126 research outputs found

    Generation of Q-switched thulium-doped fiber laser (TDFL) using differentsaturable absorbers

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    A Q-switched Thulium-doped Fiber Laser (TDFL) operating at approximately 2 µm wavelength is successfully generated by using four different saturable absorbers (SAs) which are nitrogen-doped graphene in PVA (NG:PVA), nitrogen-doped graphene in PEO (NG:PEO), single-walled carbon nanotube in PVA (SWCNT:PVA), and high pressure carbon monoxide carbon nanotube in PVA (CNTHiPCO:PVA). The SAs integrated in the cavity were able to provide the real saturable absorption in modulating the intra-cavity losses. SWCNT gives the best results with the highest repetition rate and lowest pulse width of 57.45 kHz and 1.958 nJ correspondingly as compared to the other three SAs

    Flapping membrane wing: a prediction towards inter-domain flight

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    The purpose of this research is to gain initial knowledge and to predict the sustainability of an all-weather Micro-Aerial-Vehicle (MAV). The observed parameters are: the maximum coefficient of lift, CL and the changes in CL after impact, the fluctuation of CL upon entering simulated rain environment, and length of stability recovery in terms of time and flapping cycle, t and t/T, at flapping frequencies of 8, 16, and 24 Hz, at t/T = 3/8 and 7/8. At 24 Hz, the increase in peak CL value after impact of entering rain environment is 0.59. The average fluctuations in CL occurred when entering the rain environment are 410.263. The stability recovery time recorded is 0.006 seconds. Small birds (especially hummingbirds) have a very high flapping frequency that enables them to efficiently withstand external disturbances caused by nature and to instantly adapt to new environments

    Prediction of slope failures using bivariate statistical based index of entropy model

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    The main objective of this research is to evaluate the spatial prediction of potential slope failures in Kuala Lumpur and surrounding areas using an index of entropy based statistical model. Based on potential information of entropy method (IoE), subjective weights were calculated for fourteen landslide conditioning factors used in this study such as, (slope, aspect, curvature, altitude, surface roughness, lithology, distance from faults, NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index), land cover, distance from drainage, distance from road, SPI (stream power index), soil type and precipitation). A landslide inventory map of the study area was produced using previous reports and aerial photographs interpretation aided with extensive field survey and total of 220 main scarps were identified. Out of this, 153 (70%) landslide locations were used to build the IoE model, while remaining 66 (30%) landslide locations were used for validation purpose. For validation, the area under the curve (AUC) was used to quantify the predictive performance of the employed IoE model. The validation results show that the prediction accuracy of the model is 0.80 (80%) and the success rate equals to 0.81 (81%) that consider fine indicator of the reliability of bivariate model based IoE model employed in this study

    Condition monitoring based on IoT for predictive maintenance of CNC machines

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    Machining operation must be maintained for a long time in every period to achieve high productivity and prevent sudden failure or breakdown. This study aims to monitor conditions of four CNC machines from different places simultaneously using Internet of things (IoT) for predictive maintenance. Vibration signals of four CNC machines are measured using an accelerometer to collect and send signals directly to the database in real time. Results showed that acceleration signal in both time and frequency domains can identify conditions of each machine in real time and simultaneously monitor the condition of four CNC machines at different places through IoT for predictive maintenance

    The Third National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS III) 2006: nutritional status of adults aged 18 years and above

