102 research outputs found

    Suvremene spoznaje u patogenezi rozaceje

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    Rosacea is a common, chronic inflammatory skin disease that affects the central portions of the face, such as forehead, the chin and the lower half of the nose. This graduate thesis will delve into the existing scientific literature that attempts to recognize the pathophysiologic pathways leading to rosacea manifestation. Even though rosacea is one of the most common conditions encountered by dermatologists worldwide, the etiopathogenesis of this inflammatory disease remains somewhat of a mystery. Researches dedicated to epidemiological investigations undeniably point towards a genetic factor; however, no “rosacea gene” has been recognised to date. Although rosacea has a high prevalence among fair-skinned individuals, recent reports show that it can occur in other skin phenotypes as well. While four clinical subtypes have been designated, it is still unknown if the subtypes are a representation of the different developmental stages of the disease or simply manifestations of a syndrome that clinically overlap. This paper classified pathophysiological mechanisms of rosacea as either being the outcome of innate immune dysfunctions, neuroimmune and neurovascular interactions, ultraviolet radiation, and lastly, microbial causation. Many investigative and observational studies have been undertaken in the past few decades to pinpoint the precise pathophysiological pathway, especially clarifying the pivotal role of innate immunity dysfunction in the development of rosacea.Rozaceja je česta kronična bolest koja zahvaća središnji dio lica, uključujući čelo, bradu i donji dio nosa. Ovaj diplomski rad obuhvatit će pregled znanstvene literature kojom su se pokušali prepoznati patofiziološki putovi koji dovode do manifestacije rozaceje. Iako je rozaceja jedna od najčešćih bolesti s kojima se susreću dermatolozi širom svijeta, etiopatogeneza ove upalne bolesti ostaje svojevrsna zagonetka. Istraživači, koji su provodili epidemiološka istraživanja, nedvojbeno ukazuju na genetski čimbenik; međutim, do danas nije otkriven „gen za rozaceju“. Iako rozaceja ima visoku prevalenciju među osobama sa svijetlim tenom, nedavna izvješća pokazuju da se može pojaviti i kod drugih kožnih fenotipova. Iako se razlikuju četiri klinička podtipa bolesti, još uvijek nije jasno radi li se o različitim razvojnim fazama bolesti ili jednostavno manifestacijama jednog sindroma koje se klinički preklapaju. U ovom radu klasificirani su patofiziološki mehanizmi rozaceje, uključujući poremećaj funkcije urođene imunosti, neuroimune i neurovaskularne interakcije, ultraljubičasto zračenje i, konačno, mikroorganizme kao etiološke čimbenike. U posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća provedena su brojna istraživanja i opservacijske studije kako bi se utvrdio precizan patofiziološki mehanizam bolesti, osobito pojašnjavajući ključnu ulogu poremećaja urođene imunosti u razvoju rozaceje

    Suvremene spoznaje u patogenezi rozaceje

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    Rosacea is a common, chronic inflammatory skin disease that affects the central portions of the face, such as forehead, the chin and the lower half of the nose. This graduate thesis will delve into the existing scientific literature that attempts to recognize the pathophysiologic pathways leading to rosacea manifestation. Even though rosacea is one of the most common conditions encountered by dermatologists worldwide, the etiopathogenesis of this inflammatory disease remains somewhat of a mystery. Researches dedicated to epidemiological investigations undeniably point towards a genetic factor; however, no “rosacea gene” has been recognised to date. Although rosacea has a high prevalence among fair-skinned individuals, recent reports show that it can occur in other skin phenotypes as well. While four clinical subtypes have been designated, it is still unknown if the subtypes are a representation of the different developmental stages of the disease or simply manifestations of a syndrome that clinically overlap. This paper classified pathophysiological mechanisms of rosacea as either being the outcome of innate immune dysfunctions, neuroimmune and neurovascular interactions, ultraviolet radiation, and lastly, microbial causation. Many investigative and observational studies have been undertaken in the past few decades to pinpoint the precise pathophysiological pathway, especially clarifying the pivotal role of innate immunity dysfunction in the development of rosacea.Rozaceja je česta kronična bolest koja zahvaća središnji dio lica, uključujući čelo, bradu i donji dio nosa. Ovaj diplomski rad obuhvatit će pregled znanstvene literature kojom su se pokušali prepoznati patofiziološki putovi koji dovode do manifestacije rozaceje. Iako je rozaceja jedna od najčešćih bolesti s kojima se susreću dermatolozi širom svijeta, etiopatogeneza ove upalne bolesti ostaje svojevrsna zagonetka. Istraživači, koji su provodili epidemiološka istraživanja, nedvojbeno ukazuju na genetski čimbenik; međutim, do danas nije otkriven „gen za rozaceju“. Iako rozaceja ima visoku prevalenciju među osobama sa svijetlim tenom, nedavna izvješća pokazuju da se može pojaviti i kod drugih kožnih fenotipova. Iako se razlikuju četiri klinička podtipa bolesti, još uvijek nije jasno radi li se o različitim razvojnim fazama bolesti ili jednostavno manifestacijama jednog sindroma koje se klinički preklapaju. U ovom radu klasificirani su patofiziološki mehanizmi rozaceje, uključujući poremećaj funkcije urođene imunosti, neuroimune i neurovaskularne interakcije, ultraljubičasto zračenje i, konačno, mikroorganizme kao etiološke čimbenike. U posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća provedena su brojna istraživanja i opservacijske studije kako bi se utvrdio precizan patofiziološki mehanizam bolesti, osobito pojašnjavajući ključnu ulogu poremećaja urođene imunosti u razvoju rozaceje

