502 research outputs found

    1919 ةدهاعمل ًاقفو ةيعامجلا ةدابلإا ةميرج باكترا نع درفلل ةيلودلا ةيئانجلا ةيلوؤسملا

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    هذه تطلسف ةيعامجلا ةدابلإا ةميرج اهنمو ةيناسنلإا دض مئارج باكتراب همايق دنع درفلل ةيئانجلا ةيلوئسملا ةساردلا هذه تلوانت نوناقلا دعاوقب مازتللااو ةيلوؤسملا نع ًاديعب يديلقتلا درفلا لظ ثيح رصاعملا يلودلا نوناقلا يف درفلا زكرم ىلع ءوضلا ةساردلا يلودلا نوناقلا دعاوقو ماكحأب بطاخت يتلا يه طقف لودلا تناك ثيح ،هماكحلأ عوضخلاب ريخلأا اذه فارتعا مدعل ًارظن يلودلا ةدهاعمل ًاقفو ةيلودلا ةيئانجلا ةيلوئسملا ةساردلا هذه تلوانت امك يضاقتلل مهتيلهأ و مهتابجاوو دارفلأا قوقح ةساردلا هذه تلوانتف صاخشلأا ميدقت يف ةنواعتملاو ةفلاحتملا لودلا قحب ةينامللأا ةموكحلا فرتعت ( هنأ ىلع ةدهاعملا نم 228 ةداملا صنت ثيح ياسرف نوناقلا هيلع صني ام عيقوت متي فوس هنأو ،ةيركسع مكاحم مامأ لوثملل برحلا فارعأو نيناوقل ةفلاخملاب ًلااعفأ مهباكتراب نيمهتملا نع ةيئانجلا تاعامجلاو دارفلأا ةيلوؤسم ديدحت ةساردلا هذه فادهأ نمو .) مهتنادإ ةلاح يف صاخشلأا ءلاؤه ىلع تابوقع نم عوضوملاب ةقلعتملا ثادحلأا درسو يضاملا ىلإ عوجرلاب كلذو يخيراتلا جهنملا عابتإ مت دقو مهلبق نم بكترت يتلا ةيلودلا لاعفلأا بولطملا صخشلا ىلع ضبقلا ةيناكمإ مدع اهمهأ نم جئاتن ةدع ىلإ ةساردلا هذه يف لصوتلا مت امك ًاديج ًامهف عوضوملا مهف متي ىتح هذه نم حضتاو ايئانج هتلئاسم ىلع ةردقلا مدع يلاتلابو كلذ ىلع لدأ ةيلودلا دهاوشلاو ةيناسنلإا دض مئارج باكتراب مهتملاو ًايلود.ةيسايس ًافادهأ اوققحي يكل ةلادعلا زومر لامعتسا اودمعت لب ةلادعلا قيقحت سيل ءافلحلا اياون نأ ًاضيأ ةساردل

    A conceptual study on Islamic corporate governance model in curtailing bank’s fraud

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    The paper intends to discuss the concepts, framework, structure of fraud, and its two contending theories i.e. Fraud Triangle Theory and Fraud Diamond Theory. The paper also intends to analyse the concept of Islamic corporate governance, its theories and the popular theory of Shariah Enterprise Theory (S.E.T), which if properly implemented and giving a sound attention, the issue of fraud in Islamic banks will be a thing of the past.After the extend literature review this paper proposed model as re-examined by some scholars, to see whether the model is viable in today’s multi-faith, and multi-cultural society of 21th century and the likely challenges it might face

    Effect of Islamic corporate governance on the relationship between pressure, opportunity, rationalization, capability and banking fraud in selected banks in Nigeria: a pilot test

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    The aim of this paper is to examine a few sample data on the effect of Islamic corporate governance on the relationship between pressure, opportunity, rationalization, capability and banking fraud in selected banks in Nigeria.Thus, instruments such as content and face validity,reliability and the data normality were also examined based on the on revised version by an expert, a few data were analyzed using the statistical software SPSS version 17.The result reveals that the instruments are reliable and the data for pilot study show evidence of rational normality

    Implementasi Manajemen Trafik dan Bandwidth Internet dengan IPCop

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    dan mahal, maka diperlukan suatu mekanisme pengaturan bandwidth. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar semua pengguna internet bisa melakukan akses ke internet dengan bandwidth yang terbatas. Salah satu alternatif pengaturan bandwidth adalah penggunaan IPCop sebagai alat manajemen trafik dan bandwidth internet. Dengan IPCop, administrator dimudahkan dalam melakukan pengaturan bandwidth dan monitoring trafik dan penggunaan bandwidth internet melalui media web. Dengan mengatur pembagian bandwidth sesuai kebutuhan, diharapkan dapat mengoptimalkan penggunaan bandwidth internet yang sangat terbatas. Dalam pengujian dilakukan terhadap dua jaringan besar di Politeknik Telkom, Bandung yaitu jaringan publik dan jaringan staff. Dari hasil pengujian, terbukti bahwa IPCop berhasil mengoptimalkan dan membatasi bandwidth yang sampai pada client. Terbukti dengan sesuainya throughput yang didapat client dengan throughput yang diatur pada IPCop

    Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematis Calon Guru Matematika

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    Tulisan ini membahas kemampuan berpikir  mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika berkategori soal berpikir kreatif matematis. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan penilitian deskriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa prodi tadris matematika STAIN Gajah Putih Takengon yang berjumlah 13 orang TA 2018/2019. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah soal tes berpikir kreatif matematis. Analisis data menggunakan The torrance tests of creative thinking (TTCT) yang terdiri dari tiga komponen yaitu kefasihan (fluency), fleksibelitas(flexibility), dan kebaharuan (novelty). Hasil penelitian disimpulkkan bahwa 1). Kemampuan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa masih sangat rendah dengan skor rata-rata2,61 (berada pada level kurang kreatif. 2) komponen berpikir kreatif yang paling rendah adalah fleksibelitas dan kebaharuan

    Studi dan Desain Proses Pemilihan Opsi Penggunaan Spektrum Frekuensi Radio untuk Layanan 4G di Indonesia (Study and Design Process of Radio Frequency Spectrum Option for 4G Services in Indonesia)

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    ABSTRAKSI: Pemilihan spektrum frekuensi yang tepat untuk teknologi 4G akan membawa manfaat yang signifikan untuk pengembangan infrastruktur nasional. Spektrum frekuensi merupakan sumber daya terbatas, sehingga membutuhkan metodologi tertentu untuk dapat menghitung estimasi kebutuhan spektrum frekuensi di masa yang akan datang.ITU melalui rekomendasinya nomor M.1768 telah mengeluarkan metodologi terbaru untuk penghitungan kebutuhan spektrum frekuensi untuk teknologi 4G (IMT-Advanced), estimasi kebutuhan dihitung berdasarkan market study, parameter switching, dan parameter radio untuk berbagai macam Service Categories (SC), Service Environment (SE), dan Radio Environment (RE) sampai tahun 2020.Hasil studi dari metodologi tersebut, tertuang dalam ITU-R M.2078, dimana perkiraan kebutuhan total spektrum frekuensi di tahun 2020 yaitu sebesar 1280 MHz (low density), 1720 MHz (high density), dan skenario low density sesuai untuk negara negara berkembang seperti Indonesia.Estimasi tersebut menunjukan bahwa terdapat kebutuhan spektrum frekuensi yang cukup besar pada tahun 2020, untuk itu, frekuensi eksisting dan frekuensi kandidat akan digunakan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Sehingga, penerapan kanalisasi multi operator dengan bandwidth per operator antara 5,10, dan 20 MHz dan spektral efisiensi diatas 8bit/hz akan dicapai throughput maksimal sesuai dengan karakteristik teknologi 4G.Kata Kunci : 4G Frekuensi, IMT Advanced, Spektrum FrekuensiABSTRACT: Selection of appropriate spectrum frequency for 4G technology will have significant effect and benefits to the development of national infrastructure. Frequency spectrum is a finite resource, so it requires a certain methodology to calculate the estimation of spectrum frequency needs in the future.ITU Recommendation no. M.1768 has introduced a new methodology for calculating the frequency spectrum requirement for 4G (IMT-Advanced), the estimation taken into account based on market study, switching parameters, and the radio parameters for the various Service Categories (SC), Service Environment (SE), and Radio Environment (RE) by 2020.The results of the methodology, reported in the ITU-R M.2078, which estimates the total spectrum demand in 2020 equal to 1280 MHz (low density), 1720 MHz (high density). Low density scenario appropriate for developing countries such as Indonesia.These estimates show that there is a need of sufficient frequency spectrum in 2020, for that, the frequency of existing and candidate frequency will be used in meeting those needs. Thus, the application of multi-operator canalization with bandwidth per operator between 5.10 and 20 MHz and the spectral efficiency 8bit/Hz, it will achieved maximum throughput according to the characteristics of 4G technology.Keyword: 4G Frequency, IMT Advanced, Spectrum Frequenc


