215 research outputs found


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    九州工業大学博士学位論文(要旨)学位記番号:生工博甲第355号 学位授与年月日:令和元年9月20

    Seed priming: An overview of techniques, mechanisms, and applications

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    Seed priming is a pre-sowing seed treatment method that has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential to improve seed germination and early seedling growth. This review article provides a comprehensive overview of seed priming techniques, their underlying mechanisms, and diverse applications in crop production during the recent years. The article introduces the concept of seed priming and its importance in optimizing seed performance, discussing various seed priming techniques including osmotic priming, hydro-priming, hormonal priming, and microbial priming. Each technique is described in detail, outlining the specific procedures and conditions involved, and their advantages and limitations are discussed. The underlying mechanisms of seed priming are explored, elucidating the biochemical, physiological, and molecular changes that occur during seed priming, and the interactions between priming substances and seeds. The article also provides an in-depth analysis of the applications of seed priming, discussing its positive effects on seed germination, seedling vigour, stress tolerance, and its potential for sustainable agriculture. This review article serves as a valuable resource for researchers, scientists and faculties working in the field of seed technological research and progressive farmers who can adopt this technology for enhancing crop yield. This article provides insights into the techniques, mechanisms, and applications of seed priming for optimizing seed performance and enhancing crop productivity in diverse agricultural systems

    Molecular characterization, cloning and sequencing of coat protein gene of a Pakistani potato leaf roll virus isolate and its phylogenetic analysis

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    Total RNA was extracted from potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) positive potato plants and complementary DNA were synthesized. Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) based detection conditions were optimized by using coat protein (CP) gene specific primers. A 346 bp amplicon of PLRV- coat protein (CP) gene was amplified. Amplified CP-gene of PLRV was cloned in TA cloning vector, PCR ® 2.1. The clone was confirmed subsequently through restriction digestion analysis. PCR amplification used cDNA clone as a template and nucleotide sequencing. Expected nucleotide sequence of amplified PLRV-CP gene show homology of 94 to 97% when compared to the sequences already reported in GenBank database. This explored novel PLRV-CP gene was submitted at NCBI GenBank for characterization of PLRV Pakistani isolate (Accession No. JN039286). Phylogenetic analysis was also carried out and tree was made by using MEGA 4.0.Key words: Potato, potato leaf roll virus (PLRV), coat protein (CP) gene, reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), PLRV-CP Pakistani isolate

    The contribution of Hassan al-Rammah to gunpowder and rocket technology

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    The objective of this chapter is to study the early development of gunpowder and rocket technologies in the golden age of the Islamic civilization contributed by aI-Hassan AIRammah and understand his methodology in developing the military sciences and technologies. The methodology adopted in this chapter is a library based research and data is collected from reliable sources and internet sources. The research investigates the role of Hassan al Rammah in developing the rocket technology in the 13th century. The main focus of the research is to highlight the stages of the development of such a technology and how it was utilized by the Muslims in their war against the Mongols and the crusades during the 13th . The research explores the technique was used by Al -Rammah for developing rocket fuel and suitable Gunpowder recipes for cannons, rocket and fireworks. The significance of this research comes from revealing al Hassan al -Rammah effort in developing weaponry and military's techniques that helped the Muslim to excel in the military technology during the golden age of the Islamic civilization. AI-Hassan AIRammah (the lancer), a Muslim scholar lived in Syria in the thirteenth century, and died in between 1294-1295A.D AI- Rammah excelled in the military field, he wrote 107 recipes of gunpowder that had been used for rocket, canons and fireworks [Hassan, 2003,p.23]. He wrote treaties entitled: AI-Furusiyya wa AI-Manasib AI-Harbiyya (Book of Military Horsemanship and Ingenious War Devices) [Zaky, 1967, pA8]. This chapter explores al Hassan al-Rammah's endeavour in developing the rocket technolog

    A summary of bibliometric analysis on the publication trends in technology roadmapping

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    Technology roadmapping is “a technique to capture diverse information in technology evolution and new product development” (Petrick & Echols, 2004, p.89). It is part of technology planning that deal with increasing competitive environment (Garcia & Bray, 1997). Technology roadmapping is crucial for creating alignment between technology and organizational goals (Phaal, Farrukh, & Probert, 2005). One of the applications is to support strategic planning in relations to technology, product, and market (Phaal, Farrukh, & Probert, 2004). It can also be applied for service planning, capability planning, longrange planning, knowledge asset planning, program planning, process planning, and integration planning (Phaal, Farrukh, & Probert, 2001). The initial works on technology roadmapping was appeared for the first time in the late 70’s (Phaal, Farrukh, & Probert, 2005). With over two decades of literatures, the ground works of technology roadmapping have been well established. As a result, this study will summarize the publication trends in technology roadmapping based on the bibliometric analysis of references

    Understanding the effects of technological advancement (Internet of Things) on value co-creation and firm performance