    Validation of updated partin’s table in Pakistani patients undergoing radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer

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    Objectives: To establish the usefulness and validity of 2007 Partin’s table in our population with prostate cancer. Materials and methods: Between January 1998 to June 2009, all patients with clinically localized carcinoma prostate who were treated with intent of radical retro-pubic prostatectomy (RRP) were included. Clinical, operative and pathological data was gathered. All biopsy and final histopathology Gleason scores were re-assigned in a double blind manner. Pre-operative serum PSA, TNM clinical stage and biopsy Gleason scores were plotted on Partin’s table and its predictive value and pathological findings of specimen were compared and analyzed by using Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Results: A total of 109 of 138 patients were included in final analysis. The median age was 65 ± 5.8 years. The pre-operative serum PSA values and clinical stages were higher in our cohort of patients as compared to Partin’s cohort. At pathological assessment of resected specimen, organ confined disease was present in 58 % of patients, seminal vesicles were involved in 22 % and lymph node metastasis was present in 12 % of patients. The accuracy of Partin’s table derived probability was high with area under curve (AUC) of 0.82 for organ confinement, 0.805 for seminal vesicle involvement and 0.714 for lymph node involvement respectively. Conclusions: The 2007 Partin’s table has a reasonably high predictive value for the final histo-pathological features. This predictive model can be used in Pakistani patients with carcinoma prostate with comparable accuracy

    2003 Manifesto on the California Electricity Crisis

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    The authors, an ad-hocgroup of professionals with experience in regulatory and energy economics, share a common concern with the continuing turmoil facing the electricity industry ("the industry") in California. Most ofthe authorsendorsed the first California Electricity Manifesto issued on January 25, 2001. Almost two years have passed since that first Manifesto. While wholesale electric prices have moderated and California no longer faces the risk of blackouts, in many ways the industry is in worse shape now than it was at the start of 2001. As a result, the group of signatories continues to have a deep concern with the conflicting policy directions being pursued for the industry at both the State and Federal levels of government and the impact the uncertainties associated with these conflicting policies will have, long term, on the economy of California. Theauthorshave once again convened under the auspices of the Institute of Management, Innovation and Organization at the University of California, Berkeley, to put forward ourtheir ideas on a basic set of necessary policies to move the industry forward for the benefit of all Californians and the nation. The authors point out that theydo not pretend to be "representative." They do bring, however, a very diverse range of backgrounds and expertise.Technology and Industry, Regulatory Reform

    First Three Years of President Musharraf

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    It has been a little more than three yeas since General Pervez Musharraf deposed the elected but widely disliked government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. The general took over the reins of power ostensibly as a "care taker." In a departure from past practice, he did not declare martial law in Pakistan. To suit this role, he adopted a new title, Chief Executive, shunning the customary title of Chief Martial Law Administrator that he had been used by prior military rulers. He projected the image of a thoroughly professional soldier, committed to brining "true democracy" to Pakistan