336 research outputs found

    Pluralism for Relativists: a new framework for context-dependence

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    We propose a framework that makes space for both non-indexical contextualism and assessment-sensitivity. Such pluralism is motivated by considering possible variance in judgments about retraction. We conclude that the proposed pluralism, instead of problematizing, vindicates defining truth of a proposition w.r.t. a context of utterance and a context of assessment. To implement this formally, we formalize initialization of parameters by contexts. Then, a given parameter, depending on a speaker's judgment, can get initialized by either the context of utterance or the context of assessment. An upshot of the proposal is that one need not exclusively espouse one of non-indexical contextualism or assessment-sensitivity about a particular class of expressions, for instance predicates of personal taste, in language; one can be pluralist in this sense. (This manuscript is part of an ongoing research project)

    A Study of 100 Cases of Acute Scrotum in Pediatric Age Group

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    Introduction: acute scrotum swelling refers to condition of acute scrotam with or without pain Aim of study: analysis oh 100 cases of acute scrotal swelling regarding to age, causes, treatment. Patient and method: prospective study of 100 cases of acute scrotal swelling in alkarama teaching hospital in alkut from pathology from the 1st of April 2015 till the 1st of August 2016. Results: Age of incidence from birth to 10 years. 93%of cases are obstructed inguinal hernia. Conclusion: Most common cause is inguinal hernia before one year. You should do surgery to emergent conditions at first 6 hours. Keywords: acute scrotum, obstructed inguinal hernia, testicular torsio

