924 research outputs found

    Overview of the national fisheries situation with emphasis on the demersal fisheries off the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia

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    The marine fisheries sector in Malaysia contributes significantly to the national economy in terms of income, foreign exchange and employment. In 1999, marine fisheries contributed 1.245 million t (90% of total fish production) valued at US1.18billion.Thetotalvalueaccountedforabout1.531.18 billion. The total value accounted for about 1.53% of national GDP and 11.31% of agricultural GDP. The export of fish and fishery products amounted to about US210 million. The sector provided employment to about 80 000 fishers. Fisheries management is currently guided by the Third National Agricultural Policy (NAP3 1998 - 2010). The NAP3 aims to maintain the coastal fisheries production while increasing the production from deep-sea fisheries within MalaysiaÆs Exclusive Economic Zone and the high-seas. Fisheries management of fisheries is centralized and is the primary responsibility of the Department of Fisheries. The key challenges identified for Malaysian fisheries are overfishing, excess fishing capacity and ensuring the well-being of coastal fishing communities. These are issues across the whole of Malaysia. The West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia produces 44% (1997) of total marine landings and 86% of this came from commercial (large scale) vessels. The landings in 1997 exceeded the estimated MSY and the biomass of demersal species in the region has been severely reduced. A national consultative workshop identified the primary aims for this region to improve production and efficiency of the fisheries, equitable distribution of the benefits, resources sustainability and the viability of the fishing communities. The workshop also identified key interventions needed. In terms of production and efficiency, overfishing and overcapacity must be addressed, including the illegal fishing. In terms of achieving greater equity, the workshop suggests greater involvement of small scale fishers in marketing of the catch. For resource sustainability, the serious decline in biomass must be addressed but there are also significant cross-sectoral issues. To achieve viable fishing communities, the workshop suggests the need for greater involvement and potentially a co-management approach for fisheries management.Fishery resources, Catch/effort, Population characteristics, Coastal fisheries, Marine fisheries, Ecosystems, Economic benefits, Fishery industry, Capture fishery economics, Fish consumption, Fishery policy, Legislation, Fishery management, Demersal fisheries, Pelagic fisheries, Socioeconomic aspects, Surveys, Marketing, Fishery organizations, Fishing gear, Cephalopod fisheries, ISEW, Malaysia,

    Tuberculosis-related Catastrophic Cost Since the Implementation of Universal Health Coverage in Indonesia

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    Accessing TB-related services is often costly, and can be catastrophic for TB-affected households. In addition to eliminate the incidence of TB, the WHO End TB Strategy also sets a target to reduce to zero percent the percentage of TB-affected households that faced catastrophic costs. In 2014, Indonesia started a national health insurance program (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional, JKN) to achieve universal health coverage (UHC). In the context of UHC in Indonesia, this thesis aims to provide an evidence-base on the household-level economic impact of TB, the relationship between catastrophic costs and TB treatment outcomes, and the social-protection improvements required to further reduce TB-related catastrophic cost

    Involvement of gamma aminobutyric acid in the anticonvulsant effect of the leaf methanol extract of Ruta graveolens L. (Rutaceae) in mice

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    The possible involvement of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), in the anticonvulsant effect of Ruta graveolens L. was investigated by studying the effect of the leaf methanol extract against seizures elicited by either pentylenetetrazole (PTZ), bicuculline, picrotoxin or N-Methyl-DL-Aspartic acid (NlvIDLA) in mice. Leaf methanol extract of Ruta graveolens, phenobarbitone, diazepam and muscimol significantly antagonized seizures induced by PTZ, bicuculline or picrotoxin. Combined treatment of subeffective doses of R. graveolens and muscimol significantly antagonized seizures induced by PTZ, bicuculline or picrotoxin. Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) or phenytoin did not significantly affect the seizures produced by PTZ, bicuculline or picrotoxin. Ruta graveolens, phenobarbitone, diazepam, phenytoin or DMSO did not significantly affect seizures produced by NlvIDLA. LY233053 significantly antagonized seizures produced by NlvIDLA. Combined treatment of sub-effective doses of LY233053 and Ruta graveolens did not significantly alter NlvIDLA-induced seizures. The phytochemical qualitative analysis of the plant species showed the presence of tannins, cardiac glycosides, saponins, flavonoids, triterpene steroids and alkaloids. The LD50 value obtained following oral administration of the leaf methanol extract of R. graveolens was above 4000 mg kg-1 .The HPLC fingerprint of the plant species revealed certain characteristic peaks at 350 run. The data obtained in this study, indicate that the leaf methanol extract of R. graveolens has anticonvulsant activity. The data obtained also indicate that GABA mechanism may probably be involved in the anticonvulsant effect of the plant extract. The relatively high LD50 obtained for the plant species, given orally, indicates that it is safe in mice.Web of Scienc