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    1Department of Nutrition Research, Institute for Public Health, Ministry of Health, Kuala Lumpur; 2Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor; 3Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 50300 Kuala Lumpur; 4Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit, Institute for Medical Research,Kuala Lumpur; 5Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Clinical Research Centre, Ministry of Health, Kuala Lumpur; 6Department of Paediatrics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur; 7Department of Community Health and Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, International Islamic University, Kuantan The Third National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS III) was conducted in 2006 to determine the nutritional status of a nationally representative sample of Malaysian adults aged 18 years and above. Body weight, height and waist circumference measurements were taken by trained health nurses according to a standard procedure (WHO, 1998). Body Mass Index (BMI) was determined among 33,055 eligible adults, while risk of abdominal obesity based on waist circumference (WC) was obtained from 32,900 individuals. In addition, peripheral muscle wasting was determined using calf circumference (CC) among 4,282 older individuals aged 60 years and above. The national prevalence of normal BMI (BMI 18.5-24.9 kg/m2) was 48.4% (47.7–49.0)*. The prevalence of underweight (BMI <18.5 kg/m2) was 8.5% (8.2–8.9), being higher in rural areas {9.8% (9.2–10.4)} than in urban areas {7.8% (7.4–8.3)}. Meanwhile, 29.1% (28.6–29.7) of the adults were overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9 kg/m2). Among the ethnic groups, Indians had the highest prevalence of overweight followed by Malays and Chinese. In addition, 14.0% (13.6–14.5) of the adults were obese (BMI >30.0 kg/m2). Women had higher obesity prevalence at 17.4% (16.7–18.0) than men at 10.0% (9.5–10.5). In terms of ethnic groups, Indians and Malays had higher obesity prevalence than other groups. By occupation category, housewives showed the highest prevalence of obesity at 20.3% (19.4–21.3). The prevalence of abdominal obesity (WC for women >88 cm and men >102 cm) was 17.4% (16.9-17.9), with women showing higher prevalence {26.0% (25.2-26.8)} than men {7.3% (6.7-7.6}. The prevalence of older persons with peripheral muscle wasting (calf circumference for women < 27.3 cm and men < 30.1 cm) was 19.9% (18.5–21.6), with a higher prevalence of men {23.7% (21.6-25.9)} than women {16.8% (15.1-18.5)} at risk of malnutrition according to this indicator. In comparison, the present national prevalence of underweight of 8.5% was three times lower than that (25.2%) reported in the NHMS II in 1996. In contrast, the prevalence of overweight hasof 14.0% in this study and 12.7% in the MANS were approximately three times the level of 4.4% found in 1996 (NHMS III). This alarming trend calls for serious re-examination of public health programmes for more effective reduction of obesity among Malaysian adults. increased from 16.6% in the NMHS II to 29.1% in the present study. The latter is comparable with the finding of 27.4% reported in another nationally representative sample involving over 5,000 adults namely, the Malaysian Adults Nutrition Survey (MANS) conducted in 2003. It is noted that obesity prevalence of 14.0% in this study and 12.7% in the MANS were approximately three times the level of 4.4% found in 1996 (NHMS III). This alarming trend calls for serious re-examination of public health programmes for more effective reduction of obesity among Malaysian adults

    Reliability and Technical Error of Calf Circumference and Mid-half Arm Span Measurements for Nutritional Status Assessment of Elderly Persons in Malaysia

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    This study sought to examine the reliability of two measurements; Calf Circumference (CC) and Mid-half Arm Span (MHAS). A sample of 130 elderly persons aged 60 years and above seen consecutively in the Kuala Lumpur Hospital outpatient clinic during the period of December 2005 to January 2006, upon consent, were recruited to the study. There was a high degree of reliability for both inter- and intra-examiner (r close to 1). For inter-examiner, on average the CC measurements taken by the first examiner were 0.3 cm lower than that of the second examiner. The upper and lower limit of the differences were +0.4 to –0.9 cm respectively. Inter-examiner MHAS measurements on average by the first examiner were 0.2 cm lower than that of the second examiner. The limits were +1.7 to –2.1 cm. By comparison, the inter-examiner CC measurements were more reliable than the MHAS measurements. For intra-examiner, on average the CC measurements at Time 1 were consistent with Time 2 (mean difference=0) with limits of the difference at + 0.5 cm. MHAS measurements at Time 1 were on average 0.1 cm less than at Time 2 with limits at +1.7 and –1.8 cm. The technical error of measurement (TEM) and coefficient of variation of CC and MHAS for both interexaminer and intra-examiner measurements were within acceptable limits with the exception of MHAS TEM. This study suggests that CC and MHAS measured in elderly persons 60 years and above, using Seca Circumference Tape ® 206, Germany (0.05 cm) are reliable and can be used in a community survey

    Reliability, technical error of measurements and validity of instruments for nutritional status assessment of children in the Third National Health and Morbidity Survey, Malaysia

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    The Third National Health & Morbidity Survey, Malaysia 2006 included nutritional status assessment of children. This study estimated the reliability, technical error of measurement (TEM) and validity of those instruments in 130 children below two from a paediatric clinic. Two nurses measured weight (WT) using Tanita digital weighing scale and Seca beam scale and length (LT) using Seca measuring mat and Stadiometer. Absolute mean difference (AMD) and intra-class correlation (ICC) for WT and LT indicated high inter and intra-examiner reliability. However, by Bland and Altman plot, LT were less reliable. Relative TEMs for WT were within acceptable limits whereas that of LT was slightly above the acceptable limits. The AMD and ICC showed that the test instruments were highly valid, but LT was less accurate. This study suggests that WT and LT in children below two using the test instruments were reliable and valid for a community survey. However, LT measurements require special attention