    The Dimensions of Smart Architectural Design

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    في ظل التطور التقني التكنولوجي السريع للتكنلوجيا وهيمنته على مفاصل الحياة، ولدت الحاجة الى التصميم الذكي بوصفه حلقة مهمة من حلقات التطور التقني في القرن الحادي والعشرين، ليصبح هذا المفهوم مهيمنا على كافة انواع التصاميم الاخرى ومنها التصميم العمراني بتخصصاته المختلفة كالمعماري والحضري وغيرها، فبرزت الحاجة الى تصميم متعدد الأنظمة يكون قادراً على التعامل مع المشاكل العمرانية وحلها، لذا كان هناك نوعين من التساؤلات التي ادت الى تبلور المشكلة البحثية: السؤال المنتج للمشكلة العامة: نتيجة للتطور السريع وانتشار العلوم التقنية في كل مفاصل الحياة، ما دور الذكاء الصناعي على التصميم العمراني وهل يمكن يمكن ان يكون له ابعاد معيارية؟ السؤال المنتج للمشكلة الخاصة: هل يمكن تتبع وقياس مفهوم المدن الذكية من خلال وضع ابعاد معيارية بالافادة من طروحات المنظر كارمونا [1] في مجال التصميم الحضري؟   ولتسليط الضوء على ابعاد التصميم العمراني الذكي لابد من الاستناد الى ارضية بحثية عالمية تبحث في مفاهيم الذكاء العمراني، فتوجه البحث نحو دراسة مفهوم المدن الذكية والاستدامة والتصميم الحيوي وغيرها وذلك لارتباطها القوي بمفهوم الذكاء من جهة وبمفهوم التصميم العمراني بشقيه المعماري والحضري من جهة اخرى، وكذلك وجود اهتمام حكومي عالمي بهذا الموضوع كماهو الحال عند البرلمان الاوربي على سبيل المثال. منهجية البحث تتخذ من اهم مقومات التصميم العمراني بوصفها من ضروريات التعامل مع المدينة او المنطقة بطريقة شمولية بعيدا عن قراءة العناصر كلاً على حدة كمقدمات او مسلمات يمكن استباط النتائج منها للوصول الى تصميم مناسب لتلك المنطقة. ومن خلال قدرة البحث على استقراء مقومات التصميم العمراني الجيد يمكن انتزاع العلاقة الوثيقة بين تخطيط المدينة وتصميم تراكيبها معماريا. وان جسد المدينة لايعد متكاملاً الا بوجود الفضاءات العامة وان بث الروح فيها لا يتم الا بالاهتمام بصحة شوارعها، فلابد من اشراك الناس في تصميم المدينة وان كان عن طريق استبيان رأيهم عن الفكر التصميمي، على ان تكون هناك عملية جمع لاكبر عدد ممكن من الافكار للوصول الى نوع من الاندماج مع التراكيب العمرانية. لذا يفترض البحث: يمكن تحديد ابعاد التصميم العمراني الذكي على المستوى الحضري من خلال تطوير ابعاد كارمونا Carmona السبعة، لتتوافق مع مفهوم المدن الذكية. لتكون اهداف البحث محددة في امكانية ان يكون الذكاء الصناعي متمثلا بمفهوم المدن الذكية مؤثرا في اعادة صياغة الابعاد التي يقوم عليها مفهوم التصميم العمراني تبعا للنظرية التي جاء بها ماوث كارمونا Matthew Carmona من خلال نظرية تدعو الى التكامل في الابعاد اللازمة للتصميم المعماري والحضري للفضاء الاجتماعي الملائم للانسان. ثم الوصول الى أهم الاستنتاجات ومنها اعتماد مبدا التطور التكنولوجي في التصميم الحضري وانتاج المدن الحديثة لا يعني ان تلغى الابعاد الاساسية في تصميم المدن المعاصرة، كما يمكن القول بأن لا يوجد تعارض بين وجود الابعاد السبعة في التصميم الحضري  والذكاء الاصطناعي لتشكيل مدينة ذكية لها القدرة على خدمة الانسان، يمكن الوصول الى موديل او نموذج تكاملي للمعرفة بين المدينة بأبعاد التصميم الحضري السبعة ومتغيرات الذكاء الصناعي للمدينة الذكية، يمكن تتبع مفهوم المدينة المعاصرة القادرة على تلبية متطلبات المرحلة الزمكانية للمدينة ولكن بدرجات من المقبولية . وهذا لا يعني التخلي عن مقياس اتحاد الاتصالات الدولي ثلاثي الابعاد، لكن يعطي هذا المقياس السباعي نظرة أكثر شمولية وارتباطاً بجميع جوانب المدينة وباسلوب سريع يساعد المصمم والمقيم على حدٍ سواء على الاحاطة الشاملة بجميع الابعاد الممكنة لدراسة المدينة الذكية.In light of the rapid technical technological development of technology and its dominance over the joints of life, the need for intelligent design was born as an important episode of the technological development in the 21st century. This concept became dominant in all other design types, including design with its various disciplines such as architectural design, urban and other. It is capable of dealing with architecture & urban problems and solving them, and it has the ability to study the relationship between architectural buildings and transportation, social and political planning thinking, its relation to the urban and economic aspects, and the provision of safe and easy means of freedom and of the transition between the spaces. And provide special spaces for people to enable them to meet and meet all their social requirements. In order to shed light on the dimensions of smart urban & architectural design, it is necessary to build on a global research ground that explores the concepts of urban intelligence. The research aims to study the concept of smart cities, sustainability, dynamic design, etc., because of its strong association with the concept of intelligence on the one hand and the urban & architectural design concept, Global government interest in this issue as in the European Parliament, for example. One of the most important elements of urban design is the need to deal with the city or region in a comprehensive way away from reading the elements separately to reach a suitable design for that region. A good urban design is the close link between city planning and architectural design. And that the body of the city is not integrated except in the presence of public spaces and to broadcast the spirit is not only interest in the health of its streets, it is necessary to participate people in the design of the city, but through a questionnaire on the opinion of design thought, there should be a collection of as many ideas as possible to reach Type of integration with urban structures. The research presents a research hypothesis that artificial intelligence may be the concept of smart cities, which is influential in rephrasing the dimensions of the concept of urban design according to the theory that came from the Matthew Carmona through a theory that calls for integration in the dimensions required for the architectural and urban design of the social space suitable for man

