36,315 research outputs found

    Geological and hydrogeological investigation in West Malaysia

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The broad synoptic view of the images allowed easy identification of circular features and major fault traces in low lying areas. Sedimentary units were delineated in accordance with the prevailing rock types and where applicable the folding characteristics. Igneous units could easily be differentiated by tone, degree of fracturing, texture, and drainage pattern. The larger fold structures, anticlinoriums and synclinoriums, of the younger sediments on the eastern edge of the central belt could also be easily delineated

    Correlations and Event-by-Event Fluctuations in High Multiplicity Events Produced in 208^{208}Pb-208^{208}Pb Collisions

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    Analysis of high multiplicity events produced in 158A GeV/c 208^{208}Pb-208^{208}Pb collisions is carried out to study the event-by-event fluctuations. The findings reveal that the method of scaled factorial moments can be used to identify the events having densely populated narrow phase space bins. A few events sorted out adopting this approach are individually analyzed. It is observed that these events do exhibit large fluctuations in their pseudorapidity, η\eta and azimuthal angle, ϕ\phi distributions arising out due to some dynamical reasons. Two particle Δη\Delta\eta-Δϕ\Delta\phi correlation study applied to these events too indicates that some complex two-dimensional structure of significantly high magnitude are present in these events which might have some dynamical origin. The findings reveal that the method of scaled factorial moments may be used as an effective triggering for events with large dynamical fluctuations.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures (Accepted for publication in Advances in High Energy Physics

    Extremal GG-invariant eigenvalues of the Laplacian of GG-invariant metrics

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    The study of extremal properties of the spectrum often involves restricting the metrics under consideration. Motivated by the work of Abreu and Freitas in the case of the sphere S2S^2 endowed with S1S^1-invariant metrics, we consider the subsequence λkG\lambda_k^G of the spectrum of a Riemannian manifold MM which corresponds to metrics and functions invariant under the action of a compact Lie group GG. If GG has dimension at least 1, we show that the functional λkG\lambda_k^G admits no extremal metric under volume-preserving GG-invariant deformations. If, moreover, MM has dimension at least three, then the functional λkG\lambda_k^G is unbounded when restricted to any conformal class of GG-invariant metrics of fixed volume. As a special case of this, we can consider the standard O(n)-action on SnS^n; however, if we also require the metric to be induced by an embedding of SnS^n in Rn+1\mathbb{R}^{n+1}, we get an optimal upper bound on λkG\lambda_k^G.Comment: To appear in Mathematische Zeitschrif

    Bounding the eigenvalues of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on compact submanifolds

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    We give upper bounds for the eigenvalues of the La-place-Beltrami operator of a compact mm-dimensional submanifold MM of Rm+p\R^{m+p}. Besides the dimension and the volume of the submanifold and the order of the eigenvalue, these bounds depend on either the maximal number of intersection points of MM with a pp-plane in a generic position (transverse to MM), or an invariant which measures the concentration of the volume of MM in Rm+p\R^{m+p}. These bounds are asymptotically optimal in the sense of the Weyl law. On the other hand, we show that even for hypersurfaces (i.e., when p=1p=1), the first positive eigenvalue cannot be controlled only in terms of the volume, the dimension and (for m3m\ge 3) the differential structure.Comment: To appear, London Math Societ

    Geological and hydrogeological investigations in west Malaysia

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Large structures along the east coast of the peninsula were discovered. Of particular significance were the circular structures which were believed to be associated with mineralization and whose existence was unknown. The distribution of the younger sediments along the east coast appeared to be more widespread than previously indicated. Along the Pahang coast on the southern end, small traces of raised beach lines were noted up to six miles inland. The existence of these beach lines was unknown due to their isolation in large coastal swamps