1,377 research outputs found

    Improving Student Achievement in the Subjects of Islamic Religious Education

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    The purpose of this study was (1) to know a difference between student learning outcomes of low and high sub groups with learning to use the media worksheets in the subjects of Islamic Religious Education (Pendidikan Agama Islam); and (2) to know the obstacles in the implementation of learning by using the worksheets on the subject. The subjects study were three Open Junior High Schools, Bandung, namely Open Junior High School 8 Bandung, Open Junior High School 27 Bandung, and Open Junior High School 36 Bandung. The hypothesis tested the increase in student achievement in the subjects of Islamic Religious Education after a learning process using worksheets. This study was a quasi-experimental study. The design used in this study is a pre-test post-test one group design. The results show that learning outcomes after the use of worksheets has no significant difference. Then the t-test Test Final Problem Description pretest and posttest seen that the value of significance (sig.2-tailed) with the t-test is 0.007. Since the significance value less than 0.05 then the decision-making criteria, H0 rejected. This shows that learning outcomes after the use of worksheets has significant difference. Using the analysis, the results showed that the use of worksheets in the learning process could improve the learning outcomes of students in the subjects of Islamic Religious Education in junior high school in Bandung

    Kualitas Hidup Penderita Tuberkulosis Resisten Obat di Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Quality of life among patients with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in the district of BanyumasPurposeThis study was conducted to investigate the quality of life among patients with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis and to examine factors associated with them. MethodsData from an in-depth interview, involved 22 patients with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, were used in this study. ResultsThis study showed 54.5% males, 50.0% adults, 59.1% married, 22.7% divorced, 72.7% lived in rural, 95.5% had basic education, 45.5% as a private employment (before sick), 77.3% as unemployment (after sick), 72.7% low income, 54.5% in continuation phase, 95.5% re-treatment (45% relapse and 40.9% failure cases), 90.9% had drugs side effects (mild/severe); 36.4% had comorbidity; 45.5% smokers, 31.8% falcoholics; 54.5% lack of social support; 31.8% poor and 36.4% moderate quality of life. ConclusionPatients with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis had a worse quality of life and lack social support. Health worker needs to improve their quality of life and social support through establishing a peer support groups to give counseling, information education, communication, motivation, and skills training for them

    Pendekatan Service Oriented Architecture (Soa) Untuk Merespon Perubahan User Requirement Aplikasi E-government

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    Pendefinisian user requirement yang tidak komprehensif kadangkala menyebabkan pengembangan sistem informasi menjadi lama, over budget dan tidak dapat beradaptasi dengan Perubahan regulasi. Selain itu, adanya anggapan bahwa tidak adanya Perubahan regulasi dalam memberikan layanan kepada masyarakat. Hal ini disebabkan karena menganggap kondisi environment selalu berjalan normal. Pada Kenyataanya, pengembangan sistem informasi memerlukan perhatian khusus untuk antisipasi terhadap kondisi environment yang tidak dapat diprediksi Perubahannya. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam hal pengembangan sistem berbasis Service Oriented Analysis & Design dengan pendekatan SOA untuk mengakomodir Perubahan user requirement agar dapat dijadikan referensi untuk melakukan penelitian lanjutan

    The Educational Ideology of Indonesian and Malaysian Pesantrens: a Study of Al Munawir and Pasir Tumboh

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    The research mainly focuses on the comparative analysis towards the ideology and epistemology applied in Al Munawir Krapyak, Yogyakarta, Indonesia and Pasir Tumboh, Kelantan, Malaysia; both are pesantrens or traditional education institution-also called islamic boarding school. The study denotes that the curriculum utilized in al munawir pesantren is integrated Islam and science. While Pasir Tumboh employs the classical curriculum called kitab Jawi (Melayu). The epistemological base of curriculum of Al Munawir is Burhani-Irfani (demonstrative-gnostic) which in turn leads to transcendental contextual mindsets. It is rational religious ideology that modifies the methodology of Ahlussunnah Waljamaah emphasizing moderate and open-minded islamic teaching. On the other hand, the epistemological base of curriculum of Pasir Tumboh is Bayani-Irfani (explanative-gnostic) producing religious conservative ideology which is textual-trancendental, pseudo-exclusive and normative in observing the methods of ahlussunnah waljamaah

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning, Snow Balling, Dan Problem Based Learning Dengan Pendekatan Saintifik Pada Materi Himpunan Ditinjau Dari Gaya Belajar Siswa SMP Swasta Di Kabupaten Ponorogo Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of the learning model toward student\u27s mathematics achievement seen from student\u27s learning style. The learning models compared were Discovery Learning, Snow Balling and Problem Based Learning using scientific approach (DL-S, SB-S, and PBL-S). This research was the quasi experimental with factorial design 3x3. The populations of this research was students at eight grade of private Junior High school in Ponorogo in the academic year of 2014/2015. The size of the sample was 336 students, consisted of 115 students in the first experimental group, 107 students in second experimental group and 114 students in third experimental group. The instruments consisted of learning achievement test and questionnaire of learning style. Hypotheses testing was performed using two-way analysis of variance with unbalanced cells. The results of the research were. (1) Learning achievement using DL-S learning model is better than that of SB-S, learning achievement using DL-S learning model is better than that of PBL-S, SB-S and PBL-S learning model have the same achievement. (2) Visual students have better mathematics achievement than auditory and kinesthetic students, auditory and kinesthetic students have the same achievement (3) In visual, auditory, and kinesthetics students, DL-S have better achievement than SB-S and PBL-S, SB-S and PBL-S have the same achievement. (4) In DL-S, SB-S, and PBLS, visual and auditory students have better achievement than kinesthetics students, auditory and kinesthetics students have the same achievement

    Penempatan Dan Penentuan Kapasitas Optimal Distributed Generator Menggunakan Artificial Bee Colony

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    Distributed Generator (DG) merupakan pembangkit berkapasitas kecil yang terletak pada sistem distribusi tenaga listrik dan biasanya ditempatkan pada bus-bus yang terhubung langsung ke beban. Parameter-parameter yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pemasangan DG antara lain level tegangan dan kerugian daya. Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) merupakan kecerdasan buatan yang menirukan perilaku sekumpulan lebah dalam mencari sari bunga (nectar). Pada tugas akhir ini dilakukan optimisasi penentuan letak dan kapasitas optimal DG dengan menggunakan algoritma ABC pada sistem distribusi radial IEEE 33 bus. Simulasi dilakukan menggunakan software MATLAB. Dari hasil simulasi yang diperoleh, pemasangan DG pada sistem distribusi dapat menaikkan level tegangan pada tiap bus dan mengurangi total kerugian daya pada sistem
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