    Application of Environmental DNA (eDNA) Metabarcoding Method to Identify Threatened Sulawesi Mammal Based on 12S rRNA Gene

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    Species detection and identification is a crucial steps in biodiversity assessment. Traditional methods are often invasive and resource intensive. The number of studies demonstrating successful of eDNA metabarcoding approach in species identification has increased rapidly in recent years. Some of large terrestrial mammals have reportedly utilize natural salt licks as a source of minerals in the diet and its genetic material left in the environment can be used to identify species from this site. An eDNA metabarcoding protocol had been carried out to identify Sulawesi mammals from Adudu natural salt-licks, Nantu Wildlife Reserve, Gorontalo. Environmental DNA were extracted from water samples, Amplicon libraries were prepared by PCR amplification and Illumina MiSeq high throughput sequencing. Reads processing and taxonomic assignment carried out in two bioinformatics packages, PipeCraft-1.0 and OBITools-2.11. Two endangered Sulawesi mammals species had been identified, i.e. lowland anoa (Bubalus depressicornis) and babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa). The accuracy of mammal species identification using eDNA metabarcoding is affected by rigorous experimental procedures, DNA marker reliability, and availability of reference sequence database

    The Performance of Self-Compacted High Strength Concrete Columns with Laced Steel Section

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    In view of the great orientation to the steel buildings and the large role played by the columns in carrying and transferring the loads it is necessary to go to strengthen the steel rolled columns to meet the requirements of the architecture that witch is looking for large spacing. In present paper this research the objectives of this research can be summarized as following: prevent local buckling occurs in columns, strengthen the steel columns from the weak axis in a new methodology, to compare buckling loads of single lacing reinforcement versus double lacing reinforcement and obtain a high bearing column steel section with small surface area increase in column strength capacity. Different parameters are taking into account to investigate the behavior and strength of steel and composite columns such as slenderness ratio, and double lacings and presence of longitudinal reinforcement that parallel to the column height. The type of concrete that adopt is self-compact concrete with high compressive strength. The new and alternative method is were used to strengthen the steel rolled columns at low cost by strengthening the weak axis to preventing or minimize buckling of the columns by using high strength concrete self-compacted without main reinforcements with steel section columns reinforced by lacing as single and double so that it work as full composite structural element and there are connections between concrete block and steel column. There are five specimens with the same height of 1450 mm that was classified as the control specimen and the others with different parameters such as lacing configurations, presence of longitudinal dowels and presence of concrete subject to concentric load. All specimens except the control filled with self-compacted high strength concrete. The result showed that as increase in strength in presence of concrete as compared with the control specimen. Control specimen gave strength capacity compared with the others composite specimens; the increased are 50% composite column, 62.50% composite column with single lacing and 75.00% composite column with double lacing respectively. Specimen (CL1CDL2R) increased in strength capacity as compared with the control specimen 87.50% and 7.14% compared with specimen (CL1CDL) because of presence dowels along the specimen height that increase the stiffness of the composite column. Presence of single and double lacing reduced the buckling value because of reduced the effective columns height. Specimen (CC1L1) gave maximum buckling 32.00 mm compared with the others specimens such as CL1C), (CL1CSL), (CL1CDL) and (CL1CDL2R) respectively, there is significant difference in buckling that reduced by 17.19%, 28.13%, 45.31% and 55.63% respectively

    Improvement of dielectric, magnetic and thermal properties of OPEFB fibre-polycaprolactone composite by adding Ni-Zn ferrite

