113 research outputs found

    The Role of Jordanian Universities in Promoting Citizenship Values among Students

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    The researcher of this study aimed to explore the role of Jordanian universities in promoting citizenship values among students. She aimed to explore the degree to which Jordanian universities promote citizenship values among students. To be more specific, she aimed to explore the degree to which (the faculty members, student activities and curricula) in Jordanian universities promote citizenship values among students. She adopted a descriptive analytical approach. She developed a questionnaire. She selected a random stratified sample. She selected the sample from the faculty of educational sciences at 4 universities in Jordan (i.e. the University of Jordan, the Hashemite University, Yarmouk University and Mu’tah University). The sample consists from 950 female and male BA students through electronic means. Questionnaire forms were passed to the members of the sample. 923 forms were retrieved. The response rate is 97.15%.  Due to having missing data, 4 forms were excluded. Thus, the final sample consists from 919 students. The researcher found that the degree to which Jordanian universities promote citizenship values among students is high in all the areas jointly and separately. She recommends providing faculty members in Jordanian universities with training courses about the significance of promoting citizenship values among students. Keywords: Jordanian universities, citizenship values, students, Jordan DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-33-08 Publication date: November 30th 2020

    Determination of the breast cancer tumor diameter using a UWB microwave antenna system

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    This paper presents a novel ultra-wideband microwave antenna system to detect breast cancer and estimate tumor diameter. The system operates within the frequency range of 1 to 12 GHz and comprises a microstrip-fed monopole antenna that encircles the breast to identify the presence of tumors. The study demonstrates that a tumor within the breast can be detected by observing changes in the distribution of current density within the breast tissue, particularly in regions containing tumors of varying sizes. The research findings reveal that the system can identify breast tumors with the highest recorded current density of 188 A/m2 in cases with a tumor diameter of 30 mm, while the lowest recorded current density is 140 A/m2 for tumors with a diameter of 5 mm. Furthermore, the highest Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) value measured at the surface of the breast model is 0.2 W/kg. To determine the diameter of the tumors, the system collects and analyzes backscattered waves from a breast model. The investigation covers tumors with diameters ranging from 1 mm to 35 mm, and the received signals are recorded. In contrast to prior research, this study introduces an empirical model with a remarkable accuracy rate of 92.28% for characterizing the diameter of breast tumors based on the measurement analysis.</p

    The Effect of Polyacrylic Acid and Sodium Trimetaphosphate on Dentin Hybrid Layer Remineralization : an In Vitro Study

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    Adhesive monomers are not able to fully encapsulate collagen fibrils in hybrid layer leaving them vulnerable to time-dependent hydrolytic degradation. The current in vitro study was designed for investigation of the remineralization of the resin-dentin h

    Experimentally evaluation of high-performance concrete mixes used for tunnels and containing silica fume and polypropylene fiber after exposed to high temperatures

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    This work introduces an experimental study to evaluate the effect of elevated temperatures on the mechanical properties of high-performance concrete (HPC) mix with changes in Water-Cementitious ratios, W/(C+SF), Silica Fume percent, SF, and Polypropylene, PP, fiber contents. This mix was typically designed to satisfy the requirements of tunnel concrete. The compressive and indirect tensile strengths were measured at room temperature, RT, and after exposure to 400°C and 800°C. Moreover, SEM micrograph and EDS spot analysis tests were done to evaluate the effect of elevated temperatures. Fifteen mixes of HPC with different ratios of W/(C+SF), SF, and PP fiber were tested. According to the test results, the compressive strength values of design mixes increased significantly after exposure to 400°C. Moreover, using SF = 10%, the results indicated remarkable improvements in the compressive strength at 400°C and 800°C, in the case of the W/(C+SF) ratio of 0.31. On the other hand, the highest effect of the presence of PP fibers was 0.211, depending on variable ratios of the W/(C+SF) ratio and the SF content. In the case of PP=0.106 and SF=10%, the mass loss was higher at exposure to temperatures of 800°C

    A technology readiness survey of UUM students on online learning applications

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    Technology changes the way of learning in the classroom.This study will be a significant endeavor in determine whether the level of acceptance of online learning application among students in the learning process.Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) students are the direct recipients of the service provided by the university on online learning applications.In this study there are some problem faced including whether online learning can reduce the use of resource that give effect to students.Generally use online learning among students will facilitate communication between each other, so how the use of online learning can help UUM students in the learning process.This can be carried out continuously to gain better relationship to the students as a whole by using technology readiness survey.The research will discuss the acceptance online learning applications provide by Universiti Utara Malaysia among students to identify the extent to which the use of online learning can save resource such as paper, time, money and others by using technology readiness survey.This study includes my methods for gathering information to investigate the readiness of Universiti Utara Malaysia students when using online learning application in learning process.The study further will explore the relationship between students and online learning based on technology readiness survey to achieve the goal as agents of green technology