    Resilience and survivability in MANET: Discipline, issue and challenge

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    The wireless technology has become essential part in modern life, and thus the consequences of network disruption is becoming severe.It is widely known that wireless network is not sufficiently resilience, survive and dependable and significant research and development is necessary to improve the situation. This paper provide a survey of vast disciplines in MANET, a resilience strategy is also presented on how to defend, detect and countermeasures malicious node. Current issues and challenges to achieve resilience and survivability is also presented for future direction

    The Dimensions of Smart Architectural Design

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    في ظل التطور التقني التكنولوجي السريع للتكنلوجيا وهيمنته على مفاصل الحياة، ولدت الحاجة الى التصميم الذكي بوصفه حلقة مهمة من حلقات التطور التقني في القرن الحادي والعشرين، ليصبح هذا المفهوم مهيمنا على كافة انواع التصاميم الاخرى ومنها التصميم العمراني بتخصصاته المختلفة كالمعماري والحضري وغيرها، فبرزت الحاجة الى تصميم متعدد الأنظمة يكون قادراً على التعامل مع المشاكل العمرانية وحلها، لذا كان هناك نوعين من التساؤلات التي ادت الى تبلور المشكلة البحثية: السؤال المنتج للمشكلة العامة: نتيجة للتطور السريع وانتشار العلوم التقنية في كل مفاصل الحياة، ما دور الذكاء الصناعي على التصميم العمراني وهل يمكن يمكن ان يكون له ابعاد معيارية؟ السؤال المنتج للمشكلة الخاصة: هل يمكن تتبع وقياس مفهوم المدن الذكية من خلال وضع ابعاد معيارية بالافادة من طروحات المنظر كارمونا [1] في مجال التصميم الحضري؟   ولتسليط الضوء على ابعاد التصميم العمراني الذكي لابد من الاستناد الى ارضية بحثية عالمية تبحث في مفاهيم الذكاء العمراني، فتوجه البحث نحو دراسة مفهوم المدن الذكية والاستدامة والتصميم الحيوي وغيرها وذلك لارتباطها القوي بمفهوم الذكاء من جهة وبمفهوم التصميم العمراني بشقيه المعماري والحضري من جهة اخرى، وكذلك وجود اهتمام حكومي عالمي بهذا الموضوع كماهو الحال عند البرلمان الاوربي على سبيل المثال. منهجية البحث تتخذ من اهم مقومات التصميم العمراني بوصفها من ضروريات التعامل مع المدينة او المنطقة بطريقة شمولية بعيدا عن قراءة العناصر كلاً على حدة كمقدمات او مسلمات يمكن استباط النتائج منها للوصول الى تصميم مناسب لتلك المنطقة. ومن خلال قدرة البحث على استقراء مقومات التصميم العمراني الجيد يمكن انتزاع العلاقة الوثيقة بين تخطيط المدينة وتصميم تراكيبها معماريا. وان جسد المدينة لايعد متكاملاً الا بوجود الفضاءات العامة وان بث الروح فيها لا يتم الا بالاهتمام بصحة شوارعها، فلابد من اشراك الناس في تصميم المدينة وان كان عن طريق استبيان رأيهم عن الفكر التصميمي، على ان تكون هناك عملية جمع لاكبر عدد ممكن من الافكار للوصول الى نوع من الاندماج مع التراكيب العمرانية. لذا يفترض البحث: يمكن تحديد ابعاد التصميم العمراني الذكي على المستوى الحضري من خلال تطوير ابعاد كارمونا Carmona السبعة، لتتوافق مع مفهوم المدن الذكية. لتكون اهداف البحث محددة في امكانية ان يكون الذكاء الصناعي متمثلا بمفهوم المدن الذكية مؤثرا في اعادة صياغة الابعاد التي يقوم عليها مفهوم التصميم العمراني تبعا للنظرية التي جاء بها ماوث كارمونا Matthew Carmona من خلال نظرية تدعو الى التكامل في الابعاد اللازمة للتصميم المعماري والحضري للفضاء الاجتماعي الملائم للانسان. ثم الوصول الى أهم الاستنتاجات ومنها اعتماد مبدا التطور التكنولوجي في التصميم الحضري وانتاج المدن الحديثة لا يعني ان تلغى الابعاد الاساسية في تصميم المدن المعاصرة، كما يمكن القول بأن لا يوجد تعارض بين وجود الابعاد السبعة في التصميم الحضري  والذكاء الاصطناعي لتشكيل مدينة ذكية لها القدرة على خدمة الانسان، يمكن الوصول الى موديل او نموذج تكاملي للمعرفة بين المدينة بأبعاد التصميم الحضري السبعة ومتغيرات الذكاء الصناعي للمدينة الذكية، يمكن تتبع مفهوم المدينة المعاصرة القادرة على تلبية متطلبات المرحلة الزمكانية للمدينة ولكن بدرجات من المقبولية . وهذا لا يعني التخلي عن مقياس اتحاد الاتصالات الدولي ثلاثي الابعاد، لكن يعطي هذا المقياس السباعي نظرة أكثر شمولية وارتباطاً بجميع جوانب المدينة وباسلوب سريع يساعد المصمم والمقيم على حدٍ سواء على الاحاطة الشاملة بجميع الابعاد الممكنة لدراسة المدينة الذكية.In light of the rapid technical technological development of technology and its dominance over the joints of life, the need for intelligent design was born as an important episode of the technological development in the 21st century. This concept became dominant in all other design types, including design with its various disciplines such as architectural design, urban and other. It is capable of dealing with architecture & urban problems and solving them, and it has the ability to study the relationship between architectural buildings and transportation, social and political planning thinking, its relation to the urban and economic aspects, and the provision of safe and easy means of freedom and of the transition between the spaces. And provide special spaces for people to enable them to meet and meet all their social requirements. In order to shed light on the dimensions of smart urban & architectural design, it is necessary to build on a global research ground that explores the concepts of urban intelligence. The research aims to study the concept of smart cities, sustainability, dynamic design, etc., because of its strong association with the concept of intelligence on the one hand and the urban & architectural design concept, Global government interest in this issue as in the European Parliament, for example. One of the most important elements of urban design is the need to deal with the city or region in a comprehensive way away from reading the elements separately to reach a suitable design for that region. A good urban design is the close link between city planning and architectural design. And that the body of the city is not integrated except in the presence of public spaces and to broadcast the spirit is not only interest in the health of its streets, it is necessary to participate people in the design of the city, but through a questionnaire on the opinion of design thought, there should be a collection of as many ideas as possible to reach Type of integration with urban structures. The research presents a research hypothesis that artificial intelligence may be the concept of smart cities, which is influential in rephrasing the dimensions of the concept of urban design according to the theory that came from the Matthew Carmona through a theory that calls for integration in the dimensions required for the architectural and urban design of the social space suitable for man