    Abdominal obesity in Malaysian adults: National Health and Morbidity Survey III (NHMS III, 2006)

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    Abdominal obesity (AO) is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, hypertension and diabetes mellitus in adults. There is a lack of data on the magnitude and socio-demographic profile of AO among Malaysian adults at the national level. In the Third National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS III) conducted in 2006, AO of adults aged 18 years and above was determined based on the waist circumference as part of the nutritional status assessment. This article reports the prevalence of AO in relation to socio-economic factors and demographic characteristics of adult subjects. Out of a total of 33,465 eligible individuals 18 years and above, waist circumference was measured in 32,900 (98.3%) individuals. The prevalence of AO was assessed using the cut-off points recommended by World Health Organization. The mean waist circumference in men and women was 84.0cm [95% confidence interval (95% CI): 83.8, 84.3] and 80.3cm (95% CI: 80.1, 80.6) respectively. The national prevalence of AO was 17.4% (95% CI: 16.9, 17.9). The identified risks of AO were women (OR: 4.2, 95% CI: 3.8, 4.6), aged 50-59 years (OR: 5.6, 95% CI: 4.0, 7.7), Indians (OR: 3.0, 95% CI: 2.4, 3.8), housewives (OR: 1.4, 95% CI: 1.1, 1.7), subjects with primary education (OR: 1.3, 95% CI: 1.1, 1.5) and ever married (OR: 1.4, 95% CI: 1.2, 1.6). Being the largest population-based study on AO among Malaysians, these findings have important public health implications. There is an urgent need to revise public health policies and programmes aimed at prevention of abdominal obesity especially in the groups at risk

    Modulation of Sn concentration in ZnO nanorod array: intensification on the conductivity and humidity sensing properties

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    Tin (Sn)-doped zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorod arrays (TZO) were synthesized onto aluminum-doped ZnO-coated glass substrate via a facile sonicated sol–gel immersion method for humidity sensor applications. These nanorod arrays were grown at different Sn concentrations ranging from 0.6 to 3 at.%. X-ray diffraction patterns showed that the deposited TZO arrays exhibited a wurtzite structure. The stress/strain condition of the ZnO film metamorphosed from tensile strain/compressive stress to compressive strain/tensile stress when the Sn concentrations increased. Results indicated that 1 at.% Sn doping of TZO, which has the lowest tensile stress of 0.14 GPa, generated the highest conductivity of 1.31 S cm− 1. In addition, 1 at.% Sn doping of TZO possessed superior sensitivity to a humidity of 3.36. These results revealed that the optimum performance of a humidity-sensing device can be obtained mainly by controlling the amount of extrinsic element in a ZnO film

    Reliability, technical error of measurements and validity of instruments for nutritional status assessment of adults in Malaysia

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    The Third National Health & Morbidity Survey, Malaysia 2006 included nutritional status assessment of children. This study was to assess inter-and intra-examiner reliability, the technical error of measurement (TEM) and the validity of instruments for measuring weight, length and waist circumference. A convenience sample of 130 adults working in a selected office setting who fit the inclusion and exclusion criteria participated in the study. Two public health nurses, trained to follow a standard protocol, obtained the measurements. Weight was measured using Tanita digital weighing scale, 318, Japan (0.1 kg) and Seca Beam Scale, Germany (0.01 kg) weighing machines. Height was measured using Seca Bodymeter 206 Germany (0.1cm) and Stadiometer, Germany (0.1cm). Waist circumference was measured using Seca circumference tape, 206, Germany (0.1 cm). By comparison the inter-examiner reliability in descending order would be weight, height and lastly waist circumference. The intra-examiner reliability in descending order would be weight and height followed by waist circumference. Height measurement on average using test instrument reported that it was recording 0.4 cm higher than the reference instrument with upper limit and lower limit at 2.5 and 1.6 cm respectively. The technical error of measurement and coefficient of variation of weight and height for both inter-examiner and intra-examiner measurements are all within acceptable limit (below 5%). The findings of this study supports that weight, height and waist circumference measured in adults 30 years and above using Tanita digital weighing scale, 318, Japan (0.1 kg), Seca Bodymeter 206 Germany (0.1cm) and Seca circumference tape, 206, Germany (0.1 cm) are reliable and valid to be used in a community survey. Limiting the number of examiners especially for waist circumference measurements would yield higher degree of reliability and validity