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    This paper focuses on the effects of technological advancement in the relationships between value creation and firm performance. Specifically, this paper will explain how the concept of internet of things (IoT) can influence value co-creation and co-destruction towards firm performance from the perspective of resource-based view (RBV) and service-dominant (S-D) logic. This paper is motivated to discuss on the mentioned relationships due to four reasons. Firstly, although value co-creation has always been associated with positive implications on consumers (Terblanche, 2014); there are also some possible negative implications related to them (Grönroos, 2012). The same observation could also be happened to firm performance. For instance, increasing consumer participation will reduce firm controls on the outcome of the process. This situation would be ended up co-destructing the value through the very same consumer-firm interactions that are used in value co-creation (Terblanche, 2014). Therefore, the possibility of value co-destruction should not be overlooked (Plé & Cáceres, 2010) as it may as well affect the firm performance (Alexander, 2012). Despite of that, the numbers of studies focusing on both value co-creation and co-destruction in a single topic is still relatively low. Since the concept of value co-destruction is still in blur (Plé & Cáceres, 2010), the interrelationships between value co-creation and co-destruction need to be further explored

    The Effect of Disclosing the Social, Environmental and Economic Dimensions on the Profitability of the Services Sector Companies Listed on the Amman Stock Exchange

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    Purpose: Examine the influence of disclosing social, environmental, and economic activities on profitability in the services sector on the Amman Stock Exchange.   Theoretical Framework: Explore theoretical underpinnings connecting disclosure of social, environmental, and economic activities to business profitability, drawing from corporate responsibility, sustainability, and financial theories.   Methodology: Utilized a questionnaire distributed to Jordanian service sector firms' auditors and financial managers, employing simple random sampling. Focused on variables related to social, environmental, and economic disclosure.   Findings: Positive link between social disclosure and profitability, attributed to fair service distribution and indirect employee support. Environmental disclosure positively affects profits through resource optimization and reduced pollution. Economic disclosure correlates positively with profitability by influencing pricing and product design.   Conclusion: Disclosing social, environmental, and economic activities significantly impacts profitability in Amman Stock Exchange-listed service sector firms, emphasizing equitable services, resource efficiency, and strategic economic disclosure

    Automated Classification of User Requirements written in Arabic using machine learning algorithms

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    Requirement engineering is a critical step in software engineering, influencing software development outcomes. The manual classification of software requirements into Functional Requirements and Non-Functional Requirements is a laborious and costly process with varying accuracy. Errors in classification can lead to misunderstandings and incomplete products. Arabic requirements pose additional challenges due to their structural and semantic characteristics, contributing to inherent ambiguity. In addition to the lack of Arabic Studies as well as the public datasets for requirements written in Arabic.This study proposes combining machine learning and deep learning algorithms, including K-nearest neighbors (KNN), Support Vector Machines (SVMs), Random Forest, XGBoost, and the Arabert model, with optimization techniques to streamline the categorization of Arabic requirements. Optimal configurations for several classifiers are identified and examined by stemming techniques. In addition, an Arabic data set for requirements was collected. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, enhancing productivity and mitigating risks. The SVM classifier achieves an F1-Score of 0.93, while combining it with ISRIStemmer improves the score to 0.95. The Arabert model achieves the highest F1-Score of 0.97, highlighting its performance in classifying Arabic requirements accurately

    Publication trends in technology roadmapping

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    This study aims to identify the trends in technology roadmapping based on the bibliometric analysis of more than two decades of references. The analysis focused on the types of publications (e.g., journal and conference), contexts of publications (e.g., international and national), and key themes (e.g., NPD and R&D) extracted into six groups of five-year interval time-periods each.The analysis on 699 references has revealed the interest on technology roadmapping was only started to increase since 1996-2000 time-periods with 38 publications, and have reached the highest peak with 305 publications in 2006-2010 time-periods.In details, both journal and conference were almost equal in numbers of publications, in which Technological Forecasting and Social Change was found to be the top journal, while IEEE is the top organizer with PICMET as the leading conference. Despite of most of the articles were written with generic titles, 12 of them have been identified written on international context (e.g., Asia Pacific and Europe), 78 on national context (e.g., China and Japan), and 14 on organizational context (e.g., Siemens and Motorola).In addition, the analysis has also found 17 key themes of studies led by ICT, innovation, and energy. Although the analysis was based on a single source of database with some limitations, future studies should pay more attention on the importance of technology roadmapping on the international context, emphasis on developing countries on the national context, focus on SME on the organizational context, and explore the applications of technology roadmapping on the non-technological themes

    Value co-creation, co-destruction, and firm performance: A proposed mediation of the internet of things

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    Value co-creation is a study on consumer-firm interactions, where consumers can be actively involved with firms in designing, developing, marketing, distributing, and (or) selling of products to personalize their service experiences. In contrast, value codestruction exists due to imbalance involvement between consumers and firm in cocreating of value as a result of misuse of resources.Previous studies have suggested while value co-creation will increase firm performance, value co-destruction will do just the opposite of that. In the meantime, the internet of things (IoT) has becoming important topic to study how value co-creation and co-destruction can be created. Therefore, it was expected the effects of value co-creation and co-destruction on firm performance can be better understood with IoT.However, study that has looked into the mediating effects of IoT in the relationships between value co-creation and co-destruction on firm performance in a single topic is still hard to find.In line with the research gap, this paper will be investigating the aforementioned issue by building a conceptual framework with research propositions.This paper is proposing that IoT will positively improve the effect of value co-creation on firm performance, while at the same time reducing the negative effect of value co-destruction.This paper is expected to enhance our knowledge on the relationships between value co-creation and co-destruction, improve our understanding on the effects of IoT on firm performance, and promotes resource-based view (RBV) to complement Service-Dominant (S-D) logic at explaining superior firm performance