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    ABSTRAKSI: Penelitian mengenai teknologi robotika telah banyak dikembangkan, karena robot berguna untuk membantu kepentingan-kepentingan manusia misalnya, untuk pekerjaan yang memerlikan ketelitian tinggi pada bidang perindustrian, melakukan pekerjaan dengan resiko bahaya tinggi ataupun melakukan pekerjaan yang membutuhkan tenaga besar dan sebagainya.Mobile robot adalah cabang robotika yang secara spesifik membahas mengenai robot yang dapat bergerak, berpindah tempat, baik dengan menggunakan kaki (Legged Robot) ataupun roda (Wheeled Robot). Perpindahan tempat dari sebuah titik ke titik yang lain biasa disebut dengan istilah navigasi.Prototipe firefighting robot atau robot pemadam api dibuat sebagai salah satu penelitian bentuk robot dalam skala kecil dimana robot tersebut bertugas mencari api dalam suatu ruangan dan kemudian mematikan api tersebut. Prototipe robot pemadam api menggunakan sensor jarak (ultrasonik), sensor panas (pyroelectric/heat sensor), sensor cahaya, penyemprot air (water sprayer), servo motor, DC motor, dan bluetooth yang kesemuanya dihubungkan ke satu sistem kontrol yaitu menggunakan mikrokontroller dalam Serializer sehingga dapat menanggapi perubahan kondisi lingkungan dan mengambil keputusan dari perubahan tersebut.Robot pemadam api dapat berjalan secara otonom tanpa kendali manual seperti remote control. Prototipe robot pemadam api dapat berjalan dengan baik pada suatu jalur (track) yang dirancang sedemikian rupa, untuk dilalui sebelum menemukan keberadaan api lilin dan mematikannya.Kata Kunci : -ABSTRACT: Research about robotics have been develop well for past recent year, because people need some help from robot to do their jobs, sucha as high accuracy job in industry, high risk job, or doing some jobs that needs extra power or etc.Mobile robotics is a specialized branch that explain spesific detail about robot that can move with legg (legged robot) or with wheel (wheeled robot). The movement from one point to another point, now means as navigation.Prototype of firefighting robot made as one of simple research to create robot that can complete task to search the candle and extinguish it. This prototype using ultrasonics sensor, heat/thermophile sensor, light sensor, water sprayer, servo motor, dc motor and bluetooth, which means all mentioned device connected with one microcontroller/microprocessor board called Serializer. So, this board able to give command for robot to adapt with it’s environment and take a decission to do something.The firefighting robot can move with full autonomous system without any interruption from external system, like remote control. This prototype can navigate through a maze with some algorithm technics, and then searching a candle and extinguish it. Desain dan Implementasi Autonomous Mobile Firefighting RobotKeyword:


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    Increase in demand for standby power sources and disruption in power supply has increased the use of generators manifold for domestic and industrial consumers leading to objections on their use concerning noise pollution. The work presented here aims to focus on how generator set noise is propagated, controlled and reduced to a limit as defined by domestic laws. The presented work is in fact a feasibility of a simple and effective design of an acoustic enclosure for portable generators aims at reducing the radiated noise. This effort is a multi-disciplinary work that comprises acoustics, heat transfer and material science. Heat generation and requirement of cooling air leads to a heat transfer model with internal forced convection. The design is a balance of noise control and thermal management. Noise generating areas have been identified and conventional passive noise control techniques have been used to control and reduce the noise. Acoustic barriers and insulation are used to control the noise propagation at its transmission path. In the conclusion comparison and results of noise are plotted using sound measuring techniques and devices as well as the thermal profiles of cylinder head are compared with and without canopy

    Detection of Human Salivary Amylase Level Deposited on Fruits with First Bite Mark

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    Background: Human body fluids are vital for criminological examinations. The recovery, conservation, and investigation of body fluids or its stains are critical in measurable forensic cases. The amylase testing is being utilized as a possible test to locate the crime scene saliva stains for more than three decades. This investigation was intended to decide the human salivary amylase accumulated on fruit after the first bite where the level of salivary amylase was concluded by Radial Gel Diffusion method.Methods: Three sorts of organic fruits (apple, peach, and apricot) and 20 people (10 male and 10 female) were chosen for this investigation. The specimens were assembled from bite mark area following time intervals 0 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours and 48 hours.Results: Experimental outcomes demonstrated that the diameter of amylase activity in male specimens was more noteworthy than female. Apples, as well as apricot pit samples, indicated amylase activity till 48 hours; however, the specimens collected from peach demonstrated amylase activity until 12 hours, after first bite mark.Conclusion: This study demonstrated that salivary amylase testing might be valuable for DNA evidence, where DNA investigations for every case might be restricted because of cost issues.Keywords: Amylase; Saliva; Investigation; Bite mark; Preservatio