2,125 research outputs found
The forgotten majority of computing have-nots
People have falsely regarded the computing working environment as dedicated to the confines of a building with availability of electricity, high-speed info-structure, and the latest computer technology. In reality, there are many computing have-nots in the real world living in challenged computing environments. Current computing curricula are designed to prepare graduates for more urban and best-case business scenarios where learning takes place within campus boundaries. To prepare computing graduates better to survive in harsh environments and to contribute meaningfully to society, their learning should also take place out of the classroom and into challenged computing environments where active and experiential learning could take place. Confronted with the harsh realities of life, students learn quickly to adapt themselves for survival and for their future career. Many generic skills can be reinforced here to make computing graduates more versatile, entrepreneurial, effective, and ever ready to face the real world
Ranking of employees' reward and recognition approaces: A Malaysian Perspective
Recognition of employees’ achievements is one of the most important factors to motivate employees. Employees who perform exceptionally well, expect that their contributions will be recognized or they will be appreciated by the top management. Over the decades (or perhaps centuries) the reward and recognition system has been adopted by numerous organizations – private or public. There are myriad ways by which employees can be appreciated. Further, one special type of reward may not motivate equally everyone. One person’s reward may be perceived by another person as punishment. The present research intends to find out the specific reward and recognition ways preferred by the employees working in various Malaysian organizations. A list comprising seventeen major ways of reward and recognition has been prepared and the items in the list are prioritized by taking inputs from 505 employees working in more than 96 various public and private organizations in Malaysia. The findings of the research are expected to provide guidelines in developing an appropriate reward and recognition system for any organization, in general and Malaysian organizations, in particular.Reward and recognition, Motivation, Employee involvement, Employee satisfaction
ABSTRAKPERANCANGAN RESORT DAN WISATA KULINER LAMPUUKOlehAHMAD ZAKINIM: 1004104010051Rutinitas di daerah perkotaan yang padat dan monoton membuat manusia menjadistress. Masyarakat bosan dan jenuh terhadap aktivitas dan membutuhkan pelariandari keadaan tersebut. Hal ini yang menyebabkan meningkatnya jumlah wisatawanke daerah wisata. Salah satu daerah wisata yang berpotensi untuk dikembanganadalah daerah wisata Pantai Lampuuk. Perancangan Resort dan Wisata Kulinersebuah tempat pengistirahatan/ penginapan yang memiliki tempat rekreasi utamaberupa tempat wisata kuliner, yang diperuntukkan bagi para wisatawan baikdomestik maupun mancanegara baik itu keluarga yang ingin beristirahat pada hari-hari libur, atau orang-orang yang datang untuk berekreasi dengan fasilitas danpelayanan yang telah disediakan dengan baik. Lokasi perancangan Resort danWisata Kuliner ini terletak di kawasan pantai Lampuuk Kabupaten Aceh Besar.Tujuan utama dari perancangan ini adalah menyediakan fasilitas, sarana, danprasarana berupa suatu tempat penginapan dan area rekreasi untuk menikmatikekayaan dan keindahan alam, serta menikmati keanekaragaman kuliner Aceh,dengan tetap menjaga kelestarian alam dan keseimbangan lingkunganKata kunci: Resort, Kuliner, Arsitektur, Neo-Vernakular, Wisat
Pelayanan kedokteran gigi merupakan salah satu pelayanan kesehatan yang rawan terjadinya infeksi silang. Universal precautions adalah prosedur pencegahan infeksi yang dilakukan untuk melindungi pemberi layanan kesehatan dan pasiendari kemungkinan infeksi silang. Mahasiswa kedokteran gigi telah mendapatkan pengetahuan mengenai penerapan universal precaution semasa pendidikan pra-klinik. Penelitian sebelumnya menyebutkan tidak semua dokter gigi muda patuh terhadap penerapan universal precautions. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan dokter gigi muda menerapkan universal precautions. Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik cross sectional dengan jumlah subjek sebanyak 96 orang. Cara pengumpulan data melalui penyebaran self administered questionnaires. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan subjek yang patuh sebanyak 52 (52,1%) dan tidak patuh sebanyak 46 (47,9%). Hasil uji chi square menunjukkan faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan penerapan universal precautions adalah faktor organisasi/institusi dengan variable yang berhubungan adalah iklim keselamatan kerja dengan p =0,045 dan umpan balik penerapan universal precautions dengan p = 0,043.Disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan iklim keselamatan kerja dan umpan balik penerapan universal precautions dengan kepatuhan universal precautions.Kata kunci : Universal precautions, kepatuhan, infeksi silang