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    This study was conducted to determine the trypanocidal efficacy of Antrycide, Fatrybanil and Trypamedium in albino mice experimentally infected sub-cutaneously with Trypanosoma evansi. For this purpose, 25 albino mice were randomly divided into five equal groups i.e. A, B, C, D and E. Groups A, B and C were infected and then treated with Antrycide, Fatrybanil and Trypamedium, respectively. Group D was kept as infected and group E non-infected control. On the basis of blood smear examination, the efficacy of Antrycide and Fatrybanil was found 100% when used in single dose as compared to Trypamedium which was 100% effective with second dose

    The social determinants of knowledge and perception on pulmonary tuberculosis among females in Jakarta, Indonesia

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    __Background:__ Indonesia has not resolved tuberculosis burden since its prevalence and incidence has remained high. As the capital of Indonesia with a large population and a high number of tuberculosis cases, Jakarta has a distinctive condition of tuberculosis burden. This study aimed to obtain social determinants of knowledge and perception of pulmonary tuberculosis in an urban community. __Methods:__ This study used 2,323 samples taken by random sampling in Jakarta during February-May 2011. Questionnaires were delivered to assess respondents’ knowledge and perception about pulmonary tuberculosis. Levels of knowledge were categorized into ‘poor’ and ‘good’. Perceptions about tuberculosis were measured by whether respondents perceived tuberculosis as a humiliating disease and a shunned disease. __Results:__ Most respondents (88.7%) had good level of knowledge about tuberculosis, but misperception remained high (45.9%) in the community. Education level determined level of knowledge. The higher the education level the lower the risk of lack of knowledge. Tuberculosis perceptions were determined by family income and education level. Higher family income and education level were protective factors of misperception about tuberculosis as a humiliating disease and tendency to shun tuberculosis patie