493 research outputs found

    Nutritional Recommendations in Asthmatic Patients

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    Asthma is a heterogeneous disease, and airway inflammation has an important role in its pathogenesis. Some nutritional factors can influence the process of asthma. It is reported that saffron has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and muscle relaxant effects, and some animal and human studies showed that saffron and its active components (safranal and crocin) improved the asthma biomarkers and clinical symptoms. Some other nutritional factors also affect asthma; for example, magnesium can relax the muscles and thus has bronchodilatory effects. Curcumin is the major active component of turmeric which has a potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergic effects. Because some researchers suggested that intestinal microbial flora has an important role in allergy, probiotics can be a complementary supplement for asthmatic patients. Generally nutritional factors could be advised for asthmatic patients with the goal of reducing the needs for chemical drugs

    The relation among achievement goals and academic achievement in statistics: the mediating role of statistics anxiety and statistics self-efficacy

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    AbstractIn order to predict student's academic achievement in statistics in terms of achievement goals, statistics anxiety and statistics selfefficacy, 323 participants from Fars Peyame Noor Universities were selected via multi- stage cluster sampling and then were asked to fill in a set of questionnaires, consisted of achievement goals, statistics anxiety and statistics self-efficacy scales. Results of path analysis generally showed that achievement goals indirectly and through statistics anxiety and statistics self-efficacy affect students’ achievement in statistics. Moreover, results showed that unlike avoidance-performance goals, the indirect effect of mastery goals on statistical achievement is positive

    Biological characteristics and determination of population dynamic parameters of Sphyraena jello in the coastal waters of Province Bushehr- Persian Gulf

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    Sphyraena jello, Pick handle Barracuda, is amongst the highly valuable and main commercial fisheries resources in the southern waters of Iran. Given such an economically significant position, this study, being conducted in 2006-2007, attempts to investigate its biological habit and characteristics in Iran’s water of the Persian Gulf. For the sampling purpose, three major landings namely Bushehr, Deylam and Genaveh were selected to obtain samples from commercial catches. The sampling is composed of 655 males and 515 females during a twelve month period. By studying the feeding through the counting method, it is revealed that, Liza subviridis characterized by %42.8 and Sepia pharaonis by %8.4 made the highest and lowest stomach content respectively. The findings showed that male fish in smaller size will mature sooner than females’ specimen but this gender ratio or proportion was not significantly different except during October and September. Such a difference between male and female in different months could be originated from longer residing of female group in spawning ground compared to male group. The previous spawning lasted during September –October, and there was a peak of spawning in feeding in August. The lowest fat proportion for both male and female genders was reported 0.10 and 0.11 respectively in October; but the highest level of condition factor was reported to be 0.59 and 0.63 during November and June

    Gravitational wave effects and phenomenology of a two-component dark matter model

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    We study an extension of the Standard Model (SM) which could have two candidates for dark matter (DM) including a Dirac fermion and a Vector Dark Matter (VDM) under new U(1)U(1) gauge group in the hidden sector. The model is classically scale invariant and the electroweak symmetry breaks because of the loop effects. We investigate the parameter space allowed by current experimental constraints and phenomenological bounds. We probe the parameter space of the model in the mass range 1<MV<50001< M_V<5000 GeV and 1<Mψ<50001<M_{\psi}<5000 GeV. It has been shown that there are many points in this mass range that are in agreement with all phenomenological constraints. The electroweak phase transition have been discussed and shown that there is region in the parameter space of the model consistent with DM relic density and direct detection constraints, while at the same time can lead to first order electroweak phase transition. The gravitational waves produced during the phase transition could be probed by future space-based interferometers such as LISA and BBO.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure

    The Effect of Intellectual Capital on Knowledge Management with the Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment

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    Abstract: For many years, at the competitive examination, Yazd province students have the highest acceptance rate to enter university. The attention to knowledge management and its impact in the creation of an intangible capital type (but vital) called intellectual investment among employees and institutional managers responsible to educate are an indispensable necessity in the education department of Yazd province. In this regard, the present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of intellectual capital on knowledge management with the interceding role of organizational commitment in the General Office of Education in Yazd province, Iran. The results showed that intellectual capital affects knowledge management and intellectual capital is imperative for organizational commitment. Organizational commitment influences knowledge management. Organizational commitment has a significant positive mediation effect in the influencing of intellectual capital on knowledge management.Key Words: intellectual capital, knowledge management, organizational commitment, knowledge creation, knowledge sharingAbstrak: Bertahun-tahun, pada ujian kompetitif, siswa provinsi Yazd memiliki tingkat penerimaan tertinggi untuk masuk ke universitas. Perhatian terhadap manajemen pengetahuan dan dampaknya dalam penciptaan modal tidak berwujud (tetapi vital) yang disebut investasi intelektual di antara karyawan dan manajer institusional yang bertanggung jawab untuk mendidik adalah kebutuhan yang sangat diperlukan di departemen pendidikan provinsi Yazd. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan menyelidiki efek modal intelektual pada manajemen pengetahuan dengan peran menjadi perantara komitmen organisasi di Departemen Pendidikan provinsi Yazd, Iran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modal intelektual mempengaruhi manajemen pengetahuan dan modal intelektual sangat penting untuk komitmen organisasi. Komitmen organisasi mempengaruhi manajemen pengetahuan. Komitmen organisasi memiliki efek mediasi positif yang signifikan dalam mempengaruhi modal intelektual pada manajemen pengetahuan.Kata kunci: modal intelektual, manajemen pengetahuan, komitmen organisasi, penciptaan pengetahuan, penyebaran pengetahua

    Application of the Fuzzy Approach to Agricultural Production Planning in the Atrak Watershed Iran

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    The Atrak watershed is located in the northeast of Iran, where agricultural production is the main activity of the area. The government of Iran has adopted a sustainable agricultural development strategy for all watersheds in the country including the Atrak watershed. The government's goal is to embark on a sustainable agricultural development that not only provides the production of agricultural commodities and employment but also protects the environment from degradation. The rationale of adopting this strategy is that the watersheds of Iran, including the Atrak watershed, are facing many environmental problems especially severe soil erosion. The main purpose of this study is to define a framework for sustainable agricultural production planning for these watersheds particularly for Atrak watershed. \I1atersheds are large-scale regions ~Vhere agricultural production planning is usually associated n.ith multiple objectives including economic, social and environmental targets. Uncertainty plays an important role in all agricultural planning because some factors are not fully controllable and some input data or parameters such as demand, resources, costs and objective functions are imprecise. This study develops and applies fuzzy multi-objective mathematical programming models to the Atrak watershed agricultural development plan. The models include three objectives, namely, profit maximization, employment maximization and erosion minimization, and they are subject to 89 constraints. The models focus on sustainable agricultural production planning in order to determine the optimal cropping patterns in short-term and intermediate-term planning of the Atrak watershed. Results of the models show that the most important crops in the optimal plans in short and mid term are wheat, orchards (grape and other orchards) and alfalfa. Compared to current crop pattern, the results show that if the optimal plan was implemented, the optimal value of profit and employment would have increased respectively by 16.12 and 0.53 percent and erosion decreased by 19.88 percent. These figures may not show significant changes to the existing crop pattern, however it would improve farmers' income, and at the same time, achieve more sustainable agricultural development. The Atrak \\'atershed consists of eight zones. In this study, cropping patterns for all the zones are also determined. The model is also applied to several scenarios, i.e. looking at different tradeoffs among different but conflicting objectives (using different weights). The result shows a high profit is achievable while pursuing erosion control and higher employment, whereas there are trade-offs between economic, environmental and social targets. In addition, the result also shows that if the decision maker insists on higher employment level, profit level will fall and the erosion will increase. Therefore, the decision maker should not expect more employment from agricultural sector of Atrak watershed. Where equal weights are given to the various objectives, the result shows that social goal (employment) and environmental goal (erosion) were more attainable over economic goal (profit) in the Atrak Watershed. The study also compares the results from the fuzzy model with a nonfuzzy model. In the case of non-fuzzy model, goal programming (GP) formulation is used because GP is capable of handling multiple objectives and it is recognized as a useful tool for agricultural planning. This comparison indicates that the fuzzy linear multi-objectives model is superior to the nnn-fuzz\- linear techniques such as linear and goal y rogran~mingm odels

    Soltaniyeh y Santa Maria del Fiore: ¿una relación histórica?