Management is the process of working together between individuals and groups as well as other resources in achieving organizational goals as a management activity. Management is a planning, Organizing, direction and supervision. Islamic management has two meanings, namely management as a science and management as an activity, namely management is bound by the rules of syara’, Islamic values. The basics of educational management in an Islamic perspective are, (1). Referring to credible and accurate literature. (2). Instilling sincerity in the educational process. (3). The first material taught to students is fundamental material. (4). Adhering to the scientific method by using the means of scientific thingking based on hujjah (valid evidence), through intensive and continuous search. (5). Making educational goals focused on the formation of a personal achievement. Efforts to develop Islamic education include: in the field of Islamic education infrastructure, namely: (1). Procurement of buildings. (2). Procurement of Islamic education facilities. In the field of Islamic education facilities, namely: (1). Improving the ability of educators. (2). Improving Islamic education methods. (3). Improvement of the content of Islamic education curriculum
Pesta Tahun Baharu Cina disambut meriah
Pada 17 Januari 2009, Jawatankuasa Kebudayaan Kaum Cina
dengan kerjasama Unit Kebudayaan & Seni Kreatif, Jabatan Hal Ehwal Pelajar & Alumni, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) telah menganjurkan Pesta Tahun Baharu Cina 2009
Tanah lempung merupakan bahan dasar material yang masih digunakan untuk inti bendungan urugan, khususnya untuk lapisan kedap air. Sampai detik ini penggunaan tanah lempung sebagai bahan kedap air di Indonesia masih diapakai karena permeabilitas tanah tersebut k =1 x 10-6 cm/det. Salah satu masalah dalam inti bendungan ialah rembesnya air pada zona kedap air. Rekayasa yang dicoba ialah menambahakan lateks pada material bahan kedap air sehingga memperkecil rembesan terjadi. Pengujian yang dilakukan ialah indeks properties dan engineering properties test di laboratorium dengan sampel tanah dari proyek bendungan Jatigede. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh nilai optimum koefisien permeabilitas k = 2,83x10-7 cm/det meningkat sebesar 95 % dari tanah asli yang diuji, sehingga masuk dalam klasifikasi bahan kedap air. Hasil ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan inti bendungan dengan melihat aspek inovasinya.
Kata Kunci : Bendungan, lateks, Koef Permeabilitas.
Clay material is the raw of material that use for core earth fill dam, particularly for impermeable layer. Until this moment, the use of clay as material impermeable in Indonesia still apllies because the soil permeability k = 1 x 10-6 cm/second, one of problems in the core dam is seepage of water in zone impermeable. The research to conduct as add the latex into core dam material to minimize seepage accurs. Testing done an index properties and engineering properties in the laboratory to test soil samples from the Jatigede Dam Project. Based on the result of the study, obtained optimum permeability coefficient k = 2,83x 10-7 cm/second increased material. The research results can be use as a dam core material by at the aspects of inovation.
Keyword : Dam, Latex, Coef Permeabilit
Force Control of Musculoskeletal Manipulator Driven By Spiral Motors
This paper presents force control of musculoskeletal manipulator driven by spiral motors. The kinematic and
dynamic properties are shown to address the presence of ennvironmental contact with the manipulator. From
this contact, the force control schemes were explored, by comparing between monoarticular-only structure and
biarticular structure manipulator. Force control schemes were divided into independent muscle control, end effector
step force command, and muscular viscoelasticity control. The results show advantages of biarticular actuation
compared to monoarticular-only actuation in the feasibility of magnetic levitation (gap) control alongside force
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