zakat institutions. The results of this study indicate that the management of zakat in Indonesia in Law Number 23, 2011 is not in accordance with the perspective of maqasid ash-Shari'ah Imam ash-Syatibi and the management of zakat in North Sumatra both individuals and companies according to Law Number 23, 2011 also not in accordance with the maqasid shari'ah perspective of Imam ash-Syatibi. Therefore, a review of zakat management regulations is needed to optimize zakat empowerment for both individuals and companies.  Keywords:  Management, Zakat, Maqasid, Shari


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    Informasi merupakan sebuah data yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk saat ini oleh seseorang, salah satu informasi yaitu harga produk laptop. Banyak pencari informasi mencari data laptop dari beberapa website dengan mengunjungi web tersebut satu-persatu, hal tersebut akan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi web scrapping data yang bersumber dari berbagai situs dapat diambil kemudian data-data tersebut disajikan dalam satu website, sehingga pencari informasi hanya perlu mengakses satu website tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu sebuah sistem dapat mengambil data dari berbagai situs web toko online dengan data yang dapat diambil yaitu nama barang, url barang, harga barang serta gambar barang. Sehingga dari data-data tersebut pencari informasi dapat menyimpulkan barang dari toko mana yang lebih murah. Kata kunci : Laptop Murah, Simple HTML DOM, Web Scrappin

    The Application of E-Learning Model with Quipper School Media to Improve Learning Outcomes

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    This study aims to improve student learning outcomes by applying the e-learning model using the quipper school. This research uses classroom research. The subject of this research is the VIII grade students at MTs. Nurul Ulum. Many students, there are 20 people as recipients of the action and the researchers use data collection methods in the from of interview, observations, and tests. The result of this study can be seen from the indicators of the success of the cycle, in cycle I it can be seen  that student learning outcomes get 60% then in cycle II 85%. From these indicators of success, it is concluded that the application of the e-learning model using the quipper school application on student learning outcomes has increased   Keywords: e-learning, quipper school, learning outcome

    Islamic Organizations in North Sumatra A Historical Analysis on Newspaper Publication in 1915-1942

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    Newspapers are an important historical source in a historical writing that contains information about past events. Information about Islamic organizations in its activities in North Sumatra is found in newspapers from 1915 to 1942, considering that Islamic organizations have a long struggle in Indonesian history because it has contributed to the dynamics of Indonesian politics. The purpose of this paper is to track the progression of Islamic organizations in North Sumatra and its activities in various aspects based on newspapers ever published in North Sumatra in 1915-1942. The method used is the historical method with social history approach. Information had been obtained in a number of newspapers including the activities of several Islamic organizations in North Sumatra from the aspects of politics, education, social, and economics. The conclusion is Islamic organizations had contributions as the embryo of the independence movement of Indonesia, but some of them were still have not been highlighted in the tradition of Indonesian historiography. These findings support that some Islamic organizations in Indonesia should be more highlighted in the historical writings in Indonesia