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    As one of the earliest human innovations in the architecture of shells, the dome has undergone many changes. This article examines the theory of the Florence Cathedral's(Santa Maria del Fiore) inspiration from the Soltaniyeh Dome of Zanjan. The methodology employed in this research is comparative-descriptive using reliable historical and library sources. A comparative-historical study of 13 domes in Iran(Iranian plateau) and 13 domes in Italy(Eastern Rome Empire) over 2,000 years has examined the evolution of Iranian and Italian domes in terms of construction time and shape. In the next step, the sources that architectural experts have discussed the influence of the dome of Soltaniyeh in Zanjan on the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore have been reviewed. The influence of the golden age of Islam and the achievements of Muslim scholars on the European renaissance in mathematics and geometry has also been explored. The structural similarities, proportions and forms of these two domes show impressive results. It seems that according to historical sources and comparative studies conducted in this study, the dome of Soltaniyeh has a direct impact on the construction of the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore, and the theory first proposed by Professor Sanpaolesi (1972) is conclusive.Como una de las primeras innovaciones humanas en la arquitectura de las conchas, la cúpula ha sufrido muchos cambios. Este artículo examina la teoría de la inspiración de la Catedral de Florencia (Santa Maria del Fiore) de la Cúpula Soltaniyeh de Zanjan. La metodología empleada en esta investigación es comparativa-descriptiva utilizando fuentes históricas y bibliográficas fidedignas. Un estudio histórico comparativo de 13 cúpulas en Irán (meseta iraní) y 13 cúpulas en Italia (Imperio de Roma Oriental) durante 2000 años ha examinado la evolución de las cúpulas iraníes e italianas en términos de tiempo de construcción y forma. En el siguiente paso, se han revisado las fuentes en las que los expertos en arquitectura han discutido la influencia de la cúpula de Soltaniyeh en Zanjan en la cúpula de Santa Maria del Fiore. También se ha explorado la influencia de la edad de oro del Islam y los logros de los eruditos musulmanes en el renacimiento europeo de las matemáticas y la geometría. Las similitudes estructurales, proporciones y formas de estas dos cúpulas muestran resultados impresionantes. Parece que según las fuentes históricas y los estudios comparativos realizados en este estudio, la cúpula de Soltaniyeh tiene un impacto directo en la construcción de la cúpula de Santa Maria del Fiore, y la teoría propuesta por primera vez por el profesor Sanpaolesi (1972) es concluyente

    Jednostavna metoda za optimalan odabir stupnja hibridizacije (DOH) u paralelnim putničkim hibridnim automobilima

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    In this paper, a simple but efficient Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA) II based technique is proposed for optimizing the Degree of Hybridization (DOH) in parallel passenger hybrid cars. The authors\u27 objective is to improve performance, maximize fuel economy and at the same time, minimize mass and emissions as much as possible, by optimal selection of DOH. The NSGA-II, which is a multi-objective optimization algorithm, is applied to optimize this multiple objective problem. The ADvanced VehIcle SimulatOR (ADVISOR) software is used as simulation tool. To validate high efficiency of proposed methodology, necessary simulations have been carried out on a small-size test car. The results indicates that the proposed methodology is very fast and efficient and can be well applied to any other types of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs).U radu je predložena jednostavna i efikasna metoda zasnovana na nedominirano-sortirajućem genetičkom algoritmu (NSGA) II u svrhu optimiranja stupnja hibridizacije (DOH) u paralelnim putničkim hibridnim automobilima. Cilj je unaprijediti performanse, maksimizirati ekonomičnost goriva te istovremeno minimizirati emisiju koliko god je moguće uz optimalni odabir DOH. NSGA-II algoritam, koji spada u višekriterijske optimizacijske algoritme, korišten je za optimiranje problema s više ciljeva. Napredni simulator vozila (ADVISOR softver) korišten je kao simulacijski alat. Simulacije su provedene na umanjenom testnom vozilu kako bi se validirala visoka efikasnost predložene metodologije. Rezultati ukazuju da je predložena metoda vrlo brza i efikasna te ju je moguće primijeniti i na bilo koji drugi tip hibridnog električnog vozila (HEV)

    Accuracy Estimation of Sediment Discharge Transfer Relationships of Khondab River, Joshirvan Station using HEC-RAS Model

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    Due to the complexity of hydraulic and sedimentary problems in rivers, it is not possible to solve the equations analytically, so numerical methods are used. In the present study, the HEC-RAS 5.0.3 model was used to simulate the sediment flow of the Khondab River. For this purpose, using the topographic map of the route, DEM and TIN of the River route with a scale of 1: 2000, in the HEC-GeoRAS extension package in ArcMap software, 200 sections along 5 km of the river were prepared. Relevant information was inserted to introduce the river geometry to the model. The flow rate was calculated with 25-, 50- and 100-year return periods and was used for river hydraulic simulation. Quasi-volatile flow conditions, boundary conditions and granulation of riverbed materials were introduced to the model. Using sediment transport estimation relationships, river sediment transport capacity was calculated. The results showed that the Mir-Peter and Müller relationship with 26% error is closer to the observed sediment values ​​than the other relationships. Moreover, the study of erosion and sedimentation status of the river using Hjulstrom and Shields criteria showed that a part of the sections of this river is in erosion status and another part is being sedimenting