    A dominant clonal lineage of Streptococcus uberis in cattle in Germany

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    Bovine mastitis causes enormous economic losses in the dairy industry with Streptococcus uberis as one of the most common bacterial pathogens causing clinical and subclinical variations. In most cases mastitis can be cured by intramammary administration of antimicrobial agents. However, the severity of the clinical manifestations can vary greatly from mild to severe symtoms. In this study, a comparative genomic analysis of 24 S. uberis isolates from three dairy farms in Germany, affected by different courses of infection was conducted. While there were sporadic mild infections in farm A and B, a large number of infections were observed within a very short period of time in farm C. The comparison of virulence genes, antimicrobial resistance genes and prophage regions revealed no features that might be responsible for this severe course. However, almost all isolates from farm C showed the same, novel MLST profile (ST1373), thus a clonal outbreak cannot be excluded, whereby the actual reason for the particular virulence remains unknown. This study demonstrates the importance of extensive metagenomic studies, including the host genomes and the environment, to gain further evidence on the pathogenicity of S. uberis.Peer Reviewe

    Epidemiology and Knowledge of First Aid Treatment Related to Burn Injury in the Rural Region of Kulon Progo, Indonesia

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    BACKGROUND: We investigated the epidemiology and the knowledge of first aid regarding to burns in the rural area of Kulon Progo, located in Indonesia. Although 44% of Indonesia’s population resides in rural areas, data of burn in Indonesia are very limited to national referral centers located in Indonesia’s largest cities. We also surveyed the patients and families of these burn patients to try to understand their knowledge on the first aid of burns. AIM: We wanted to explore and discover what myths and misperceptions existed in rural communities. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study analyzing the medical records of patients with burns admitted to two of Kulon Progo’s largest referral hospitals between January 2018 and December 2019. A survey was distributed to the patients and their families regarding their knowledge on the first aid of burns. We wanted to analyze if certain groups of the population were more at risk for specific types of burn etiologies, the correlation between burn etiology and length of stay, the correlation between total body surface area (TBSA) of burns and length of stay in the hospital, and the correlation between education level of survey participants’ and their knowledge of first aid of burns. RESULTS: A total of 115 patients were reviewed in this study. The highest proportion of total burn injuries occurred in the age group of 1–14 years old (38%). The major etiology of all burn cases were caused by scald (54%). Housewives and children were at a higher risk for scalds and laborers were at a higher risk for electrical and chemical burns (p = 0.001). There was no significant correlation between etiology and length of stay (p = 0.29). There was a statistically significant correlation between the TBSA and the length of hospital stay (p = 0.0001). The majority of survey respondents (66%) had poor knowledge on the first aid of burns. There was no significant correlation between education level and knowledge of first aid of burns (p = 0.07547). CONCLUSIONS: Children, laborers, and housewives have a significant risk of suffering from a burn injury. A majority of people still have poor knowledge on the first aid of burns. There was no correlation between education levels and knowledge of first aid burns

    Klasifikasi Kedalaman Kejadian Gempa Menggunakan Algoritma K-Means Clustering: Studi Kasus Kejadian Gempa Di Sulawesi

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    Sulawesi region is one of the region that have complex geologic conditions so that disasters caused by large scale earthquake frequently occur in these region. Depth and magnitude attribute of the earthquake that cause the disasters are investigation using machine learning technique. Longitude, latitude, magnitude, depth attributes are used to depth cluster of the earthquake events in 1970-2022 period. The cluster number have been optimized by Elbow method, and validated by Davies-Bouldin index (DBI). The result is shown that the three cluster is the best cluster than the others, and its Davies-Boludin index is 0.397. Depth of the fist cluster is less than equal to 120 km (shallow earthquake), the second cluster is among 120 km and 350 km (intermediate earthquake), and the third cluster is greater than 350 km (deep earthquake). The cluster visualizations of the earthquakes are revealed that shallow earthquakes with above 5 SR are frequently occurred in shallow depth. Based on results, Sulawesi Region is vulnerable to earthquake hazard, and K-Mean clustering algorithm is successfully to cluster of earthquake depth. &nbsp

    Effect of Bistorta affinis (D. Don) and Malcolmia cabulica (Boiss) Essential Oils on Human and Foodborne Pathogens, Insects and Termites

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    This current study investigates the biological efficiency of essential oils extracted from Bistorta affinis and Malcolmia cabulica on human and foodborne pathogens as well as against insects and termites. The oils were obtained by steam distillation using a Clevenger-type system and analyzed for their constituents using GC-MS. Twenty compounds were identified, wherein carvacrol and thymol were the main constituents in both plants. Essential oils exhibited significant activity against all tested foodborne bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens. In addition, essential oils from both plants have shown promising activity against all tested insects, which is a positive sign of being used as an insect repellent. In contrast, no activity was observed against termites. The bioactivities are mainly due to carvacrol and thymol’s levels in the essential oils that known for their effectiveness against foodborne pathogens and pests. The present study constitutes a basis for further investigation and development of bioactive compounds in Bistorta affinis and Malcolmia cabulica
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