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    The dielectric and magnetic behaviour and thermal properties of composites based on nickel–zinc ferrite (NZF) filler can be improved by the addition of various types of materials. Amongst others, ferrite–polymer composites have been subjected to a wide range of research, due to their extensive applications: electromagnetic interference shielding, microwave absorption, electrodes and sensors. Currently, the interest in scientific and technical searches for the potential outcomes of ferrite–polymer materials due to their different uses in applications such as telecommunication applications, microwave devices and electromagnetic interference shielding has been growing stronger. The dielectric and magnetic behaviour and thermal properties for such composite materials depend on size, shape and the amount of filler addition. Nickel–zinc ferrite material was prepared using the conventional solid-state reaction technique. This study highlights the development of microwave-absorbing material from NZF by adding natural fibres, Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (OPEFB) and polycaprolactone (PCL). OPEFB is considered in this study because it is a solid waste product of the oil palm milling process which is widely and cheaply available. The use of OPEFB in this product may save the environment from oil palm solid waste. A Thermal Hake blending machine was used in blending the powder structure of NZF + OPEFB + PCL, which made it homogeneous. These composites were characterized by the use of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The thermal degradation behaviour of the composites was analyzed using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermogravimetric (DTG) thermograms. The effective permittivity and effective permeability was obtained over a broad frequency range from 8 to 12 GHz at room temperature. It was observed that the values of effective permittivity and permeability increased as the content of NZF content increased. A rectangular waveguide connected to a microwave vector network analyser (PNA) (HP/Agilent model PNA E8364B) was employed in measuring the reflection coefficient S11 and transmission coefficient S21 parameters of composites for different percentages of NZF filler. This parameter was then used in calculating the microwave absorbing properties (dB)

    The Hindi-Urdu _NA_ and reasonable inference

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    This paper presents a study into the Hindi-Urdu 'na' as a sentence-final particle. Although also used as a topic marker and negation, 'na' occurs sentence-finally across clause-types. In light of the data, we think the following hypothesis offers the best fit: 'na' signals the speaker’s belief that the content of na’s containing clause is a reasonable inference, given what’s common ground. Notably, in addition to other clause-types, we explore na's distribution in exclamations and exclamatives. We link our work to recent research on the polar question particle 'kya' in Hindi-Urdu

    Efficient compression of synthetic video

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    Streaming of on-line gaming video is a challenging problem because of the enormous amounts of video data that need to be sent during game playing, especially within the limitations of uplink capabilities. The encoding complexity is also a challenge because of the time delay while on-line gamers are communicating. The main goal of this research study is to propose an enhanced on-line game video streaming system. First, the most common video coding techniques have been evaluated. The evaluation study considers objective and subjective metrics. Three widespread video coding techniques are selected and evaluated in the study; H.264, MPEG-4 Visual and VP- 8. Diverse types of video sequences were used with different frame rates and resolutions. The effects of changing frame rate and resolution on compression efficiency and viewers‟ satisfaction are also presented. Results showed that the compression process and perceptual satisfaction are severely affected by the nature of the compressed sequence. As a result, H.264 showed higher compression efficiency for synthetic sequences and outperformed other codecs in the subjective evaluation tests. Second, a fast inter prediction technique to speed up the encoding process of H.264 has been devised. The on-line game streaming service is a real time application, thus, compression complexity significantly affects the whole process of on-line streaming. H.264 has been recommended for synthetic video coding by our results gained in codecs comparative studies. However, it still suffers from high encoding complexity; thus a low complexity coding algorithm is presented as fast inter coding model with reference management technique. The proposed algorithm was compared to a state of the art method, the results showing better achievement in time and bit rate reduction with negligible loss of fidelity. Third, recommendations on tradeoff between frame rates and resolution within given uplink capabilities are provided for H.264 video coding. The recommended tradeoffs are offered as a result of extensive experiments using Double Stimulus Impairment Scale (DSIS) subjective evaluation metric. Experiments showed that viewers‟ satisfaction is profoundly affected by varying frame rates and resolutions. In addition, increasing frame rate or frame resolution does not always guarantee improved increments of perceptual quality. As a result, tradeoffs are recommended to compromise between frame rate and resolution within a given bit rate to guarantee the highest user satisfaction. For system completeness and to facilitate the implementation of the proposed techniques, an efficient game video streaming management system is proposed. Compared to existing on-line live video service systems for games, the proposed system provides improved coding efficiency, complexity reduction and better user satisfaction